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A Matter of Degrees
The Future of Climate Change Research
Features in This Issue - Volume 40, Number 3, 2007



A Matter of Degrees

Multiple lines of evidence have convinced a large majority of the scientific community that a steady stream of greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution has produced a pattern of sustained global warming. More...




The Most Complex of Subjects
ORNL is marshaling talent for one of humankind's most important studies. More...


Keeping A Record
One of the world's most comprehensive climate databases is a key tool for researchers. More...


Towers of Knowledge
A radio tower? A cell-phone tower? No, it's a flux tower. More...


Modeling the Future
Supercomputers produce breakthroughs in climate research. More...


Testing Nature
Today's experiments help inform tomorrow's climate models. More...


News Ways to Look at Nature
Researchers are now experimenting with techniques to examine how plants respond to climate change conditions at a molecular level. More...


The 2007 Easter Freeze
A "cold snap" offered an excellent opportunity for regional scientists to understand better how potential extreme weather events brought about by climate change might influence growth of forests, grasses and other species of terrestrial ecosystems. More...


Life in a Warmer Land
Modeling climate change impacts can guide long-range, regional planning. More...


From Prediction to Response
Researchers are now studying ways of adapting to climate change. More...


Reversing the Trend
Researchers seek creative ways to slow the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide. More...




Thom Mason
Newly minted Oak Ridge National Laboratory Director Thom Mason joined the Laboratory in 1998 as scientific director of the Spallation Neutron Source with construction of the $1.4 billion science project just beginning and moved through the ranks to become director of the project in 2001. More...




Avoiding the Dark
A visualization tool can predict a hurricane's impact on the Southeast's electric grid. More...




Maintaining the Lead: Researchers at ORNL receive six R&D 100 awards
R&D 100 awards are given annually by R&D magazine to the year's most technologically significant new products. ORNL led all other Department of Energy national labs in number of awards received in 2007 and remains the leading all-time winner among DOE labs with 134. More...


...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Little Life, Big Job
ORNL's scientists explore microbes' role in global warming. More...


Reference Desk:
View videos, guides, and papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review. More...


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