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Patrick J. Buchanan

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The Presidential historical materials of Patrick J. Buchanan, initially a Special Assistant and subsequently Consultant to the President for Media Analysis and Speech Writing, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and nonhistorical items; those found have been returned to Buchanan.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which material has been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of the closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restrictions. Certain classified documents may be declassified under the authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   12 linear feet, 8 linear inches
  • Approximate number of pages:   18,500

Biographical Note

1938, Nov. 2 Born in Washington, D.C.

1961 A.B. degree cum laude, Georgetown University

1962 M.S. degree in Journalism, Columbia University

1962 Reporter and financial writer for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat

1962-66 Editorial writer and assistant editor

1965 Administrative Assistant at the Nixon, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Alexander and Mitchell legal firm in New York City

1966-69 Speech writer and research director, press assistant, political aide, and executive assistant to Richard Nixon (as Republican campaigner and presidential candidate)

1969, Jan. 21 Special assistant to the President for Media Analysis and Speech Writing

1971 Married Miss Shelly A. Scarney, White House receptionist

1973, Jan. 21 Special Consultant to the President for Media Analysis and Speech Writing

1974, Aug. 9 Special Consultant to President Gerald Ford

1974, Oct. Resigned from White House staff

1975, Mar. 1 Syndicated columnist (Special Features, Inc.), appearing in: New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and New York Daily News

1978-86 Commentator, NBC Radio Network; syndicated columnist; appeared on television programs including The McLaughlin Group, Crossfire and The Capital Gang

1986, Feb. 6 Assistant to the President and Director of Communications

1992 Sought the Republican Party nomination in the Presidential Primary

1993 Founded The American Cause conservative educational foundation

1996 Sought the Republican Party nomination in the Presidential Primary

2000 Ran for President as the Reform Party candidate

2002 Founded The American Conservative magazine with Scott McConnell and Taki Theodoracopulos

2002-2003 Hosted Buchanan and Press on the MSNBC television channel

2003-2012 Appeared on television programs including Scarborough Country, Morning Joe, Hardball and The Rachel Maddow Show

Scope and Content Note

The materials of Patrick J. Buchanan cover the period from January 21, 1969, to December 31, 1972, and represent the records selected by the personnel of the White House Special Files Unit for inclusion in the Special Files. The remainder of Buchanan’s office records, a large amount of which are newspaper clippings and copies of numerous publications, are located in the White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files.

Buchanan joined the White House staff as a Special Assistant to the President the day after the 1969 Inauguration. Previously, he had served Richard M. Nixon for three years in a number of capacities. First, when Nixon was active nationally as a campaigner for Republican office seekers, Buchanan was speech writer and research director, press assistant, political aide, and lastly executive assistant. Then, during the presidential campaign of 1968, Buchanan was a speechwriter for both Nixon and Spiro T. Agnew, the vice presidential candidate.

At the White House, Buchanan’s assigned duties continued to be related to written communications. For the most part, this was in the form of daily news briefings, background information for press conferences, and political campaign data gathered for partisan purposes in the 1972 election.

Initially, among Buchanan’s responsibilities was that of preparing the President’s daily News Summary. This in-house news publication of ten to twenty pages was assembled for the President’s reading each morning and presented to him in capsule format the foreign and domestic news of the previous day and night. Included were major as well as minor news which Buchanan felt would interest the President and his most senior assistants. To a large extent, the daily News Summary was Buchanan’s succinct analysis of the contemporary news media.

Next among Buchanan’s duties was the compilation and coordination of background briefing materials for Presidential and a few Vice Presidential press conferences. The briefings--for both the larger, announced press conferences and the smaller, informal ones held in the Oval Office--related to a widespread number of topics and were in the form of probable questions which the White House staff members anticipated news reporters would address to the President. Along with the questions, were answers recommended by Buchanan, other members of the White House staff, and the heads of major departments of the government. The Briefing Book Back-up material was routinely collected for the purpose of presenting to the President or on a rare occasion to the Vice President, information related to contemporary or forthcoming issues and events before either one of them appeared before members of the press. The background material presented was collected from widespread sources within the Administration, from letters, memoranda, studies and reports, straight news, abstracts of published items of interest, and biographical sketches.

