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Domestic Violence  Hotline 706-791-7867
Sexual Assault Hotline 706-791-6297

Family Advocacy

The Family Advocacy Program works with individuals and families to strengthen family relationships using education and prevention tactics. The program is dedicated to enhancing individual coping skills and alleviating the underlying causes of stress associated with family violence. FAP provides prevention education services which restore and maintain a healthy environment, while respecting customer confidentiality.

Shelter Services: FAP provides a safe environment for family members who are at risk for family violence. Shelter is provided until a plan can be arranged. The length of stay varies with each case.

Transportation: Soldiers or family members who are involved in the Family Advocacy Program and need assistance with transportation can receive services from FAP (in the form of taxi service) on a case by case basis. For further details call 791-3579.

Respite Child Care: When families involved in the Family Advocacy Program need a break from stressful child-rearing situations, FAP can provide short-term child care.

New Parent Support Program: The New Parent Support Program works with individuals and families to strengthen family relationships. Our focus is on prevention and intervention methods through education to restore and maintain a healthy environment for the family. The program is one of the many services within the Family Advocacy Program.

Some aspects of this program include:

  • Playgroup - Established by the Department of the Army to assist parents with children ages birth to age 4. It is an opportunity for parents and children to enjoy time together.
  • Home Visitation services to offer in-home support
  • Information and Referral within Fort Gordon and outside communities
  • Resource library with various children related tools to enhance parenting
  • Informational briefings
  • Classes

Case Review Committee

Commanders attending the Case Review Committee for the first time need to complete the Decision Tree Algorithm & Definitions training.  Once you complete the training please print out the certificate and bring it to the Case Review Committee at Social Work Services if you have a case of Child Abuse or Domestic Violence pending.

You can access this required training on AKO.  Follow the links to:
US Army Medical Command
Family Advocacy Program
Decision Tree Algorithm & Definitions

Victim Advocacy

Army Community Service, Family Advocacy Program has victim advocates to assist victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crimes. Victim Advocates are sensitive to the uniqueness of the situation. Assistance is provided through the full spectrum of the victim’s experience from the initial report to resolution. These professionals are eager to assist domestic violence and sexual assault victims. The following services are just a few ways our advocates can assist:

Domestic Violence Advocacy includes:

  • Safety Plan Assessment
  • Emergency Shelter Services
  • Emergency Transportation Services
  • Transitional Compensation
  • Accompany victim, if requested, during legal and medical proceedings
  • Information and Referral
Sexual Assault Advocacy includes:
  • Accompany victim, if requested, during investigative interviews and medical examinations
  • Assist in accessing military and community resources
  • Assist victim evaluate reporting, career, and personal options
  • Provide compassionate emotional support
  • Assess personal safety
  • Information and referrals
Domestic violence incidents should be reported to the Department of Social Work, Building 40701, 706-787-3656 (duty hours) or 706-787-5811 (non-duty hours); Army Community Service 706- 791-3579 (duty hours); or the appropriate police department (Military Police (MP) 706-791-4537, Richmond County at 706-821-1080 or Columbia County at 706-541-2800.  

Sexual assault incidents should be reported to the sexual assault response coordinator or a victim advocate on the Sexual Assault Hotline at 706-791-6297.  A victim advocate is available 24 hours a day.  Reports can also be made to a chaplain or a healthcare provider.

Workshops/Classes: FAP provides a wide range of classes designed to enhance interpersonal skills and prevent family violence. These are offered on a regular basis and can be tailored for a specific topic or audience. Check our calendar for classes, dates, and times.

Classes include:

  • Command Education - "A Commander's Solution"
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Child Safety
  • Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention
  • Couples Communication
  • Stress Management
  • Parenting Classes
  • Conflict Resolution
Family Web Sites Parenting
Education Resource Documents


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This is an official U.S. Army web site, containing official government information, published by Fort Gordon Army Community Service

Site Last Modified: 10/12/2012