
Team - Dean Pesnell

What do you do as SDO Project Scientist?

While the satellite is still on the ground, it is my job to make sure that changes to the satellite don't affect the science of it, or our ability to make observations.

What do you like most about your job?

My favorite part of my job is working with other scientists. Most of my time is spent in meetings. However, which I don't like too much.

When did you decide you wanted to work for NASA?

When I was growing up, I didn't know what I wanted to be because I wanted to be everything. I didn't decide to go into physics until I was an undergraduate and was forced to make a decision. I thought physics was interesting enough, so I pursued it.

Where did you go to school and what degrees did you get?

I got my undergraduate degree from University of Delaware and my PhD from the University of Florida. Both were in Physics.

What was the first job you ever had?

The first job I ever had was working at Burger King, specializing in french fries.

How did you come to actually work for NASA?

Before I became a civil servant for NASA, I was a contractor here for 15 years. I became a civil servant in 2005 when I accepted the job of SDO Project Scientist.

How long have you been working for NASA?

Well lets see... I worked for 15 years as a contractor and accepted a civil servant position in 2005 and we are now 2006... I guess you could say that I have been working for NASA for over 16 years!

Dean Pesnell

Dean Pesnell

SDO Project Scientist

Undergrad: BS in Physics, University of Delaware

PhD: PhD in Physics, University of Florida