An interesting adjunct to the briefing and back-up materials is the collection of printed political campaign materials assembled in September and October 1972 by Buchanan and filed under the sub-series title of 1972 Election File. The purpose of the collection was to provide counteraction against public opinion favorable toward George S. McGovern, the 1972 Democratic presidential candidate. The end product was a compilation of printed points of record issued under the title of The Assault Book or The Book, and which was critical of McGovern’s statements, policy positions, and votes which he made commencing not long before and early into the 1972 presidential campaign. This publication was distributed to Republican field campaigners throughout the nation in order to provide critical opposition to McGovern, using his own words on sensitive topics ranging from abortion to domestic policy social issues to opposition to the Vietnam War and Nixon’s foreign policy.

In the Name File portion (in Box 809) of the National Security Council Files, there is a folder on Buchanan, and there is also a transcript of an exit interview with him, conducted on October 10, 1974, shortly before his departure from President Gerald R. Ford’s White House staff. Finally, there is a folder of Presidential briefing material in original copy and attributed to Buchanan located among the President’s Personal Files (in Box 166).

The materials are arranged into five series:

  1. Chronological Files
  2. Desk Calendars
  3. Subject-Name File
  4. 1972 Election File
  5. Briefing Book Back-Up

Series Description

Boxes:   1-3
Series:   Chronological Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971 - 1972
Description:   Electrostatic and carbon copies of memorandums, letters, and reports drafted, coordinated, or signed by Buchanan between January 1971 and December 1972, which relate to many subjects when his duties included analysis of the news media for input to the President's daily News Summary, preparing background briefing materials for Presidential press conferences and meetings with groups or people, and assisting in writing speeches. Arranged in chronological order.

Boxes:   3
Series:   Desk Calendars | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971 - 1972
Description:   Business and social appointment entries and reminders; one for 1971 and another for 1972.

Boxes:   4-11
Series:   Subject-Name File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1971 - 1972
Description:   Originals, drafts, tissue, and electrostatic copies of incoming and outgoing letters, memorandums, reports, and studies received from, or addressed to, other White House staff members. These materials relate to Buchanan's work in analyzing the news media and concern numerous subject matters; they are filed chronologically either by name of author or recipient of the material or by the subject title.

Boxes:   12-15
Series:   1972 Election File | Folder Title List
Spans:   1972
Description:   Originals, tissue, and electrostatic copies of memorandums, teletype printings, press releases and statements, newspaper and periodical editorials and articles, drafts of critiques and analyses of campaign statements concerning personalities and subject matter position papers related to, issued by, or attributed to George S. McGovern, to other Democratic Party leaders, or which concerned nationally recognized supporters and opponents of the Democratic Party. Buchanan assisted in gathering this collection for the purpose of providing critical printed statements to be used by Republicans in the 1972 political campaign. Arranged by subject matter or person's name.

Boxes:   16-29
Series:   Briefing Book Back-Up | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1972
Description:   Originals, carbons, and electrostatic copies of probable questions which the White House staff felt news reporters could be expected to address to the President at press conferences. Accompanying the questions are recommended answers relating to important events and Administration policy suggested by the White House staff members and the heads of major departments of the government based upon their analysis of subject matter. These questions ranged from the most important topics of national and international policy down to minor issues and events. Arranged chronologically and by major, important subject matter or name of individuals.

Preservation Note

Holdings maintenance was performed on the collection in October 2011 in order to ensure the longevity of the documents. In some instances, the previous number of folders and/or boxes in a collection may have been increased. This finding aid has been updated to reflect any changes. The previous version of the finding aid is available upon request.

