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Nixon Presidential Returned Materials Collection: White House Special Files (WHSF)

Document Collections

Presidential Daily Diary

National Security Memoranda

WHSF Returned Materials

Exit Interviews

Public Papers of the President

Pentagon Papers

President Nixon's Grand Jury Testimony


The Nixon Presidential Returned Materials Collection: White House Special Files, consist of materials designated by archivists of the National Archives and Records Administration’s Nixon Presidential Materials Project as political or personal. These materials were returned to the Nixon estate beginning in April of 1994, were made available for research in Yorba Linda on July 11, 2007, and made available online on January 11, 2010.

The Adobe Acrobat PDFFinding Aid for these materials describes their provenance in greater detail.

The online User Guide explains how to navigate the digitized materials.

The Adobe Acrobat PDFWHSF Index consists of searchable entries for each document scanned.

Box List

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