at Forest Products Laboratory
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Requested Publication

Title: Evaluating Fire-Damaged Components of Historic Covered Bridges

Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4725-003

Author(s): Forest Products Laboratory

Publication Year: 2012  View PDF » Mail this web page's link »

Publication Series: Research In Progress

Abstract: Arson continues to claim many historic covered bridges. Site-specific post-fire evaluations of the structural integrity of a bridge are often necessary in a fire�s aftermath, and decisions must be made about rehabilitating, reconstructing, or replacing individual wood components. This project on evaluating fire-damaged components of historic covered bridges will include post-fire assessment guidelines and techniques.

Keywords: evaluation, fire damage, historic covered bridges, guidelines, tehniques

File size: 469 kb(s)

Date posted: 05/18/2012

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