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Licensing Processes

Matrix Comparing Three Licensing Processes
  Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Traditional Licensing Process (TLP) Alternative Licensing Process (ALP)
Consultation w/ Resource Agencies and Indian Tribes - Integrated - Paper-driven - Collaborative
FERC Staff Involvement - Pre-filing [beginning at filing of Notice of Intent (NOI)]

- Early and throughout process
- Post filing (after the application has been filed)

- Available for education and guidance
- Pre-filing (beginning at filing the NOI)

- Early involvement for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping as requested
Deadlines - Defined deadlines for all participants (including FERC) throughout the process - Pre-filing: some deadlines for participants

- Post-filing: defined deadlines for participants
- Pre-filing: deadlines defined by collaborative group

- Post-filing: defined deadlines for participants
Study Plan Development - Developed through study plan meetings with all stakeholders

- Plan approved by FERC
- Developed by applicant based on early stakeholder recommendations

- No FERC involvement
- Developed by collaborative group - FERC staff assist as resources allow
Study Dispute Resolution - Informal dispute resolution available to all participants

- Formal dispute resolution available to agencies with mandatory conditioning authority

- Three-member panel provides technical recommendation on study dispute

- OEP Director opinion binding on applicant
- FERC study dispute resolution available upon request to agencies and affected tribes

- Office of Energy Projects (OEP) Director issues advisory opinion
- FERC study dispute resolution available upon request to agencies and affected tribes

- OEP Director issues advisory opinion
Application - Preliminary licensing proposal or draft application and final application include Exhibit E (environmental report) with form and contents of an EA - Draft and final application include Exhibit E - Draft and final application with applicant-prepared environmental assessment or third-party environmental impact statement
Additional Information Requests - Available to participants before application filing

- No additional information requests after application filing
- Available to participants after filing of application - Available to participants primarily before application filing

- Post-filing requests available but should be limited due to collaborative approach
Timing of Resource Agency Terms and Conditions - Preliminary terms and conditions filed 60 days after Ready for Environmental Analysis (REA) notice

- Modified terms and conditions filed 60 days after comments on draft NEPA document
- Preliminary terms and conditions filed 60 days after REA notice

- Schedule for final terms and conditions
- Preliminary terms and conditions filed 60 days after REA notice

- Schedule for final terms and conditions

Alternative Licensing Process Flowcharts Traditional Licensing Process Flowcharts

Updated: August 27, 2010