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Harry R. Haldeman

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H. R. HaldemanThe Presidential Historical materials of Harry R. Haldeman, Assistant to the President, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the Act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and nonhistorical items. These items have been returned to H. R. Haldeman.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the Act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   147.33
  • Approximate number of pages:   353,600

Biographical Note

1926 October 27 Born in Los Angeles, California

1944-1946 Served with U.S. Naval Reserves

1948 B.S. in Business Administration, University of California, Los Angeles, California

1949-1959 Account Executive, J. Walter Thompson Company, Los Angeles, California, and New York City, New York

1956 Advance for Richard Nixon's Vice Presidential Campaign

1960 Tour Manager for Richard Nixon's Presidential Campaign

1960-1968 Vice President and Manager, Los Angeles Office of J. Walter Thompson Company

1962 Manager, Richard Nixon's Gubernatorial Campaign in California

1968 Chief of Staff, Richard Nixon's Presidential Campaign

1969-1973 Assistant to the President

1973 April 30 Resigned as Assistant to the President

1975 January 1 Convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury, served 18 months

H. R. Haldeman's Staff

Although Haldeman's area of responsibility covered most of the White House, he had only three aides in his personal office: Lawrence M. (Larry) Higby, his administrative assistant, Gordon Strachan, and Bruce Kehrli, staff assistants. They were primarily concerned with following up Haldeman's directives to see that deadlines were met, to assure that background material on particular meetings went to the President, to arrange Haldeman's schedule, and to take care of other "housekeeping duties." Three secretaries were also assigned to this staff.

Other White House aides also worked within Haldeman's purview. They were Dwight L. Chapin, Ron Walker, Mark Goode, David Parker, Alexander P. Butterfield, Jon Meade Huntsman, Stephen Bull and William E. Timmons.

During the reelection campaign, the President's campaign organization reported to Haldeman.

Scope and Content Note

The files reflect Harry Robbins (H. R.) Haldeman's role as President Richard M. Nixon's chief administrative assistant and chief of staff for the period January 21, 1969, through May 19, 1973. However, Haldeman's official title was Assistant to the President. Haldeman acted as staff manager, timekeeper, and communications director. Haldeman also directed the activities of the President's Appointments Secretary and the White House Staff Secretary. In these roles Haldeman worked directly with the President in planning President Nixon's daily schedule, provided the President with information he requested from the members of his staff and the members of his administration, and relayed instructions from the President to other White House offices and members of the Executive branch of the Government. Haldeman was the first to see the President officially in the morning and the last to see him at night. With a few exceptions, Haldeman controlled who saw the President and what the President read. Haldeman received copies of memorandums and letters written by senior staff members and assistants. Haldeman had no independent schedule. His schedule was that of the President.

The materials are arranged into eight series:

  1. H.R. Haldeman Personal Files
  2. Alpha Name Files
  3. Alpha Subject Files
  4. Chron[ological] Files
  5. Larry Higby Files
  6. 1960 Campaign Files **
  7. 1962 Campaign Files **
  8. 1972 Presidential Election Campaign Files

The types of records found in these series include original incoming letters and memoranda; transmittal letters and staff memoranda for correspondence, reports, telegrams, cables and teletype messages; printed materials, brochures, and magazine reprints; preservation copies of newspaper and magazine clippings; cross reference sheets to other file materials; and withdrawal sheets for materials either transferred as audio-visual or museum items or restricted for national security or privacy reasons.

** These series fall outside of the Presidential Materials date coverage and are considered Haldeman's personal property and were returned to him.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-48
Series:   H. R. Haldeman Personal Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   Includes personal letters, congratulatory and Congressional letters, voter registration materials, genealogy material, and invitations, both accepted and declined, to events in various states. Information and materials regarding the following topics are also included in this series: TV interviews re: "Today Show," staff departures, the 1973 Budget, reorganization of the Executive Branch, polls on the Vietnam cease-fire, HRH Talking papers, and announcements regarding appointments. This series consists of material of the following forms: originals, carbon, electrostatic copies, audio-visual material (photographs, dictabelts and cassettes), printed materials, preservation copies of newspaper clippings, cables and telegrams, handwritten notes, including those of meetings with the President, the Cabinet, and his staff.

This series is further divided into sections as follows:

  • Boxes:   1
    Section:   Alpha subject
    Spans:   1968
    Description:   [Box contains withdrawal sheets only]
  • Boxes:   2-25
    Section:   Alpha Subject & Chron. Files
    Spans:   1969 - 1973
  • Boxes:   26
    Section:   Calendars
    Spans:   1970 - 1973
  • Boxes:   27-31
    Section:   Telephone Memoranda (logs and notes)
    Spans:   1970 - 1973
  • Boxes:   32-34
    Section:   Journals; Tape Logs
    Spans:   1969-1970; 1972
    Description:   [These donated items are shelved in parallel boxes with the withdrawn materials, restricted codes A-F; these three boxes contain only withdrawal sheets.] (As of July 1994 these donated materials are available for research; please contact the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff for more information).
  • Boxes:   35-48
    Section:   Handwritten Notes
    Spans:   1968 - 1973

Boxes:   49-111
Series:   Alpha Name Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   This series consists of letters and memos to staff members, Cabinet members, and various other individuals, regarding various official matters and subjects, such as the proposed Nixon Library, New York welfare difficulties, the telephone system in the White House, urban crises, the White House Library, Cabinet meetings, President's reactions to daily news summaries, and the moon landing. Also, there are materials dealing with social affairs at the White House, IRS tax returns, the Apollo 13 accident, White House conference on "American Youth Attitudes," RNC matters, the eighteen year old vote, the Haynsworth nomination, fundraising, Presidential salary and pension, the President's position against abortion, placement of defeated candidates, leaks, use of milk producers' money, revenue sharing, media coverage, campus opposition, SST/Aerospace, Presidential accessibility, cost-saving ideas, demonstrations regarding Vietnam, POW/MIA wives, White House worship services, Eisenhower dollars, USSR trip, Watergate, and the 1972 campaign.

This series consists of photocopies, carbons, and original copies as well as handwritten notes of the first Cabinet meeting. Arrangement is by name and then proceeds in chronological order by month: January 1969 to April 1973.

This series is further divided into sections as follows:

  • Boxes:   49-72
    Section:   Agnew to Ziegler
    Spans:   January 1969 - January 1971
  • Boxes:   73-108
    Section:   Allin to Ziegler
    Spans:   February 1971 - December 1972, January 1973
  • Boxes:   109-111
    Section:   Agnew to Ziegler
    Spans:   February - April 1973

Boxes:   112-192
Series:   Alpha Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   In this series there are original letters and memoranda, handwritten notes, carbons, news service wires, transmittal memos, Haldeman's confidential subject files, and action memos, regarding the following subjects: the President's African trip, political planning and strategy, speechwriting problems, defense purchases, ITT, the administration's stance on Vietnam, International Economic Policy, revenue-sharing, the Secret Service, federal judgeships, letters to supporters of Vietnam policy, ambassadorial appointments and ambassador list, the President's support of the Arts, the President's Award for the Arts, black caucus, the 1968 bombing halt, Cambodia, 1972 campaign, post-China trip, Committee of Six (problems with Republican Party, Edith Efron), testimony before Ervin Committee, goals for first administration, election reform, funeral activities for Dwight D. Eisenhower, Inaugural Committee, Administration's labor policy, weekly news summaries, Nixon's political philosophy, Pentagon Papers (access to documents for Daniel Ellsberg, Power Crisis), the energy situation, school desegregation, staff privileges, and drafts of speeches and talking papers.

The action memos were originated by Haldeman. Some are indicated for staff members, and some are not. There are both originals and carbon copies. Also some have attachments, while still others are annotated indicating action taken.

The Confidential Subject Files are arranged alphabetically by the subject title of each folder. The period covered is 1968 to 1973.

This series is further divided into sections as follows:

  • Boxes:   112-128
    Section:   A - J
    Spans:   1969 - 1972
  • Boxes:   129-145
    Section:   L - R
    Spans:   1969 - 1972
  • Boxes:   146-159
    Section:   S - Z
    Spans:   1969 - 1972
  • Boxes:   160-178
    Section:   S - Z
    Spans:   1969 - 1973
  • Boxes:   179-181
    Section:   H. R. Haldeman Tapes, Memos and Notes
    Spans:   Spring 1973
    Description:   [Filing to be integrated into subject files]
  • Boxes:   182-192
    Section:   Haldeman's Confidential Subject Files

Boxes:   193-245
Series:   Chron[ological] Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   This series consists of carbons of all outgoing letters from H. R. Haldeman written by his staff assistants, primarily Larry Higby. There are also letters and memos to and from President Nixon, George J. Collins, John Dean, Larry Higby, Bruce Kehrli, John Mitchell, Gordon Strachan, and the staff secretary. Also included in this category are John Brown III, Jon Huntsman, and Bruce Kehrli. This material is arranged in chronological order.

Boxes 193 and 194 include withdrawal sheets for materials covering the period Nov. 1961 - Oct. 1962.

This series is further divided into sections as follows:

  • Boxes:   193-194
    Section:   H. R. Haldeman Chron - Chron Carbons
    Spans:   November 1961 - October 1962
    Description:   [Empty: Boxes includes withdrawal sheet only]
  • Boxes:   195-198
    Section:   H. R. Haldeman Chron
    Spans:   March 1969 - December 1971
  • Boxes:   199-202
    Section:   H. R. Haldeman Chron
    Spans:   January 1972 - April 1973
  • Boxes:   203
    Section:   George Collins Chron
    Spans:   June - December 1972; January 1973
  • Boxes:   204-205
    Section:   John Dean Chron
    Spans:   February - December 1971; January - September 1972; 1972-1973
  • Boxes:   206
    Section:   Larry Higby Chron Files - Outdated Chron File
    Spans:   January - March 1969
  • Boxes:   207
    Section:   Larry Higby Chron Files - California
    Spans:   1969
  • Boxes:   208-210
    Section:   Larry Higby Chron Files - Alpha Name Chron
    Spans:   1969 - 1971
    Description:   1971 folders empty
  • Boxes:   211-214
    Section:   Larry Higby Chron Files - Higby Chron
    Spans:   1969 - 1970
  • Boxes:   215-216
    Section:   Larry Higby
    Spans:   January - December 1971
  • Boxes:   217-224
    Section:   Larry Higby
    Spans:   January 1972 - May 1973
  • Boxes:   225-226
    Section:   Bruce Kehrli
    Spans:   January 1971 - January 1972
  • Boxes:   227
    Section:   John Mitchell
    Spans:   1971 - 1972
  • Boxes:   228-230
    Section:   Presidential Memos
    Spans:   1969 - 1972
  • Boxes:   231-241
    Section:   Gordon Strachan
    Spans:   March 1971 - December 1972
  • Boxes:   242-245
    Section:   Staff Secretary: Haldeman Memos
    Spans:   January 1970 - June 1971

Boxes:   246-289
Series:   [Lawrence M.] Larry Higby | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1973
Description:   In this series are Larry Higby's telephone logs, handwritten notes, reading files, and subject files. The telephone logs and memos cover the period 1969-1973 and are telephone memorandum log sheets. The telephone messages are on memo paper. The handwritten notes for the most part are undated and are unorganized. The topics in the subject file vary greatly and pertain to personnel, administrative matters, transition, tax reform, SST, Richard Nixon Library, anti-war demonstrations, polls, ABM, Watergate, USSR wheat deal, CREP funds, fundraising for outside groups, postal reform, leaks to press, executive pay cut, D.C. Crime Bill, IRS control, milk producers, SCLC/Resurrection City, gun control, busing, the White House taping system, wage price control, Pentagon papers, Congressional relations, [annotated] news summaries, ITT, gift tax - political contributions, and overall campaign strategy.

There are originals, carbons, and electrostatic copies present in Higby's subject files.

This series is further divided into sections as follows:

  • Boxes:   246-250
    Section:   Higby Telephone Memoranda
    Spans:   1969 - 1973
  • Boxes:   251-256
    Section:   Higby Handwritten Notes
    Spans:   1969 - 1973
  • Boxes:   257
    Section:   Higby Personal files
    Spans:   1969 - 1972
  • Boxes:   258
    Section:   Higby Reading Files
    Spans:   1971 - 1973
  • Boxes:   258-260
    Section:   Higby FYI Files
    Spans:   1971 - 1973
  • Boxes:   261-289
    Section:   Higby Subject Files
    Spans:   1969 - 1973

Boxes:   290
Series:   1960 Campaign Files | Folder Title List
Description:   Ten boxes of materials withdrawn under restriction code G (private and personal material); Box 290 contains the withdrawal sheets.

Boxes:   291
Series:   1962 Campaign Files | Folder Title List
Description:   Twenty-two boxes of materials withdrawn under restriction code G (private and personal material); Box 291 contains the withdrawal sheets.

Boxes:   292-422
Series:   1972 Presidential Election Campaign Files | Folder Title List
Description:   This series is composed of Alpha Subject files relating to the 1972 Presidential campaign. Most of these files were those of Gordon Strachan, a staff assistant to H. R. Haldeman. The materials is these subject files vary greatly even though they all pertain to the election campaign.

The topics and/or subjects cover political matters, finances, milk money, campaign advertising, spending, task forces, direct mail program, watches on "Democratic contenders," RNC convention, control of RNC finances, RNC chairmanship, political intelligence and polls, political strategy in primaries and Presidential campaigns, Daniel Ellsberg, leaks, convention operations, activities at DNC, Democrats for Nixon, Youth for Nixon, fundraising (contribution list, fundraising letters, and CRP budget), voter registration, Black vote, Black Nixon supporters, Women's vote, political briefings (by states), political enemies, political dirty tricks, National Election Media Plan, Senate races, Dump Agnew, Dump Nixon move, contact lists (academicians, bankers, business, cultural, intellectual leaders, publishers and editors, and religious leaders), ORC bills and payment, spokesman resources program, national telephone survey, Strachan reports to H. R. Haldeman, Magruder's project, and Huston Potomac associates.

These documents are originals, carbons, electrostatic copies, handwritten notes, and transmittal memos.

The cassettes and reel-to-reel tapes of Nixon's campaign songs, radio commercials, and a recording of a staff supper have been transferred to the audiovisual unit.

Folder Title List

PERSONAL FILES (1969-1973)

Box 1

[Empty: Box includes withdrawal sheets only for 1968 Alpha Subject Files]

Box 2

Telephone Sheets [Jan-March 1969]
Telephone calls-April HRH [April-June 1969]
HRH Telephone calls 1969 thru March 27, 1970
Haldeman calls-Feb. 1970
Haldeman calls-March 1970 [Empty]
Haldeman calls-April 1970
Haldeman calls-May 1970
Haldeman calls-June 1970
Haldeman calls-Chron July 1970
Phone calls-Haldeman July 1970
Phone calls-Haldeman August 1970
Haldeman calls Chron August 1970
Haldeman-Phone calls September 1970
Haldeman calls Chron Sept. 1970
Haldeman Phone calls Oct.-Dec. 1970
Haldeman, Harry R./Telephone

Box 3

HRH-Confidential 3/70
Haldeman Daily schedules
HRH Daily schedules
Haldeman Daily schedules Oct., Nov., Dec. [1970]
Appointment Diary 1969 Lawrence Higby
Appointment Diary 1970 H.R. Haldeman
Haldeman Personal 1969
Haldeman Personal 1970
Haldeman Personal 1971

Box 4

Haldeman Personal 1972
Haldeman Bills 1971-1972
Haldeman-Letters Jan. 1969
Haldeman-Letters Feb. 1969
Haldeman-Letters March 1969
Haldeman-Letters April 1969
Haldeman-Letters May 1969
HRH Correspondence Chron March 1970
HRH Correspondence Chron April 1970
HRH Correspondence Chron May 1970

Box 5

HRH Correspondence Chron June 1970
Haldeman Correspondence Chron-July 1970
Haldeman Chron-July 1970
Haldeman Correspondence Chron-August 1970
HRH Correspondence Chron Sept. 1970
[Haldeman Personal Letters Chron Copies Oct 1970-April 1971] [1 of 2]
Haldeman Personal Letters Chron Copies Oct 1970-April 1971 [2 of 2]

Box 6

Haldeman, Harry R. [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R. /A [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./Articles-Books [1970-1971]
Haldeman, Harry R./Autographs-Sent/A-Z [1969-1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./Awards [1969-1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./B [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Biographical Data [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Books-Booklets Magazines/1969
Haldeman, Harry R./Books-Booklets Magazine/1 1 70 to 6-30-70
Haldeman, Harry R./Books-Booklets Magazine 7 1 70 to 12-31-70
Haldeman Books 1970

Box 7

Haldeman, Harry R./Books-Booklets Magazine/1 1 71
Haldeman, Harry R./C [1969-72]
Haldeman, Harry R./Cartoons [1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./Contributions [1970; 1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./D [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./E [1968-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./F [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./G [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Gifts A-Z [1968-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./H [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Holiday Greetings-Received [Empty]

Box 8

Haldeman, Harry R./I [1969]
Haldeman, Harry R./Inv./1969/D.C. Begin---5/31/69
Haldeman, Harry R./Inv./1969/D.C. 6-1-69----
Haldeman, Harry R./Inv./1969/State
Haldeman, Harry R./Invitations/1969 (Foreign) [Empty]
Haldeman, Harry R./Inv./1970/D.C.
Haldeman, Harry R./Inv./1970/State

Box 9

Haldeman, H.R. Invitations 1971 and 1972 [1970-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./J [1970-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./K [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./L [1969-1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./M [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Membership-Patron [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./Messages-Sent/A-Z [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./Messages-Received/A-Z [1969-1971]
Haldeman, Harry R./N [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./Newspapers and Clippings [1969-1972]
Haldeman, Harry R./O [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./P [1969-1973]

Box 10

Haldeman, Harry R./Q [1971]
Haldeman, Harry R./R [1969-73]
Haldeman, Harry R./Recommendations-Introductions [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./S [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Speeches [1969-1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./T [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./Trips [1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./U [1969]
Haldeman, Harry R./V [1969-1970]
Haldeman, Harry R./W [1969-1973]
Haldeman, Harry R./XYZ [1970-1973]

Box 11

[Mr. Anthony F. Janak March 21, 1969]
[Mr. David J. Mahoney March 27, 1969]
[Mr. Robert W. Corrigan Nov. 19, 1969]
[Willard J. Russell Aug. 17, 1970]
Naivni '70 Oct 10, 1970
Mr. Walter G. Held March 29, 1971
Mr. Euron M. Kirkpatrick Sept. 6, 1972
Mr. Jack Killion Sept. 21, 1972

Box 12

Haldeman/Walters Interview Listing-Pro Letters [1972]
Letters to President Re: Haldeman Interviews [1972]
Con [1 of 5] [1972]
Con [2 of 5] [1972]
Con [3 of 5] [1972]
Con [4 of 5] [1972]
Con [5 of 5] [1972]
Dear Bob's [1972]
Pro-Average [1972]
Pro-Nuts [1972]
Pro-Exceptional [1972]
Pro-Wires [1972]

Box 13

Con Wires [1972]
Con Comments to the President on H. Interview [1972]
Signature I [1972]
Signature II [Empty]
Signature March 1 III [1972]
"I" Interview w/B. Walters H. Criticism after interviews [Tab B] [1972]
"I" Interview w/B. Walters H. Criticism after interviews [Tab B] [1972]--Staff Memoranda
"I" Interview w/B. Walters H. Criticism after interviews [Tab B] [1972]--Media Commentary
"I" Interview w/B. Walters H. Criticism after interviews [Tab B] [1972]--Wire Clippings
Pro Comments to the President on H. Interview [Tab C] [1972]
Letters Re: Interview No Return Address [1972]

Box 14

Higby Notes (C.D.) 1972
Chron File-C.D. [1972]
Camp David File [Nov.-Dec. 1972]
Daily Follow-up [1972]
Reorganization File 1972
Truman Materials [1972]
Follow-up Miami Maps [1971]
H.R. Haldeman Acceptance Speech [Tape]-UCLA Alumni Association [Withdrawn and Returned]
Proposed Arrangement Project "Rivet Spirit"
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Ailes Meeting
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Meeting w/Barth
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Mtg. w/Major Brennan
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Meeting w/Chapin and Malek
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Meeting w/Senator Dole
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Mtg. w/Ehrlichman and Shultz
MEETINGS-PENDING [1970-1971]--Meeting-Finch
MEETINGS May-August [Apr. 1-Sept. 1970]
Haldeman-1970 Meetings
Haldeman-1970 Meetings--Meet 5:30 p.m. August 6, 1970 E's Office
Haldeman-1970 Meetings--WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS COMM.
Haldeman-1970 Meetings--Meeting-Airlie House, VA. May 8-11, [1970]
Haldeman-1970 Meetings--Meeting 2:30 p.m. Ehrlichman's office
Haldeman-1970 Meetings--Meeting 3:30 p.m. Haldeman office

Box 15

MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Meeting-Fred Malek
MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Mtg. w/Noble Melencamp
MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Newman, Robert A.
MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Stans Meeting
MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Hold: Mtg./Roger Stevens
MEETING-PENDING [1969-1972]--Meeting w/Ash, Malek and E Re: EOP
MEETING-PENDING [1970]--Mtg. w/Len Garment
MEETING-PENDING [1970]--Meeting-General Haig
MEETING-PENDING [1970]--Meeting w/Kalmbach
[UCLA Alumni Awards] [1971]
[Untitled Folder] [1971-1972]
[Untitled Folder] [1971-1972]--Pat Buchanan
[Untitled Folder] [1971-1972]--Reading
THE ELECTIONS OF '70 AND '72 Buchanan
RESUMES [1970]
PENDING-Social Events [1970]
Haldeman-Personal [1969-1973]
Haldeman Bills [1973]
Haldeman-Cartoons [1972]
CAMP DAVID [1969-73]
Haldeman-Films [1971-1973]

Box 16

Haldeman Interviews 1969--Christian Science Monitor
Haldeman Interviews 1970--Buffalo Evening News
Haldeman Interviews 1971--Boston Globe
Haldeman Interviews 1971--N.Y. Daily News
Haldeman Interviews 1971--Christian Science Monitor
Haldeman Interviews 1972--Barbara Walters
Miscellaneous Articles Early 1969
Haldeman-Passports [1970]
H.R. Haldeman-Bio [1972; n.d.]
Contribution Requests [1971]
Haldeman-Insurance [1969-72]
Haldeman Library [1971-1972]
Outstanding Appointments 1973
Haldeman Invitations [1971-1973]

Box 17

Haldeman-Tours [1972-1973]-Williamsburg Trip May 5-7, 1972
Haldeman-Travel Vouchers Paid [1970-71]
Kennedy Center [1971-1972]
Precedence List 1970-[1971]
Reporters [1970-1973]
Haldeman Daily Schedules [1971]
Meetings-Completed [1971]--Mtg. w/Barbara Walters 2:30 p.m. December 2, 1971
Meetings-Completed [1971]--Meeting with Taft Schreiber
Scheduling [1971]
Haldeman Daily Schedules 1973
Staff Resumes [1969-1970]
Tours-Completed [1970-1972]
[The President's Commission on Campus Unrest]

Box 18

Harvard Univ.-The President's Report 1968-1969
Strengthening the President's Ability to Manage the Government
Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson
Political Profiles of the States 1970
H.R.H. Remarks "Alumnus of the Year"-UCLA May 23, 1970
Coverage on President's Dec. 10 Recommendation, National Foundation on Arts and Humanities 12/24/69
Fortune July 1970

Box 19

HRH Personal Mail A-Z [1 of 2] [1970-71]
HRH Personal Mail A-Z [2 of 2] [1970-71]
Higby 1970 EOB File
Meeting Requests
Mtg. with the Attorney General
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-October 1971
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-November 1971
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-December 1971

Box 20

Haldeman Correspondence Personal-January 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-February 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-March 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-April 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-May 1972

Box 21

Haldeman Correspondence Personal-June 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-July 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-August 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-September 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-October 1972

Box 22

Haldeman Correspondence Personal-November 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-December 1972
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-January 1973
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-February 1973 A L [1 of 2]
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-February 1973 A L [2 of 2]

Box 23

Haldeman Correspondence Personal-February 1973 M Z [1 of 2]
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-February 1973 M Z [2 of 2]
Personal Haldeman Correspondence-March 1973 A-H [1 of 2]
Personal Haldeman Correspondence-March 1973 A-H [2 of 2]
Personal Correspondence Haldeman March 1973 J-P

Box 24

Haldeman Correspondence Personal-March 1973 R-Z [1 of 2]
Haldeman Correspondence Personal-March 1973 R-Z [2 of 2]

Box 25

Haldeman Correspondence File Alpha A-Z [1 of 5] [1973]
Haldeman Correspondence File Alpha A-Z [2 of 5] [1973]
Haldeman Correspondence File Alpha A-Z [3 of 5] [1973]
Haldeman Correspondence File Alpha A-Z [4 of 5] [1973]
Haldeman Correspondence File Alpha A-Z [5 of 5] [1973]

Box 26

H.R. Haldeman Invitations and Diary 1970
H.R. Haldeman Invitations and Diary 1971
H.R. Haldeman Invitations and Diary 1972
H.R. Haldeman Invitations and Diary 1973

Box 27

Telephone Calls (To be incorporated in H's EOB File) [1970, 1971]
Haldeman Phone Calls 1970
Haldeman Phone Calls January 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls February 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls March 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls April 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls May 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls June 1971

Box 28

Haldeman Phone Calls July 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls August 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls September 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls October 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls November 1971
Haldeman Phone Calls December 1971

Box 29

Haldeman Phone Calls January 1972
Haldeman Phone Calls February 1972
Haldeman Phone Calls March 1972
Haldeman Phone Calls April 1972
Haldeman Phone Calls May 1972

Box 30

H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls June 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls July 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls August 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls September 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls October 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls November 1972
H.R. Haldeman Phone Calls December 1972

Box 31

Haldeman Phone Calls January 1973
Haldeman Phone Calls February 1973
Haldeman Phone Calls March 1973
Haldeman Phone Calls April 1973

All the materials from Boxes 32-33 have been withdrawn from these boxes. However, the materials are available as a separate donated collection called "Haldeman Diaries."

Box 32

[Journal] Volume I, 1969, January 18, 1969 through April 25, 1969
[Journal] Volume II, April 26, 1969-Sept. 22, 1969
[Journal] III, Sept. 23, 1969-Jan. 12, 1970
[Journal] Volume IV, Jan. 13, 1970-April 16, 1970
[Journal] Volume V, April 17, 1970-July 22, 1970

Box 33

[Journal] [Volume VI] July 23-Dec. 2, [1970]
Trips I Feb. 23, 1969-Sept., 1970
Tape Log Dec. 12, 1970-April 22, [1972]
Tape Log April 23, [1972]-March 22 [1973]

Box 34

Audio Cassette Tapes [1970-1973] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]

Box 35

HRH Notes Re: Election Nite 1968
HRH Notes of Sept.-Oct.-Nov. through end of Campaign 1968
Debate File-Campaign '68
Counter Attack File-Campaign '68
TV File-Campaign '68
Daily Carley Report-Campaign '68
'68 Campaign schedule, Planning and Strategy--Schedule Plan
'68 Campaign schedule, Planning and Strategy--Schedule Planning
'68 Campaign schedule, Planning and Strategy--Strategy

Box 36

HRH Notes June-July-August 1968 Part I
HRH Notes June-July-August 1968 Part II
1968 Campaign schedule w/HRH Notes Part I
1968 Campaign schedule w/HRH Notes Part II
HRH Correspondence June-July-August-September-End of Campaign 1968 Part I
HRH Correspondence June-July-August-September-End of Campaign 1968 Part II

Box 37

RN Memos June-July-August September 1968
RN Memos October thru End of Campaign [1968]
L.H. Notes Re: September-October 1968 through End of Campaign 1968
General Memos 1968 Campaign thru September

Box 38

General Memos July [1968]
General Memos October through End of Campaign
Confidential File for Campaign
Polls Campaign '68
Pre-Inaugural Notes
Pre-Inaugural Notes-Haldeman [Empty]
Pre-Inaugural Notes--Note of Meetings with President (February 1969)

Box 39

1968 National Convention Miami Florida Nixon For President Committee [1 of 2]
1968 National Convention Miami Florida Nixon For President Committee [2 of 2]
Advance Man's Manual [1968]

Box 40

H Notes Jan-June '69 [Jan-April 30, 1969] Part I
H Notes Jan-June '69 [May-June 1969] Part II
H Notes July-Dec '69 [July-Sept. 1969] Part I
H Notes July-Dec. '69 [Oct.-Dec. 1969] Part II

Box 41

H Notes Jan.-March '70 [Jan. 1,-Feb. 20, 1970] Part I
H Notes Jan.-March '70 [Feb. 21-March 31, 1970] Part II
H Notes April-June '70 [April 1-May 5, 1970] Part I
H Notes April-June '70 [May 6-June 30, 1970] Part II

Box 42

H Notes July-September '70 [July-Aug. 6, 1970] Part I
H Notes July-September '70 [Aug. 7-Sept. 30, 1970] Part II
H Notes October-December '70 [Oct. 1-Nov. 9, 1970] Part I
H Notes October-December '70 [Nov. 10-Dec. 30, 1970] Part II

Box 43

H Notes Jan-March '71 [Jan. 1, 1971 to Feb. 15, 1971] Part I
H Notes Jan-March '71 [Feb 16, 1971 to March 31, 1971] Part II
H Notes April-June '71 [April 1, 1971 to May 19, 1971] Part I
H Notes April-June '71 [May 20, 1971 to June 30, 1971] Part II

Box 44

H Notes July-Sept. 1971 [June 27-30, July 1-Aug. 13, 1971] Part I
H Notes July-Sept. 1971 [Aug. 14, 1971 to Sept. 30, 1971] Part II
H Notes Oct.-Dec. 1971 [Oct. 1, 1971 to Nov. 11, 1971] Part I
H Notes Oct.-Dec. 1971 [Nov. 12, 1971 to Dec. 31, 1971] Part II

Box 45

H Notes Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1972 [Jan. 1, 1972 to Feb. 18, 1972] Part I
H Notes Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1972 [Feb. 19, 1972 to March 31, 1972] Part II
H Notes Apr.-May-June 1972 [April 1, 1972 to May 15, 1972] Part I
H Notes Apr.-May-June 1972 [May 9, 1972-June 30, 1972] Part II

Box 46

H Notes July-Aug.-Sept. 1972 [July 1-21, 1972] Part I
H Notes July-Aug.-Sept. 1972 [July 22, 1972 to Aug. 16, 1972] Part I
H Notes July-Aug.-Sept. 1972 [Aug. 17, 1972 to Sept. 6, 1972] Part II
H Notes July-Aug.-Sept. 1972 [Sept. 7-30, 1972] Part II
H Notes Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1972 [Oct. 1-19, 1972] Part I
H Notes Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1972 [Oct. 20, 1972 to Nov. 17, 1972] Part I
H Notes Oct.-Nov. Dec 1972 [Nov. 18, 1972 to Dec. 21, 1972] Part II

Box 47

H Notes Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1973 [Jan. 1, 1973 to Feb. 6, 1973] Part I
H Notes Jan.-Feb.-Mar. 1973 [Feb. 7, 1973 to March 31, 1973] Part II
H Notes January 1973
H Notes February 1973
H Notes March 1973
H Notes April 1973 Part I
H Notes April 1973 Part II
H Notes May 1973
H Notes June 1973
H Notes August 1973
H Notes September 1973
H Notes October 1973
H Notes November 1973
H's Notes

Box 48

Misc Material 1970
H. Misc. Materials 1972

ALPHA NAME FILES (1969-1973)

Box 49

HRH Cabinet Notes Jan 69
Memoranda January 69
Memos to John Brown Jan 69
Memos for Robert J. Brown Jan 69
Memos to Pat Buchanan Jan 69
Memos for Stephen Bull Jan 69
Memos to Dwight Chapin Jan 69
Memos to Kenneth Cole, Jr. Jan 69
Memos to John Ehrlichman Jan 69
Memos to Mr. [Harry] Flemming [Jan 69]
Memos to Bryce Harlow Jan 69
Memos to Larry Higby Jan 69
Colonel James D. Hughes Jan 69
Memos to James Keogh Jan 69
Memos to Dr. [Henry] Kissinger Jan 69
Memos to Herb Klein Jan 69
Memos to Mr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan Jan 69
Memos to Raymond Price Jan 69
Memos to William Safire Jan 69
Memos to John C. Whitaker Jan 69
Memos to Charles Wilkinson Jan 69
Memos for Rose Woods Jan 69
Memos to Mr. [Ronald] Ziegler Jan 69
Haldeman Cabinet Notes (Feb 1969) [Empty]
Memoranda-February 1969
Memos/John Brown (Feb 1969)
Memos/Robert J. Brown (Feb 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Pat Buchanan (Feb 1969)
Memos/Stephen Bull (Feb 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (Feb 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (Feb 1969)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (Feb 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (Feb 1969)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (Feb 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (Feb 1969)
Memos/Col James D. Hughes (Feb 1969)
Memos/James Keogh (Feb 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (Feb 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (Feb 1969)
Memos/Mr. [Patrick] Moynihan (Feb 1969)
Memos/Raymond Price (Feb 1969)
Memos/William Safire (Feb 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Whitaker (Feb 1969)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (Feb 1969)
Memos/Rose Woods (Feb 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (Feb 1969)
Memoranda-March 1969
Memos/John Brown (Mar '69)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (Mar '69)
Memos/Stephen Bull (Mar '69)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (Mar '69)
Memos/Ken Cole (Mar '69)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (Mar '69)
Memos/Harry Flemming (Mar '69)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (Mar '69)
Memos/Larry Higby (Mar '69)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (Mar '69)
Memos/James Keogh (Mar '69)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (Mar '69)
Memos/Herb Klein (Mar '69)
Memos/Mr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan (Mar '69)
Memos/John Whitaker (Mar '69)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (Mar '69)
Memos/Rose Woods (Mar '69)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (Mar '69)

Box 50

Memoranda-April 1969
Memos/John Brown (Apr '69)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (Apr '69)
Memos/Stephen Bull (Apr '69)
Memos/Dr. [Arthur] Burns (Apr '69)
Memos/Mr. [Alexander] Butterfield (Apr '69)
Memos/Cabinet Members (Apr '69)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (Apr '69)
Memos/Ken Cole (Apr '69)
Memos/Dr. [Lee] DuBridge (Apr '69) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (Apr '69)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (Apr '69)
Memos/Harry Flemming (Apr '69)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (Apr '69)
Memos/Larry Higby (Apr '69)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (Apr '69)
Memos/James Keogh (Apr '69)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (Apr '69)
Memos/Herb Klein (Apr '69)
Memos/Mr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan (Apr '69)
Memos/Raymond Price (Apr '69)
Memos/William Safire (Apr '69)
Memos/John Whitaker (Apr '69)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (Apr '69)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (Apr '69)
Memos/Rose Woods (Apr '69)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (Apr '69)
Haldeman-Mail Summary May 1969
Letters (Haldeman) (May 1969)
Memoranda-May 1969
Memos/John Brown (May 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (May 1969)
Memos/Stephen Bull (May 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Dr. [Arthur] Burns (May 1969)
Memos/Mr. [Alexander] Butterfield (May 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Cabinet Members (May 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (May 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (May 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Lee] DuBridge (May 1969)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (May 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (May 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (May 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bryce Harlow (May 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (May 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (May 1969)
Memos/James Keogh (May 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (May 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (May 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan (May 1969)
Memos/Raymond Price (May 1969)
Memos/William Safire (May 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (May 1969)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (May 1969)
Memos/Jay Wilkinson (May 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Lucy Winchester (May 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Rose Woods (May 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (May 1969)
Letters (Haldeman) (June 1969)
Haldeman-Mail Summary June 1969
Memoranda-June 1969
Memos/John Brown (June 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (June 1969)
Memos/Stephen Bull (June 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Arthur] Burns (June 1969)
Memos/Mr. [Alexander] Butterfield (June 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (June 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (June 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (June 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (June 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Lee] DuBridge (June 1969)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (June 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (June 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (June 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bryce Harlow (June 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (June 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (June 1969) [Empty]
Memos/James Keogh (June 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (June 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (June 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan (June 1969)
Memos/Raymond Price (June 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Nick Ruwe (June 1969) [Empty]
Memos/William Safire (June 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (June 1969)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (June 1969)
Memos/Jay Wilkinson (June 1969)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (June 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Rose Woods (June 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (June 1969)

Box 51

Staff Meetings March-June 1969
Memoranda (July 1969)
Letters (Haldeman) (July 1969)
Haldeman-Mail Summary (July 1969)
Memos/John Brown (July 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (July 1969)
Memos/Stephen Bull (July 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Dr. [Arthur] Burns (July 1969)
Memos/Mr. [Alexander] Butterfield (July 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (July 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (July 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (July 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (July 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Lee] DuBridge (July 1969)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (July 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (July 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (July 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bryce Harlow (July 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (July 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (July 1969)
Memos/James Keogh (July 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Henry] Kissinger (July 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (July 1969)
Memos/Dr. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan (July 1969)
Memos/Raymond Price (July 1969)
Memos/Nick Ruwe (July 1969)
Memos/William Safire (July 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (July 1969)
Memos/Charles "Bud" Wilkinson (July 1969)
Memos/Jay Wilkinson (July 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Lucy Winchester (July 1969)
Memos/Rose Woods (July 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (July 1969)
Letters-Haldeman (August 1969)
Mail Summary-Haldeman (August 1969) [Empty]
Memoranda (General) (August 1969)
Memos/John Brown (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Pat Buchanan (August 1969)
Memos/Steve Bull (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Arthur Burns (August 1969)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Cabinet Members (August 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Ken Cole (August 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Lee DuBridge (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (August 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (August 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Len Garment (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bryce Harlow (August 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Jim Keogh (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Henry Kissinger (August 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (August 1969)
Memos/[Daniel] Patrick Moynihan (August 1969)
Memos/Ray Price (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Nick Ruwe (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bill Safire (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Whitaker (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Jay Wilkinson (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Lucy Winchester (August 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Rose Woods (August 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (August 1969)

Box 52

Haldeman File August 1969 San Clemente [Part I]
[Haldeman File August 1969 San Clemente Part II]
Memorandum for the Record (September 1969)
Letters-Haldeman (September 1969)
Mail Summary-Haldeman (September 1969)
H-Travel Voucher File
Memoranda (General) (September 1969)
Memos/John Brown (September 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (September 1969)
Memos/Steve Bull (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Arthur Burns (September 1969)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (September 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (September 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (September 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (September 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (September 1969)
Memos/Lee DuBridge (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (September 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (September 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Len Garment (September 1969)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (September 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (September 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (September 1969)
Memos/Jim Keogh (September 1969)
Memos/Henry Kissinger (September 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (September 1969)
Memos/[Daniel] Patrick Moynihan (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Ray Price (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Nick Ruwe (September 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bill Safire (September 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (September 1969)
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (September 1969)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (September 1969)
Memos/Rose Woods (September 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (September 1969)
Letters-Haldeman (October 1969)
Mail Summary-Haldeman (October 1969) [Empty]
Memoranda for the Record (October 1969) [Empty]

Box 53

Memoranda (General) (October 1969)
Memos/John Brown (October 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Pat Buchanan (October 1969)
Memos/Steve Bull (October 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Arthur Burns (October 1969)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (October 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (October 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (October 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (October 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (October 1969)
Memos/Lee DuBridge (October 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (October 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (October 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (October 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Len Garment (October 1969)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (October 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (October 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (October 1969)
Memos/Jim Keogh (October 1969)
Memos/Henry Kissinger (October 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (October 1969)
Memos/Jeb Magruder (October 1969)
Memos/[Daniel] Patrick Moynihan (October 1969)
Memos/Bus Mosbacher (October 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Ray Price (October 1969)
Memos/Bill Safire (October 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (October 1969)
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (October 1969)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (October 1969)
Memos/Rose Woods (October 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (October 1969)

Box 54

Letters-Haldeman (November 1969)
Memoranda for the Record (November 1969) [Empty]
Memoranda-General (November 1969)
Memos/John Brown (November 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (November 1969)
Memos/Steve Bull (November 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Arthur Burns (November 1969)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (November 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (November 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (November 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (November 1969)
Memos/John Davies (November 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (November 1969)
Memos/Lee DuBridge (November 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (November 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (November 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (November 1969)
Memos/Len Garment (November 1969)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (November 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (November 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (November 1969)
Memos/Jim Keogh (November 1969)
Memos/Henry Kissinger (November 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (November 1969)
Memos/Jeb Magruder (November 1969)
Memos/Bus Mosbacher (November 1969) [Empty]
Memos/[Daniel] Pat Moynihan (November 1969)
Memos/Ray Price (November 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bill Safire (November 1969)
Memos/Chuck Stuart (November 1969)
Memos/Connie Stuart (November 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (November 1969)
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (November 1969)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (November 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Rose Woods (November 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (November 1969) [Empty]

Box 55

Letters-Haldeman (December 1969)
PR Meeting 10:30 a.m. December 17, 1969
Memoranda (General) (December 1969)
Memoranda for the Record (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Brown (December 1969)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (December 1969)
Memos/Steve Bull (December 1969)
Memos/Arthur Burns (December 1969)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (December 1969)
Memos/Cabinet Members (December 1969)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (December 1969)
Memos/Ken Cole (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Chuck Colson (December 1969)
Memos/John Davies (December 1969)
Memos/Harry Dent (December 1969)
Memos/Lee DuBridge (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/John Ehrlichman (December 1969)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (December 1969)
Memos/Harry Flemming (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Len Garment (December 1969)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (December 1969)
Memos/Larry Higby (December 1969)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (December 1969)
Memos/Jim Keogh (December 1969)
Memos/Dr. Henry Kissinger (December 1969)
Memos/Herb Klein (December 1969)
Memos/Jeb Magruder (December 1969)
Memos/Bus Mosbacher (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/[Daniel] Pat Moynihan (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Ray Price (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bill Safire (December 1969)
Re John Shaheen [December 1969]
Memos/Chuck Stuart (December 1969)
Memos/Connie Stuart (December 1969)
Memos/John Whitaker (December 1969) [Empty]
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (December 1969)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (December 1969)
Memos/Rose Woods (December 1969)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (December 1969)
Miscellaneous Files-1969
Miscellaneous 1969 Files

Box 56

Letters (Haldeman) (January 1970)
Memoranda (General) (January 1970)
Memos/John Brown (January 1970)
Memos/Pat Buchanan (January 1970)
Memos/Steve Bull (January 1970)
Memos/Arthur Burns (January 1970)
Memos/Alex Butterfield (January 1970)
Memos/Cabinet Members (January 1970)
Memos/Dwight Chapin (January 1970)
Memos/Ken Cole (January 1970)
Memos/Chuck Colson (January 1970)
Memos/John Davies (January 1970)
Memos/Harry Dent (January 1970)
Memos/Lee DuBridge (January 1970)
Memos/John Ehrlichman (January 1970)
Memos/Peter Flanigan (January 1970)
Memos/Harry Flemming (January 1970)
Memos/Len Garment (January 1970)
Memos/Bryce Harlow (January 1970)
Memos/Larry Higby (January 1970)
Memos/Colonel [James D.] Hughes (January 1970)
Memos/Jim Keogh (January 1970)
Memos/Henry Kissinger (January 1970)
Memos/Herb Klein (January 1970)
Memos/Jeb Magruder (January 1970)
Memos/Bus Mosbacher (January 1970)
Memos/Pat Moynihan (January 1970)
Memos/Ray Price (January 1970)
Memos/Bill Safire (January 1970)
Memos/Chuck Stuart (January 1970)
Memos/Connie Stuart (January 1970)
Memos/John Whitaker (January 1970)
Memos/Bud Wilkinson (January 1970)
Memos/Lucy Winchester (January 1970) [Empty]
Memos/Rose Woods (January 1970)
Memos/Ron Ziegler (January 1970)

Box 57

Memoranda (General) February 1970
Letters (February 1970) HRH
H.R. Haldeman A-G Memo Feb., 1970
H.R. Haldeman H-Z (Memos) Feb. 1970
Departmental Polls
HRH Memoranda - A-F March 1970 [Part I]

Box 58

[HRH Memoranda - A-F Part II March 1970]
HRH Memoranda - G-M March 1970
HRH Memoranda - N-Z March 1970--Talking Paper-Meeting with Lyn Nofziger
Letters (March 1970)
Draft Report White House Office Support Services Survey
Memoranda (General) (March 1970)

Box 59

H.R. Haldeman-Staff Memos-April 1970 A-F
H.R. Haldeman-Staff Memoranda-April 1970 H-M
H.R. Haldeman-Staff Memoranda-April 1970 N-Z
Clark Mollenhoff

Box 60

HRH-Staff Memos May/June 1970 A-C
HRH-Staff Memos May/June 1970 D-G
HRH-Staff Memos May/June 1970 H-M
HRH-Staff Memos May/June 1970 N-Z
HRH-Higby Staff Memos-Apr., May, June 1970 A-H

Box 61

HRH-Higby [Staff] Memos-Apr., May, June 1970 K-Z
HRH-(Apr., May, June 1970)--Haldeman Personal Mail A-K
HRH-(Apr., May, June 1970)--Haldeman Personal Mail M-Z
HRH July-Aug. 1970--Staff Memos - A-Chotiner
HRH-July-August 1970--Staff Memos - Cole-D

Box 62

HRH-July-August 1970--Staff Memos - E-K [Part I]
[HRH-July-August 1970--Staff Memos - E-K] [Part II]
HRH-July-August 1970--Staff Memos M-Z [Part I]
[HRH-July-August 1970--Staff Memos M-Z] [Part II]
HRH May-Aug. 1970-Magruder [1 of 2]

Box 63

HRH May-Aug. 1970-Magruder [2 of 2]
Jeb Magruder
Carswell-FU Apr. 1970
Higby--Staff Memos-June/July/Aug. 1970 B-H [1 of 2]
Higby--Staff Memos-June/July/Aug. 1970 B-H] [2 of 2]
Higby Staff Memos--J-Z June/July/Aug. 1970
HRH September 1970--Higby Staff Memos A-G

Box 64

HRH-Higby Staff Memos--September 1970 H-M
HRH-Higby Memos--September 1970 N-Z
HRH-Staff Memos-HRH--September 1970 B-C
HRH-Staff Memos-HRH--September 1970 D-J
HRH-Staff Memos-HRH--September 1970 K-M

Box 65

HRH-Staff Memos-HRH--September 1970 N-Z
HRH-Staff Memos-Haldeman--October 1970 - A-Chotiner
Haldeman Staff Memos--Cole-Dent October 1970
Haldeman Staff Memos--Ehrlichman-Keogh-Oct. 1970

Box 66

Haldeman Staff Memos--Kissinger-M - October 1970 [Folder 1]
[Haldeman Staff Memos--Kissinger-M -October 1970] [Folder 2]
Haldeman Staff Memos--N-Z October 1970
October Memoranda (1970)--Higby - A-H
October Memoranda (1970)--Higby - K-Z
Frank Shakespeare 1970
HRH-Staff Memos November 1970--A-B
HRH-Staff Memos--November 1970 C-D

Box 67

HRH-Staff Memos--November 1970 E-H
HRH-Staff Memos--November 1970 J-M
HRH-Staff Memos--November 1970 N-S
HRH-Staff Memos--November 1970 T-Z
Higby/Kehrli Staff Memos--November 1970 A-G
Higby/Kehrli Staff Memos--November 1970 H-K
Higby/Kehrli Memos--November 1970 L-Z
HRH-Staff Memos - A-Brown--December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos-Buchanan-Butterfield December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos-C--December 1970

Box 68

HRH-Staff Memos D-H--December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos--December 1970 J-K
HRH-Staff Memos L-M--December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos N-O--December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos--P-S December 1970
HRH-Staff Memos--T-Z December 1970

Box 69

HRH-Higby/Kehrli Memos--December 1970 A-D
HRH-Higby/Kehrli Memos--December 1970 E-H
HRH-Higby/Kehrli Memos--December 1970 K-O
Higby/Kehrli Memos P-Z--December 1970
December [1970] Memos A-K

Box 70

Brown Follow up [1970 Memos/ 1 of 4]
Brown Follow up [1970 Memos/ 2 of 4]
Brown Follow up [1970 Memos/ 3 of 4]
Brown Follow up [1970 Memos/ 4 of 4]
Jeb Magruder July 1970-Dec. 1970

Box 71

Fred Malek August 1970-December 1970
V.P. Agnew-Robert Brown January 1971
Pat Buchanan January 1971
Bull-Chapin January 1971
Chotiner-Colson January 1971
Connally-Harlow January 1971

Box 72

L. Higby January 1971
Hoover-Klein January 1971
Krogh-MacGregor January 1971
Jeb Magruder January 1971
Fred Malek January 1971
Melencamp-Rumsfeld January 1971
Safire-Ziegler January 1971

Box 73

Lyndon K. Allin Feb. 1971
Kenneth Belieu Feb. 1971
Patrick Buchanan Feb. 1971
Stephen B. Bull Feb. 1971
Alex Butterfield Feb. 1971
John Cau[l]field Feb. 1971
Dwight Chapin Feb. 1971
Charles Colson Feb. 1971
Harry Dent Feb. 1971
John Ehrlichman Feb. 1971
Robert H. Finch Feb. 1971
Peter Flanigan Feb. 1971
Lawrence Higby Feb. 1971
Jon M. Huntsman Feb. 1971
Bruce Kehrli Feb. 1971
Dr. [Henry A.] Kissinger Feb. 1971
H's Meeting w/Kl [Herbert Klein Feb. 1971]
Herbert Klein Feb. 1971
Clark MacGregor Feb. 1971
Jeb Magruder Feb. 1971
Frederick Malek Feb. 1971

Box 74

Robert Odle Feb. 1971
David Parker Feb. 1971
Raymond Price Feb. 1971
Donald Rumsfeld Feb. 1971
William Safire Feb. 1971
Alvin Snyder Feb. 1971
Gordon Strachan Feb. 1971
William Timmons Feb. 1971
General Tkach Feb. 1971
Ronald Walker Feb. 1971
Rose Mary Woods Feb. 1971
Ronald L. Ziegler Feb. 1971
Ron Baukol March 1971
Kenneth Belieu March 1971
George Bell March 1971
Patrick Buchanan March 1971
Alex Butterfield March 1971
Frank Carlucci March 1971
Bill Carruthers March 1971
John Caufield [Caulfield] March 1971
Dwight Chapin March 1971
Murray M. Chotiner March 1971
Charles Colson March 1971
Edward E. David, Jr. March 1971

Box 75

Virgil B. Day March 1971
Harry Dent March 1971
John Ehrlichman March 1971
Robert H. Finch March 1971
Peter Flanigan March 1971
Leonard Garment March 1971
Mark Goode March 1971
Al Haig March 1971
Lawrence Higby March 1971
Richard Howard March 1971
General [James D.] Hughes March 1971
Tod Hullin March 1971
Jon M. Huntsman March 1971
Tom Charles Huston March 1971
Bruce Kehrli March 1971
Herbert Klein March 1971
Bud Krogh March 1971
Robert L. Kunzig March 1971
Charles R. Larson March 1971
Clark MacGregor March 1971
Jeb Magruder March 1971
Frederick Malek March 1971
Paul McCracken March 1971
Edward L. Morgan March 1971--Morgan Meetings
Emil Mosbacher, Jr. March 1971
George Murphy March 1971
Robert Odle March 1971
Raymond Price March 1971
Bill Rhatican March 1971
William P. Rogers March 1971

Box 76

Jonathan Rose March 1971
Donald Rumsfeld March 1971
William Safire March 1971
Devan Shumway March 1971
Alvin Snyder March 1971
Gordon Strachan March 1971
Constance Stuart March 1971
David P. Taylor March 1971
William Timmons March 1971
Ronald Walker March 1971
Caspar Weinberger March 1971
Clay T. Whitehead March 1971
Rose Mary Woods March 1971
Ronald L. Ziegler March 1971
Mort Allin April 1971
Ron Baukol April 1971
George Bell April 1971
Steve Bull April 1971
Pat Buchanan April 1971
Alex Butterfield April 1971
Henry Cashen April 1971
Jack Caulfield April 1971
Dwight Chapin April 1971
Murray Chotiner April 1971
Cole, Ken April 1971
Chuck Colson April 1971 [Part 1 of 2]

Box 77

[Chuck Colson April 1971] [Part 2 of 2]
John Connally April 1971
John Ehrlichman April 1971
John Evans April 1971
Tom Evans April 1971
Bob [Robert H.] Finch April 1971
Peter Flanigan April 1971
Len Garment April 1971
Gifford, Bill April 1971
Al Haig April 1971
Larry Higby April 1971
Dick Howard April 1971
General [James D.] Hughes April 1971
Tod Hullin April 1971
Jon Huntsman April 1971
Tom Huston April 1971
Jim Keogh April 1971
Bruce Kehrli April 1971
Henry Kissinger April 1971
Herb Klein April 1971
Egil (Bud) Krogh April 1971
Clark MacGregor April 1971
Jeb Magruder April 1971
Fred Malek April 1971
Noble Melencamp April 1971
Charlie Meyer April 1971
Ed. [Edward L.] Morgan April 1971
Ray Price April 1971
Don Rumsfeld April 1971

Box 78

Bill Safire April 1971
John Scali April 1971
George Shultz April 1971
Gordon Strachan April 1971
Connie Stuart April 1971
Bill Timmons April 1971
Rose Mary Woods April 1971
Ron Ziegler April 1971
Mort Allin May 1971
George Bell May 1971
Pat[rick J.] Buchanan May 1971
Steve Bull May 1971
Alex Butterfield May 1971
Henry Cashen May 1971
Dwight Chapin May 1971
Ken Cole May 1971
Chuck [Charles W.] Colson May 1971 [Part 1 of 2]
Chuck [Charles W.] Colson May 1971 [Part 2 of 2]

Box 79

Harry Dent May 1971
John Ehrlichman May 1971
Bob Finch May 1971
Peter Flanigan May 1971
Len Garment May 1971
Goode, Mark May 1971
Larry Higby May 1971
Dick Howard May 1971
General [James D.] Hughes May 1971
Tod Hullin May 1971
Jon Huntsman May 1971
Bruce Kehrli May 1971
Dan Kingsley May 1971
Herb Klein May 1971
Clark MacGregor May 1971
Fred Malek May 1971
Dick Moore May 1971
Dave Parker May 1971
Peter Peterson May 1971
Ray Price May 1971
Jon Rose May 1971
Don Rumsfeld May 1971
Bill Safire May 1971
John Scali May 1971
George Shultz May 1971
Al[vin] Snyder May 1971
Gordon Strachan May 1971
Connie Stuart May 1971
Bill Timmons May 1971
General [Walter R.] Tkach May 1971
Ron Walker May 1971
Rose Mary Woods May 1971
Ron Ziegler May 1971

Box 80

Lyndon K. Allin June 1971
George Bell June 1971
Patrick J. Buchanan June 1971
Stephen B. Bull June 1971
Alex Butterfield June 1971
John Caulfield June 1971
Dwight Chapin June 1971
Ken Cole June 1971
Charles Colson June 1971
Harry Dent June 1971
John Ehrlichman June 1971
Robert Finch June 1971
Peter Flanigan June 1971
Leonard Garment June 1971
General [Al] Haig June 1971
Lawrence Higby June 1971
Richard Howard June 1971
Gen. [James D.] Hughes June 1971
Jon M. Huntsman June 1971
Bruce Kehrli June 1971

Box 81

Daniel Kingsley June 1971
Henry Kissinger June 1971
Herbert Klein June 1971
Clark MacGregor June 1971
Fred Malek June 1971
Richard Moore June 1971
Morgan, Edward June 1971
David Parker June 1971
Ray Price June 1971
Col. Albert Redman June 1971
Jonathan Rose June 1971
Donald Rumsfeld June 1971
William Safire June 1971
Devan Shumway June 1971
Al Snyder June 1971
Gordon Strachan June 1971
Constance Stuart June 1971
William Timmons June 1971
Ronald Walker June 1971
Ronald Ziegler June 1971
George Bell July 1971
Patrick J. Buchanan July 1971
Stephen B. Bull July 1971
Alex Butterfield July 1971
Dwight Chapin July 1971
Ken Cole July 1971
Charles Colson July 1971 [Part I of II]
Charles Colson July 1971 [Part II of II]
Harry Dent July 1971
John Ehrlichman July 1971
Robert Finch July 1971

Box 82

Peter Flanigan July 1971
Leonard Garment July 1971
General [Al] Haig July 1971
Lawrence Higby July 1971
Richard Howard July 1971
Gen. James Hughes July 1971
Jon M. Huntsman July 1971
Bruce Kehrli July 1971
Daniel Kingsley July 1971
Herbert Klein July 1971
Clark MacGregor July 1971
Fred Malek July 1971
Richard Moore July 1971
David Parker July 1971
Peter Peterson July 1971
Ray Price July 1971
Donald Rumsfeld July 1971
William Safire July 1971
John Scali July 1971
Gordon Strachan July 1971
William Timmons July 1971
Ronald Walker July 1971
Rose Mary Woods July 1971

Box 83

Richard Allen August 1971
Lyndon K. Allin August 1971
George Bell August 1971 [Empty]
Patrick Buchanan August 1971
Stephen B. Bull August 1971 [Empty]
Alex Butterfield August 1971
Henry C. Cashen August 1971
John Caulfield August 1971
Dwight Chapin August 1971
Ken Cole August 1971
Charles Colson August 1971
Harry Dent August 1971
John Ehrlichman August 1971
Robert Finch August 1971
Peter Flanigan August 1971
Leonard Garment August 1971
General [Al] Haig August 1971
Lawrence Higby August 1971
Richard Howard August 1971 [Empty]
Gen. James Hughes August 1971
Jon M. Huntsman August 1971
Bruce Kehrli August 1971
Daniel Kingsley August 1971
Henry Kissinger August 1971
Herbert Klein August 1971
Clark MacGregor August 1971

Box 84

Fred Malek August 1971
Richard Moore August 1971
David Parker August 1971
Peter Peterson August 1971
Ray Price August 1971
Col. Redman August 1971 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose August 1971 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld August 1971 [Empty]
William Safire August 1971
John Scali August 1971
Geo. Shultz August 1971
Devan Shumway August 1971
Al Snyder August 1971 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan August 1971
Constance Stuart August 1971
William Timmons August 1971
Gen. Tkach August 1971 [Empty]
Ronald Walker August 1971
Rose Mary Woods August 1971
Ronald Ziegler August 1971 [Empty]
Lyndon K. Allin September 1971
Patrick Buchanan September 1971
Stephen B. Bull September 1971
Alex Butterfield September 1971
Dwight Chapin September 1971
Charles Colson September 1971
Harry Dent September 1971
John Ehrlichman September 1971
Peter Flanigan September 1971
Leonard Garment September 1971
General [Alexander M.] Haig September 1971
Lawrence Higby September 1971
Richard Howard September 1971
Gen. James Hughes September 1971

