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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - F

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

F&PS - Functional and Performance Specifications

FAC - Full Aperture Calibrator

FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

FASC - Full Aperture Solar Calibrator

FAST-L7A - FAST-Landsat 7 Format

FAX - Facsimile Transmission

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBMS - Financial and Business Management System

FC - Formulation Contractor

FCA - Functional Configuration Audit

FC-AL - Fiber Channel-Arbitrated Loop

FCDAS - Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station

FD - Flight Dynamics

FDC - Failure Detection and Correction

FDD - Facilities Definition Document or Format Description Document

FDDI - Fiber-Distributed Data Interface

FDF - Flight Dynamics Facility

FDIR - Fault Detection, Isolation, & Recovery

FEC - Forward Error Corrected

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FFOV - Full Field of View

FFP - Firm Fixed Price

FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Centers

FFS - Fiscal Financial System

FFT - Fast Fourier Transform

FGDC - Federal Geographic Data Committee

FHS - First Half Scan

FHSERR - First Half Scan Error

FIA - Final Implementation Agreement

FIFO - First In, First Out

FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards

FIR - Finite Impulse Response

FISCAM - Federal Information System Control Audit Manual

FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act

FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

FMECA - Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis

FMFIA - Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act

FMT - Format

FNMOC - Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center

FOCCB - Flight Operations Configuration Control Board

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

FOP - Flight Operations Plan

FOR - Flight Operations Review

FORMATS - Flight Dynamics Facility Orbit and Mission Aids Transformation System

FOS - Flight Operations Segment

FOT - Flight Operations Team

FOTS - Free Off-The-Shelf

FOV - Field of View

FPA - Focal Plane Assembly or Focal Plane Array

FPE - Focal Plane Electronics

FPGA - Field-Programmable Gate Array

FPM - Focal Plane Modules

FQT - Formal Qualification Testing

FRB - Full-Resolution Browse

FRED - Framed Raw Expanded Data

FRS - File Retrieval System

FS - Forecast Schedules

FSD - Flight Systems Development

FSM - Flight Systems Manager

FSSC - Financial Support Services Contract

FSV - Flight Software Vendor

FSW - Flight Software

FTA - Fault Tree Analysis

FTD - File Transfer Daemon

FTE - Full Time Equivalent or Full Time Employee

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

FW - Firewall or Full Width

FWHM - Full Width Half Maximum

FY - Fiscal Year

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Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm