Tag Archives: regulations

Voluntary Self Disclosures: Help us Help you!

by: Autumn A Voluntary Self-Disclosure (VSD) is when companies willingly disclose a violation or a suspected violation of the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR). This disclosure is accompanied by the corrective actions taken in AES, it means you must correct shipment … Continue reading

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Download The Exporter’s Toolkit

Find yourself going through a gazillion web pages just to find out the basics of exporting? It shouldn’t be that difficult. This is why we have compiled “The Exporter’s Toolkit”. This toolkit acts as a guide and includes a listing … Continue reading

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Tales from the Road

By: Eric You may have seen blog announcements or AES Broadcast emails promoting AES Compliance Seminars and AESPcLink workshops; but what do these training sessions actually cover? How do they help improve your export compliance? This past July, I presented … Continue reading

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Domestic vs. Foreign Origin

By: Melannie Exporters often ask: “How should I report a shipment for goods with the same schedule B, but composed of domestic and foreign origin?” You want to be sure that you are accurately identifying the origin of your goods … Continue reading

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Can the U.S. Customs Broker be the USPPI?

By Melannie Did you know that the U.S. Customs Broker can be listed as the USPPI when reporting export information  in the AES? Well, as Sean mentioned in his October 13, 2010 blog entitled “Who is the USPPI Anyway?“  the U.S. … Continue reading

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Resources at AESDirect.gov

By Nidaal When I first started in the Automated Export System branch of the Foreign Trade Division a little over a year ago, I found myself relying heavily on the information at our website in order to understand the nuances … Continue reading

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