Box 85

Jon M. Huntsman September 1971
Bruce Kehrli September 1971
Daniel Kingsley September 1971
Henry Kissinger September 1971
Herbert Klein September 1971
Clark MacGregor September 1971
Fred Malek September 1971
Richard Moore September 1971 [Empty]
David Parker September 1971
Ray Price September 1971
Jonathan Rose September 1971
Donald Rumsfeld September 1971
William Safire September 1971
John Scali September 1971
Geo. Shultz September 1971
Devan Shumway September 1971
Gordon Strachan September 1971
Constance Stuart September 1971
William Timmons September 1971
Gen. Tkach September 1971
Rose Mary Woods September 1971
Ronald Ziegler September 1971
Lyndon K. Allin October 1971
Patrick Buchanan October 1971
Stephen B. Bull October 1971
Alex Butterfield October 1971
Dwight Chapin October 1971
Charles Colson October 1971
Harry Dent October 1971
Robert Finch October 1971
Peter Flanigan October 1971
Leonard Garment October 1971
Lawrence Higby October 1971
Richard Howard October 1971
Gen. James Hughes October 1971
Jon M. Huntsman October 1971

Box 86

Bruce Kehrli October 1971
Daniel Kingsley October 1971
Henry Kissinger October 1971
Herbert Klein October 1971
Clark MacGregor October 1971
Fred Malek October 1971
Richard Moore October 1971
David Parker October 1971
Peter Peterson October 1971
Ray Price October 1971
Jonathan Rose October 1971
Donald Rumsfeld October 1971
William Safire October 1971
John Scali October 1971
Geo. Shultz October 1971
Al Snyder October 1971
Gordon Strachan October 1971
Constance Stuart October 1971
William Timmons October 1971
Gen. [Walter R.] Tkach October 1971
Ronald Walker October 1971
Rose Mary Woods October 1971
Lyndon K. Allin November 1971
George Bell November 1971 [Empty]
Patrick Buchanan November 1971
Stephen B. Bull November 1971
Alex Butterfield November 1971
Henry C. Cashen November 1971
Dwight Chapin November 1971
Charles Colson November 1971
Harry Dent November 1971
John Ehrlichman November 1971
Robert Finch November 1971
Peter Flanigan November 1971
Leonard Garment November 1971
General [Al] Haig November 1971
Lawrence Higby November 1971
Richard Howard November 1971
Gen. James Hughes November 1971
Huntsman, Jon
Huntsman, Jon--Jon M. Huntsman November 1971
Bruce Kehrli November 1971
Daniel Kingsley November 1971
Henry Kissinger November 1971
Herbert Klein November 1971

Box 87

Clark MacGregor November 1971
Fred Malek November 1971
Richard Moore November 1971
David Parker November 1971
Peter Peterson November 1971 [Empty]
Ray Price November 1971
Col. Redman November 1971 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose November 1971
Donald Rumsfeld November 1971
William Safire November 1971
John Scali November 1971
Geo. Shultz November 1971
Devan Shumway November 1971 [Empty]
Al Snyder November 1971
Gordon Strachan November 1971
Constance Stuart November 1971
William Timmons November 1971
Gen. Tkach November 1971 [Empty]
Ronald Walker November 1971
Rose Mary Woods November 1971
Ronald Ziegler November 1971
Lyndon K. Allin December 1971
George Bell December 1971 [Empty]
Patrick Buchanan December 1971
Stephen B. Bull December 1971
Alex Butterfield December 1971
Henry C. Cashen December 1971 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin December 1971
Charles Colson December 1971
Harry Dent December 1971
John Ehrlichman December 1971
Robert Finch December 1971
Peter Flanigan December 1971
Leonard Garment December 1971 [Empty]
Gen. [Al] Haig December 1971
Lawrence Higby December 1971
Richard Howard December 1971
Gen. James Hughes December 1971
Huntsman, Jon [Empty]
Huntsman, Jon--Jon M. Huntsman December 1971
Bruce Kehrli December 1971
Daniel Kingsley December 1971 [Empty]
Henry Kissinger December 1971 [Empty]
Herbert Klein December 1971
Clark MacGregor December 1971
Fred Malek December 1971

Box 88

Richard Moore December 1971 [Empty]
David Parker December 1971
Peter Peterson December 1971
Ray Price December 1971
Col. Redman December 1971 [Empty]
William Rhatican December 1971 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose December 1971
Donald Rumsfeld December 1971 [Empty]
William Safire December 1971 [Empty]
John Scali December 1971
Geo. Shultz December 1971 [Empty]
Devan Shumway December 1971 [Empty]
Al Snyder December 1971
Gordon Strachan December 1971
Constance Stuart December 1971
William Timmons December 1971
Gen. Tkach December 1971 [Empty]
Ronald Walker December 1971
Rose Mary Woods December 1971 [Empty]
Ronald Ziegler December 1971
Agnew, Spiro Vice President 1971
Ailes, Roger 1971
Ailes, Roger 1971--Ailes Meeting
Baukol, Ron 1971
Ambassador [George] Bush 1971
Chotiner, Murray 1971
Ken Cole 1971
David Derge Special File 1971
Senator [Robert] Dole 1971

Box 89

Dole Telecons
Billy Graham 1971
Alexander Haig 1971
J. Edgar Hoover 1971
Bill Horton 1971
Khachigian, K. L. 1971
Dan Kingsley 1971
Bud Krogh 1971
McCracken, Paul 1971
Jeb Magruder 1971
Secretary Morton and the Peace Corp 1971
Rouse, Andrew M. 1971

Box 90

Bebe Rebozo 1971
William P. Rogers 1971
Frank Shakespeare 1971
Stans, Maurice H. Sec. of Commerce 1971
Tom Shepard
Taylor, David P. 1971
Secretary Volpe 1971
Caspar Weinberger 1971
Memoranda for WH staff from HRH 1971

Box 91

Lyndon Allin January 1972
George Bell January 1972 [Empty]
Patrick Buchanan January 1972
Stephen Bull January 1972
Alex Butterfield January 1972
Henry Cashen January 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin January 1972
Charles Colson January 1972
Harry Dent January 1972
John Ehrlichman January 1972
Robert Finch January 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan January 1972
Leonard Garment January 1972
Lawrence Higby January 1972
Richard Howard January 1972
General [James D.] Hughes January 1972
Jon M. Huntsman January 1972
Bruce Kehrli January 1972
Daniel Kingsley January 1972 [Empty]
Henry Kissinger January 1972 [Empty]
Herbert Klein January 1972
Clark MacGregor January 1972
Fred Malek January 1972
Richard Moore January 1972
David Parker January 1972
Peter Peterson January 1972
Raymond Price January 1972
Colonel Redman January 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican January 1972 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose January 1972
Donald Rumsfeld January 1972
William Safire January 1972 [Empty]
John Scali January 1972
George Shultz January 1972
Devan Shumway January 1972
Alvin Snyder January 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan January 1972
Constance Stuart January 1972 [Empty]
William Timmons January 1972
General Tkach January 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker January 1972
Rose Mary Woods January 1972
Ronald Ziegler January 1972 January 1972

Box 92

Lyndon Allin February 1972 [Empty]
George Bell February 1972
Patrick Buchanan February 1972
Stephen Bull February 1972
Alex Butterfield February 1972
Henry Cashen February 1972
Dwight Chapin February 1972
Ken Cole February 1972
Charles Colson February 1972
Harry Dent February 1972
John Ehrlichman February 1972
Robert Finch February 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan February 1972
Leonard Garment February 1972
Lawrence Higby February 1972
Richard Howard February 1972
Jon M. Huntsman February 1972
Bruce Kehrli February 1972
Daniel Kingsley February 1972
Henry Kissinger February 1972
Herbert Klein February 1972
Clark MacGregor February 1972
Fred Malek February 1972
Richard Moore February 1972
David Parker February 1972

Box 93

Peter Peterson February 1972
Raymond Price February 1972
Colonel Redman February 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican February 1972
Jonathan Rose February 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld February 1972
William Safire February 1972 [Empty]
John Scali February 1972
General [James D.] Hughes February 1972
General [Geo. P.] Shultz February 1972
Devan Shumway February 1972 [Empty]
Alvin Snyder February 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan February 1972
Constance Stuart February 1972
William Timmons February 1972
General Tkach February 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker February 1972 [Empty]
Rose Mary Woods February 1972
Ronald Ziegler February 1972 [Empty]
Lyndon Allin March 1972
George Bell March 1972
Patrick Buchanan March 1972
Stephen Bull March 1972
Alex Butterfield March 1972
Henry Cashen March 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin March 1972
Charles Colson March 1972
Harry Dent March 1972
John Ehrlichman March 1972
Robert Finch March 1972
Peter Flanigan March 1972
Leonard Garment March 1972
Lawrence Higby March 1972
Richard Howard March 1972

Box 94

General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] March 1972
Bruce Kehrli March 1972
Daniel Kingsley March 1972
Henry Kissinger March 1972
Herbert Klein March 1972
Clark MacGregor March 1972
Fred Malek March 1972
Richard Moore March 1972
David Parker March 1972
Peter Peterson March 1972
Raymond Price March 1972
Colonel Redman March 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican March 1972
Jonathan Rose March 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld March 1972
William Safire March 1972 [Empty]
John Scali March 1972
General [George] Shultz March 1972
Devan Shumway March 1972 [Empty]
Alvin Snyder March 1972
Gordon Strachan March 1972
Constance Stuart March 1972
William Timmons March 1972
General Tkach March 1972
Ronald Walker March 1972
Rose Mary Woods March 1972
Ronald Ziegler March 1972
Lyndon Allin April 1972
George Bell April 1972
Patrick Buchanan April 1972
Stephen Bull April 1972
Alex Butterfield April 1972
Henry Cashen April 1972 [Empty]

Box 95

Dwight Chapin April 1972
Charles Colson April 1972
John Dean April 1972
Harry Dent April 1972
John Ehrlichman April 1972
Robert Finch April 1972
Peter Flanigan April 1972
Leonard Garment April 1972 [Empty]
Lawrence Higby April 1972
Richard Howard April 1972
Bruce Kehrli April 1972
Daniel Kingsley April 1972
Henry Kissinger April 1972
Herbert Klein April 1972
Clark MacGregor April 1972
Fred Malek April 1972
Richard Moore April 1972
David Parker April 1972
Peter Peterson April 1972 [Empty]
Raymond Price April 1972

Box 96

Colonel Redman April 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican April 1972 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose April 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld April 1972 [Empty]
William Safire April 1972
John Scali April 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] April 1972
General [Geo.] Shultz April 1972
Devan Shumway April 1972 [Empty]
Alvin Snyder April 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan April 1972
Constance Stuart April 1972
William Timmons April 1972
General [Walter R.] Tkach April 1972
Ronald Walker April 1972
Rose Mary Woods April 1972
Ronald Ziegler April 1972
Lyndon Allin May 1972
Patrick Buchanan May 1972
Stephen Bull May 1972
Alex Butterfield May 1972
Henry Cashen May 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin May 1972
Ken Cole May 1972 [Empty]
Charles Colson May 1972
Harry Dent May 1972
John Ehrlichman May 1972
Robert Finch May 1972
Peter Flanigan May 1972
Leonard Garment May 1972 [Empty]

Box 97

Lawrence Higby May 1972
Richard Howard May 1972
Bruce Kehrli May 1972
Daniel Kingsley May 1972
Henry Kissinger May 1972 [Empty]
Herbert Klein May 1972
Clark MacGregor May 1972
Fred Malek May 1972
Richard Moore May 1972
David Parker May 1972
Peter Peterson May 1972 [Empty]
Raymond Price May 1972
Colonel Redman May 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican May 1972
Jonathan Rose May 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld May 1972
William Safire May 1972
John Scali May 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] May 1972
General [Geo.] Shultz May 1972 [Empty]
Alvin Snyder May 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan May 1972
Constance Stuart May 1972
William Timmons May 1972
General [Walter R.] Tkach May 1972
Ronald Walker May 1972 [Empty]
Rose Mary Woods May 1972
Ronald Ziegler May 1972

Box 98

Lyndon Allin June 1972
Patrick Buchanan June 1972
Stephen Bull June 1972
Alex Butterfield June 1972
Henry Cashen June 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin June 1972
Charles Colson June 1972
Harry Dent June 1972
John Ehrlichman June 1972
Robert Finch June 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan June 1972
Leonard Garment June 1972 [Empty]
Lawrence Higby June 1972
Richard Howard June 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] June 1972

Box 99

Bruce Kehrli June 1972
Daniel Kingsley June 1972
Henry Kissinger June 1972
Herbert Klein June 1972
Clark MacGregor June 1972
Fred Malek June 1972
Richard Moore June 1972 [Empty]
David Parker June 1972
Peter Peterson June 1972
Raymond Price June 1972
Colonel Redman June 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican June 1972 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose June 1972
Donald Rumsfeld June 1972
William Safire June 1972
John Scali June 1972
General [Geo.] Shultz June 1972
Alvin Snyder June 1972
Gordon Strachan June 1972
Constance Stuart June 1972
William Timmons June 1972 [Empty]
General Tkach June 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker June 1972
Rose Mary Woods June 1972
Ronald Ziegler June 1972 [Empty]
Allin, Lyndon July 1972
Bell, George
George Bell September 1972 [Empty]
George Bell August 1972 [Empty]
George Bell June 1972 [Empty]
George Bell May 1972 [Empty]
Patrick Buchanan July 1972
Stephen Bull July 1972
Alex Butterfield July 1972
Henry Cashen July 1972 [Empty]

Box 100

Dwight Chapin July 1972
Ken Cole July 1972
Charles Colson July 1972
Harry Dent July 1972 [Empty]
John Ehrlichman July 1972
Robert Finch July 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan July 1972 [Empty]
Leonard Garment July 1972
Lawrence Higby July 1972
Richard Howard July 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] July 1972
Bruce Kehrli July 1972
Daniel Kingsley July 1972
Henry Kissinger July 1972
Herbert Klein July 1972
Clark MacGregor July 1972
[Jeb S. Magruder] July 1972
Fred Malek July 1972
Richard Moore July 1972 [Empty]
David Parker July 1972
Peter Peterson July 1972 [Empty]
Raymond Price July 1972
Colonel Redman July 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican July 1972 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose July 1972
Donald Rumsfeld July 1972

Box 101

William Safire July 1972 [Empty]
John Scali July 1972
General [Geo.] Shultz July 1972
Alvin Snyder July 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan July 1972
Constance Stuart July 1972
William Timmons July 1972
General Tkach July 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker July 1972
Rose Mary Woods July 1972
Ronald Ziegler July 1972
Lyndon Allin August 1972
Patrick Buchanan August 1972
Stephen Bull August 1972
Alex Butterfield August 1972
Henry Cashen August 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin August 1972
Charles Colson August 1972
Harry Dent August 1972 [Empty]
John Ehrlichman August 1972
Robert Finch August 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan August 1972
Leonard Garment August 1972
Lawrence Higby August 1972
Richard Howard August 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] August 1972
Bruce Kehrli August 1972
Daniel Kingsley August 1972
Henry Kissinger August 1972
Herbert Klein August 1972
Clark MacGregor August 1972
Fred Malek August 1972
Richard Moore August 1972
David Parker August 1972
Peter Peterson August 1972

Box 102

Raymond Price August 1972
Colonel Redman August 1972 [Empty]
William Rhatican August 1972 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose August 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld August 1972
William Safire August 1972 [Empty]
John Scali August 1972 [Empty]
General [Geo.] Shultz August 1972
Alvin Snyder August 1972
Gordon Strachan August 1972
Constance Stuart August 1972
William Timmons August 1972
General Tkach August 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker August 1972
Rose Mary Woods August 1972
Ronald Ziegler August 1972
Lyndon Allin September 1972
Patrick Buchanan September 1972
Stephen Bull September 1972
Alex Butterfield September 1972
Henry Cashen September 1972 [Empty]
Dwight Chapin September 1972
Charles Colson September 1972
Harry Dent September 1972
John Ehrlichman September 1972
Robert Finch September 1972 [Empty]
Peter Flanigan September 1972 [Empty]
Leonard Garment September 1972
Lawrence Higby September 1972

Box 103

Richard Howard September 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] September 1972
Bruce Kehrli September 1972
Daniel Kingsley September 1972
Henry Kissinger September 1972
Herbert Klein September 1972
Clark MacGregor September 1972 [Empty]
Fred Malek September 1972
Richard Moore September 1972
David Parker September 1972
Peter Peterson September 1972
Raymond Price September 1972
William Rhatican September 1972
Jonathan Rose September 1972 [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld September 1972
William Safire September 1972
John Scali September 1972
General [Geo.] Shultz September 1972
Alvin Snyder September 1972
Gordon Strachan September 1972
Constance Stuart September 1972
William Timmons September 1972
General Tkach September 1972 [Empty]
Ronald Walker September 1972
Rose Mary Woods September 1972
Ronald Ziegler September 1972

Box 104

Lyndon Allin October 1972
Patrick Buchanan October 1972
Stephen Bull October 1972
Alex Butterfield October 1972
Dwight Chapin October 1972
Charles Colson October 1972
John Dean October 1972
Harry Dent October 1972
John Ehrlichman October 1972
Peter Flanigan October 1972
Leonard Garment October 1972
Lawrence Higby October 1972
Richard Howard October 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] October 1972
Daniel Kingsley October 1972
Herbert Klein October 1972
Clark MacGregor October 1972
Jeb Magruder October 1972
Fred Malek October 1972

Box 105

Richard Moore October 1972
David Parker October 1972
Raymond Price October 1972
Alvin Snyder October 1972
Gordon Strachan October 1972
Constance Stuart October 1972 [Empty]
William Timmons October 1972
Ronald Walker October 1972
Rose Mary Woods October 1972
Ronald Ziegler October 1972
Lyndon Allin November 1972
Patrick Buchanan November 1972
Stephen Bull November 1972
Alex Butterfield November 1972
Dwight Chapin November 1972
Charles Colson November 1972
John Dean November 1972
Harry Dent November 1972 [Empty]
John Ehrlichman November 1972
Peter Flanigan November 1972
Leonard Garment November 1972
Lawrence Higby November 1972
General Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] November 1972
Daniel Kingsley November 1972
Herbert Klein November 1972
Fred Malek November 1972
Richard Moore November 1972
David Parker November 1972
Peter Peterson November 1972
Raymond Price November 1972
William Safire November 1972
John Scali November 1972
Alvin Snyder November 1972

Box 106

Gordon Strachan November 1972
Constance Stuart November 1972 [Empty]
William Timmons November 1972
Ronald Walker November 1972
Rose Mary Woods November 1972
Ronald Ziegler November 1972
Lyndon Allin December 1972
Patrick Buchanan December 1972
Stephen Bull December 1972
Alex Butterfield December 1972
Dwight Chapin December 1972
Charles Colson December 1972
John Ehrlichman December 1972
Robert Finch December 1972
Len Garment December 1972
Lawrence Higby December 1972
Richard Howard December 1972
Gen. Hughes [Gen. Brent Scowcroft] December 1972
Bruce Kehrli December 1972
Henry Kissinger December 1972
Richard Moore December 1972
David Parker December 1972
Raymond Price December 1972
William Safire December 1972 [Empty]
Gordon Strachan December 1972
William Timmons December 1972
General Tkach December 1972
Ronald Ziegler December 1972
Vice President [Spiro T.] Agnew 1972
Murray Chotiner 1972
Ken Cole 1972
George Collins 1972
Alexander Haig 1972
Dick Howard 1972

Box 107

L.H. PR Memos [Lawrence Higby]
LH-Staff Meeting/May 20, 1971
L. Higby-Confidential
David Hoopes 1972
Tod Hullin 1972
Herb Kalmbach 1972
Bud Krogh 1972
Noble Melencamp [1972]
Daniel Moynihan 1971 and 1972
Terry O'Donnell 1972
Gregg Petersmeyer 1972
Bebe Rebozo 1972
Elliott Richardson 1972
William P. Rogers 1972
Frank Shakespeare 1972
Maurice Stans 1972
Caspar Weinberger 1972
Whitaker, John 1972

Box 108

Patrick Buchanan January 1973
Steven Bull January 1973
[Alex] Butterfield January 1973
Charles Colson January 1973
John D. Ehrlichman January 1973
Peter Flanigan January 1973
Dick Howard January 1973
Dr. [Henry A.] Kissinger January 1973
Terrence O'Donnell January 1972 [Empty]
Dave Parker January 1973
Gregg Petersmeyer January 1973
William Safire January 1973
Brig. General [Brent] Scowcroft January 1973
William Timmons January 1973
Ron Walker January 1973
Caspar Weinberger January 1973
Rose Mary Woods January 1973
Ronald Ziegler January 1973

Box 109

Vice President Spiro Agnew
Vice President Spiro Agnew March 1973
Vice President Spiro Agnew April 1973
Allen, Richard V.
Allin, Mort
Anne Armstrong
Anne Armstrong--April 1973
Ollie Atkins
Ollie Atkins--January 1973
Ollie Atkins--March 1973
William Baroody
William Baroody--March 1973
William Baroody--April 1973
Buchanan, Pat
Pat Buchanan--February 1973
Pat Buchanan--March 1973
Pat Buchanan--April 1973
Bull, Steven
Steven Bull--February 1973
Steven Bull--March 1973
Steven Bull--April 1973
George Bush
Hon. Earl Butz Secretary of Agriculture
Chapin, Dwight
Dwight Chapin--February 1973
Dwight Chapin--March 1973
Murray Chotiner
Ken W. Clawson
Ken Clawson--April 1973
Cole, Ken
Ken Cole--February 1973
Ken Cole--March 1973
Ken Cole--April 1973
George J. Collins
George Collins--February 1973
George Collins--March 1973
George Collins--April 1973
Colson, Chuck
Charles Colson--February 1973
Charles Colson--March 1973
Charles Colson--April 1973
Connally. John
Dean, John
John W. Dean III--February 1973
John W. Dean, III--March 1973
John W. Dean, II--April 1973
Dent, Harry
Dole, Robert RNC [Republican National Committee] Chairman
Ehrlichman, John
John D. Ehrlichman--February 1973
John D. Ehrlichman--March 1973
John D. Ehrlichman--April 1973
Finch, Robert [Empty]
Flanigan, Peter
Peter Flanigan--February 1973
Peter Flanigan--March 1973
Peter Flanigan--April 1973
Garment, Len
Len Garment--February 1973
Len Garment--March 1973
Len Garment--April 1973
Dave Gergen
Dave Gergen--April 1973
L. Patrick Gray III
Bill Gulley

Box 110

Haig, General NSC [Empty]
William Henkel
William Henkel--March 1973
William Henkel--April 1973
Bruce Herschensohn
Higby, Larry HRH
Larry Higby--January 1973
Larry Higby--February 1973 [Empty]
Larry Higby--March 1973 [Empty]
Larry Higby April 1973
David Hoopes
David Hoopes--March 1973 [Empty]
David Hoopes--April 1973 [Empty]
Dick Howard
Dick Howard--February 1973
Dick Howard--March 1973
Dick Howard--April 1973
Tod Hullin
Jenkins, Wilbur
Kalmbach, Herb [Empty]
Kehrli, Bruce HRH [Empty]
Bruce Kehrli--March 1973
Bruce Kehrli--April 1973
Keogh, Jim [Empty]
Jim Keogh--April 1973 [Empty]
Paul Keyes
Ken Khachigian [Empty]
Ken Khachigian--April 10 73 [Empty]
Dan Kingsley [Empty]
Kissinger, [Henry A.] Dr. [Empty]
Henry Kissinger March 1973
Henry Kissinger April 1973
Klein, Herb [Empty]
Herbert Klein--February 1973
Herbert Klein--March 1973
Herbert Klein--April 1973
Richard Kleindienst
Krogh, Bud [Empty]
MacGregor, Clark [Empty]
Clark MacGregor--April 1973 [Empty]
Magruder, Jeb [Empty]
Jeb Magruder--February 1973
Jeb Magruder--March 1973 [Empty]
Malek, Fred 1971 [Empty]
Fred Malek February 1973
Melencamp, Noble [Empty]
John Mitchell
Moore, Dick [Empty]
Dick Moore--April 1973 [Empty]
Daniel Moynihan
Terrence O'Donnell
Terrence O'Donnell--February 1973
Terrence O'Donnell--March 1973
Terrence O'Donnell--April 1973
Parker, Dave
Dave Parker--February 1973
Dave Parker--March 1973
Dave Parker--April 1973
Gregg Petersmeyer
Gregg Petersmeyer--March 1973
Gregg Petersmeyer--April 1973 [Empty]
Peterson, Pete
Howard Phillips
Price, Ray [Empty]
Raymond Price--April 1973 [Empty]
Rebozo, C.G. (Bebe)
Rhatican, William (Bill) [Empty]
William Rhatican April 1973
Richardson, Elliot L. Secretary of HEW

Box 111

Rogers, William Secretary of State
Rose, Jon [Empty]
Jon Rose--April 1973 [Empty]
Vermont Royster
Rumsfeld, Donald [Empty]
Donald Rumsfeld--April 1973 [Empty]
Safire, Bill [William] [Empty]
William Safire--February 1973
William Safire--March 1973 [Empty]
Scali, John [Empty]
Brig. General [Brent] Scowcroft
Brig. General Scowcroft--February 1973
Brig. General Scowcroft--March 1973
Brig. General Scowcroft--April 1973 [Empty]
George Shultz
Snyder, Al [Empty]
Maurice Stans Ex-Secy. of Commerce
Herbert Stein
Strachan, Gordon [Empty]
Stuart, Connie [Empty]
Nick Timmesch
Timmons, William [Empty]
William Timmons--February 1973
William Timmons--March 1973
William Timmons--April 1973
Tkach, Doctor [Empty]
Walker, Ron [Empty]
Warren, Gerald [Empty]
Caspar Weinberger OMB [Office of Management and Budget] [Empty]
Clay T. Whitehead
Woods, Rose Mary [Empty]
Rose Mary Woods--February 1973
Rose Mary Woods--March 1973
Rose Mary Woods--April 1973 [Empty]
Ziegler, Ron
Ron Ziegler--February 1973
Ron Ziegler--March 1973
Ron Ziegler--April 1973


Box 112

A 1 [Guide Card]
Agencies and Commissions
Agnew Book by Marsh "Agnew, The Unexamined Man"
Action Memos 1971
Action Memos 1/72
Action Memos 2/72
Action Memos 3/72
Action Memos 4/72
Action Memos 5/72
Action Memos 6/72
Action Memos 7/72
Action Memos 8/72
Action Memos 9/72
Action Memos 10/72
Action Memos 11/72
Action Memos 12/1972
Action Memos--1972 [Part I]
Action Memos--1972 [Part II]
Action Memos 1973
Alumni File 1970

Box 113

Ambassador Chron File
Ambassadorial Lists [Part I]
[Ambassadorial Lists] [Part II]
Anderson Papers
HRH Arts
Articles - New Washington Post - American Voter Articles
News Articles Broder and Johnson
Sam Lubell Articles
ASNE Radio
B 2 [Guide Card]
Biographies:--Jeb Magruder
Biographies:--Alvin Snyder
Biographies:--Connie Stuart
Black Caucus
Blank Memos
Books on the Administration [Empty]

Box 114

HRH Bombing Halt
Budget-White House Office 12/71
Budget-WH Office
TCH/HAK Project-Aerial Recon Issue-Paris Talks
[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation May 13-October 31, 1968] [Part 1] [1 of 3]
[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation May 13-October 31, 1968] [Part 2] [1 of 3]

Box 115

[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation Part 1 May 13-October 31, 1968] [2 of 3]
[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation Part 2 May 13-October 31, 1968] [2 of 3]
[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation Part 1 May 13-October 31, 1968] [3 of 3]
[The Negotiation for a Bombing Cessation Part 2 May 13-October 31, 1968] 3 of 3
C 3 [Guide Card]
HRH Cabinet Memos-May/December 1970
Cabinet Members (February 1970)
Material Regarding the Calley Case

Box 116

California Journal
Cambodia [Part I]
[Cambodia Part II]
[Cambodia Part III]
[Cambodia Part IV]

Box 117

Cambodian Follow-up
1968 Campaign
Campaign Personal Memos [1 of 3]
[Campaign Personal Memos 2 of 3]
[Campaign Personal Memos 3 of 3]
Campaign Organization
Campaign Organization A
Campaign Organization B

Box 118

HRH-1970 Campaign/Stump--President's Speeches/Statements
HRH-1970 Political--Campaign Speeches
Campaign Strategy Memos
Updated Campaign Strategy Memos
Camp David March '70
Camp David March '70--Movies
China Trip
China Trip--For the President FYI National Security
China News Coverage [1 of 2]
China News Coverage [2 of 2]

Box 119

China Material
Pre-China Trip
Post-China Trip
Chronology Speech File
Clay Claibourne
Color Reports 1971
Color Report-Weekly Report
Committee of Six
HRH Consultants 12/70
Communications Reorganization [Part I]
[Communications Reorganization Part II]

Box 120

HR Haldeman 1969 WH Communications Center
HRH Congressional Oct. 1970
Conference on Children
Conference Dining Room
PR-Congressional Polls [I]
[PR-Congressional Polls II]
Congressional Re-Districting
Sec. John Connally 1971
Responses to Sec. Connally Mailing 1971
Connally's Suggestions 3/8/71
Cardinal Cooke Letter Re: Abortion

Box 121

Coverage of Presidential Activities
"Crime Fight"
D 4 [Guide Cards]
October 15th [Anti-War Demonstrations]
Daily News Plan Critique
Dean, John Classified 1971
Demonstrations [1971]
Demonstration [1971]

Box 122

HRH Oct. 1970--Decorating/Construction
HRH - Oct. 1970--Departments and Agencies [Part 1]
[HRH - Oct. 1970--Departments and Agencies Part 2]
HRH - July 1970 Desegregation
Directives - LH
Haldeman Disposition Sheets
Domestic Programs Briefing Book [1 of 2]
Domestic Programs Briefing Book [2 of 2]
Drug Program
E 5 [Guide Card]
Earthquake Disaster Task Force

Box 123

Edith Efron
HRH Eight Major Goals
HRH March 1970 Eisenhower Trip to Asia (Julie and David)
Election Reform
HRH Elections - 1970 [1 of 2]
HRH Elections - 1970 [2 of 2]
HRH Elections - 1970--California
HRH Elections - 1970--Connecticut
HRH Elections - 1970--Florida
HRH Elections - 1970--Illinois
HRH Elections - 1970--Indiana
HRH Elections - 1970--Maryland [Empty]
HRH Elections - 1970--Minnesota
HRH Elections - 1970--Missouri
HRH Elections - 1970--Montana [Empty]
HRH Elections - 1970--Nevada
HRH Elections - 1970--New Jersey
HRH Elections - 1970--New Mexico
HRH Elections - 1970--North Carolina
HRH Elections - 1970--North Dakota
HRH Elections - 1970--Ohio
HRH Elections - 1970--Pennsylvania
HRH Elections - 1970--1970 Oct. 20 Tennessee
HRH Elections - 1970--Texas
HRH Elections - 1970--Utah [Empty]
HRH Elections - 1970--Vermont
HRH Elections - 1970--Wisconsin
HRH Elections - 1970--Wyoming [Empty]
Elliott Project on Letters

Box 124

Environment Speech Material
HRH - July 1970 Equal Time
Evaluation of Boards and Commissions
H.R. Haldeman Executive Reorganization (WH) [Part I]
H.R. Haldeman Executive Reorganization (WH) [Part II]
H.R. Haldeman Executive Reorganization (ASH)
F 6 [Guide Card]
Fireside Chats
HRH Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Foreign Policy

Box 125

Funeral Activities for Former Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
G 7 [Guide Card]
Game Plans
HRH August 1970 Government Operations
Gridiron Dinner
HRH-Group Meetings
March 16, 1971 WH Guest List
HRH Meeting March 8, 1971 Blair House
H 8 [Guide Card]
Health Unit
Healy Appointment
J. Edgar Hoover [1971]
J. Edgar Hoover [1972]
I 9 [Guide Card]

Box 126

Inaugural Committee 1969 Financial Report [1]
Inaugural Committee 1969 Financial Report [2]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee March 12, 1971 [E-1]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee March 12, 1971 [E-4]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee March 19, 1971 [E-6]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee April 21, 1971 [E-1]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee April 29, 1971 [E-9]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee May 7, 1971 [E-4]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee May 14, 1971 [E-10]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee June 4, 1971 [E-12]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee June 10, 1971 [E-13]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee June 16, 1971 [E-7]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee June 30, 1971 [E-12]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee July 30, 1971 [E-12]
Intelligence Evaluation Committee August 13, 1971 [E-7]
Intelligence Evaluations
Intern (WH Summer)
HRH Inter-office Memos
Issue Memoir
J 10 [Guide Card]
[The Janus Collection of Film Masterpieces]

Box 127

[Janus Television]
Johnson Papers File
President Johnson (HRH) 1969
K 11 [Guide Card]
Kehrli's Notes 1971
Kehrli-Telephone Memos
JFK Center--Presidential Guests [I]
JFK Center--Presidential Guests [II]

Box 128

[JFK Center 1 of 2]
[JFK Center 2 of 2]
JFK Center-Meeting File Part I of 3
[JFK Center Meeting File Part II of 3] [1 of 2]
[JFK Center Meeting File Part II of 3] [2 of 2]
[JFK Center-Presidential Gifts III of 3]
Key Biscayne 3/70
Possible Kissinger Events
Kleindienst-(ITT [International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation] Memo)

Box 129

L 12 [Guide Card]
Little Lies
H.R. Haldeman Schedule L.A. Trip
M 14 [Guide Card]
Magnetic Tapes
Mail Operation
Mail Tallies From Melencamp
HRH Major Stories of the Week [Oct-Dec 1970]
Major News Stories May-Sept. 1970 [Part 1 of 2]
Major News Stories May-Sept. 1970 [Part 2 of 2)
Malraux Dinner

Box 130

Mock Conventions and HRH Memos On
[Monday-Republican National Committee]
Moratorium Responses
Senator [Karl] Mundt
N 15 [Guide Card]
New York Times [Empty]
New York Times--Controversy L-file
New York Times [Empty]
New York Times--(Buchanan)

Box 131

News Clippings 1971 Part 1 of 2
[News Clippings 1971] Part 2 of 2
News Media Analysis by No. (Media Memorandum)
[News Media Coverage of Salute to Agriculture Day]
News Planning Calendar
News Summary Notations

Box 132

Nixon Political Philosophy
Nofziger Reading Folder
November 30 Memo-30 pages
O 16 [Guide Card]
O'Brien, Larry
Office Holder
Office Needs
Office Organization
Office Organization
Old E.O.B. Staff Mess
Glen Olds Memoranda

Box 133

Eisenhower Theater Opening 10/71
JFK Opening 9/71
Agenda and Brief Ash Council Recommendations-[Organization of Executive Office]
P 17 [Guide Card]
Pentagon Papers
H. Ross Perot
Personnel Assignments
Personnel/EOB Space
Personnel Memos
[Personnel Status Report No. 38]

Box 134

Photo Lab Proposal
Political-Vice President
HRH-Political-1970 POLITICAL [1 of 2]
HRH-Political-1970 POLITICAL [2 of 2]
HRH-Political-1970 POLITICAL--Communications Division
H.R. Haldeman 1969 Poll
Poll Information [1]
Poll Information [2] [Empty]
Poll Information--Gallup Poll
Poll Information--Poll File

Box 135

HRH-Polls, Miscellaneous 1970 [1]
HRH-Polls, Miscellaneous 1970 [2]
H.R. Haldeman Poll (Misc.) 1970
[Polls, Popularity-by State]
BK Poll-Statistics
Flemming/Flanigan Positions To: Oct. 1970

Box 136

HRH-Flemming/Flanigan Positions (To Oct. 1970) [1 of 2]
HRH-Flemming/Flanigan Positions (To Oct. 1970) [2 of 2]
HRH Positions (Flanigan, Flemming, Malek) (1 of 2)
HRH Positions (Flanigan, Flemming, Malek) (2 of 2)
Press Dinner 4/22/70
Plans Committee Meeting
Political and Media Consultants
Power Crisis March 9. 1970
[The President's Image]

Box 137

Political Strategy Meeting
Political Strategy Meeting--[Assault Strategy Memo]
Political Action
Political Action--10:00 AM--Political Meeting
Political Action--Pol.[itical] Bkgrd. 10:00 AM Meeting
Presidential Artifacts
Presidential Birthday Calls
Pres. RN Campaign Promises
Pres. RN Campaign Promises--[Domestic Policy]
Pres. RN Campaign Promises--[Foreign Policy]
Presidential Contributions
Presidential Desks
Presidential Gifts

Box 138

Haldeman Memos From The President 1969
Memoranda for The President's File Jan. 69
Haldeman Memos for The President (Feb. 1969)
Butterfield Notes of Meetings with President (February 1969) [Empty]
Haldeman Memos for The President (Mar '69)
President Nixon Memoranda (March 1969) [Empty]
Memoranda for The President's File (September 1969)
Memoranda for The President's File (November 1969)
Memoranda for The President's File (December 1969)
Memoranda for The President (December 1969)
Haldeman Memos To The President 1970
Haldeman Memos From The President 1970 [1 of 2]
Haldeman Memos From The President 1970 [2 of 2]
H.R.H. Presidential Memos Project 1970

Box 139

Memoranda for The President's File (January 1970)
Memoranda for The President (February 1970)
Memoranda for The President (March 1970)
Memoranda for The President April 1970
HR Haldeman Memoranda for President May 1970
HRH Memos For The President June 1970
HRH-Memoranda For President August-July 1970
HRH-Memoranda For President Sept.-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1970
P Memo
[Memorandum Connally]

Box 140

H Presidential Memoranda To and From HRH (Steps taken) [1970] [Folder 1]
H Presidential Memoranda To and From HRH (Steps taken) [1970] [Folder 2]
Haldeman Memos From The President 1971
Haldeman Memos To the President 1971
HRH Presidential Memos Projects 1971
H. Extra Copies of Presidential 1971 Memos to Haldeman
H.R. Haldeman President's Appointments (Schedule)
President's Photo In Embassies, etc. [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
President's Travels

Box 141

Press and Media #1 [Part 1]
Press and Media #1 [Part 2]
Press and Media #2 [Part 1]
Press and Media #2 [Part 2]
P.R. [1]
P.R. [2]
Mr. Haldeman
HRH Public Relations
Press Conference May 8, 1970

Box 142

Press Conference-July 30, 1970 Century Plaza Hotel
Press Conference December 1970
Press Conference March 4, 1971
April 29 Press Conference 1971
April 29 Press Conference 1971--Cabinet/Staff
April 29 Press Conference 1971--Members of Congress
April 29 Press Conference 1971--VIP (Bus. Labor, Etc.)
April 29 Press Conference 1971--Press
April 29 Press Conference 1971--Governors/Mayors
April 29 Press Conference 1971--Miscellaneous
June 1st Press Conference 1971
June 1st Press Conference 1971--Cabinet/Staff
June 1st Press Conference 1971--Members of Congress [Empty]
June 1st Press Conference 1971--VIP (Bus., Labor, Etc.)
June 1st Press Conference 1971--Press
June 1st Press Conference 1971--Governors/Mayors
June 1st Press Conference 1971--Miscellaneous
Press Conference-Nov. 12, 1971
Q 18 [Guide Card]
HRH Quotes-Useable Oct. 1970 Part I

