Legacy Treasury Direct Phaseout

Treasury is phasing out Legacy Treasury Direct. This is intended to reduce costs associated with Treasury's Retail Securities program and support Treasury's goal to increase paperless transactions.

Changes made in October 2012:

  • No purchases permitted after the auctions on October 22.
  • No reinvestments permitted after the auctions on October 22.
  • Reinvestments scheduled for auction dates beyond October 22 were canceled.

Changes made in May 2011:

  • No new accounts permitted.
  • No incoming transfers permitted. We permit internal transfers between Legacy accounts and outbound transfers to TreasuryDirect or to broker/dealer accounts.

In May 2011 we also restricted the securities available for purchase and reinvestment. (Again, all purchases and reinvestments ended in October 2012.)

The Future

We'll maintain securities you currently hold in Legacy Treasury Direct until they mature. Once the securities mature, we'll deliver payments according to the instructions in your account.

Treasury Direct

As an alternative to Legacy Treasury Direct, consider using our convenient web-based account system, TreasuryDirect. You can buy securities in TreasuryDirect. You can transfer securities to TreasuryDirect from Legacy Treasury Direct.

More Information

Questions and Answers about the Legacy Treasury Direct Phaseout

Comparison of Legacy Treasury Direct and TreasuryDirect