Folder Title List


Box 1

January 1971 [1 of 2]
January 1971 [2 of 2]
February 1971 [1 of 2]
February 1971 [2 of 2]
March 1971 [1 of 2]
March 1971 [2 of 2]
April 1971 [1 of 2]
April 1971 [2 of 2]
May 1971
June 1971 [1 of 2]
June 1971 [2 of 2]
July 1971
August 1971
September 1971 [1 of 2]
September 1971 [2 of 2]

Box 2

October 1971 [1 of 2]
October 1971 [2 of 2]
November 1971
December 1971 [1 of 2]
December 1971 [2 of 2]
January 1972 [1 of 2]
January 1972 [2 of 2]
February 1972
March 1972 [1 of 2]
March 1972 [2 of 2]
April 1972
May 1972
June 1972

Box 3

July 1972
August 1972 [1 of 2]
August 1972 [2 of 2]
September 1972 [1 of 2]
September 1972 [2 of 2]
October 1972 [1 of 4]
October 1972 [2 of 4]
October 1972 [3 of 4]
October 1972 [4 of 4]
November 1972
December 1972


[Desk Calendar, 1971]
[Desk Calendar, 1972]


Box 4

Action Memos—1971 [1 of 2]
Action Memos—1971 [1 of 2]
Colson—1971 [I] [1 of 2]
Colson—1971 [I] [2 of 2]
Colson—1971 [II] [1 of 3]
Colson—1971 [II] [2 of 3]
Colson—1971 [II] [3 of 3]
Haldeman—1971 [I] [1 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [I] [2 of 5]

Box 5

Haldeman—1971 [I] [3 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [I] [4 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [I] [5 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [II] [1 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [II] [2 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [II] [3 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [II] [4 of 5]
Haldeman—1971 [II] [5 of 5]

Box 6

Khachigian—1971 [I] [1 of 2]
Khachigian—1971 [I] [2 of 2]
Khachigian—1971 [II] [1 of 2]
Khachigian—1971 [II] [2 of 2]
Khachigian—1971 [III] [1 of 2]
Khachigian—1971 [III] [2 of 2]
Magruder—1971 [1 of 2]
Magruder—1971 [2 of 2]
Muskie—1971-72 [1 of 2]
Muskie—1971-72 [2 of 2]
Timmons [—1971]

Box 7

Presidential Memos—1971 [1 of 5]
Presidential Memos—1971 [2 of 5]
Presidential Memos—1971 [3 of 5]
Presidential Memos—1971 [4 of 5]
Presidential Memos—1971 [5 of 5]
Colson—1972 [1 of 12]
Colson—1972 [2 of 12]
Colson—1972 [3 of 12]
Colson—1972 [4 of 12]
Colson—1972 [5 of 12]
Colson—1972 [6 of 12]

Box 8

Colson—1972 [7 of 12]
Colson—1972 [8 of 12]
Colson—1972 [9 of 12]
Colson—1972 [10 of 12]
Colson—1972 [11 of 12]
Colson—1972 [12 of 12]
Ehrlichman—1972 [1 of 2]
Ehrlichman—1972 [2 of 2]
Haldeman—1972 [I] [1 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [I] [2 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [I] [3 of 3]

Box 9

Haldeman—1972 [II] [1 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [II] [2 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [II] [3 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [III] [1 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [III] [2 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [III] [3 of 3]
Haldeman—1972 [IV] [1 of 4]
Haldeman—1972 [IV] [2 of 4]
Haldeman—1972 [IV] [3 of 4]
Haldeman—1972 [IV] [4 of 4]
Kehrli—1972 [1 of 2]
Kehrli—1972 [2 of 2]

Box 10

Khachigian—1972 [I] [1 of 3]
Khachigian—1972 [I] [2 of 3]
Khachigian—1972 [I] [3 of 3]
Khachigian—1972 [II] [1 of 2]
Khachigian—1972 [II] [2 of 2]
Khachigian—1972 [III] [1 of 2]
Khachigian—1972 [III] [2 of 2]
Media Political Analysis [1 of 3]
Media Political Analysis [2 of 3]
Media Political Analysis [3 of 3]

Box 11

Presidential Memos—1972 [I] [1 of 4]
Presidential Memos—1972 [I] [2 of 4]
Presidential Memos—1972 [I] [3 of 4]
Presidential Memos—1972 [I] [4 of 4]
Presidential Memos—1972 [II] [1 of 3]
Presidential Memos—1972 [II] [2 of 3]
Presidential Memos—1972 [II] [3 of 3]