Box 143

[HRH Quotes-Useable Oct. 1970] Part II
R 19 [Guide Card]
Radio Talk
H Random Notes [Empty]
HRH-Reading File [Part I]
[HRH-Reading File] [Part II]
[HRH-Reading File] [Part III]

Box 144

H.R. Haldeman--[RNC-Programs and Priorities 1970 June 22, 1970]
Republican National Committee
RNC Film File
H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/Ash [Part I] [1 of 2]
H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/Ash [Part I] [2 of 2]
H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/Ash [Part II] [1 of 2]
H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/Ash [Part II] [2 of 2]
Proposed Organization of the Executive Office of the President October 17, 1969

Box 145

[H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/ Ash Part III] [1 of 2]
[H.R. Haldeman-Reorganization/Ash Part III] [2 of 2]
Republican Convention [1 of 2]
Republican Convention [2 of 2]
Revenue sharing 6/24/70
Rose Bowl Tickets-1972

Box 146

S [Guide Card] 20
H.R. Haldeman Safeguard 1970 [1 of 2]
H.R. Haldeman Safeguard 1970 [2 of 2]
Salary Increases
Recommended Salary Adjustments and Additional Information
Sample Letters
San Clemente 3/70

Box 147

Schedule Planning Oct. 5, 1971--Schedule Planning [I]
Schedule Planning Oct. 5, 1971--Schedule Planning [II]
Schedule Planning Oct. 5, 1971--Summer Tour
Secretary of Agriculture 1971
HRH Security/FBI
Sequoia Dinner Cruise 9/16/71

Box 148

School Desegregation
Social and Economic Programs-Organization for Social and Economic Programs [Contents removed from binder]
Social Functions
Speakers for Events
Speakers Programs
H.R. Haldeman Speech Material
Staff Privileges July 1970

Box 149

President's Speech-Anaheim October 30, 1970
Agriculture Speech 1971
Archives Speech 1971
P's June 3, 1970 Speech [Cambodia]
Speeches-China Statement
DAR Speech [1971]
Presidential speech on Indochina 1971
Message from the President to the 1971 Convention of NA Broadcasters
President's UN Speech Oct. 23, 1970
President's Speech Vietnam October 7, 1970
Williamsburg Speech [1971]

Box 150

August 15 Speech 1971
August 15 Speech 1971--Cabinet/Staff
August 15 Speech 1971--Member of Congress
August 15 Speech 1971--VIP (Bus., Labor, Etc.)
August 15 Speech 1971--Governors/Mayors
August 15 Speech 1971--Press
August 15 Speech 1971--Miscellaneous
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--Cabinet/Staff
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--Member of Congress
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--VIP (Business, Labor, Etc.)
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--Governors/Mayors [Empty]
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--Press
Speeches--Address to Joint Session of Congress--September 9, 1971--Miscellaneous
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--Cabinet/Staff
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--Member of Congress
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--VIP (Business, Labor, Etc.)
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--Governor/Mayors
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--Press
Speeches-Phase II Economic Address 10/7/71--Miscellaneous
Speeches-AFL-CIO Meany Speech 11/18/71
Speeches-RN's AFL-CIO Speech 11/19/71

Box 151

Follow-up (TV Appearances by P)
Speech by P. 1/25/72
Speech by P. 1/25/72--Cabinet/Staff
Speech by P. 1/25/72--Members of Congress
Speech by P. 1/25/72--VIP (Bus., Labor, Etc.)
Speech by P. 1/25/72--Press
Speech by P. 1/25/72--Governors/Mayors
Speech by P. 1/25/72--Miscellaneous
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--Cabinet/Staff
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--Member of Congress
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--VIP (Bus., Labor, Etc.)
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--Press
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--Governors/Mayors
Speech by P. Busing 3/16/72--Miscellaneous
P Speech-Troop Level Announce 4/26/72
Kansas City Media Briefing
Detroit Economic Club
President's Remarks to the Cabinet at Dinner 1/20/72 and Congressional Retirees 4/25/72
Staff Briefing Books
Staff Meeting Summaries

Box 152

Status Report-Kehrli
Status Report-Kehrli's
Status Report-Huntsman's
Stock Market (Nixon)
Student Unrest
Suggested Remarks-Goldwyn Award
Summer Intern Program
T (Guide Card) 21
Talking Papers 1969
Talking Papers 1970
Talking Papers 1970--Meeting w/ Sec. Rogers

Box 153

Talking Papers 1971 [1 of 2]
[Talking Papers 1971 2 of 2]
Talking Papers 1/72
Talking Papers 2/72
Talking Papers 3/72
Talking Papers 4/72
Talking Papers 5/72
Talking Papers 6/72
Talking Papers 7/72
Talking Papers 8/72
Talking Papers 9/72
Talking Papers 10/72
Talking Papers 11/72
Talking Papers 12/72
Talking Papers-1972 HRH

Box 154

Dole Talking Paper File
Talking Papers Re: Organization 1972
Talking Papers [1973]
Haldeman-Telephone Memos
Thank You Letters (Campaign)
Times of News Items
Transition Personnel
Travel Vouchers
Treasurer of the US
Trident System (Washington)
Midway Trip
Around-the-World with the President H.R. Haldeman Book I

Box 155

Around-the-World with the President H.R. Haldeman Book 2 [1 of 2]
Around-the-World with the President H.R. Haldeman Book 2 [2 of 2]
Des Moines Trip March 1971
Ohio and Iowa Trip July 1971
[Illinois Trip August 1971]
California Trip August 1971
New Hampshire Trip August 1971
Alaska Trip Sept. 1971
Alaska Trip Sept. 1971--President's trip to Montana, Washington, Alaska Sept. 25-26, 1971
Elkins, W. Va. Trip 10/8/71
Charlotte, North Carolina (Suggested Remarks) Friday, October 15, 1971
Charlotte, N.C. Trip "Billy Graham Day" 10/16/71
New York and Chicago Trip (Dinners) November 9, 1971
Trip-4H Chicago December 1, 1971
Trip-12/13 and 12/14 Azores, 1971
Trip-Florida/Brandt Dinner 12/28/71
California Trip-San Clemente Sato Meeting 1/72
Trips-PN to Liberia and Africa January 1972
Canada Trip-Apr. 13-15
Trip to Connally Ranch 5/1

Box 156

Russian Trip File
Russian Trip File--Moscow Trip May 1972
Russian Trip File--Moscow Trip May 1972--Trip Cables
Russian Trip File--Moscow Trip May 1972--Moscow
TV File
T.V. Guide
U [Guide Card] 22
V [Guide Card] 23
H.R. Haldeman 1970--Reactions Vietnam Speech
Voluntary Service
W [Guide Card] 24
Wallace-Rpts. on His Condition

Box 157

Dewitt Wallace Dinner
Tricia's Wedding
First Quarter Report-John C. Whitaker Secretary to the Cabinet
[White House Conference on Children and Youth Background Material]
HRH White House Fellows [Conference] [1 of 2]
HRH White House Fellows [Conference] [2 of 2]
HRH White House Fellows [Conference]--10:00 a.m. Meeting--HRH/White House Fellows
HRH White House Lectures Series
Jay Wilkinson

Box 158

XYZ [Guide Card] 25
Youth Programs [1 of 2]
Youth Programs [2 of 2]
Polls-Youth File [1 of 2]
Polls-Youth File [2 of 2]

Box 159

Eight Christian Youth Project
American Political Reports
APME Washington News Committee
Kiplinger Washington Letter and Calif

Box 160

Biographies Chapin-Higby-Kehrli
Blair House
Books (Lists, Summaries, etc.)
Budget 1973
Cabinet Meetings
Camp David

Box 161

Camp Hoover
Cancer Research Program
Citizens Medal
Congressional Relations
Coverage of P. Activities 1972
Cromley Article
December Group Notes
Departmental Contacts
Victory '72 Dinner
Domestic PR
Election Day Material
November 8
Opposition Tactics

Box 162

HRH Eisenhower, Julie
Goal Memos
HRH Calls At Camp David
HRH 1972 Memoranda To The President
HRH 1972 Memoranda From The President
Goodling Seat
HRH 1973 Memos From The President
H Office Plans
HRH Personal Papers
HRH Photos [Audiovisual Withdrawn]

Box 163

HRH The President's File
HRH Speech File 1972
Honor America Day
Internal Security
Briefing Materials
Televised Conversation Follow up
Miscellaneous Articles on HRH
Misc. Interviews and News Conferences
President's Interview-Jan. 4, 1971
Anderson Interview of HRH
Fortune Magazine Interview January 11, 1973
House GOP Freshmen
Courtney Sheldon Interview I
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--Cabinet/Staff
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--Members of Congress
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--VIP (Business, Labor, Etc.)
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--Governors/Mayors
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--Press
Interview-Dan Rather 1/3/72 Televised--Miscellaneous

Box 164

Look [Interview]
National Journal Interview
Newsweek (Henry Trewhitt) Interview 3/1/73--Henry Trewhitt Interview 3/1/73
Saul Pett Interview
Time Interview 6/8/70
Interview-U.S. News [and World Report]
Memos From The President (Typed by H. Office)--1969
Memos From The President (Typed by H. Office)--1970
Memos From The President (Typed by H. Office)--1971
Memos From The President (Typed by H. Office)--1972

Box 165

[AEI (American Enterprise Institute) Rationale Debates Feb. 13, 14 and 16, 1973]
Filing [Haldeman Interviews]
GS Secretarial Resumes [Interviews]
Secretarial File Resumes [Interviews]
Resumes New Secretaries [Interviews]
RN Interview with Howard K. Smith 3/22/71
SOS and C&M Study Groups [Interviews]
SOS and C&M Study Groups [Interviews]--SOS and C&M Study Groups
Interview with Nick Timmesch Thursday, Feb. 15-10:30 a.m.
Interview with Barbara Walters
Issues Relative Emphasis

Box 166

L B. Johnson
LBJ Funeral
K 11 [Guide Card]
[Kennedy Center Board of Trustee Meeting--May 27, 1971]
[Kennedy Center Board of Trustee Meeting--Sept. 10, 1971]
[Kennedy Center Board of Trustee Meeting--Nov. 10, 1971]
JFK Board Meeting/Items To Be Covered [Nov. 16, 1971]
Kennedy Center [Executive Committee Meeting Feb. 25, 1971]
[Kennedy Center-Executive Committee Meeting--March 1971]
[Kennedy Center-Executive Committee Meeting--Oct. 18, 1971]
JFK Center-1972 (Miscellaneous) [1]
JFK Center-1972 (Miscellaneous) [1]--11:00 a.m. Meeting RE: JFK Center
JFK Center-1972 (Miscellaneous) [1]--[Kennedy Center G.S.A. Study Report]
JFK Center 1972 (Miscellaneous) [2]
JFK Center 1972 (Miscellaneous) [2]--Board of Trustees Mtg. 12:00 Noon-Jan. 26, 1972

Box 167

[Kennedy Center Executive Committee Meeting-Feb. 28, 1972]
JFK Center Meeting-5/9/72
JFK Center-Board of Trustees Meeting-June 22, 1972
[Kennedy Center-Board of Trustees Meeting-June 22, 1972]
JFK Center-Board of Trustees Meeting-July 18, 1972
JFK Center-Board of Trustees Meeting-September 11, 1972
JFK Center Board Meeting Monday, September 11, 1972

Box 168

Kennedy Center Board of Trustees Meeting-October 12, 1972 [Part 1]
Kennedy Center Board of Trustees Meeting-October 12, 1972 [Part 2]
JFK Center Meeting January 31, 1973
Kennedy Center Mtg. 4/4/73
JFK Center Phone Call File
Misc. Kennedy Center-1973
Jim Keogh-New Book
Key Biscayne
L 12 [Guide Card]
M 14 [Guide Card]
"Man of Peace"
HRH Medal of Freedom
Medal of Honor Ceremony (Young Boy Salutes P.)
Meeting w/Abe Fortas
Meeting Haig-Chapin-Ziegler RE: China
3:00 pm Meeting-President's Office-Talking points and briefing paper
Meeting w/Richard Allen
Meeting with Anne Armstrong December 13, 1972-2:30 pm
Ash/Malek Meeting-12:30 p.m.
Roy Ash Meeting
Meeting w/Roy Ash
Bill Baroody Meeting
Meeting with Claude Brinegar November 29, 1972 Wednesday-10:00 a.m.
HRH Meeting-George Bush
Congressional Strategy Meeting

Box 169

Meeting w/Julie Eisenhower
HRH Meeting-Wm. S. Paley 3/14/73 4:00 p.m.
Ray Price Meeting
Shakespeare Meeting
Meeting with Roger Stevens
Meeting with Vice President
HRH Meeting-Clay Whitehead 2/13/72 4:30 PM
Monday Dinner File
N 15 [Guide Card]
National Center for Voluntary Action
Nielsen Rating 1973
Nielsen Rating and Arbitron Part I
[Nielsen Rating and Arbitron Part II]

Box 170

"Neither Fish Nor Fowl"
News Planning Calendar
News Summaries
Mrs. Nixon
Nixon Foundation/Library/Museum
Nixon Foundation/Library/Museum--Pres. Nixon Museum
Nobel Peace Prize
O 16 [Guide Card]
1976 Olympic Games
P 17 [Guide Card]
Phase III
Phone Call Recommendations
Phone Call Recommendations--Phone Calls Basic
Phone Call Recommendations--Phone Calls Current
Polls-General--Spending Poll

Box 171

Post-Election [Part I]
[Post-Election Part II]
Presidential Phone Calls [Part I]
[Presidential Phone Calls Part II]
President's Birthplace Foundation-Yorba Linda

Box 172

1976 Presidential election
Pres. RN-The Man
Pres. RN-The Man--Helen Thomas notes on RMN
Press Conference File
P. Press Conference-June 29, '72
Public Broadcasting Corporation
Question And Answers
R 19 [Guide Card]
Recorded Conversations
Reorganization Department and Agencies I [Part I]
[Reorganization Department and Agencies I Part II]

Box 173

Reorganization Department and Agencies Part I
[Reorganization Department and Agencies] Part II
Departmental Reorganization III Part I
[Departmental Reorganization III Part II]

Box 174

[Departmental Reorganization III Part III]
Reorganization-EOP Part I
[Reorganization-EOP Part II]
Republican National Committee 1972
Howard K. Smith
Environment Speech
Kansas and Nebraska Speeches

Box 175

Speeches-Miscellaneous (Not Given By RN)
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Reaction to President's Speech June 1, 1972
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Cabinet and Staff
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Members of Congress
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--VIP (Business, Labor, Etc.)
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Press
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Governors and Mayors
P. Speech to Congress-June 1 Upon Return From Russia--Miscellaneous
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Misc
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Cabinet
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Staff
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Press
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--VIP
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Member of Congress
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Governors/Mayors
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Labor
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--Press
RN Vietnam Speech April 7, 1971--VN Speech Follow Up
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--Cabinet/Staff
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--Member of Congress
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--VIP (Bus., Labor, Etc.) [Empty]
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--Press
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--Governors and Mayors
P Speech On VN Mines-5/9/72--Miscellaneous
P. Speech To The Russians

Box 176

Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Speech Follow-Up
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Press
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--State Officials
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Hill
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Cabinet
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--WH Staff
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Ethnics
Speech (End VN, Meat Ceiling) March 29, 1973--Labor
Staff Biographies and New Appointments
Staff Briefing RE: State of Union 1/20/72
State Dinners
State of The Union 1972
State of The Union 1972--State of The Union
State of The Union 1972--Follow-Up To State of Union 1971 Jan. 22
State of The Union 1972--State of The Union, 72 [1 of 2]
State of The Union 1972--State of The Union, 72 [2 of 2]
State of The Union 1973
"S"-State of The World Message By P[resident]

Box 177

Supreme Court Nominations
Supreme Court Nominations --Cabinet/Staff
Supreme Court Nominations --Member of Congress
Supreme Court Nominations --VIP (Business, Labor, Etc.)
Supreme Court Nominations --Governors/Mayors
Supreme Court Nominations --Press
Supreme Court Nominations --Miscellaneous
Supreme Court Confirmations
Status Reports (Weekly and Hot List)
Jones Status Reports
T 21 [Guide Card]
LH-Telecommunications Material
Time, Inc
Trips-Columbia, South Carolina Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1973
U 22 [Guide Card]
V 23 [Guide Card]
Vice President's Office

Box 178

[Vietnam Folder 2]
VN Settlement Euphoria
Vietnam Peace Reaction
Vietnam Peace Reaction--Hill Reaction
Vietnam Peace Reaction--Cabinet/White House Staff
Vietnam Peace Reaction--Networks
Vietnam Peace Reaction--Wires
Vietnam Peace Reaction--Miscellaneous
W 24 [Guide Card]
Week-end Reading
Week-end Reading--Weekend Reading 4/21-22/73
Week-end Reading--Mar 30-Apr 1, 1973
Week-end Reading--Feb 17-19, '73
White House Entertainment-Celebrities
White Papers [Empty]
XYZ 25 [Guide Card]

Box 179

Presidential Tapes [1971]
Haldeman File Presidential Tape/Copy of Memos
Haldeman Tapes 1972-1973
Action Memos [Empty]
Action Memos 1/73
Action Memos 2/73
Action Memos 3/73
Action Memos 4/73
Talking Papers [Empty]
Talking Papers 1/73
Talking Papers 2/73
Talking Papers 3/73
Haldeman Notes
Haldeman Notes-Transition 1968
Transition-HRH Notes 1968
Haldeman Notes-April 1969 Project X
HRH Notes Apr 1969 Project X
[Files List]

Box 180

Family Schedule
Other Schedules-K VP Conv
VP [Schedules]
[Haldeman-Investigative Reports]
[NSC-Top Secret]
Larry Higby--For the President
Larry Higby-Action
Haldeman Misc Material
Haldeman Misc Material--Discuss with Haldeman
Haldeman Misc Material--Dean Meeting
Haldeman Misc Material--H. Personal File

Box 181

Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.
Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.--[China Trip]
Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.--[Memos]
Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.--Meeting with Bull, Parker and Higby
Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.--Reading Goals
Haldeman Current-Misc. Non Subst.--Schedule
Higby-HRH Files
Watergate--1972 Presidential Campaign
Watergate--Remarks Re: Watergate

Box 182

Battle of the Budget
The Battle of the Budget, 1973
Anecdote System File
Bob Haldeman [Substantive Impact Strategy]
Reading The Biased Messengers Part 1 of 2
[Reading-The Biased Messengers Part 2 of 2]
[Briefing Book For P's EOP Reorganization Plan Part 1 of 2]
[Briefing Book For P's EOP Reorganization Plan Part 2 of 2]

Box 183

[Key Senate Votes File]
Richard Nixon Quotes
State Profiles
[National Journal Part 1 of 2]
[National Journal Part 2 of 2]

Box 184

Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the People's Republic of China February 1972 Briefing Papers Mr. Haldeman 1 of 3
[Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the People's Republic of China February 1972 Briefing Papers Mr. Haldeman Part 2 of 3]
[Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the People's Republic of China February 1972 Briefing Papers Mr. Haldeman 3 of 3]
China [1 of 2]
[China 2 of 2]

Box 185

Personal China
President Nixon's Visit to the People's Republic of China February 1972 H.R. Haldeman
Peoples Republic of China Fact Book Department of State February 1972
President Nixon's Visit to the People's Republic of China February 1972 H.R. Haldeman [Blank Pad and Pen Transferred to Museum Collection]
Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the People's Republic of China February 1972 Detailed Schedule H.R. Haldeman
China [China Plan Differences]
[Suggested Government of PRC Presidential Itinerary Seven Complete Days]
[Joint Counterpart Meetings 1 of 2]
[Joint Counterpart Meetings 2 of 2]

Box 186

[Department of State Briefing Paper] 1 of 2
[Department of State Briefing Paper 2 of 2]
Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the Peoples Republic of China February 1972 Detailed Schedule H.R. Haldeman

Box 187

JFK Center--Miscellaneous File [1 of 4]
[JFK Center--Miscellaneous File 2 of 4]
[JFK Center--Miscellaneous File 3 of 4]
[JFK Center--Miscellaneous File 4 of 4]
Editorials of the Day-1971
August 14, 1970 HRH Presidents Speeches Messages, Etc. Quotes From Keogh

Box 188

Courtney Sheldon Interview II
[Presidential Appointees Listing With Vacancies And Statistics c. 10 of 20]
[Presidential Appointees Listing-Name/State Sort c. 10 of 20]
[Presidential Appointees Listing-Name Sort c. 10 of 20]
Status of Bills By Agency [1 of 2]
[Status of Bills By Agency 2 of 2]

Box 189

1970 Speech File [1 of 2]
[1970 Speech File 2 of 2]
[HRH's Personal Photo Book of a Visit to Camp David Aug 13-15, 1971]

Box 190

Staff Procedure
1968 Staff WH-setting up offices
Mr. Haldeman
PR Admin w/Public-Public Image Planning

Box 191

HRH Confidential-1969
1969 Presidential Peace Plan Speech
H.R. Haldeman Confidential '72
H.R. Haldeman Confidential '72--Staff Supper March 8, 1971
Telecon-January 25, 1972 H.R. Haldeman/Adm. Moorer
Follow-up analysis of Rather/Szulc stories Assessing mining and bombing of North Vietnam
Haldeman Confidential 1973


China Trip
China Trip (Binder)
China Trip File
The President's China Visit
FBI Report-September 28, 1971
Haldeman Misc. List and Notes


Box 193

[Empty: Box includes withdrawal sheet only]

Box 194

[Empty: Box includes withdrawal sheet only]

Box 195

HRH-Chron-March 1969
Chron File-April HRH
Chron File-May 1969 HRH
Chron File-June 1969 HRH
Chron-Haldeman-July 1969
Chron-Haldeman-Aug 1969
Chron-Haldeman-September 69
Chron-Haldeman October '69
Haldeman, Higby, Kehrli Memoranda From December '70 Through February '71 A-L
Haldeman, Higby, Kehrli Memoranda From December '70 Through February '71 M-Z

Box 196

H.R. Haldeman January Chron [1971]
H.R. Haldeman February Chron [1971] A-H
H.R. Haldeman February Chron [1971] (I-J) K-Z
H.R. Haldeman March [1971] Chron
H.R. Haldeman April [1971] Chron A-L
H.R. Haldeman April [1971] Chron M-Z
H.R. Haldeman May Chron [1971]
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File June 1971 A-L
H.R. Haldeman-Chron-June 1971 M-Z

Box 197

H.R. Haldeman-Chron-July 1971
H.R. Haldeman Chron Aug 1971 A-I
H.R. Haldeman Chron Aug 1971 J-Z
Haldeman--A-I Chron Sept. 1971
Haldeman--J-Z Chron Sept. 1971
H.R. Haldeman-Chron-Oct. 1971 A-L
H.R. Haldeman-Chron-Oct. 1971 M-Z
H.R. Haldeman-Chron-Nov. 1971 A-L

Box 198

H.R. Haldeman-Chron-Nov 1971 M-Z
H.R. Haldeman-Chron-Dec 1971

Box 199

H.R. Haldeman Chronological File January 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File February 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File March 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File April 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File May 1972

Box 200

H.R. Haldeman Chronological File June 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File July 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File August 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File September 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File October 1972

Box 201

H.R. Haldeman Chronological File November 1972
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File December 1972
Assault Book
Inaugural 1973
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File January 1973 [A-K]
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File January 1973 J M
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File, January 1973 K Z

Box 202

H.R. Haldeman Chronological File February 1973 (A-I)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File February 1973 (J)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File February 1973 (K-Z)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File March 1973 (A I)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File March 1973 (J)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File March 1973 (K Z)
H.R. Haldeman Chronological File April 1973

Box 203

G Collins-Chron-June 1972
G Collins-Chron-July 1972
G Collins-Chron-Aug 1972
G Collins-Chron-Sept 1972
G Collins-Chron-Oct. 1972
G Collins-Chron-November 1972
G Collins-Chron-Dec. 1972
G Collins-Chron-Jan. 1973

Box 204

John Dean III Feb. 1971
John Dean III March 1971
John Dean III April 1971
John Dean III May 1971
John Dean III June 1971
John Dean III July 1971
John Dean III August 1971
John Dean III September 1971
John Dean III October 1971
John Dean III November 1971
John Dean III December 1971
John Dean January 1972
John Dean February 1972
John Dean March 1972
John Dean May 1972
John Dean June 1972
John Dean July 1972
John Dean August 1972
John Dean September 1972

Box 205

John Dean Demon. Memos
John Dean 1972
John Dean December 1972
John W. Dean III January 1973
[John Dean Memos 1973]
[John Dean Misc. Memos]

Box 206

A Correspondence [1969]
A Subject [1969]
B Correspondence [1969]
B Subject [1969]
C Correspondence [1969]
C Subject [1969]
D Correspondence
D Subject
E Correspondence
E Subject
F Correspondence
F Subject
G Correspondence [Empty]
G Subject
H Correspondence
H Subject
I Correspondence [Empty]
I Subject
J Correspondence
J Subject
K Correspondence
K Subject [Empty]
L Correspondence
L Subject
M Correspondence
M Subject
N Correspondence [Empty]
N Subject
O Correspondence [Empty]
O Subject
P Correspondence
P Subject
Q Correspondence [Empty]
Q Subject [Empty]
R Correspondence
R Subject
S Correspondence
S Subject
T Correspondence
T Subject
U Correspondence [Empty]
U Subject
V Correspondence [Empty]
V Subject
W Correspondence
W Subject
X Correspondence
X Subject
Y-Z Correspondence
Y-Z Subject

Box 207

Higby Letters-Chron Calif. [Aug-Sept 1969]
Higby Notes-Chron Calif.
Higby Notes-Chron California
Miscellaneous-California Summer 1969
Ollie Atkins-Chron Calif.
Pat Buchanan-Chron Calif.
Steve Bull-Chron Calif.
John Brown-Chron Calif.
Alex Butterfield-Chron Calif.
Dwight Chapin-Chron Calif.
Ken Cole-Chron Calif.
Harry Dent-Chron Calif.
John Ehrlichman-Chron Calif.
Peter Flanigan-Chron Calif.
Len Garment-Chron Calif.
GSA [General Services Administration] People-Chron Calif.
Bryce Harlow-Chron Calif.
Col. [James D.] Hughes-Chron Calif.
James Keogh-Chron Calif.
Herb Klein-Chron Calif.
Jeb Magruder-Chron Calif.
Noble Melencamp-Chron Calif.
Ray Price-Chron Calif.
Staff Memos-Chron Calif.
Lucy Winchester-Chron Calif.
Alan Woods-Chron Calif.
Rose Woods-Chron Calif.
Ron Ziegler-Chron Calif.

Box 208

Ken Cole Memos [April-June 1969]
Harry Flemming [Feb. 1969]
Al Scott [Feb 1969]
Staff Memos [Jan-Aug 1969]
Ollie Atkins-Chron October [1969]
Ken Belieu-Chron October [1969]
Pat Buchanan-Chron October [1969]
John Brown-Chron October [1969]
Alex Butterfield-Chron October [1969]
Dwight Chapin-Chron October [1969]
Ken Cole-Chron October [1969]
Harry Dent-Chron October [1969]
Peter Flanigan-Chron October [1969]
Len Garment-Chron October [1969]
GSA People-Chron October [1969]
Bryce Harlow-Chron October [1969]
Don Hughes-Chron October [1969]
Jeb Magruder-Chron October [1969]
Noble Melencamp-Chron October [1969]
Ray Price-Chron October [1969]
Charlie Renner-Chron October [1969]
Charlie Rotchford-Chron October [1969]
Staff Memos-Chron October [1969]
Connie Stuart-Chron October [1969]
Lucy Winchester-Chron October [1969]
Alan Woods-Chron October [1969]
Rose Woods-Chron October [1969]
Ron Ziegler-Chron October [1969]
Ollie Atkins-Chron November [1969]
Ken Belieu-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Pat Buchanan-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Steve Bull-Chron November [1969]
John Brown-Chron November [1969]
Alex Butterfield-Chron November [1969]
Dwight Chapin-Chron November [1969]
Ken Cole-Chron November [1969]
Harry Dent-Chron November [1969]
Peter Flanigan-Chron November [1969]
Len Garment-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
GSA People-Chron November [1969]
Bryce Harlow-Chron November [1969]
Don Hughes-Chron November [1969]
[James] Keogh-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Herb Klein-[Chron November 1969]
Jeb Magruder-Chron November [1969]
Noble Melencamp-Chron November [1969]
Ray Price-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Charlie Renner-Chron November [1969]
Charlie Rotchford-Chron November [1969]
Staff Memos-Chron November [1969]
Connie Stuart-Chron November [1969]
Lucy Winchester-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Alan Woods-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Rose Woods-Chron November [1969]
Ron Ziegler-Chron November [1969] [Empty]
Ollie Atkins-Chron December [1969]
Ken Belieu-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
John Brown-Chron December [1969]
Pat Buchanan-Chron December [1969]
Steve Bull-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Alex Butterfield-Chron December [1969]
Dwight Chapin-Chron December [1969]
Ken Cole-Chron December [1969]
Harry Dent-Chron December [1969]
John Ehrlichman-Chron December [1969]
Peter Flanigan-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Len Garment-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
GSA People-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Bryce Harlow-Chron December [1969]
Col. [James D.] Hughes-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
James Keogh-Chron December [1969]
Herb Klein-Chron December [1969]
Jeb Magruder-Chron December [1969]
Noble Melencamp-Chron December [1969]
Ray Price-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Charlie Renner-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Charlie Rotchford-Chron December [1969]
Staff Memos-Chron December [1969]
Connie Stuart-Chron December [1969]
Chuck Stuart-Chron December [1969]
Lucy Winchester-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Alan Woods-Chron December [1969] [Empty]
Rose Woods-Chron December [1969]
Ron Ziegler-Chron December [1969]

Box 209

Ollie Atkins-Chron January [1970] [Empty]
Ken Belieu-Chron January [1970] [Empty]
John Brown-Chron January [1970]
Pat Buchanan-Chron January [1970] [Empty]
Steve Bull-Chron January [1970] [Empty]
Alex Butterfield-Chron January 1970
Dwight Chapin-Chron January 1970
Ken Cole-Chron January 1970
Harry Dent-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
John Ehrlichman-Chron January 1970
Peter Flanigan-January 1970
Len Garment-Chron January 1970
GSA People-Chron January 1970
Bryce Harlow-Chron January 1970
Col. [James D.] Hughes-Chron January 1970
James Keogh-Chron January 1970
Herb Klein-Chron January 1970
Jeb Magruder-Chron January 1970
Noble Melencamp-Chron January 1970
Ray Price-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Charles Renner-Chron January [1970]
Charles Rotchford-Chron January 1970
Staff Memos-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Chuck Stuart-Chron January 1970
Connie Stuart-Chron January 1970
Lucy Winchester-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Alan Woods-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Rose Woods-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Ron Ziegler-Chron January 1970 [Empty]
Roger Ailes-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Ollie Atkins-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
John Brown-Chron February 1970
Pat Buchanan-Chron February 1970
Steve Bull-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Alex Butterfield-Chron February 1970
Dwight Chapin-Chron February 1970
Murray Chotiner-Chron February 1970
Ken Cole-Chron February 1970
Harry Dent-Chron February 1970
John Ehrlichman-Chron February 1970
Peter Flanigan-Chron February 1970
Len Garment-Chron February 1970
GSA People-Chron February 1970
Bryce Harlow-Chron February 1970
General [James D.] Hughes-Chron February 1970
James Keogh-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Herb Klein-Chron February 1970
Bud Krogh-Chron February 1970
Jeb Magruder-Chron February 1970
Noble Melencamp-Chron February 1970
Ray Price-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Charles Renner-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Charles Rotchford-Chron February 1970
Chuck Stuart-Chron February 1970
Connie Stuart-Chron February 1970
Staff Memos-Chron February 1970
Lucy Winchester-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Alan Woods-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Rose Woods-Chron February 1970 [Empty]
Ron Ziegler-Chron February 1970
Roger Ailes-Chron March 1970
Ollie Atkins-Chron March 1970
Ken Belieu-Chron March 1970 [Empty]
John Brown-Chron March 1970
Pat Buchanan-Chron March 1970
Steve Bull-Chron March 1970
Alex Butterfield-Chron March 1970
Dwight Chapin-Chron March 1970
Murray Chotiner-Chron March 1970
Ken Cole-Chron March [1970]
Chuck Colson-Chron March [1970]
Harry Dent-Chron March [1970]
John Ehrlichman-Chron March [1970]
Peter Flanigan-Chron March [1970] [Empty]
Len Garment-Chron March [1970] [Empty]
GSA People-Chron March [1970]
Bryce Harlow-Chron March [1970]
General [James D.] Hughes-Chron March [1970]
James Keogh-Chron March [1970]
Henry Kissinger-Chron March [1970] [Empty]
Herb Klein-Chron March [1970]
Jeb Magruder-Chron March [1970]
Noble Melencamp-Chron March [1970]
Charlie Rotchford-Chron March [1970]
Staff Memos-Chron March [1970]
Chuck Stuart-Chron March [1970] [Empty]
Connie Stuart-Chron March [1970]
Lucy Winchester-Chron March [1970] [Empty]
Alan Woods-Chron March [1970]
Rose Woods-Chron March [1970]

Box 210

George Bell Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Henry Cashen II Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Leonard Garment Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Eliska Hasek Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Richard Howard Feb. 1971 [Empty]
General Hughes Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Daniel Kingsley Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Richard Moore Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Peter Peterson Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Colonel Redman Feb. 1971 [Empty]
William Rhatican Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Jonathan Rose Feb. 1971 [Empty]
John Scali Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Devan Shumway Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Constance Stuart Feb. 1971 [Empty]
Alex Butterfield March 1971 [Empty]
Stanley E. Deutsch March 1971 [Empty]
Chuck Colson March 1971 [Empty]
Robert C. Odle March 1971 [Empty]
William Rhatican March 1971 [Empty]
Ron Ziegler March 1971 [Empty]
Brown, Robert May 1971 [Empty]

Box 211

Higby Jan. Chron. 1969
Higby Feb. Chron 1969
Chron File-March 1969
Chron File April [1969] LH
Chron File-May 1969 LH
Chron File-June 1969 LH
Chron-L. Higby-July 1969
Chron-Higby-August 1969

Box 212

Chron-Higby-September 1969 [1 of 2]
[Chron-Higby-September 1969 [2 of 2]
Chron-Higby-October 1969
November-Chron L. Higby [1969]
Higby Letters-Chron November
Higby-Chron December
Higby Letters-Chron Dec.

Box 213

To HRH [Jan.-Mar. 1969]
Higby Memos to Haldeman [Aug.-Sept. 1969]
Higby Memos to Haldeman [October 1969]
Higby Memos to Haldeman Chron-November [1969]
Higby Memos to Haldeman Chron-December [1969]

Box 214

Higby-Chron January 1970
Higby-Chron February 1970
Higby Letters-Chron January 1970
Higby Letters-Chron February 1970
Higby Memos to Haldeman-Chron. January 1970
Higby Memos to Haldeman Chron February 1970
Higby Memos to Haldeman Chron March-April 1970

Box 215

Larry Higby January Chron
Larry Higby Feb. Chron
Larry Higby March Chron
Larry Higby April Chron
Larry Higby May Chron
Larry Higby-Chron-June 1971 A-J
Larry Higby-Chron-June 1971 K-Z

Box 216

Larry Higby-Chron-July 1971 A-H
Larry Higby-Chron-July 1971 I-Z
Larry Higby-Chron-August 1971
Larry Higby-Chron-Sept 1971
Larry Higby-Chron-Oct. 1971 A-J
Larry Higby-Chron-Oct. 1971 K-Z
Larry Higby-Chron-Nov. 1971
Larry Higby-Chron-Dec 1971

Box 217

Larry Higby, Chronological File A-J January 1972
Larry Higby, Chronological File K-Z January 1972
Larry Higby, Chronological File February 1972
Lawrence Higby Chronological File March 1972 A-M
Lawrence Higby Chronological File March 1972 Mc-Z

Box 218

[Audio Cassette] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
Chrons-L. Higby April 1972 A-K
Lawrence Higby Chronological Files April 1972 L-Z
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological Files May 1972 A-L
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological Files May 1972 M-Z
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File June 1972 A-I
Chronological Files Lawrence Higby June 1972 J-Z

Box 219

Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File July 1972
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File August 1972 (A-J)
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File K-Z August 1972
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File September 1972

Box 220

Lawrence Higby Chronological File October 1972
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File November 1972
L. Higby-Chron-December 1972 A-L
L. Higby-Chron-December 1972(M)
Lawrence M. Higby Chronological File M-Z December 1972

Box 221

L. Higby Chron File A-G Jan. 1973
L. Higby-Chron-Jan 1973 (H-L)
L. Higby-Chron-Jan. 1973 (M-Z)
Higby-Chron-February 1973 (A-E)
Higby-Chron-February 1973 (F-H

Box 222

Higby-Chron-February 1973 (I-L)
Higby-Chron-February 1973 (M-Z)
L. Higby March 1973 (A-F)
L. Higby March 1973 (G-J)
L. Higby March 1973 (K-Z)
L. Higby-Chrons April 1973
[Misc. Memos, April-May 1973]

Box 223

[Higby Staff Memos April-May 1973]
Bill Henkel
New Planning Calendar
Presidential Addresses

Box 224

L. Higby-Working Chron
January 1973
February 1973
March 1973
April 1973
May 1973 [1 of 2]
May 1973 [2 of 2]

Box 225

Bruce Kehrli Jan. Chron. [1971]
Bruce Kehrli Feb. Chron. [1971]
Bruce Kehrli March Chron [1971]
Bruce Kehrli April Chron. [1971]
Bruce Kehrli May Chron. [1971]
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-June 1971
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-July 1971 A-H
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-July 1971 I-Z

Box 226

Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Aug. 1971
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Sept. 1971
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Oct. 1971 A-I
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Oct. 1971 K-Z
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Nov. 1971
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Dec. 1971 A-G
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Dec 1971 H-Z
Bruce Kehrli-Chron-Jan 1972

Box 227

John Mitchell 1971
John Mitchell 1972

Box 228

President Nixon Memoranda (February 1969)
President Nixon Memoranda (September 1969)
President Nixon Memoranda (December 1969)
President Nixon Memoranda (January 1970)
President Nixon Memoranda (March 1970)
Presidential Memos (Original) May 1971

Box 229

P Memos 1969
P Memos 1970
P Memos 1970 Part II

Box 230

P Memos 1971
P Memos 1972
[P Memos 1971 Part II]
P Memos 1973

Box 231

G. Strachan Chron. File [March 1971]
Gordon Strachan April [1971] Chron
Gordon Strachan May [1971] Chron
G. Strachan Chron. June 1971
G. Strachan-Chron-(Memos to HRH only) June 1971
Gordon Strachan-Chron-July 1971
Chron. File-Gordon Strachan to HRH July 1-15, 1971 Book I

Box 232

G. Strachan-Chron-To HRH only July 16, 1971 Book II
[Gordon Strachan Misc Memos 1971]
John Dean Memo File GS [1971]
[John Dean Memo File GS 1971]

