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An image of the Weather Applications and Products Enabled Through Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII): Feasibility and Concept Development Study - Publication Cover

Weather Applications and Products Enabled Through Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII)

Feasibility and Concept Development Study

January 2007

Technical Report Documentation

Disclaimer Notice

Author Information



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Objectives
1.2 Approach
1.3 VII Deployment
1.4 Prospective Data
1.5 Data Efficacy
1.6 VII-enabled Improvements
1.7 Data Processing
1.8 Data fusion
1.9 Research Requirements
1.10 Conclusions

2. Introduction

3. Methods

4. Technical Background

4.1 VII Architecture
4.2 Probe Message processes
4.3 Implications of Probe Data Collection and Dissemination Process

5. Weather-Related Vehicle Data

5.1 Potential Data Elements
5.2 Ambient Temperature
5.3 Relative Humidity (Dew Point)
5.4 Wiper State
5.5 Rain Sensor
5.6 Lights (Fog and Headlights)
5.7 Accelerometer
5.8 ABS, Traction Control and Stability Control
5.9 Sun Sensor
5.10 Driver Assist Systems

6. Case Studies

7. Potential VII Products and Applications

7.1 Weather Product Improvements Enabled by VII

7.1.1 Reducing Radar Anomalous Propagation (AP)
7.1.2 Improved Identification of Virga
7.1.3 Diagnosis of Precipitation Type
7.1.4 Identification of Foggy Regions
7.1.5 Improved Characterization of Surface Conditions for Weather Models
7.1.6 Improved Weather Analysis and Prediction in Complex Terrain
7.1.7 Improved Air Quality Monitoring and Prediction
7.1.8 Improved Diagnosis og Boundary Layer Water Vapor

7.2 Pavement Condition Product Improvements Enabled by VII

7.2.1 Improved Identification of Slippery Pavement
7.2.2 Improved Knowledge of Pavement Temperature

7.3 In-Vehicle Information System Products Enabled by VII

7.4 Transportation System Management Decisions Supported by VII

7.4.1 Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS)
7.4.2 Traffic and Incident Management
7.4.3 Summer Maintenance
7.4.4 Emergency Management and Homeland Security

8. Technical Background

8.1 Weather Data Translator (WDT)
8.2 WDT Processing Requirements

9. Extracting Intelligent Information From VII Data

9.1 Data Fusion
9.2 Assimilating VII Data

10. Overview of Research Needs

10.1 Probe Message Processes
10.2 VII Adoption Rates
10.3 Data Processing
10.4 Data Quality and Accuracy
10.5 Quality Checking
10.6 Data Fusion
10.7 Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasts
10.8 Human Factors

11. Next Steps

12. References

Appendix A
VII Weather Applications Workshop I
Boulder, Colorado
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Meeting Notes

Appendix B
VII Weather Applications Workshop I
Boulder, Colorado
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Meeting Notes

Appendix C
Data Elements Considered in Computational Requirements for WDT

List of Figures

List of Tables

Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
HOTO-1, Room 3408, 400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington DC 20590

FHWA Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-07-084
EDL Number: 14350
Publication Date: January 2007

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