Box 12

McGovern [I] [1 of 2]
McGovern [I] [2 of 2]
McGovern [II] [1 of 2]
McGovern [II] [2 of 2]
McGovern [III] [1 of 3]
McGovern [III] [2 of 3]
McGovern [III] [3 of 3]
McGovern [IV] [1 of 3]
McGovern [IV] [2 of 3]
McGovern [IV] [3 of 3]
McGovern [V] [1 of 3]

Box 13

McGovern [V] [2 of 3]
McGovern [V] [3 of 3]
McGovern [VI] [1 of 3]
McGovern [VI] [2 of 3]
McGovern [VI] [3 of 3]
Re-Election Committee [I] [1 of 2]
Re-Election Committee [I] [2 of 2]
Re-Election Committee [II] [1 of 2]
Re-Election Committee [II] [2 of 3]
Re-Election Committee [II] [3 of 3]
Re-Election Committee [III] [1 of 5]
Re-Election Committee [III] [2 of 5]
Re-Election Committee [III] [3 of 5]
Re-Election Committee [III] [4 of 5]
Re-Election Committee [III] [5 of 5]

Box 14

Shriver [1 of 3]
Shriver [2 of 3]
Shriver [3 of 3]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [I] [1 of 2]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [I] [2 of 2]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [II]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [III] [1 of 2]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [III] [2 of 2]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [IV]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [V] [1 of 2]
Assault Book [Transferred from binder] [V] [2 of 2]
George McGovern [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
Nathaniel Weyl: McGovern the Candidate
Bugging Democratic National Committee
Social Security [empty]
Gun Control
McG(overn) Market [empty]
Angela Davis
Hanoi’s Little Helper
Jack Anderson

Box 15

E[dward] M[.] K[ennedy]
Aid to Parochial Schools
McG[overn] on Preventive Detention
McG(overn] and Rebuilding the Alliances
Plans for U.S. Businessmen
Welfare Proposals
Abandoning American Prisoners
George McGovern [Wall Street Journal article]
The Book [I] [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
Elitist Radical Chic
Parts of the Book
Usable Quotes and Stats
McG[overn] and Radical Chic
Personal Tax Exemption and Tax
Middle East
Israel and Israeli Security
The Book [II] [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
General Background
Hoover and Chicago’s Finest
McGovern Supporters and Endorsers
Tax Program for a U.S. Family
McG[overn]`s Voting Record
Integration for the Suburbs
Health Care
Lockheed Loan
McGovern and Meany
The Book [III] [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
Inflammatory Rhetoric
How the Democrats See McGovern
Wrong about Hanoi
Busing/Radical Balance
Black Caucus
Space and the SST
Fat Cat
Pentagon Papers
May Day
Carbon Copies


Box 16

6 February 1969 [1 of 2]
6 February 1969 [2 of 2]
14 March 1969 [1 of 3]
14 March 1969 [2 of 3]
14 March 1969 [3 of 3]
18 April 1969 [1 of 2]
18 April 1969 [1 of 2]
18 June 1969 [I] [1 of 3]
18 June 1969 [I] [2 of 3]
18 June 1969 [I] [3 of 3]
18 June 1969 [II] [1 of 2]
18 June 1969 [II] [2 of 2]
26 September 1969 [1 of 3]

Box 17

26 September 1969 [2 of 3]
26 September 1969 [3 of 3]
Haynsworth, October 1969 [1 of 3]
Haynsworth, October 1969 [2 of 3]
Haynsworth, October 1969 [3 of 3]
8 December 1969 [1 of 8]
8 December 1969 [2 of 8]
8 December 1969 [3 of 8]
8 December 1969 [4 of 8]
8 December 1969 [5 of 8]
8 December 1969 [6 of 8]
8 December 1969 [7 of 8]
8 December 1969 [8 of 8]
26 January 1970 [I] [1 of 2]
26 January 1970 [I] [2 of 2]

