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Winged Ambassadors: Ocean Literacy Through the Eyes of Albatross

Released: 2013
Marrero, M., Hester, M., Hyrenbach, K.D., Michael, P., Adams, J., Keiper, C., Stock, J., Collins, A., Vanderlip, C., Alvarez. T., and Webb, S.  2013. Winged Ambassadors: Ocean Literacy Through the Eyes of Albatross. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 28 (2), 26-30.

In this article, we present an activity package, focusing on albatross and marine debris by providing a brief overview of the Winged Ambassadors program. Please visit the links and additional resources listed at the end of this article to access and use the fullpackage in your classroom or educational programming. Learning through the eyes of these majestic seabirds is an excellent way to engage students in a STEAM-G (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics, and geography) based mini-unit. The revised curriculum includes a self-contained activity package of five scalable lessons, with handouts and supporting material: teacher guide, student worksheets, slideshows, and photos of boluses to analyze.

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