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Publications & Presentations - Recently Posted

Below are the 55 publications that have been posted within the last 90 calendar days sorted by year. You may re-sort the listing by: Title,  Publication Series,  Date Posted  -or- Publication Year.

Summary by Publication SeriesTotal
Book Chapter2
Conference Proceedings3
General Technical Reports1
Journal Articles46
Not Classified1
Research Papers1
TMU Brochure1

Publication Year: 2013
Title: Chapter 5:Biological Properties of Wood
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, second edition, CRC press. 2013. pp. 99-126.
Author(s) Ibach, Rebecca E.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)/Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC) filaments
Source: In: Proceedings of the ANTEC 2013 Conference; 2013. 5 p.
Author(s) Peng, Jun; Srithep, Yottha; Sabo, Ronald; Pilla, Srikanth; Peng, Xiang-Fang; Turng, Lih-Sheng; Clemons, Craig
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Colorimetric micro-assay for accelerated screening of mould inhibitors
Source: Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 77 (2013) pp. 68-71.
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.; Yang, Vina W.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Sulfite (SPORL) pretreatment of switchgrass for enzymatic saccharification
Source: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 129 (2013) 127-134
Author(s) Zhang, D.S.; Yang, Q.; Zhu, J.Y.; Pan, X.J.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Forest Products Laboratory: Restoring America's Forests Through the Wise Use of Wood
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI.
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2012
Title: Effects on U.S. Timber Outlook of Recent Economic Recession, Collapse in Housing Construction, and Wood Energy Trends
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-219, 2012: 21 p.
Author(s) Ince, Peter J.; Nepal, Prakash
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 7:Mineral Scale Management
Source: In: The Bleaching of Pulp, 5th Edition; Tappi Press 2012. pp. 175-215.
Author(s) Rudie, Alan W.; Hart, Peter W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Moisture Sorption State on Vibrational Properties of Wood
Source: Wood. Forest Prod. J. Volume 62, Number 3. pp. 171?176. 2012.
Author(s) Lu, Jianxiong; Jiang, Jiali; Wu, Yiqiang; Li, Xianjun; Cai, Zhiyong
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effects of SPORL and Dilute Acid Pretreatment on Substrate Morphology, Cell Physical and Chemical Wall Structures, and Subsequent Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lodgepole Pine
Source: Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2012) 168: pp.1556-1567; 2012.
Author(s) Li, Xinping; Luo, Xiaolin; Li, Kecheng; Zhu, J.Y.; Fougere, J. Dennis; Clarke, Kimberley
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fire performances of foam core particleboards continuously produced in a one-step process
Source: Eur. J. Wood Prod., DOI 10.1007/s00107-012-0653-4; 2012. 12 p.
Author(s) Shalbafan, Ali; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Welling, Johannes
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fractionation of Forest Residues of Douglas-fir for Fermentable Sugar Production by SPORL Pretreatment
Source: Bioenerg. Res. (2012) Volume 5, pp. 978-988; 2012
Author(s) Zhang, Chao; Zhu, J.Y.; Gleisner, Roland; Sessions, John
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Interfacial Properties of Lignin-Based Electrospun Nanofibers and Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanocrystals
Source: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, pp. 6849-6856; 2012.
Author(s) Ago, Mariko; Jakes, Joseph E.; Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Park, Sunkyu; Rojas, Orlando J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Modeling Force Transfer around Openings in Wood-Frame Shear Walls
Source: J. Struct. Eng. 2012.138: pp.1419-1426; 2012.
Author(s) Li, Minghao; Lam, Frank; Yeh, Borjen; Skaggs, Tom; Rammer, Doug; Wacker, James
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Rapid and Complete Enzyme Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Nanofibrils
Source: ACS Macro Lett. 2012, 1, 1321-1325; 2012.
Author(s) Martin-Sampedro, Raquel; Filpponen, Ilari; Hoeger, Ingrid C.; Zhu, J.Y.; Laine, Janne; Rojas, Orlando J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Utilization Options for Urban Trees Infested by Invasive Species
Source: University of Minnesota, 2012: 96 p.
Author(s) Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.; Wang, Xiping; Wiemann, Michael C.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Reaction-to-Fire of Wood Products and Other Building Materials: Part II, Cone Calorimeter Tests and Fire Growth Models
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-670, 2012: 60 p.
Author(s) Dietenberger, Mark A.; Grexa, Ondrej; White, Robert H.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2004
Title: Low Frequency Vibration approach to asess the Performance of wood structural Systems
Source: Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Volume 23, pp 1000-1007. 2004.
