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Binders, Clipboards, File Folders, Clip Portfolios, and Presentation Folders

Binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders are commonly used office products made from a variety of materials. A loose-leaf binder contains split metal rings attached to a metal back that hold perforated sheets of paper. Chipboard, pressboard, plastic-covered chipboard or paperboard, cloth-covered chipboard or paperboard, and solid plastic binders can all be made with recovered materials. Clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders can be made of solid plastic containing recovered materials.

Recommended Recovered Materials Content Ranges:

EPA's Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) recommends recycled-content levels for purchasing binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders as shown in the table below.

EPA's Recommended Recovered Materials Content Levels for Binders, Clipboards, File Folders, Clip Portfolios, and Presentation Folders ¹
Item Material Postconsumer Content (%) Total Recovered Materials Content (%)
Binders Plastic-covered -- 25-50
Paper-covered 75-100 90-100
Pressboard 20 50
Solid plastic
HDPE 90 90
PE 30-50 30-50
PET 100 100
Misc. plastics 80 80
Plastic clipboards HDPE 90 90
PS 50 50
Misc. plastics 15 15-80
Plastic file folders HDPE 90 90
Plastic clip portfolios HDPE 90 90
Plastic presentation folders HDPE 90 90

¹EPA's recommendations do not preclude a procuring agency from purchasing binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, or presentation folders made from another material. They simply require that procuring agencies, when purchasing these items made from the materials above, purchase them made from recovered materials when these items meet applicable specifications and performance requirements.

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Product Specifications:

The US General Services Administration's (GSA's) specification for binders, A-A-2549A, covers four types of binders, including the following:

No specifications for solid plastic binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders have been identified.

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Product Information:

Database of Manufacturers and Suppliers
This database identifies manufacturers and suppliers of binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders containing recovered materials.

GSA Advantage!
Binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders can be ordered through the General Service Administration's (GSA's) online ordering system. In addition, GSA publishes various supply catalogues, guides, and schedules for recycled-content products available through the Federal Supply Service.

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Additional Links:
2007 Buy-Recycled Series: Nonpaper Office Products (PDF) (7 pp, 92K, About PDF)

Technical Background Documents

Technical Background Document (Solid plastic binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders) (PDF) (215 pp, 381K, About PDF)
This background document includes EPA's product research on recovered-content binders, clipboards, file folders, clip portfolios, and presentation folders, as well as a more detailed overview of the history and regulatory requirements of the CPG process.

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