USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Fwd campaign

Aid Effectiveness and USAID’s New Resilience Policy

USAID/OFDA, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services, also provided hygiene kits, water containers, sleeping mats, and water purification tablets to families in a village on the outskirts of New Bataan city which bore the brunt of the storm. Photo credit: Lisa Gabriel, USAID/OFDA

USAID’s new policy “Resilience” is about using existing development dollars more effectively in disaster prone regions Read more >>

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FWD Day Surpasses Goal, Hitting 117 Million Forwards

The USAID FWD Campaign successfully garnered 117 million forwards of crisis facts on FWD Day, dwarfing the goal of 13.3 million—the number of people currently affected by the crisis in the Horn of Africa.  Celebrities, NGOs, corporations, and the American public joined forces to amplify the message through a host of online channels including Twitter, [...]

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Dr. Biden Meets with ONE Mom Bloggers

As featured on the White House Blog On Wednesday, October 25th, Mom Bloggers from the ONE campaign came to the White House to meet with Dr. Jill Biden, Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Gayle Smith, Special Assistant and Senior Director for Development and Democracy in the [...]

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