Author(s) Wang, Xiping; Ross, Robert J.; Hunt, Michael O.
Year: 2004   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1992
Title: A 13C NMR Study of Milled Wood Lignins from Hybrid Salix Clones
Source: Holzforschung, Volume 46, Number 6, 1992, pp. 505-511.
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence L.; Deka, Ganesh C.; Roy, D.N.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1989
Title: Chapter 3:Search for Lignin Condensation Reactions with Modern NMR Techniques
Source: In: Heminigway, Richard W.; Conner, Anthony H.; Branham, Susan J., eds. Adhesives from renewable resources: ACS symposium series 385; 1987 August 30-Septernber 4; New Orleans. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. Chapter 3. pp. 27-42.
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence E.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1984
Title: Anthraquinone Losses During Alkaline Pulping
Source: JOURNAL OF WOOD CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Number 2, 149-161 (1984).
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence L.; Ralph, John
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1980
Title: Time, Costs, and Energy Consumption for Drying Red Oak Lumber as Affected by Thickness and Thickness Variation
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 30, Number 1. pp 23-28; 1980.
Author(s) Simpson, William T.; Tschernitz, John L.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1979
Title: Lateral Flow in Beech and Birch as Revealed by the Electron Microscope
Source: Wood Sci. Technol. 13: pp. 79-87 (1979).
Author(s) Murmanis, Lidija; Chudnoff, M.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1975
Title: Kiln Drying Sinker Heartwood From Young-Growth Western Hemlock: Preliminary Evaluation
Source: Proceedings, Western Dry 26th Annual Meeting, May Oregon State University, Kiln Clubs 1-2, 1975 Corvallis, Oregon 97331.
Author(s) Ward, James C; Kozlik, Charles J.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1974
Title: Beat the High Cost of Walnut Turning Blocks
Source: School Shop, pp. 40-41; January 1974
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Maximum Initial Moisture Contents for Kiln-Drying 4/4 Hardwoods at High Temperatures
Source: Forest products journal Volume 24, Number 8 p. 54-56 (Aug 1974).
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1972
Title: Review of High-Temperature Kiln-Drying of Hardwoods
Source: Southern lumberman Volume 225, Number 2794; pp. 17-19. (Sept. 15, 1972).
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1972   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1971
Title: Dry Kiln Automation
Source: Southern Lumberman, Volume 223, Number 2776; pp. 123-124. December 15, 1971.
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1968
Title: Producing Check-free Beech for Turnings
Source: FOREST PRODUCTS JOURNAL Volume. 18, Number 11, November 1968. pp. 42-44.
Author(s) Rietz, R.C.; Jenson, J. A.
Year: 1968   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1965
Title: The Air-Drying of Southern Hardwoods
Source: SOUTHERN LUMBERMAN, May 1, 1965, pp. 19-20; 1965.
Author(s) Rietz, Raymond C.
Year: 1965   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1964
Title: Burlwood-Royalty's Wood?
Source: American Forests, Volume 70, Number 12; 4 p. December 1964.
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1964   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1963
Title: Mechanical Treatments for Improving Dimensional Stability of Paper
Source: Tappi, Volume 46, Number 7; pp. 393-399. July 1963.
Author(s) Fahey, D.J.; Chilson, W.A.
Year: 1963   view abstract, download publication »

Title: PEG-Treated Walnut Limbwood Makes Hansome Decorator Clock
Source: Forest Products Journal, September 1963, p 416.
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1963   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1962
Title: Changes in Dimension on Heating Green Wood
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 12, Number 1; pp. 43-45. (Jan. 1962).
Author(s) Yokota, Tokuo; Tarkow, Harold
Year: 1962   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Drying by Solar Radiation in Puerto Rico
Source: Forest Products Journal, pp. 487-488. October 1962.
Author(s) Maldonado, Edwin D.; Peck, Edward C.
Year: 1962   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1961
Title: Accelerated Weathering of Red Oak Treated With Various Preservatives Used to Treat Crossties
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 11, Number 12, pp. 567-575; December, 1961.
Author(s) Rietz, Ramond C.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Full-time Or Part-time Kiln-drying? Comparison Of The Energy, Drying Time And Costs
Source: Southern Lumberman, Issue of December 15, 1961 Volume 203, Number 2537; pp. 1-6; 1961.
