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Photos tagged with: 623a

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transfer building  balance fo site  design  waste encapsulation storage facility  mxied low-level waste  box 29  waste container  272-e fabrication shop  pavement  pump house  before demolition  pump  canister storage buildling  gearheard  rattlesnake mountain  4b burial ground  blue mountain nature preserve  resin tanks  2734-ea  size reduction  transformer  roll-on  december  mixed low-level  tools  box 82  locomotive  june  backfilling  water treatment facility  rigging  exhaust air filter building  aerial  glove box  arra  media  fuel  100k west reactor water treatment facilities  hx  transuranic  reactor building  6652-i  183.6  biological treatment pad  debris cleanup  box 5  trupact  recoveyr act  fuel storage basin  183kw sedimentation basin