USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Sub-Saharan Africa

Aid Effectiveness and USAID’s New Resilience Policy

USAID/OFDA, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services, also provided hygiene kits, water containers, sleeping mats, and water purification tablets to families in a village on the outskirts of New Bataan city which bore the brunt of the storm. Photo credit: Lisa Gabriel, USAID/OFDA

USAID’s new policy “Resilience” is about using existing development dollars more effectively in disaster prone regions Read more >>

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Boosting Women’s Entrepreneurship Via Mobile Money

A woman sells prepaid mobile phone airtime credits. Photo Credit: Devex.

The U.S. Agency for International Development and Cherie Blair Foundation for Women have joined forces for an innovative project to maximize mobile financial service opportunities for women entrepreneurs Read more >>

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Pioneering African Entrepreneurship on Display at Diaspora Marketplace

At the second African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM II) at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., participants showcased their promising ideas for businesses to create employment and strengthen trade in emerging markets in sub-Saharan Africa. Read more >>

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Powering Energy to Face the Challenges of World Hunger

Feeding the world’s hungry and access to energy are typically viewed as separate development goals. But it is becoming abundantly clear to those of us here in Rio de Janiero at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (RIO+20) that they are intertwined. The facts speak for themselves: An estimated 850 million people go to bed each night [...]

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Democracy and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, and Carol Lancaster, Dean of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Affairs spoke today at USAID’s Frontiers in Development Forum. Below is an excerpt from their contribution to the Frontiers in Development essays. Twenty-five years ago, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was a region of despair. Outside of Botswana and Mauritius, democracy [...]

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USAID Provides Equipment to South Sudan for Conflict Prevention

USAID this week handed over five speedboats to South Sudan’s Jonglei State government, to help state authorities deter threats to community security in a part of South Sudan that has experienced significant intercommunal violence this year, and where roads are extremely limited. During August alone, at least 600 people were killed in fighting between the [...]

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Public-Private Partnership Week: General Mills Partners with USAID to Fight Hunger in Africa

Kim Nelson is Senior Vice President for External Relations at General Mills , based in Minneapolis, Minn. She oversees the General Mills Foundation, Corporate Communications, Government Relations, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. As part of USAID’s 50th Anniversary, the Agency is celebrating Public-Private Partnerships Week October 17-21, 2011 to highlight the mutual benefit that development [...]

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USAID Partner Hosts Scientific Writing Program for African AIDS Researchers

By Margaret McCluskey, Senior Technical Advisor, HIV Vaccines, USAID/GH and Daisy Ouya, Program Manager, IAVI/Kenya During his fellowship from September 2010 to March 2011, Mr. Randy Kaja, a Pfizer Global Health Fellow based at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) Regional Office in Kenya, has been coaching IAVI-partner scientists to develop and publish scientific articles [...]

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Women Shouldn’t Have to Be Sneaky to Get the Family Planning They Want

By Daniel Cothran, MPH, AIDSTAR-One Program Officer. AIDSTAR-One is managed by USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS, and provides rapid technical assistance to USAID and U.S. Government country teams to build effective, well-managed, and sustainable HIV and AIDS programs and promotes new leadership in the global campaign against HIV. Yes, I said it. But it’s not my [...]

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Microbicide Gel Offers Protection Against HIV Transmission

By Lee Claypool, USAID Biologist Microbicide. That’s kind of a funny-sounding — perhaps even scary — word for something pretty powerful. It certainly has a scientific “ring” to it, and that tends to turn people off. It’s complicated, it’s detailed, and it’s… boring, right? If you think something that can empower women, save lives, and [...]

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