Box 18

26 January 1970 [II] [1 of 3]
26 January 1970 [II] [2 of 3]
26 January 1970 [II] [3 of 3]
Environmental Briefing [January-February 1970] [1 of 3]
Environmental Briefing [January-February 1970] [2 of 3]
Environmental Briefing [January-February 1970] [3 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon Briefing--February 1970
19 March 1970 [1 of 2]
19 March 1970 [1 of 2]
18 April 1970 [1 of 5]
18 April 1970 [2 of 5]
18 April 1970 [3 of 5]
18 April 1970 [4 of 5]
18 April 1970 [5 of 5]
29 April 1970

Box 19

5 May 1970 [1 of 4]
5 May 1970 [2 of 4]
5 May 1970 [3 of 4]
5 May 1970 [4 of 4]
1 July 1970 [1 of 5]
1 July 1970 [2 of 5]
1 July 1970 [3 of 5]
1 July 1970 [4 of 5]
1 July 1970 [5 of 5]
20 July 1970 [I] [1 of 3]
20 July 1970 [I] [2 of 3]
20 July 1970 [I] [2 of 3]
20 July 1970 [II] [1 of 2]
20 July 1970 [II] [2 of 2]
28 July 1970--San Clemente [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
Domestic and Foreign
New and Revised Domestic Questions

Box 20

New and Revised Foreign Policy Questions
30 July 1970--Los Angeles [1 of 5]
30 July 1970--Los Angeles [2 of 5]
30 July 1970--Los Angeles [3 of 5]
30 July 1970--Los Angeles [4 of 5]
30 July 1970--Los Angeles [5 of 5]
14 September 1970--Domestic: CANCELLED [1 of 2]
14 September 1970--Domestic: CANCELLED [2 of 2]
14 September 1970--Foreign: CANCELLED [1 of 3]
14 September 1970--Foreign: CANCELLED [2 of 3]
14 September 1970--Foreign: CANCELLED [3 of 3]
VEEP--David Frost Show: September 21, 1970 [1 of 3]
VEEP--David Frost Show: September 21, 1970 [2 of 3]
VEEP--David Frost Show: September 21, 1970 [3 of 3]
10 December 1970 [I] [1 of 4]
10 December 1970 [I] [2 of 4]
10 December 1970 [I] [3 of 4]

Box 21

10 December 1970 [I] [4 of 4]
10 December 1970 [II] [1 of 4]
10 December 1970 [II] [2 of 4]
10 December 1970 [II] [3 of 4]
10 December 1970 [II] [4 of 4]
December--4 January 1971 [I] [1 of 2]
December--4 January 1971 [I] [2 of 2]
December--4 January 1971 [II] [1 of 3]
December--4 January 1971 [II] [2 of 3]
December--4 January 1971 [II] [3 of 3]
28 January 1971—Finch/Klein/Dole/Rumsfeld [1 of 2]
28 January 1971—Finch/Klein/Dole/Rumsfeld [2 of 2]
3 February 1971—CANCELLED [1 of 4]

Box 22

3 February 1971—CANCELLED [2 of 4]
3 February 1971—CANCELLED [3 of 4]
3 February 1971—CANCELLED [4 of 4]
15 February 1971 [1 of 3]
15 February 1971 [2 of 3]
15 February 1971 [3 of 3]
4 March 1971—Foreign Policy [I] [1 of 2]
4 March 1971—Foreign Policy [I] [2 of 2]
4 March 1971—Foreign Policy [II] [1 of 2]
4 March 1971—Foreign Policy [II] [2 of 2]
19 March 1971—Domestic and Foreign—CANCELLED [I] [1 of 3]
19 March 1971—Domestic and Foreign—CANCELLED [I] [2 of 3]
19 March 1971—Domestic and Foreign—CANCELLED [I] [3 of 3]

