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Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST)

The Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) is the National Nuclear Security Administration’s program for preparing and equipping specialized response teams to deal with the technical aspects of nuclear or radiological terrorism. NEST capabilities include search and identification of nuclear materials, diagnostics and assessment of suspected nuclear devices, technical operations in support of render safe procedures, and packaging for transport to final disposition.

Their mission is to provide specialized technical expertise to the Federal response in resolving nuclear or radiological terrorist incidents. This expertise is provided by well trained personnel who form specialized response teams to work in coordination with teams from other Federal agencies to resolve a nuclear terrorist crisis. NEST experts include engineers, scientists, and other technical specialists from NNSA’s nuclear weapons laboratories and facilities to include Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Remote Sensing Laboratory and the Pantex Plant.

Refer to the following Fact Sheet for more information:

PDF icon  Nuclear Emergency Support Team [PDF, 334 KB]

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Date Last Modified: April 26, 2012