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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - M

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

m - meter

M&PCB - Materials and Processes Control Board

M&PCP - Materials and Processes Control Program

MA - Mission Archive or Multiple Access or Major Application or Mission Assurance

MAC - Media Access Control or Monitor and Control Subsystem

MACS - MSS-X Archive Conversion System or Monitor and Control Subsystem

MAD - Median Absolute Deviation

MAE - Materials Assurance Engineer

MAID - Massive Array of Idle Disks

MAM - Mission Assurance Manager

MAP - Mission Assurance Plan

MAR - Mission Assurance Requirements

MAS - MODIS Archive System

MB - Megabyte

Mbps - Megabit per Second

MC - MAC Controller

MCDL - Master Controlled Document List (LDCM)

MCDR - Mission Critical Design Review

MCM - Multi-Chip Module

MCS - Monitor and Control Subsystem

MD - Metrics Database or Mission Data or Mission Data

MD5 - Message-Digital Algorithm 5

MDA - MacDonald, Dettwiler, and Associates

MDGLS - Mid-Decadal Global Land Survey

MDH - Mission Data Header

MDIO - Mission Data Input / Output

MDL - Metadata Loader

MDS - MMO Database System or MMO Database Subsystem (MDS) (LDCM)

ME - Memory Effect

MEB - Materials Engineering Branch

MEC - Metrics ETL Component

MEOS - Multi-mission Earth Observation System

MF - Minor Frame

mf  - minor frame

MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes or MAC Fetch CPF

MFPS - Major Frame Processing Subsystem

MG - Metadata Generator

MGS - MODIS Ground Station

MHz - Megahertz

MIL - Materials Identification List or MAC Inventory L0Ra

MMIO - Modified Morarec Interest Operator

MIS - Master Integrated Schedule

MISR - Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer

MJF - Major Frame

MJP - MAC Job Processor

MLC - Most Likely Case


MLI - MACS to LAM Interface

MLT - Mean Local Time

mm - Millimeter

mm/hr - Millimeters per Hour

MMO - Mission Management Office

MMOIO - Mission Management Office Information Officer

MMOSA - MMO Security Activity

MMOSE - Mission Management Office Systems Engineer

MMR - Mission Requirements Review

MMS - MDGLS Management System or Multimission Modular Spacecraft

MO&DSD - Mission Operations and Data System Directorate

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOC - Mission Operations Center

MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

MODNET - MO&DSD Operational/Development Network

MODTRAN - Moderate Resolution Transmittance atmospheric modeling software

MOE - Mission Operations Element

MOERD - Mission Operations Element Requirements Document

MOI - Moment of Inertia

MOM - Mission Operations Manager

MOPSS - Mission Operations Planning and Scheduling System

MOR - Mission Operations Room or Mission Operations Review

MOS - Mission Operations Simulation

MOTS - Mission Off-The-Shelf

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MOVE - Mission Operations Voice Enhancement

MP - Multi-processor

MPLS - Multi Protocol Label Switching

MPR - Monthly Progress Review

MPS - MODIS Processing System or Mission Plan System

MPSR - Management Program Status Review

MR - Management Reserve

MRB - Milestone Review Board or Material Review Board

MRC - Metrics Reporting Component

MRR - Mission Requirements Review

MRT - Mission Readiness Testing

MRTG - MultiRouter Traffic Grapher

ms - millisecond

MS - Multispectral

msb - Most Significant Bit

MSB - Most Significant Byte

MSCD - Mirror Scan Correction Data

MSE - Mission Systems Engineering

MSFC - Marshall Space Flight Center

MSK - Receive Antenna Horizon Mask Message

MSM - MultiService Mobility or Mission Simulations Manager or Management Switch Module

MSPSP - Missile System Prelaunch Safety Data Package

MSR - Monthly Status Review

MSS - Multispectral Scanner or Mass Storage System

MSS-A - Multispectral Scanner - Archive Format

MSS-P - Multispectral Scanner - Processed Format

MSS-X - Multispectral Scanner data, reformatted CCT-X data

MST - Mission Support Team

MTA - Metadata

MTBF - Mean Time Before Failure

MTDSS - MS and TM Data Subsetting System

MTF - Modulation Transfer Function

MTFC - Modulation Transfer Function Compensation

MTL - Level 1 Metadata

MTP - Distribution Product Metadata

MTS - MDS Transformation Services

MTTR - Mean Time to Restore or Mean Time to Repair or Mean Time to Recovery

MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit

MUA - Materials Usage Agreement

mW - milliWatt

MWD - Moving Window Display

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Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm