In The News

Jan 21, 2013 | Bemidji Pioneer

Ponemah, Collin Peterson and the inauguration

Beltrami County was represented during President Obama’s inauguration Monday morning. Here’s a screengrab C-SPAN’s coverage of the ceremonies showing U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson wearing a hat bearing the name of Ponemah, a town of about 700 people located between upper and lower Red Lakes.

Jan 7, 2013 | Hoard's Dairyman

Minnesota Farmers Union calls for support of Representative Collin Peterson

Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) President Doug Peterson would like to express his support to Minnesota Representative Collin Peterson in his call for assurance of debate from Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, in regards to crafting another possible farm bill.

May 31, 2012 | AgriNews

Peterson gets feedback on target price proposal

Congressman Collin Peterson wanted feedback on farm bill proposals and farmers delivered it during a series of six farm bill update meetings held throughout the 7th District. Many farmers at Peterson's Fergus Falls stop supported his proposal for target prices.

May 30, 2012 | Minnesota Farm Guide

Peterson pushes for Farm Bill 2012 completion by Aug. 5

“We are in imminent mode here to finalize the farm bill for this year,” Peterson said on May 18.

May 30, 2012 | Redwood Gazette

Collin Peterson talks about federal farm bill progress

By the August recess, the 2012 federal farm bill should be in place. That was the message Seventh Congressional District Congressman Collin Peterson shared with a group of farmers and ag business leaders this past Friday afternoon.

May 29, 2012 | Fargo Forum

Dairy farmers deserve plan to end constant ups, downs

To our credit, dairy farmers have used the pain of the recent past to come up with our own solution. It was introduced by Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., last fall as the Dairy Security Act. Peterson consulted with dairy farmers across the country, as well as in Minnesota, on the most economically sensible and politically acceptable way to reformulate dairy policy

May 29, 2012 | Willmar West Central Tribune

U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson tells Olivia, Minn., crowd important debate is ahead

U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson is optimistic that Congress will pass a new farm bill before its August recess, but a debate with important consequences for his district looms in the weeks ahead.

May 25, 2012 | WDAZ

Rep. Collin Peterson Outlines Likely Cuts to Farm Bill

Peterson predicts about $30 billion will be cut from the bill over the next ten years. About 80 percent of all spending from the Farm Bill goes toward domestic food assistance for things like food stamps and school lunch programs.

May 25, 2012 | Crookston Daily Times

Peterson: House, Senate differ on farm bill

He's hoping to get valuable feedback from growers in his district during a series of farm bill update meetings he's hosting. Monday's session at UMC attracted around 40 growers and agriculture officials from the region. He figures the Senate version of the bill will go to the floor in early June, and that the House will follow a couple weeks later. He'd like the bill to be in the conference committee by July in order to provide enough time to hammer out a compromise bill before Congress' August recess.

May 18, 2012 | DL-Online

At the Festival of Birds: Trumpeting the return of the swan

The project began to gain momentum in the early 1980s, with the establishment of the Nongame Wildlife Checkoff program — which now raises $1.2 million a year for nongame wildlife preservation in Minnesota. Henderson credited U.S. Congressman Collin Peterson — who was then a state legislator — with helping to get the legislation passed to establish that program back in 1980
