SDO "Capture the Sun" Contest

SDO "Capture the Sun" Contest

>> Contest Winners and Entries

The Solar Dynamics Observatory is LIVE!

On April 21st 2010 the first images were released. Now the SDO crew is inviting YOU to show us what you've got.


There are three entry categories:
Carefree (0 - 11yrs),
Angsty (12yrs - 17yrs) and
Legal (18yrs - 114yrs)


The SDO "Capture the Sun" Contest.

We are looking for the most creative use of a new SDO image. Put it on a shirt, a website, a bag, a movie, etc... You name it! Anything goes!


Entries will be accepted from May 3rd through June 4th


Submit entries via email to:
Include Name, Age, City, State, Brief description of entry (100 words or less), Photos (No more than 5) of, or link to, entry.


Sample Entry Email:


Name: John Doe

Age: 65

City: Maimi

State: FL

Description: I've chosen to plant a flower bed as an exact replica of the prominence image. Photos are attached.

What do I get? First place winners in each category will receive an official limited edition SDO Lego model and NASA bag of swag. Second and third place entries will get NASA swag bag.

How are winners chosen? The SDO crew will choose their top 5 entries in each category. Those entries will be posted on the SDO website on June 7th where your adoring public can vote on their favorites until June 14th. The SDO crew will judge and announce the winners on June 18th.


Judging criteria:

Creativity: 30%

Originality: 30%

Degree of focus on SDO: 30%

Popular Vote: 10%


Fine Print:

All entries must be the original creation of the entrant. Late entries will not be accepted. By submitting an entry you are giving the SDO team permission to use your information and photos in connection with the contest, NASA and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Entries deemed inappropriate by the judges will be disqualified. Winners are chosen at the discretion of the judges. This is a contest of skill.

>> Contest Winners and Entries


First Light Teacher Event

Join in the celebration & bring the very first images from SDO into your classroom!

See the Sun in IMAX quality resolution & in real time for the first time in history. Teach your students about solar features, how scientists tag images and use data to do research, and connect your classroom to the latest NASA mission.


You and your students


Be the first to see the Sun through SDO's eye, get classroom materials and support, connect your students with NASA scientists.


In your classroom (via the internet!)


April 2010


This is history in the making! Plus who doesn't like free stuff?


Register here

First Light is scheduled for April 21st with a press conference at 2pm EST. By registering you will receive updates on the status of the mission, special educational resources, and webcast schedules.

Register and receive:
  • Live interviews with SDO Scientists broadcasted online.
  • Download instructions to access:
  • SDO Teacher's Guide
  • Special First Light "Resolution" lesson plan.
  • "Scientists Like Me" Career Posters
  • Webcast showing First Light ceremonies
  • Update emails alerting you to the status of SDO

With registration you will also be on the list to pilot our citizen science project: SDO Classroom Research Challenge. Learn how to interpret images and use them for real research!

A Brief introduction to SDO First Light Images and movies
You will need online access to view movies embedded within the document. Avoid Safari. You might run into some unexpected behavior.

SDO First Light Tweetup

The SDO team is looking for 15 Twitter Correspondents to represent the Space Tweep community at the official First Light press conference in Washington DC!
  • Tweet from NASA HQ among press and project scientists as the first SDO images are unveiled. Be the first to see the Sun in IMAX quality as NASA launches into a new generation of Heliophysics.
  • Registration will open Tuesday April 13th at 12pm EST and close Wednesday April 14th at 12pm EST.
  • 15 Twitter Correspondents will be chosen at random and notified by April 15th.
  • See 1.5 terabytes of data move from SDO to your computer: