Press Releases

November 30, 2012
Tomorrow, on World AIDS Day, we renew our commitment to fighting this terrible disease and helping to improve the lives of those millions affected by HIV-AIDS worldwide.  Together, the United States and other nations have made great advances in treating HIV-AIDS and raising awareness about how to prevent infection.  Our commitment to research and the discovery of advances has not waned, and we must not rest until HIV-AIDS no longer threatens communities here in America and around the world.                                                      
November 30, 2012
Today House Republican leaders released the legislative schedule for 2013. We must use these scheduled days wisely - not to pursue partisan agendas, but to work together on behalf of the American people. Our nation still faces a number of challenges that we will need to continue addressing next year. We must remain focused on creating jobs, growing the economy, and pursuing a responsible, balanced plan to reduce the deficit. I hope we will set politics and partisanship aside and work together to keep our country moving forward.
November 30, 2012
“Everybody believes we ought not to go off the cliff. Sequester is not a good idea, and if we went off the cliff it would have substantial adverse effects on the economy. Nobody wants to go over the cliff including, in my opinion, [Speaker] John Boehner. However, we ought not to hold hostage middle-class tax cuts.”
November 29, 2012
I am deeply honored to have been elected by the Democratic Members of the 113th Congress to serve another term as our party’s Whip. Our Caucus’s strength comes both from its diversity and from our unity as we stand up for the values of fairness and equality we share as Democrats. 
November 28, 2012
Today, the full Senate is considering the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a landmark treaty that will strengthen the rights and freedoms of individuals with disabilities throughout the world – and which was reported favorably by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in July.  The Disabilities Convention draws heavily on the Americans with Disabilities Act, which Congress passed in 1990 with broad bipartisan support, and the Convention has already been championed by an array of leaders from both parties.  Its ratification will send a strong message that the United States is committed to the human rights, equal opportunity, and full inclusion of all who live with disabilities in our country and every other.  I was proud to have helped lead the effort, along with former Rep. Tony Coelho and others, to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act, and I join in calling on the Senate to agree to the Convention’s swift ratification.
November 21, 2012
For 17 years, Jesse Jackson, Jr. has been a dedicated public servant and a tireless advocate for the people of Chicago. He has made a real difference in his community and across the country, fighting for important issues such as minority health and voting rights. I wish him well and continue to keep him, Sandi, and their family in my thoughts and prayers.
November 21, 2012
I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former Senator Warren Rudman this week. Our nation has lost an extraordinary man of integrity who often worked across the aisle in order to address our country’s most pressing challenges. Throughout his career, he was committed to fiscal responsibility and worked with both parties to make the tough choices necessary to bring down our deficits and balance the budget. As we work to restore fiscal responsibility, Rudman’s legacy serves as an important reminder of what we can accomplish when we put country before party and work together to confront our budget challenges. I join in mourning his passing, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
November 16, 2012
“With the passage of this bill, American exporters will have greater access to Russian markets, and the United States will be better positioned to enforce trade rules through the World Trade Organization and safeguard a level playing field for our businesses overseas.  This will contribute to job creation and new opportunities for our workers here at home.  At the same time, it reaffirms America’s commitment to human rights and individual freedom in Russia and throughout the world.
November 15, 2012
Israel, like all sovereign nations, has a fundamental duty to its citizens to defend their lives and their property.  For years now, Israel has endured thousands of rocket attacks by Hamas from the Gaza Strip.  These attacks have targeted civilian areas throughout Southern Israel  - and today even reached as far north as the outskirts of Tel Aviv.  As long as this terrorist organization continues to avoid disarming, abiding by past agreements, or recognizing Israel’s right to exist, it will continue to be isolated by the international community and be the cause of further hardship for the Palestinian civilians who suffer at its hands. 
