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Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)

FERC staff issues Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the LNG Clean Energy Project, (Docket No. CP06-12-000 et al.)
Issued: May 19, 2006

FERC staff prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Gulf LNG Energy, LLC and Gulf LNG Pipeline, LLC (Gulf LNG)'s LNG Clean Energy Project. The project includes the LNG terminal located within the Port of Pascagoula; a 5.0-mile-long, 36-inch-diameter natural gas sendout pipeline; and associated pipeline support facilities all in Jackson County, Mississippi.

FERC's environmental staff concludes that, with the use of Gulf LNG's proposed mitigation and adoption of our recommended mitigation measures, construction and operation of the proposed facilities would have limited adverse environmental impact.

The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Coast Guard, the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality cooperated in preparation of the draft EIS.

Staff concludes that, the project would be an environmentally acceptable action (with appropriate mitigation) because:

    • The LNG terminal facility would make use of a site previously used for dredged material placement.

    • The LNG terminal facility would be located on lands designated for water-dependent industrial development with access to a deep water federal navigation channel.

    • Gulf LNG would implement the FERC staff's Plan and Procedures to mitigate impacts on soils, wetlands, and waterbodies.

    • Gulf LNG would implement approved mitigation and monitoring plans to minimize and mitigate for impacts on wetlands, EFH, and Gulf sturgeon.

    • Gulf LNG has routed the proposed natural gas sendout pipeline so that it would be collocated with existing facilities to the maximum extent possible.

    • Appropriate consultations with the FWS; NOAA Fisheries; and the MDMR Coastal Management Program would be completed before Gulf LNG would be allowed to begin construction.

    • Appropriate safety features would be incorporated into the design and operation of the LNG import terminal and LNG ships.

    • Operational controls would be imposed by the local pilots and Coast Guard to direct the movement of LNG ships and security provisions would be imposed to deter attacks by potential terrorists.

    • An environmental inspection and mitigation monitoring program would be implemented to ensure compliance with all mitigation measures that become conditions of any FERC authorization.

    FERC Commissioners will take into consideration staff's recommendations and the final EIS when they make a decision on the project.

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Updated: June 28, 2010