Law Library of Congress at the National Book Festival

This has been a busy week for the Law Library of Congress.  We have unveiled (our new legislative website), celebrated Constitution Day, and to round the week out, we are preparing for the National Book Festival.  This will be the Law Library’s second year at the National Book Festival.  Our staff will be manning a station in the Library of Congress’s pavilion.  Now, the law may seem a dull subject at the Book Festival which has rival attractions in Children’s Literature, Fiction & Mystery or History &  Biography, but as the staff here at the Law Library often says, we love our work and we think it is exciting!

We will be concentrating on showing visitors the wonders of and Andrew Weber will be giving a Gallery Talk on Sunday about this new product.  Our booth will be manned by staff from several divisions of the Law Library who will be able to talk with visitors about our foreign and American law collections, services and products as well as our teaching programsJeanine Cali who balances works in our Office of Collections, Outreach & Services and Public Services division along with Elizabeth Moore who oversees the foreign legal reference collections in the Global Legal Reading Room will be staffing our booth when the festival opens on Saturday morning.  The  duo of Matthew Braun, Public Services librarian, and Hanibal Goitom, Foreign Law Specialist and fellow blogger, will welcome visitors on Saturday afternoon with help from Collections Services staff member Betty Lupinacci.  Then on Sunday our booth will be ably staffed by Emily Carr from Public Services, and Laney Zhang, Foreign Law Specialist with support from Clifton Brown from Office of Collections, Outreach & Services.  And of course, there will also be giveaway bags with our famous gavel headed pencils and buttons!

Photograph by Donna Sokol

Photograph by Donna Sokol

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