
The SDO observatory was launched on February 11, 2010, 10:23 am EST. SDO is now in the "Launch and Early Operations" phase of mission development, during which the instruments and spacecraft are turned on and tested on orbit. At the same time, ground system is used to control the spacecraft and accept the data from the instruments and subsystems. Once the spacecraft and instruments are commissioned SDO will begin its observing of the Sun. This prime observing phase of SDO is planned to last five years - almost half a solar cycle - with the possibility of a 5-year extension.

May 1-6, 2011
LWS/SDO-1 Science Workshop, The Many Spectra of Solar Activity - Squaw Valley, CA
May 1, 2010
Transition to Phase E
April 21, 1010
First Light Press Conference, Newseum, Washington, DC
February 11, 2010, 10:23 am EST
Launch of SDO
July 21-22, 2009
Flight Operations Readiness Review
June 4, 2009
Pre-ship Review II
January 21-22, 2009
Pre-ship Review I
December 18, 2009
SDO passes its Mission Readiness Briefing at NASA HQ
July 29-August 16, 2008
SDO passed the Thermal Vacuum Test in the SES chamber
July 16-25, 2008
SDO passed the Thermal Balance Test in the SES chamber
May 25-June 2, 2008
SDO passed the Vibration and Acoustic tests in Building 10 at Goddard
April 13-20, 2008
SDO passed the EMI/EMC Tests in Building 7 at Goddard
January 5, 2008
Instrument installed on spacecraft bus, SDO becomes an observatory!
November 30, 2007
AIA instrument arrived
November 14, 2007
HMI instrument arrived
October 27, 2007
Propulsion module placed inside spacecraft bus.
September 25, 2007
EVE instrument arrived
April 5-7, 2005
Passed Critical Design Review (CDR) at GSFC
June 1, 2004
SDO/LWS Confirmation Review at NASA HQ, Transition to Phase C
March 22-26, 2004
First SDO Science Workshop in Boulder, CO
March 9-12, 2004
Preliminary Design Review
September 3, 2003
Initial Confirmation Review at NASA HQ (SDO Project), transition to Phase B
April 8-11, 2003
Systems Concept Review (SDO Project with instrument team participation) in Greenbelt, MD
December 3-5, 2002
SDO Project Mission Definition Retreat (GSFC project and instrument teams) NASA GSFC
November 13-15, 2002
2nd LWS Community Workshop at JHUAPL
March 7, 2002
SDO Science Kick-off Meeting
January 18, 2002
SDO Announcement of Opportunity Released: AO-02-OSS-01
July 2001
SDO Science Definition Team Report Released
April 24, 2001
SDO Announcement of Opportunity Proposals Due
November 2000 - July 2001
SDO Definition Team Activities
July 2000
LWS Preformulation Study Released
May 10-12, 2000
1st LWS Community Workshop at GSFC