
Hands-on with the WiiU

Stars and Stripes gamers recently got their hands on Nintendo's latest console offering, the WiiU. Built as an update to the ever-so-popular Wii, the next console offers high definition graphics, backwards compatibility with Wii games and controllers, and the veritable Swiss army knife of touch-screen controllers.

That's all fine and good, but what about the games? And will grandma still like it? Head over to the Military Life/gaming coverage for our full impressions.


About the Authors

Brian Bowers is Stars and Stripes’ Assitant Managing Editor for Europe and Mideast and one of its video game reviewers. He joined the newspaper in 1992 in Germany, where he worked on the news desk and the city desk. He has a wife and three children, who are always eager to help him test games.

Sam Laney joined Stars and Stripes’ in 2007 as a copy/layout editor, and slowly convinced upper management to support his video game habit. Since then, he’s added game reviews and previews to his list of duties and moved on to the iPad. When he’s not rocking newbies in “Left4Dead2,” he covers PC and Nintendo systems.