Box 23

19 March 1971—Domestic and Foreign—CANCELLED [II] [1 of 2]
19 March 1971—Domestic and Foreign—CANCELLED [II] [2 of 2]
22 March 1971—H[oward] K. Smith Briefing/RN [1 of 2]
22 March 1971—H[oward] K. Smith Briefing/RN [2 of 2]
28 March 1971—CANCELLED [1 of 2]
28 March 1971—CANCELLED [2 of 2]
17 April 1971—Editors [I] [Sub-series contain the following folder titles:]
14 April 1971—Domestic Policy Book [1 of 4]
14 April 1971—Foreign Policy Book [2 of 4]
15 April 1971—Domestic Follow-up Memos—Set I [3 of 4]
15 April 1971—Domestic Follow-up Memos—Sets II and III [4 of4] 17 April 1971--Editors [II]
29 April 1971 [1 of 3]

Box 24

29 April 1971 [2 of 3]
29 April 1971 [3 of 3]
1-2 May—#2. San Clemente [sic]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [I] [1 of 3]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [I] [2 of 3]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [I] [3 of 3]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [II] [1 of 3]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [II] [2 of 3]
1 June 1971—Briefing Book/RN [II] [3 of 3]
17 June 1971—Rochester/RN [1 of 2]
17 June 1971—Rochester/RN [2 of 2]
30 June 1971—McCloskey [1 of 2]
30 June 1971—McCloskey [2 of 2]

Box 25

6 July 1971—Kansas City: Domestic—Media Briefing [1 of 2]
6 July 1971—Kansas City: Domestic—Media Briefing [1 of 2]
August 1971 [I] [1 of 3]
August 1971 [I] [2 of 3]
August 1971 [I] [3 of 3]
August 1971 [II] [1 of 2]
August 1971 [II] [2 of 3]
August 1971 [III] [1 of 4]
August 1971 [III] [2 of 4]
August 1971 [III] [3 of 4]
August 1971 [III] [4 of 4]
16 September 1971 [I] [1 of 3]
16 September 1971 [I] [2 of 3]
16 September 1971 [I] [3 of 3]

Box 26

16 September 1971 [II] [1 of 2]
16 September 1971 [II] [2 of 2]
24 September 1971—Detroit [I] [1 of 2]
24 September 1971—Detroit [I] [2 of 2]
24 September 1971—Detroit [II] [1 of 3]
24 September 1971—Detroit [II] [2 of 3]
24 September 1971—Detroit [II] [3 of 3]
12 October 1971 [I] [1 of 3]
12 October 1971 [I] [2 of 3]
12 October 1971 [I] [3 of 3]
12 October 1971 [II] [1 of 2]
12 October 1971 [II] [2 of 2]

Box 27

23 November 1971 [I] [1 of 2]
23 November 1971 [I] [2 of 2]
23 November 1971 [II] [1 of 3]
23 November 1971 [II] [2 of 3]
23 November 1971 [II] [3 of 3]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [1 of 6]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [2 of 6]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [3 of 6]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [4 of 6]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [5 of 6]
24 April 1972—Questions and Answers [6 of 6]
26 April 1972—Vietnam Speech
27 April 1972—Connally Ranch Questions and Answers
30 April 1972—RN/Connally Remarks
9 June 1972—Foreign Policy [1 of 2]
9 June 1972—Foreign Policy [2 of 2]
12 June 1972—NOT GIVEN [1 of 3]

Box 28

12 June 1972—NOT GIVEN [2 of 3]
12 June 1972—NOT GIVEN [3 of 3]
19 June 1972—Domestic [1 of 3]
19 June 1972—Domestic [2 of 3]
19 June 1972—Domestic [3 of 3]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [I] [1 of 3]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [I] [2 of 3]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [I] [3 of 3]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [II] [1 of 4]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [II] [2 of 4]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [II] [3 of 4]
29 June 1972—Foreign and Domestic [II] [4 of 4]
27 July 1972—In Office [1 of 4]
27 July 1972—In Office [2 of 4]

Box 29

27 July 1972—In Office [3 of 4]
27 July 1972—In Office [4 of 4]
[Out-Card: “Folder 8/29/72 out to Sara Currence on 4/24/73”]
15 December 1972 [I] [1 of 3]
15 December 1972 [I] [2 of 3]
15 December 1972 [I] [3 of 3]
15 December 1972 [II] [1 of 3]
15 December 1972 [II] [2 of 3]
15 December 1972 [II] [3 of 3]



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