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Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) works in nearly 70 countries providing medical aid to those most in need regardless of their race, religion, or political affiliation.

Learn more about our principles, work, and impact.


We brought key actors in global health and R&D to New York City.


Treating Those Caught In Mali's Armed Conflict

MSF in northern Mali are providing medical care to the local population, treating 35 wounded patients in Timbuktu over the past few weeks.


Battling a Measles Epidemic in Northeast Congo

February 14, 2013

MSF has is working to treat 16,000 patients and vaccinate close to 340,000 children in areas of DRC affected by a measles outbreak.

Myanmar 2013 © Kaung Htet

Press Release

Myanmar: Violence and Intimidation Leave Tens of Thousands Without Medical Care

February 7, 2013

Eight months after deadly communal clashes broke out in Myanmar's Rakhine state, tens of thousands of people are still unable to access urgently needed medical care.

Lebanon 2013 © Michael Goldfarb

Press Release

Lebanon: Aid Lags Far Behind as Syrian Refugees Increase

February 6, 2013

A new MSF survey shows half of refugees not receiving required medical care; immediate steps must be taken to improve shelter and provide aid to new arrivals.


Fighting Neglected Disease Sleeping Sickness in South Sudan

February 14, 2013

MSF mobile teams screened over 37,000 people in remote villages for the sleeping sickness and providing treatment to those in need.

Mozambique 2013 © MSF

Voice from the Field

MSF Launches Emergency Response to Mozambique Floods

February 5, 2013

Medical Coordinator Lucas Molfino describes the situation in Chokwe, where a week of heavy rain has caused severe flooding.

Syria 2013 © Sebastian Stein/MSF

Voice from the Field

Syria: "Patients Often Arrive In Waves"

February 1, 2013

MSF Field Coordinator Katrin Kisswani describes the situation in Syria's Jabal Al-Akrad region, where the health system has collapsed after nearly two years of conflict.

Press Release

Pakistan: MSF Treats Survivors of Hangu Explosion

February 2, 2013

MSF treated 55 wounded patients in Hangu following the February 1 bombing in the town's market.


Afghanistan: A Hospital in Helmand

February 1, 2013

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is supporting the regional Boost Hospital in Lashkargah, the capital of Afghanistan's Helmand Province. Our aim is to provide free, life-saving medical care in all areas, including maternity, pediatrics, surgery and emergency room service.

Guinea 2013 © Philippe Latour/MSF

Field News

A Community Comes Together to Fight Malaria in Guinea

January 30, 2013

A network of volunteer community health agents set up by MSF is helping tackle malaria in remote areas of Guinea.

Sierra Leone 2012 © Lynsey Addario/VII

Press Release

"Decade of Vaccines" Blueprint Ignores High Prices, Lacks Ambition on Better-Adapted Vaccines to Help Reach More Children

January 24, 2013

Governments meeting at the World Health Organization’s Executive Board this week must seize the opportunity to improve serious shortcomings in the document that will drive the global community’s vaccines response for the next decade

DRC 2012 © Sandra Smiley/MSF

Press Release

DRC: Thousands of Displaced Civilians at Risk in Katanga Province

January 25, 2013

As tensions increase between government forces and Mai-Mai militias in Katanga province, all parties must avoid harming thousands of civilians who have fled into the surrounding bush.

Tajikistan 2012 © Natasha Sergeeva/MSF

Press Release

First New TB Drug Approved In 50 Years Must Be Made Widely Available

December 31, 2012

An important new TB treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration must be made available in countries with high levels of the drug-resistant form of the disease.

Help us save lives on the frontlines in 2013.

Make your tax-deductible donation by December 31.

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