November 15, 2012
“Today’s settlement between BP and the U.S. government represents an important step in the direction of justice and toward closure for the families of the 11 Deepwater Horizon rig workers who lost their lives as well as the millions of Gulf Coast residents who suffered from the oil spill and its aftermath.  In the days and weeks following the explosion on Deepwater Horizon, the Obama Administration made it clear that those responsible would be held to answer for it and that every effort would be made to recover the Gulf Coast’s economy and natural environment.  This settlement, along with the sustained relief effort over the past two years that has done so much to rebuild Gulf Coast communities, helps fulfill that promise. 
November 14, 2012
"Over the past few days, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with many of my colleagues, and I appreciate the support I’ve received from them to remain Democratic Whip. I look forward to working with Leader Pelosi as we keep our Caucus united and continue our efforts to return to the majority. Democrats will work to find common ground where we can so that we can create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and pursue responsible deficit reduction and fiscal balance. As Democratic Whip, I will continue to work with all the Members of our Caucus to get things done for the American people."
November 9, 2012
“On Tuesday, the American people made it clear that they support a balanced approach to bring down deficits and set our nation back on a sound fiscal path – one that does not ask working families and those struggling to get by to bear the burden of deficit reduction, but instead asks the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. 
November 9, 2012
“I join in saluting the men and women who have served our nation in uniform.  Veterans Day is an opportunity to reflect on the courage and dedication of those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect American lives and the values we hold dear.  In particular, we honor our men and women who have recently returned home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and we rededicate ourselves to making sure they can transition smoothly back to civilian life and receive the care they need to heal any wounds they sustained – both physical and psychological.
November 7, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) and the House Democratic Caucuses announced jointly today that they have launched a new resume bank at where members of the public can submit resumes that will be viewable by all new and existing House Democratic offices. For the large freshman class of Democrats that will be joining the 113th Congress, this will be a useful tool as they set up their offices and hire staff members.
November 2, 2012
“Today's report marks the thirty-second consecutive month our economy has added private sector jobs – a strong sign that our recovery is continuing and that the economic policies of the Obama Administration are helping move America forward.  More Americans are going back to work, and we are reversing the severe job losses that occurred under the Bush Administration.
October 26, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement on today's GDP report estimating that our economy grew by 2% in the third quarter of 2012
October 21, 2012
"Senator George McGovern never stopped fighting for the causes of peace, freedom, and human dignity at home and around the world. From his humble roots in South Dakota to his heroic service as a bomber pilot over Europe in World War II, from his decades in public office to his run for the presidency, Senator McGovern's own life exemplified the American Dream that he worked so hard to make possible for millions.
October 19, 2012
"The ruling by the World Trade Organization shows that President Obama continues to stand tough against China and is fully committed to ensuring American businesses are competing on a level-playing field. This is just one in a number of cases the Obama Administration has taken to the WTO to hold China accountable for their illegal trade practices...
October 16, 2012
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the Committee on House Administration issued a report detailing the nearly $1.5 million in taxpayer-funded legal bills accumulated over the past 15 months to pay an outside law firm to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA):
October 10, 2012
Today's decision by the President to impose tough tariffs on Chinese solar imports is just the latest step by the Obama Administration to get tough on foreign companies who don't play by the rules. I applaud his move, which will help American manufacturers compete here at home and overseas.
October 5, 2012
"Today’s jobs report confirms that America’s economy is moving forward.  With 104,000 private sector jobs added in September and our unemployment rate dropping below 8% for the first time in almost four years, more Americans are heading back to work for the thirty-first consecutive month as our recovery continues. After losing over 4 million jobs in the final year of the previous administration alone, our economy has turned a corner, adding nearly 2 million jobs over just the last 12 months.
October 2, 2012
“Today's ruling in Pennsylvania affirms what Democrats have contended all along:  that new, Republican-sponsored voter identification laws are an attempt to suppress the votes of eligible Americans. In a democracy, that’s not what we ought to do. We ought to encourage and facilitate every vote.
October 2, 2012
“Thank you Madam Leader.  We met today and as so often been the case, the Speaker representing the Republican party walked away. He walked away when we asked for unanimous consent to proceed on some important business, or at least to talk about it.
October 2, 2012
“I thank the Leader for yielding and I want to simply say that once again we have this morning a demonstration of Republicans walking out on the American people – not on us.