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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Monthly Participant Reports, as of December 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided funding for the workforce investment system to offer training and employment services to workers who are facing unprecedented challenges to retool their skills and establish themselves in viable career pathways.

Due to the nature of the WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker and Wagner-Peyser Employment Service formula-funded programs, the Department of Labor has not yet isolated the number of participants in each of these programs that are attributable to Recovery Act funds.

On a monthly basis, states report on the number of participants served under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs, National Emergency Grants (NEGs), and the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service program.

WIA Youth Recovery Act-funded activities
  Current Month Program to Date1
Total number of participants 77,268 363,460
Total number of participants in summer employment 19,727 317924
Total number of INA participants2 796 3244
Percentage in summer employment 25.5% 87.5%
Percentage male 46.0% 48.9%
Percentage female 52.3% 50.1%
Percentage Hispanic/Latino 27.5% 24.2%
Percentage American Indian or Alaska Native 2.0% 2.0%
Percentage Asian 1.5% 1.8%
Percentage Black or African-American 41.2% 44.3%
Percentage Hawaiian Native or Other Pacific Islander 0.5% 0.6%
Percentage White 37.7% 38.2%
Percentage in-school 47.1% 62.4%
Percentage out-of-school 50.2% 36.0%

Wagner-Peyser Reemployment Services
  Current Month Program to Date1
Total number of participants 710,192 2,967,270
Percentage receiving career guidance 19.5% 23.8%
Percentage receiving job search activities 55.9% 66.4%
Percentage referred to WIA services 17.7% 25.9%

National Emergency Grants3
  Current Month Program to Date1
Total number of participants 8,245 8,644
Percentage in training 32.7% 52.7%
Percentage receiving supportive services  30.2% 37.4%

Count of all participants who were served since May 1, 2009
2 Source: Indian and Native American (INA) Monthly Youth Report; all percentages are calculated to include INA Youth
3 Twelve states reporting
Source: State Monthly Reports, as of 1/29/10