
Links to Web sites outside the U.S. Federal Government or the use of trade, firm, or corporation names within StopFakes.gov are for the convenience of the user. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by StopFakes.gov of any private sector Web site, product, or service.

When users select a link to another government or non-government Web site, and they leave the StopFakes.gov Web site be aware that you are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside Web site.

Normally, links to Web sites operated by StopFakes.gov will open in the same Web browser window as the linking page. Links to Web sites outside of StopFakes.gov will open into a new browser window.

  • StopFakes.gov does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information on a linked Web site
  • StopFakes.gov does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these Web sites and we do not endorse the views they express or the products or services they offer.
  • StopFakes.gov cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials on linked Web sites. Users must request such authorization directly from the sponsor of the linked Web site.
  • StopFakes.gov will not link to any Web site that exhibits, endorses or promotes hate, bias, or discrimination. Furthermore, StopFakes.gov reserves the right to deny or remove any link that contains misleading information or unsubstantiated claims, or conflicts with StopFakes.gov’s mission or policies.
  • StopFakes.gov will not link to any Web pages that are used for direct or indirect lobbying.
  • From time to time, StopFakes.gov may host material from outside organizations. In these instances, StopFakes.gov requests written permission for all external information we host.
  • StopFakes.gov is not responsible for transmissions users receive from linked Web sites.
  • StopFakes.gov does not guarantee that outside Web sites comply with Section 508 (Accessibility Requirements) of the Rehabilitation Act.

Links to Government and Quasi-Government Web Sites

StopFakes.gov’s web site links to any publicly available government or quasi-government Web site created by public or private sector partnerships unless directed not to by the agency or organization that owns the site. Federal government-owned or government-sponsored Web site domains are usually in the .gov, .mil and .fed.us domains but there may be exceptions.

Links to Non-Government Web Sites

  • StopFakes.gov links to Web sites that are not government-owned or government-sponsored if these Web sites provide information and/or services not available on an official government Web site.
  • StopFakes.gov provides these non-government Web sites as a public service only, and neither endorses nor guarantees in any way the external organizations, services, advice, or products included in these Web site links.

Furthermore, StopFakes.gov neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained in the non-governmental Web sites.