Commerce Secretary Locke Highlights the Importance of the Manufacturing Sector for Export Expansion and Job Creation

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Monday, March 22, 2010



Commerce Secretary Locke Highlights the Importance of the Manufacturing Sector for Export Expansion and Job Creation

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke addressed the Department of Commerce Manufacturing Council today about the importance of the manufacturing sector in the expansion of exports and job creation.

“This administration is rebuilding, retooling and reinventing our national strategies for sustained economic success,” Locke said. “Manufacturing needs to be a key part of that strategy.”

The Council deliberated on a letter of recommendation to the Secretary addressing the administration’s Framework forRevitalizing American Manufacturing, a report released by the White House in December 2009 that addresses the challenges facing the manufacturing industry and suggests a framework for designing government support in key areas. They also discussed research, development and innovation; short-term job creation; and supply chain and raw material availability.

Nicole Lamb-Hale, the International Trade Administration’s Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services, joined Locke and spoke to members about the administration’s manufacturing initiatives and listened to the Council’s feedback on revitalizing the manufacturing sector. Locke thanked the outgoing members for their service, as the Council members’ term expires April 10, 2010.

“This Council has tackled some very challenging issues during its two-year tenure,” Locke said. “They have provided strong insight and expertise, for which I am grateful. I appreciate their commitment to elevating the work of the Council and addressing a range of issues facing the manufacturing industry. They should feel proud of a job well done.”

The Commerce Department is in the process of renewing the Council’s charter for another two-year term and expanding Council membership from 15 to 20 members. A Federal Register notice has been published, and the Commerce Department is currently soliciting applications for the upcoming charter term.

The Manufacturing Council currently consists of up to 15 private-sector industry leaders who are appointed by and advise the Secretary of Commerce on manufacturing issues. There are currently 13 members serving. The Council typically holds two to three public meetings each year, usually in Washington, D.C.

Visit to learn more about the council and how to apply for membership.