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  • 12-21 - Commander’s Guide to Supporting Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Newsletter
  • This CALL newsletter is a compilation of ILE student papers from the DELRO course "Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Operational Environment"

  • 12-18 - Afghan Culture Understanding, Insights, and Practices
  • This newsletter contains a collection of previously published articles that focus on Afghan culture and provides insight into effectively communicating with Afghans in order to achieve positive results. More specifically, the articles contained in this newsletter highlight methods to initiate and improve relationships with Afghans, the difficulties and challenges leaders and Soldiers experienced in communicating with Afghans, what worked and did not work, and how to foster and improve meaningful relationships with Afghans to achieve the desired outcome.


  • 11-33 - Establishing a Lessons Learned Program - Handbook
  • For many years, the U.S. Army recognized the need to share information or lessons gained from training and actual combat operations. During World War II and the Korean War, the Army published "combat bulletins" in an attempt to share combat experiences with other Soldiers. During the Vietnam War, Army units published quarterly operational reports that made an effort to share lessons from combat operations. By doing this, units learned from the mistakes others made and were given an opportunity to avoid the same problems.

  • 11-16 - Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Team Handbook
  • This handbook is a guide to the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Afghanistan. It contains part of the ISAF PRT Handbook as well as background information on each of the Provinces. There is also a chapter on the Tactical Conflict Assessment and Planning Framework currently used in Afghanistan.

  • 11-07 - Disaster Response Staff Officer's Handbook
  • Defense support to civil authorities (DSCA) within the U.S. is not a new mission for the military. Despite this, CALL collection and analysis teams (CAAT) routinely reveal observations that tactical units do not understand the restraints or constraints of the body of statutes, regulations, and presidential orders pertaining to responding to disasters and incidents at home.

  • 11-03 - Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Handbook
  • This handbook is a country specific guide for Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq in the post surge environment.

  • 10-39 - Unit Commander’s Guide to Paying Agents Handbook
  • The United States Army Financial Management School (FMS) and the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) partnered to produce a “how to” guide to assist unit commanders, their paying agents (PAs), and their field ordering officers (FOOs) meet their responsibilities in regard to paying for support to accomplish their unit’s missions. This handbook provides deployed unit commanders, their PAs, and their FOOs a reference guide on the procedures for obtaining funds and clearing funds.

  • 10-19 - Small-Unit Leaders Guide to the Command Supply Discipline
    Program Handbook:
  • The Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) is a commander's program. This handbook addresses the CSDP every unit must establish and enforce.

  • 10-10 - Agribusiness Development Teams (ADT) in Afghanistan Handbook:
  • Agriculture accounts for 45 percent of Afghanistan's gross domestic product and is the main source of income for the Afghan economy. Over 80 percent of the Afghan population is involved in farming, herding, or both. However, decades of war, drought, and security challenges have devastated the country's agricultural sector, and the current level of U.S. government civilian support has been unable to keep pace with the tremendous need for assistance in this region. Revitalizing Afghanistan's agricultural sector is critical to building the government's capacity and to stabilizing the country.

  • 10-02 - Entry Training Spouses Handbook
  • This handbook is intended to help new Initial Entry Training cadre spouses get oriented to their Soldier's new assignment, the new responsibilities of their cadre member, and to provide advice on preparing for the IET environment.

  • 09-48 - Developing a Performance Work Statment in a Deployed Environment Handbook
  • This handbook contains a summary of how to write a Performance Work Statement (PWS), an action frequently required of Contingency Contracting Officers when deployed. Army reliance on contracts for equipment, supplies, and services has significantly increased in recent years. Most contracts are not huge multi-million dollar programs, but instead generally small "micro purchases" used by units to meet one time, immediate needs. This handbook serves as a ready reference to assist in writing clear, simple, concise, and legally enforceable PWS.

  • 09-27 - Commander's Guide to Money as a Weapons System Handbook:
  • This handbook assists company-, battalion-, and brigade-level officers and noncommissioned officers to effectively use money as a weapons system on the counterinsurgency (COIN) battlefield. Coalition money is defeating COIN targets without creating collateral damage, by motivating antigovernment forces to cease lethal and nonlethal operations, by creating and providing jobs along with other forms of financial assistance to the indigenous population, and by restoring or creating vital infrastructure

  • 09-22 - Commander's Guide to Operational Records and Data Collection Handbook:
  • The Center of Military History (CMH), Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA), and Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) are all repositories for a unit’s operational records and data. They have jointly prepared this handbook to provide the commander clear guidance pertaining to the preservation and disposition of his unit’s important operational records and data.

  • 09-16 - Field Ordering Officer and Paying Agent Handbook:
  • This first edition of the Battlefield Field Ordering Officer and Paying Agent Handbook contains a summary of acquisition policies, procedures, and managerial skills field ordering officers (FOOs)* and paying agents frequently require in deployed environments. FOOs and paying agents operating in deployed environments face realities not found in operations in the continental United States.

  • 09-11 - Media Relations Handbook:
  • This newsletter makes the case for changing public relations and media relations to support contemporary operations, especially in a counterinsurgency environment. It explains why commanders, not just the public affairs office, must be involved in public affairs (PA) operations.

