Publications Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery 12 Step Programs SMA09-4286
Preventing and Addressing Alcohol and Drug Problems: A Handbook for Clergy

Preventing and Addressing Alcohol and Drug Problems: A Handbook for Clergy

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Provides resources for faith leaders to help those in their communities with alcohol and drug addiction issues. Provides information about addiction as a disease, its impact on the family, strategies for counseling, prevention materials, and a resource guide.

Pub id: SMA09-4286
Publication Date: 11/2009
Popularity: 429
Format: Guidelines or Manual
Population Group: Families, People with Substance Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, People with Alcohol Use or Abuse Problems as Population Group, Children of Parents with Alcohol Use or Abuse Problems

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Customer Comments

Comment by:

07/25/2012 4:11 PM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:

Our organization is planning an educational program on "Spiritual Caregiving to Help the Addicted and Their Families" for clergy on Sept. 8, 2012, and the handbook would be very helpful.

Comment by:

01/15/2013 1:56 PM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:

i am interested in starting a support group / a starting place for recovery for alcoholics. we are a church