
Energy In Brief Articles

What are greenhouse gases and how much are emitted by the United States?

Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and warm the planet's surface. Of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, 87% are related to energy consumption. Since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions in the United States have grown by about 1% per year.

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Energy and the Environment Explained

Greenhouse Gases' Effect on the Climate

Levels of several important greenhouse gases have increased by about 40% since large-scale industrialization began around 150 years ago. During the past 20 years, about three-quarters of human-caused emissions came from burning fossil fuels. Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are naturally regulated by numerous processes collectively known as the "carbon cycle."

Where Greenhouse Gases Come From

In the United States, greenhouse gas emissions come primarily from the burning of fossil fuels in energy use. Energy use is largely driven by economic growth with short-term fluctuations in its growth rate created by weather patterns affecting heating and cooling needs. Energy use is also driven by changes in the fuel used in electricity generation.

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Monthly Energy Review report cover imageState CO2 Emissions

Released January 31, 2013

These estimates of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) are based on the States Energy Data System. The state data include a summary table with total energy-related CO2 by state beginning in 1990, a table with emissions by fuel in 2010 and a table with emissions by sector in 2010. Detailed tables for individual states provide emissions by fuel and sector for data beginning in 1980.

Monthly Energy Review report cover imageMonthly Energy Review,
Table 12

Released January 28, 2013

A report of recent energy statistics including carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption.

Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release cover
Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release

Released December 5, 2013

This release is an abridged version of the Annual Energy Outlook that highlights changes in the AEO Reference case projections for key energy topics, including energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. The Early Release includes data tables for the Reference case only. The full AEO2013 will be released Spring of 2013.

image of CO2 written in clouds U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2011

Released August 14, 2012

This online analysis of 2011 energy-related carbon dioxide emissions indicates U.S. carbon dioxide emissions from the consumptiion of fossil fuels were 5,471 million metric tons carbon dioxide (MMTCO2) in 2011, a decrease of 2.4 percent from the 2010 level.