Author(s) Rasmussen, Edmund F.; Avanzado, Melecio B.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Seasoning Green-Wood Carvings With Polyethylene Glycol-1000
Source: Forest Products Journal, pp. 6-7; January, 1961.
Author(s) Mitchell, H.L.; Iversen, E.S.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1960
Title: High-Temperature Drying: Its Application to the Drying of Lumber
Source: Australian timber journal Volume 26, Number 9, 4 p. (Oct. 1960).
Author(s) Mathewson, James S.
Year: 1960   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Stresses in Drying Lumber
Source: Southern Lumberman Volume 201, Number 2513; 5 p. (Dec. 15, 1960).
Author(s) McMillen, John M.; Youngs, Robert L.
Year: 1960   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1959
Title: New Chemical Treatment Curbs Shrink and Swell of Walnut Gunstocks
Source: Forest Products Journal (Volume 4, Number 12) pp. 437-441; 1959.
Author(s) Mitchell, H.L.; Wahlgren, H.E.
Year: 1959   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1956
Title: Air Drying of Ponderosa Pine Lumber in Arizona
Source: Forest Products Journal, February 1956, pages 88-96; 1956.
Author(s) Peck, E.C.; Kotok, E.S.; Mueller, L.A.
Year: 1956   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1954
Title: Application of Impreg for Patterns and Die Models
Source: Journal of the Forest Products Research Society, October 1954, pp. 305-312; 1954.
Author(s) Seborg, Ray M.; Vallier, A.E.
Year: 1954   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1953
Title: Effect of Heat Upon the Dimensional Stabilization of Wood
Source: Journal of the Forest Products Research Society. September 1953. 9 p.
Author(s) Seborg, R. M.; Tarkow, Harold; Stam, Alfred J.
Year: 1953   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1949
Title: Air Seasoning of Red Oak Crossties
Source: American Wood-Preservers' Association. Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting Washington, DC : AWPA, 1949; p. 15.
Author(s) Mathewson, J.S.; Morton, C.S.; Bescher, R.H.
Year: 1949   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wanted: A New Job for an Old Friend Forest Products Laboratory Joins Search of the Forest Utilization Service for New Uses for Hickory
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of December 15, 1949. 4 p.
Author(s) Moore, Thomas F.
Year: 1949   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1947
Title: Dry Kiln Operation
Source: Wood, October 1947; pp. 16-40.
Author(s) Loughborough, W.K.
Year: 1947   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1946
Title: Rate of Temperature change in Short-Length Round Timbers
Source: American Society of Mechanical Engineers transactions, Volume 68, Number 1, Sec. 1; Jan. 1946; 16 p.
Author(s) MacLean, J.D.
Year: 1946   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1941
Title: Estimated Footage Reduction in Kiln-Drying Air-Dried Hardwoods
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of August 15, 1941. p.1.
Author(s) Rietz, Raymond C.
Year: 1941   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1940
Title: Uniformity of Air Distribution in a Lumber Dry Kiln
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of April 15, 1940; 2 p.
Author(s) Torgeson, O.W.
Year: 1940   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1937
Title: Seasoning Transverse Tree Sections without Checking
Source: Journal of Forestry, Volume 35, Number 3, March. 1937, pp. 274-276; 1937.
Author(s) Rietz, R.C.
Year: 1937   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1930
Title: "Birds Eyes" in Maple are not due to Dormant Buds
Source: Hardwood record Volume 68, Number 9 (Sept. 1930), p. 45-46; 1930.
Author(s) Pillow, M.Y.
Year: 1930   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bowing and Twisting of Softwood Lumber Due to Compression Wood
Source: Wood construction Volume 16, Number 21 (Nov. 1, 1930). p.2.
Author(s) Pillow, M.Y.
Year: 1930   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1929
Title: Shortleaf Pine The Lumber-Making Qualities of Second-Growth and of Virgin-Growth Timber
Source: Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn., issue of Dec. 15, 1929; 3 p.
Author(s) Davis, E.M.
Year: 1929   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Fiber-Saturation Point of Wood as Obtained from Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Source: Analytical Edition, Volume 1, Number 2. p. 9; 1929.
Author(s) Stamm, Alfred J.
Year: 1929   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1924
Title: Problems in the Seasoning of Southern Hardwoods
Source: Southern Lumberman December 20, 1924; pp. 170-174.
Author(s) Loughborough, W. Carl; Hubert, Earnest E.
Year: 1924   view abstract, download publication »