at Forest Products Laboratory
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America's Historic Covered Timber Bridges

Preservation for Future Generations

ID: FPL-045
All USDA Forest Service
2011 Research Highlights


  • Covered wooden bridges proliferated in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Today an estimated 800 covered bridge structures remain as cherished links to the technological heritage of the United States.
  • The through-truss designs vary from the Kingpost trusses built in the craft tradition to the engineered Burr arch and Paddleford trusses.
  • Covered bridges are links to the past and the pioneering bridge-building efforts and, as such, are considered important early American transportation structures to preserve for posterity.

Overview: Partnering with the Federal Highway Administration and National Park Service, the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) has taken the lead in conducting research efforts aimed at preserving and/or restoring historic covered bridges. Several collaborative studies have been initiated to improve engineering evaluation methods, increase the durability of the bridge components, and develop new historic structure documentation techniques. Technology transfer efforts have included K-12 educational modules, historical videos, and technical conferences.

Principal Investigator(s)

Ritter, Michael A.

Assistant Director
Partnerships & Science Strategy Affiliations
Research Emphasis Area (FPL)Advanced Structures
US Forest Service PartnersNone
External PartnersFederal Highway Administration
U.S. Park Service
National Center for Wood Transportation Structures
Iowa State University
University of Minnesota Duluth
Strategic Program Area (US Forest Service R&D)Resource Management and Use
Emerging Research Area (US Forest Service R&D)None
Significant Publications pertaining to this Research Highlight

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