  • 07-34 - Provincial Reconstruction Team Playbook Handbook:
  • Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) were established as a result of the need to develop the infrastructure necessary for the Afghan and Iraqi people to succeed in.

  • 07-30 - Family Readiness Group Handbook:
  • The Family Readiness Group (FRG) provides an avenue of mutual support and assistance and a network of communication among family members, the chain of command, and community resources.  The primary purpose of any FRG is to encourage self-sufficiency among its members by providing information, referral assistance, and mutual support.

  • 06-08 - Catastrophic Disaster Response Staff Officer's Handbook:
  • After returning to its home station following service in Joint Task Force Katrina, one unit reported that its “staff lacked a general familiarization with civilian disaster response organizations.” The staff officer who trains for and participates in combat operations will experience culture shock when involved in responding to a major domestic catastrophe.


  • 11-35 - Army-Marine Integration Newsletter - Vol III
  • This newsletter focuses on Army and Marine Corps predeployment and sustainment training for operations in Afghanistan as service, joint, or coalition forces.

  • 11-34 - Irregular Warfare - A SOF Perspective Newsletter
  • In this edition of the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) Special Operations newsletter we examine the Special Operations Forces (SOF) perspective of Irregular Warfare (IW) at the operational and tactical levels through a selection of articles and an academic study by military and civilian authors.

  • 11-23 - JIIM Challenges in the Geographic Combatant Commands
  • The following collection of articles focus on U.S. Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) activities, challenges, issues, and operations in the six U.S. Geographic Combatant Commands (GCC).

  • 11-20 - Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Training Newsletter
  • This newsletter discusses considerations and initiatives for incorporting joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational opportunities in all levels of rehearsals, exercises, and other military training.

  • 11-22 - The Army in Interagency Operations
  • The following collection of articles is focused on interagency operations as they relate to the U.S. Army and other Joint forces.

  • 11-15 - Stability Ops in the Western Hemisphere
  • This newsletter is a collection of articles focused on stability operations in the Western Hemisphere, specifically in Central and South America. Today, stability operations in Afghanistan and Iraq rightfully receive the lion's share of our attention, priority, and media coverage.

  • 11-02 - Complex Operations Newsletter II
  • Command and Control (C2) is not just confined to the military organization. The interaction of the interagency functions and military operations may be seen as a complex C2 process. This newsletter introduces the concept that the issue of Command and Control (C2) and Civilian-Military integration is of vital importance and not about purely military processes and structures. Stabilization and Reconstruction operations campaigns have proven immensely complex and complicated.

  • 10-64 - Afghan Culture Newsletter
  • This newsletter is designed to give Soldiers preparing for deployment, as well as those already deployed, a concise overview of the Afghan culture. Additionally, the resources listed in its appendices will enable Soldiers to gain greater knowledge of Afghanistan's diverse culture as they strive to understand and work with the Afghan people.

  • 10-63 - Army-Navy Integration Newsletter
  • This newsletter is a collection of articles, reports, and interviews is focused on Army and Navy integration. The articles are categorized in the following functional areas: historical context, maneuver, fires, protection, and sustainment. These articles cover a range of issues relating to Army and Navy integration and include lessons learned and best practices. They should not be considered as all-inclusive. In some instances the information may be slightly dated but it was our determination that many of the lessons learned, even from older operations, were still enduring. This is an effort to capture relevant articles published in recent professional journals and from the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) archives to show the level of integration between the two services and provide a historical document for future reference.

  • 10-60 - Index to Joint Enablers Handbook
  • The Index to Joint Enablers Handbook provides the joint task force commander a menu of capabilities that can accelerate the response and increase the capability of a joint task force. It describes the mission, capabilities, and contact information for a vast collection of joint capabilities ranging from staff augmentation to providing reach back support for the full spectrum of potential situations.

  • 10-51 - Multinational Integration Newsletter
  • This newletter is a collection of articles that illustrate multinational integration and some of the world wide challenges faced by U.S. Combatant Commands.

  • 10-55 - Army-Marine Integration Newsletter Vol. II
  • This newsletter is a collection of articles primarily focused on the sustainment of the Army and Marine Corps during tactical and strategic missions as joint or coalition forces. This newsletter discusses integrating joint team efforts in support of the warfighter. These articles include tactical hybrid conditions in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, strategic sustainment missions for war reserves/preposition supplies, research, product development, and joint asset visibility. Issues address command and control, communications, ground lines of communication, non-doctrinal missions, training, equipment, system interoperability, and lessons learned. This diverse mix of articles is not all-inclusive. Articles pertain to the current logistics systems or operational employments used by the Army and Marine Corps. This effort captures relevant lessons and observations published in professional journals to inform Soldiers, Marines, and Department of Defense users in developing best practices. Most articles were written by subject matter experts and/or the service member in theater, reflecting accurate lessons learned through real-world experience.

  • 10-52 - Support to Civil Authorities: Protecting the Homeland Newsletter
  • This newsletter is a collection of articles, previously published and specifically written, for this publication that describe the critical nature of the Homeland Security mission, highlights some of the key agencies and organizations, and clarifies the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in providing support to this important task.

  • 10-46 - Complex Operations Newsletter
  • This newsletter discusses the art, theory, and practices behind what is now termed "complex operations" as determined by the Center for Complex Operations, National Defense University.

  • 10-34 - Whole of Government in the Economic Sector
  • This newsletter is a collection of articles on past and present stability operations that focus primarily on the economic stabilization and infrastructure sectors. It discusses how other elements of national power are utilized to achieve success.

  • 10-16 - Civil Support and the U.S. Army Newsletter
  • This document provides a forum for ongoing discussions and efforts in balancing the involvement and participation of today's federal and state military forces on our designated "homeland battlefield."

  • 10-12 - Multinational Operations Newsletter
  • This inaugural edition of the Multinational Operations Newsletter is intended to provide a forum for discussing the ongoing efforts to integrate Army elements into the multinational environment on today's battlefield. This newsletter is a continuation of the Center for Army Lessons Learned increased focus on the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multinational environment of global operations. This collection of articles was chosen as an example of the big world of operations and reveals some of the differences among the various combatant commands and the diverse challenges each face in their area of responsibility. Several of the enclosed articles were extracted from foreign journals to provide a counterbalance of thought and conceptual thinking of our global allies in overseas contingency operations.

  • 09-40 - Nightmare in Training Area 15 Bulletin:
  • Initial entry training is undergoing the most significant changes since our country entered World War II. The forcing function for this current change has been the U.S. Army's involvement in the Global War on Terrorism. Company commanders are expected to develop training plans that are relevant and that prepare our Soldiers for combat operations.

  • 08-39 - Nightmare on Wazir Street Newsletter:
  • This recollection of combat nightmares is dedicated to those who "stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat."

  • 07-04 - Media is the Battlefield Newsletter:
  • Media operations are vital components of the information operations fight. This newsletter explores the role media operations play on the modern battlefield, enumerating battle-tested and proven public affairs training guidance tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP).

News From the Front

  • NFTF - US Army Reconnaissance course
  • Last fall The Army Reconnaissance Course (ARC) successfully completed its transition from Fort Knox, Kentucky to its new home within the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia. Since our establishment at Fort Benning, the ARC cadre reflected on our methods to train reconnaissance leaders. Using the 21st Century Soldier competencies, described within the Army Learning Model (ALM) 2015, this paper demonstrates how ARC professionally develops junior reconnaissance leaders to be able to adapt to the changing environment.

  • NFTF - Building an Afghanistan National Army Kandak
  • This News From the Front article covers the development of an Afghanistan National Army battalion from individual soldier and leader training to to their integration into a unit.

  • NFTF - 2-1 Cavalry Division's Kirkuk Province Women's Initiative: Promoting Women's Rights One Step at a Time
  • In early 2009 Multi-National Division-North (MND-N) directed its brigade combat teams (BCTs) to begin a women's initiative program. The program's goal was to empower Iraqi women to improve their own lives and the lives of their families.

  • NFTF - Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve for the 39th
    Infantry Brigade Combat Team Arkansas Army National Guard
  • Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is a Department of Defense (DOD) organization that promotes a culture in which all American employers support and value the military service of their employees. DOD established ESGR in 1972 to gain and maintain employer support for guard and reserve service by recognizing outstanding support, increasing awareness of the law, and resolving conflict through mediation.

  • NFTF - Honor the Fallen by Caring for the Family:
  • The purpose of this article is to share advice and ideas for future casualty assistance officers (CAOs) to enhance their performance and enrich the experience for the families involved and themselves.

  • NFTF - Muscatatuck Urban Training Center
  • Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC), a microcosm of a “living, breathing, urban area,” provides a unique and realistic urban training venue on a scale unmatched in existing training venues according to two Department of Defense studies. It offers military units, police and firefighters, and other agencies unique training opportunities necessary for responding to a variety of homeland security scenarios, all at one location, as well as training for deployment for military and/or disaster response operations.

Other Products

  • 11-39 - BCT-PRT "Unity of Effort" Reference Guide
  • The brigade combat team (BCT) (or brigade task force [BTF]) and the provincial reconstruction team (PRT) have responsibilities for governance, security, development, and information lines of effort (LOEs) within a defined geographical area of responsibility; however, component elements of the task force do not always plan or execute together. There is a distinct challenge for the task force commander, his staff, and the subordinate PRTs and maneuver battalions/task forces to achieve true "unity of effort" amongst themselves.

  • Warrior in Transition
  • The Center for Army Lessons Learned provided one medical analyst to conduct interviews with Warriors in Transition (WTs), their Families, and Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) staff. The quotes and information provided by the WTs is to provide other warriors insights, observations, and lessons learned to improve and encourage them while in transition. The goals is to provide leaders, Soldiers, and Families the lessons learned by WTs and Family members while experiencing their transition period or recovery at a WTU.


Last Reviewed: May 18, 2012

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