
Piwik is the Leading Self-Hosted, Decentralized, Open Source Web Analytics Platform, used by 460,000 websites in 150 countries. Piwik was founded by Matthieu Aubry in 2007. Over the last five years, more talented and passionate members of the community have joined the team.
We are actively looking for new developers, designers, datavis architects, and sponsors to join us:
Together we will build the ultimate web analytics platform!

Humble Beginnings

See our full history...

In 2005, Google bought a company called Urchin and started offering a free web analytics service.

As Google Analytics improved in features and appeal, it slowly became the leading tool and outgrew most competitors. Google Analytics also brought a lot of innovation and great features for free, which was a revolution in itself that nobody else could afford. However many users and companies, starting in France and Germany, were interested in an altnernative that would bring data freedom and better user privacy. Matthieu decided to work on a new project: building an open Web Analytics Platform, that would be customizable, self hosted and open source. Piwik would aim to be an alternative to Google Analytics.  In 2007, Piwik was born.

Since then, Piwik has grown from a one-man side project to a project backed by a global community of webmasters, marketers, web specialists, entrepreneurs, activists and businesses of all sizes. All contributors to Piwik are committed to the importance of the original mission: to provide a web analytics platform that is released under the GPL – free to use, fork and distribute.

Piwik Today

Piwik is now a powerful piece of software that is used to provide web analytics on hundreds of thousands of websites!

Piwik reports on how visitors come to your website (e.g. via search engine, a marketing campaign, a clickthrough from another website, social media, etc.), what they do on your website (pages viewed, frequency of visits, depth of visit), how they convert (e-commerce and other goals) and general visitors information (engagement, location, settings used, returning visitors, and more).

Businesses that want to know more about their online visitors and about the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns use Piwik to see how visitors came to their website and how many visitors bought their products. Using the insights they gain from Piwik, these businesses plan new campaigns based on what worked and what didn’t. (see what they think of Piwik)

Piwik has become a mature and full-featured web app used by a growing pool of businesses to direct their online strategy.

Our Global Community

There are 10+ team members who contribute to Piwik in their spare time while Matt dedicates his full-time to the project.

The Piwik team has grown from one person to a group of professionals located all over the world: Germany, Poland, France, Canada, the USA and New Zealand. Additionally, there are now many volunteer translators who help make Piwik available in as many languages as possible

And as always, we continue to offer our  Piwik Consulting services for users who need professional support, managed Piwik Hosting service or a custom new feature. Piwik Consultants include the Piwik core team and our technology partner Clearcode.

Handcrafted With By

Piwik Tomorrow

Piwik is already packed with useful analytics features such as Row Evolution, Page Overlay and Annotations, but we’re not going to stop at amazing. On our way to Piwik 2.0, we’ll be adding more ways for you to understand your traffic and help you track and improve your websites. We also invite developers to build new plugins for Piwik.

To help speed our journey to Piwik 2.0, we’ve started crowdfunding new features (feel free to pitch in if you see something you like!).

We’d also love for you to get involved!

Need more insights?

View the Feature Tour or Sign up for ready to go Premium Piwik Hosting.
Or you can Download the latest release.

If you are a business and wish to Sponsor the project, contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!