National Database for Autism Research
Short Name: genomics_subject

Genomics Subject

Genomics subject data

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ElementName DataType Size Required Condition ElementDescription ValueRange Notes
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subjects which identifies a subject in NDAR NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required The site or study's subject identification
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging was completed Required field
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0 :: 1200 Age is rounded to chronological month If the research participant is 15 days old at time of interview the appropriate value would be 0 months if the participant is 16 days old the value would be 1 month
gender String 50 Required Gender M; F
race String 30 Required Race of participant American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported
ethnic_group String 255 Recommended Ethnic group
phenotype String 200 Required Phenotype for the subject
phenotype_description String 4000 Required Description of the phenotype for the subject
twins_study String 100 Required Is this study of twins? Yes; No
sibling_study String 50 Required Was it sibling study? Study of sibling(s) of autistic child. Yes; No
family_study String 100 Required Was it family study? Study of biological mother, biological father and/or sibling of autistic child. Yes; No
family_user_def_id String 20 Conditional #family_study=Yes Family Pedigree User-Defined ID
subjectkey_mother GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's biological mother NDAR*
subjectkey_father GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's biological father NDAR*
subjectkey_sibling1 GUID Recommended The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
sibling_type1 String 255 Recommended Type of Sibling Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS
subjectkey_sibling2 GUID Optional The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
sibling_type2 String 255 Optional sibling type Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS
subjectkey_sibling3 GUID Optional The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
sibling_type3 String 255 Optional sibling type Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS
subjectkey_sibling4 GUID Optional The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for subject's sibling NDAR*
sibling_type4 String 255 Optional sibling type Full Brother FB; Half Mother Brother HMB; Half Father Brother HFB; Full Sister FS; Half Mother Sister HMS; Half Father Sister HFS
zygosity String 255 Recommended Zygosity monozygous; dizygous; trizygotic
sample_taken String 50 Required Was a sample taken at this interview? Yes; No
sample_id_original String 100 Conditional #sample_taken=Yes Original, user-defined Sample ID
sample_description String 3500 Conditional #sample_taken=Yes Sample description: tissue type, i.e. blood, saliva, brain etc. whole blood; saliva; brain; urine; serum; plasma; CSF; IPS; Fibroblast; Neuronal Progenitor; skin biopsy; temporal cortex; lymphoblastoid cell line
biorepository String 100 Required Sample provider: i.e. NIMH_Genetics; ATP; Correil
patient_id_biorepository String 100 Required Biorepository Patient ID
sample_id_biorepository String 100 Required Biorepository Sample ID
cell_id_original String 100 Optional Original, user-defined cell ine ID
cell_id_biorepository String 100 Optional Biorepository cell line ID
adi_dx String 15 Recommended ADI: Diagnosis
ados_dx String 15 Recommended ADOS Diagnosis