Box 233

Gordon Strachan-Chron-August 1971
Strachan-Chron, September 1971
G. Strachan-Chron to HRH only August 1971
Strachan-Chron, to HRH only September 1971

Box 234

Strachan Chron A-Z October 1971
Strachan Chron-HRH only October 1971
Strachan Chron-A-G November 1971
Strachan Chron H-N November 1971
Strachan Chron O-U November 1971
Strachan Chron V-Z November 1971

Box 235

Strachan Chron-HRH only November 1971
Strachan Chron A-L December 1971
Strachan Chron M-Z December 1971
Strachan Chron-HRH only December 1972 [1971] Book I
Strachan Chron-HRH only December 1971 Book II
Strachan Chron-HRH only December 1971 Book III
Strachan Chron-HRH only January 1972 Book I
Strachan Chron-HRH only January 1972 Book II

Box 236

Strachan Chron A-Z January 1972
Strachan Chron A-L February 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z February 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only February 1972 Book I
Strachan Chron-HRH only February 1972 Book II
Strachan Chron A-L March 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z March 1972

Box 237

Strachan Chron-HRH only March 1972 Book I
Strachan Chron A-L April 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z April 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only April 1972 Book I
Strachan Chron A-L May 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z May 1972

Box 238

Strachan Chron-HRH only May 1972
Strachan Chron A-D June 1972
Strachan Chron E-L June 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z June 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only June 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only June 1972 Part II

Box 239

Strachan Chron A-L July 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z July 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only July 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only July 1972 Part II
Strachan A-L Chron August 1972

Box 240

Strachan M-Z Chron August 1972
Strachan HRH only Chron August 1972 Part I
Strachan HRH only Chron August 1972 Part II
Strachan A-L Chron September 1972
Strachan M-Z Chron September 1972
Strachan HRH only September 1972 Part I

Box 241

Strachan HRH only Chron September 1972 Part II
Strachan Chron A-L October 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z October 1972
Strachan Chron-HRH only October 1972 Part I
Strachan Chron-HRH only October 1972 Part II
Strachan Chron A-L November 1972
Strachan Chron M-Z November 1972
Strachan HRH Chron only November 1972 Part I
Strachan Chron-HRH only December 1972

Box 242

Haldeman-Memoranda Jan. 1969
Haldeman-Memoranda (Feb. 1969)
Haldeman-Memoranda March 1969
Haldeman-Memoranda April 1969
Haldeman-Memoranda May 1969
Haldeman-Letter and Memoranda June 1969
Haldeman Memos (January 1970)
Haldeman Memos (February 1970)
Haldeman Memos (March 1970)
Haldeman Memos (April 1970)
Haldeman Memos (May 1970)
Haldeman Memos (June 1970)
Haldeman Memos (July 1970)
Haldeman Memos (August 1970)
Haldeman Memos (September 1970)
Haldeman Memos (October 1970)
Haldeman Memos (November 1970)
Haldeman Memos (December 1970)
Haldeman Memos (December 1970)--[White House Summer Intern Program]
Haldeman Memos Jan. 1971
Haldeman Memos Feb. 1971
Haldeman Memos Mar. 1971

Box 243

Haldeman Memos April 1971 [Empty]
Haldeman Memos May 1971 [Empty]
Haldeman Memos June 1971
B. K. To H.R. Haldeman [1 of 2]
B. K. To H.R. Haldeman [2 of 2]
B. K. Memoranda To HRH-10/72-12/72
B. K. Memoranda To HRH 1973 [1 of 2]
B. K. Memoranda To HRH 1973 [2 of 2]
B. K. To Larry Higby
B. K. Memoranda To LH
B. K. To Gordon Strachan [Empty]
Memos From JRB To HRH (Nov. 69)
Memos From JRB To HRH (Dec. 69)

Box 244

From Brown FYI Mr. Huntsman
JMH Memos to Alex Butterfield
JMH Memos To H.R. Haldeman
FYI Memos to JRB
FYI Memos for John Brown III Nov-Dec-1970
FYI Memos to J. M. Huntsman
FYI Memos to Bruce Kehrli Jan.-June 1972
FYI Memos to Bruce Kehrli July 1972-December 1972

Box 245

Staff Secretary Memos To Staff 1971-1972 [1 of 2]
[Staff Secretary Memos To Staff 1971-72 2 of 2]
Memos To Staff From Staff Secretary 1970


Box 246

Higby, Larry/Telephone [Jan-Mar 1969]
Telephone Calls-April LH [Apr-Aug 1969]
Phone Calls-Higby Sept.-Dec. 1969

Box 247

[Higby Telephone Memorandum 1970]
Higby Calls-Chron January 1970
Higby Calls-Chron February 1970
Higby Calls-Chron March 1970
Higby Calls-Chron April 1970
Higby Calls-Chron May 1970
Higby Calls-Chron June 1970
Higby Calls-Chron July [1970]
Higby Calls-Chron August 1970
Higby Calls-Chron September 1970
Higby Calls-Chron Oct.-Dec. 1970

Box 248

[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 1 of 7 Jan-Feb 1971]
[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 2 of 7 March-April 1971]
[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 3 of 7 May-June 1971]
[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 4 of 7 July 1971]
[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 5 of 7 August-September 1971]

Box 249

[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 6 of 7 Oct-Nov 1971]
[Telephone Logs 1971 Part 7 of 7 Nov.-Dec. 1971]
1972 Phone Calls
Telephone Memorandum, [Part 1 of 2 January-April 1972]
Telephone Memorandum, [Part 2 of 2 May-September 1972]
Larry Higby Phone Calls, November 1972
Larry Higby Phone Calls, December 1972

Box 250

Larry Higby Phone Calls, January 1973
Larry Higby Phone Calls, February 1973
Larry Higby Phone Calls, March 1973
Larry Higby Phone Calls, April 1973

Box 251

LH Notes [1969]
Higby Notes-July-Sept. [1969]
Higby Notes-October 1969
Higby Notes-November 1969
Higby Notes December 1969
Dec. 30, 1969 WH Staff Evaluation by LH

Box 252

Higby Notes-Chron Jan. 1970
Higby Notes-Chron Feb. 1970
Higby Notes-Chron March 1970
Higby Notes-Chron April 1970
Higby Notes April 1970
Higby Notes-Chron May 1970
Higby Notes-Chron June 1970
Higby Notes-Chron July 1970
Higby Notes August 1970
Higby Notes-September 1970
Higby Notes-Oct.-Dec. 1970

Box 253

Higby Notes January 1971
Higby Notes February 1971
Higby Notes March 1971
Higby Notes [1971] [Empty]
1971 Notes [Part 1 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 2 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 3 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 4 of 9]

Box 254

1971 Notes [Part 5 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 6 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 7 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 8 of 9]
1971 Notes [Part 9 of 9]

Box 255

[Lawrence M. Higby, Handwritten Notes] [Part 1 of 5, 1972]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Handwritten Notes] [Part 2 of 5, 1972]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Handwritten Notes] [Part 3 of 5, 1972]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Handwritten Notes] [Part 4 of 5, 1972]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Handwritten Notes] [Part 5 of 5, 1972]
[Lawrence M. Higby], [Handwritten Notes 1 of 2, 1972?]
[Lawrence M. Higby], [Handwritten Notes 2 of 2, 1972?]
L. Calif. Notes, [Part 1 of 2, 1972?]
L. Calif. Notes, [Part 2 of 2, 1972?]

Box 256

Notes [1972?]
[Higby Handwritten Notes] [Oct.-Nov. 1972]
Higby Notes [1972/73]
Higby Notes For Trewhitt Interview 3-1-73
Higby Notes-January 1973
Higby Notes-February 1973
Higby Notes-March 1973
Higby Notes-April 1973
Higby Notes-April 1973--Higby Notes
Vietnam Notes-Higby
[Higby Notes and Correspondence] [1972/73]
[Higby Handwritten Notes] [1973?]
Higby Notes [1973?]

Box 257

Higby-Personal 1969
Higby-Personal [1969]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Personal], [Part 1 of 2] [1971-72]
[Lawrence M. Higby, Personal], [Part 2 of 2] [1971-72]
Personal [1973]
Higby-Dogs [1970]
Higby Mail [Empty]
Higby-Travel Vouchers Paid 1969

Box 258

71-72 Reading
LH-Reading, [1972]
Reading [1972-73]
Reading [1972-73]
Reading [1973]
LH-FYI '71 (late)
LH-FYI 71-72 Misc and Kehrli-Huntsman Transition and Elect Year Eve Analysis
LH-FYI [3-72]

Box 259

FYI L.H., [Part 1 of 2]
FYI L.H., [Part 2 of 2]
LH-FYI [6-72]
LH-FYI [1972]
LH-FYI [1972]
LH-FYI [1972-73]
LH-FYI [1973]
LH-FYI [1973]

Box 260

LH-FYI [1973]
FYI [1973]
LH-FYI [1973]

Box 261

News Summary-Action LH
News Summary-Action LH 2nd Folder
John Dean
Dean IRS File
Interviews/Advance men 1971
Interviews/Advance men 1971--William Carey
Interviews/Advance men 1971--Frankfurt, Stephen O.
Interviews/Advance men 1971--Roll, Charles W., Jr.
Operation X File

Box 262

[Candidates For Advance Men]
Red China
China Film-Reel #1, [2 copies]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (Revised), (June 1970), A Confidential Survey
[Memorandum For H.R. Haldeman From Charles Colson, May 31, 1972]
Opinion Research Corporation, Memorandum, March 29, 1972
Memorandum For: H.R. Haldeman, From L. Higby
Planning Schedule Up To The Republican National Convention, March 27, 1972
GS Memos
[Misc. Memos]
[Misc. Memos], [Part 1 of 2], [4-72]
[Misc. Memos], [Part 2 of 2], [4-72]
Memorandum For The Attorney General, February 11, 1972
Memorandum For Bob Haldeman From Fred Malek, February 8, 1972
[Misc. Memos], [Jan-Feb, 1972]
[Misc. Memos], [Feb-May 1972]
"The Public Appraises the Nixon Administration"

Box 263

Walt Disney Productions
Memorandum For Bruce Kehrli From Patrick O'Donnell
[Program For The San Diego Convention]
[Inventory of Presidential Papers, Pre-Presidential Papers W. H. Manual Control of Staff Papers]
[1972 Campaign Memos]
Jan-72 Misc.
Rental Agreement Forms
Transcript of Extemporaneous Remarks by FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson, Thursday, Nov. 6, 1969
Polling Memoranda
[Green Plastic Case, Campaign Name Tag]
Exhibit A
National Security Organization, November 1, 1968
Preparing For The Post-Election Transition, August 15, 1968
Dealing With The Old Administration [1]
Dealing With The Old Administration [2]
Dealing With The Old Administration [3]
Covert Operations of the United States Government 1 December 1968

Box 264

National Security Organization, November 1, 1968
Staffing the White House
[Staffing the White House]
[Proposed Location for Winter White House-Roosevelt Roads Naval Station Puerto Rico]
The White House Office and Special Projects
[Advance Man Handbook], [2 B and W Photos Withdrawn and Returned]
[Blank Stationery, Nixon For President Committee] [Part 1 of 2]
[Blank Stationery, Nixon For President Committee] [Part 2 of 2]

Box 265

[Note Pads]
[Business Cards]
[Note Pads]
[Larry Higby National Staff, Desk Name Plate and Stand]
[Expediter Note Paper]
RN Contact Request
Materials from Garment

Box 266

Memo From Leonard Garment To Cabinet Members Dated January 30, 1969 [with attachments]
General Memos File
Transition-Brookings Memo
[Transition Memos]
Study of the Presidency, May 1968
HRH Personnel
RN Memos
HRH Notes
General Reading
[Nixon Agnew Letterhead Stationery]

Box 267

[Push Pins and Magi-Clamp Paper Holders]
[Tan Briefcase]
The Nixon Years by Victor Lasky [Part 1 of 3]
The Nixon Years by Victor Lasky [Part 2 of 3]
The Nixon Years by Victor Lasky [Part 3 of 3]
Preparing For The Post-Election Transition, August 15, 1968 [6 copies]
The Answer Desk
Dealing With The Old Administration

Box 268

[Nixon For President Committee Letterhead Stationery] [Part 1 of 2]
[Nixon For President Committee Letterhead Stationery] [Part 2 of 2]
[Misc. Memos From Glen Olds To R.N.]
Manpower Content (Models), Mr. Haldeman
Staffing The White House
National Security Organization, [Part 1 of 2]
National Security Organization, [Part 2 of 2]
Staffing The White House
Dealing With the Old Administration, [Part 1 of 2]
Dealing With the Old Administration, [Part 2 of 2]

Box 269

[Memo Re: Look Magazine Article]
[Oliphant original cartoon]
Reference Booklet on Conflict of Interest
Preparing For The Post-Election Transition, August 15,1968 [4 copies]
RN Manpower Content (Models)
RN Manpower Structure [Part 1 of 3]
RN Manpower Structure [Part 2 of 3]
RN Manpower Structure [Part 3 of 3]

Box 270

Nat'l Security Organizations, [3 copies]
Dealing With The Old Administration, [Empty]
Agenda For The Nation [Part 1 of 3]
Agenda For The Nation [Part 2 of 3]
Agenda For The Nation [Part 3 of 3]
Shumway, Devan
Shumway, Devan--Devan Shumway July 1972 [Empty]
Shumway, Devan--Devan Shumway June 1972
Shumway, Devan--Devan Shumway May 1972 [Empty]
Memo, Dean To Strachan, October 12, 1971
White House Lecture Series-Schedule Proposals [1970-1971]
H. Res. 803, May-June 1974
Memo, Strachan To Higby, October 20, 1971

Box 271

Telephone Memorandum, [1972] [Part 1 of 4] [February-March 1972]
Telephone Memorandum, [1972] [Part 2 of 4] [April May 1972]
Telephone Memorandum, [1972] [Part 3 of 4] [June July 1972]
Telephone Memorandum, [1972] [Part 4 of 4] [August-September 1972]
January [1971]
January [1971]-Pen Names
February [1971] [Part 1 of 2]
February [1971] [Part 2 of 2]

Box 272

A-B 4/30/71
Filing [Part 1 of 2]
Filing [Part 2 of 2]
1970 Memos For T. Brown File
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [1 of 5]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [2 of 5]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [3 of 5]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [4 of 5]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [5 of 5]

Box 273

Staff Secretariat
"The Nixon Trail"
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [1 of 3]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [2 of 3]
[Misc. Memos (To Be Interfiled)] [3 of 3]
Department Head Status
[Personnel Recommendations]
[H.R. Haldeman Memos, January 1973]
New American Majority

Box 274

Special Groups
Blacks, Summary December 16
Memo, Malek To Haldeman, November 29, 1972
Spanish-Speaking, December 16
[Floor Plans]
[Pre-Advance Book on President's Visit to USSR]

Box 275

The Battle of the Budget, 1973
The Battle of the Budget, 1973
Department of the Interior
Department of State Status
Alexander P. Butterfield
White House Photos [1 of 3] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
White House Photos [2 of 3] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
White House Photos [3 of 3] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]

Box 276

Political Division Final Report
Political Division Final Report 1972, Tabs I-P (Copy 1) [Part 1 of 2]
Political Division Final Report 1972, Tabs I-P (Copy 1) [Part 2 of 2]
1972 Presidential Campaign Wrap-up, Ohio [Part 1 of 2]
1972 Presidential Campaign Wrap-up, Ohio [Part 2 of 2]

Box 277

Political Division Final Report 1972, Tabs Q-Z, (Copy 1)
[Agency Staffing Announcement, Jan., 1973]
[Floor Plans]
Political Division Final Report 1972, Tabs A-H (Copy 1) [Part 1 of 2]
Political Division Final Report 1972, Tabs A-H (Copy 1) [Part 2 of 2]

Box 278

[Misc. Memos to H.R. Haldeman, April-May 1973]
Post-Election Activities, November 8, 1972
[Comments on Preparing for 1972 Election Campaign]
Colson Meeting
Approval of Richard Nixon
Meeting With Colson Re: Press Operation
[Possible Political Appointees] [Tabs A-F]
[Possible Political Appointees] [Tabs G-L]
[Possible Political Appointees] [Tabs Mc-P]
[Possible Political Appointees] [Tabs R-W]
[Floor Plans]

Box 279

Transition Memos
Under Secretary Summary
Reading [Second Administration]
White House
Time Table
Transition Notes Key Biscayne
Meeting with Timmons, l pm Camp David, Wednesday, November 29
Meeting with Ray Price, November 29, 1972, 9:30 am
Under Secretary Summary

Box 280

Personnel Cabinet Depts
Personnel/Executive Branch
Personnel Exec. Office
[Personnel File]
[Personnel/White House]
Staff Reorganization Concept and Reporting Relations

Box 281

L. Higby [Reading File-Second Administration]
[Higby Action Memos 1971-72]
Action Completed-Out Box Material
Presidential Correspondence
5:00 Meeting-May 10, 1972
Copies of GS Memos
[Misc. Correspondence, 1972-1973]
L Action
Signature LH

Box 282

[Memoranda Re Staffing Patterns]
End of the Day
Public Information Structure
[Job Evaluations]
End of the Day

Box 283

[Leakage of Classified Defense Document]
Pearson Report
[Alterations in the West Wing]
The Elephant's New Clothes: Toward A Redefinition of Republicanism
Neighbors For Nixon Final Report, March 1969

Box 284

Inciting Causes of Student Protest-May 1970
The Presidential Advance Manual 1970 [Part 1 of 2]
The Presidential Advance Manual 1970 [Part 2 of 2]
[San Clemente [1 of 2]
[San Clemente [2 of 2]

Box 285

Meeting-San Clemente 3 p.m. March 10, 1970
Summer White House Info Memos
Copies California Staff Members
San Clemente Arrivals
San Clemente-General
San Clemente-Furniture
San Clemente-Property (Residence Needs)
Active San Clemente
Higby Office
Haldeman Office File

Box 286

Site Lay Out
San Clemente-Office Needs
San Clemente-Notebook Background
San Clemente-Employment
[Staffing Arrangements during San Clemente Stay]
San Clemente-Communications
San Clemente-Transportation
San Clemente-Notes
Site Photo-Calif.
San Clemente-Office Supplies
Visitor's Guide Summer White House
[White House Floor Plans]
San Clemente [Part 1 of 2]

Box 287

San Clemente [Part 2 of 2]
Boundary Survey Map
Action-West Wing Re-organization
Office Equipment
Patio Dividers-San Clemente
Flemming Project [1969]
Eisenhower Golfing Friends
Furniture/Space Layout Administration Building

Box 288

[Interior Photos of San Clemente] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
Visitor Information Summer White House San Clemente, California
69 W. Wing Renovation
National Goals Research Staff
Operation L
69 W Wing Renovation
West Wing Underground Press Facility
[Partial First Floor Plan]

Box 289

EOB-Moving Plans
Travel Account Zero
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity
Transition Personnel
The White House Proposed EOB Press Facilities and Connecting Tunnel To The West Wing, April 10, 1969
[Fabric Samples-Office Equipment]
[Photographs-May 9, 1970] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
Bamboo Scroll Painting
Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
[Note Pads]
Telecon w/ Cliff Miller, April 22, 1971
1969 Inaugural Medallion
President Richard Nixon's Trip to The People's Republic of China, February 21 to 28, 1972 [Album]


Box 290

[Ten boxes of material withdrawn under restriction code G; this box contains the withdrawal sheets]


Box 291

[Twenty-two boxes of material withdrawn under restriction code G; this box contains the withdrawal sheets]


Box 292

HRH-1970 Political Candidates' Issues and Themes
HRH-1970 Political-Worst Quotes
HRH Political-1970
June 4, 1970 Political Meeting
Political (1970 Election) General [1 of 2]
Political (1970 Election) General [2 of 2]

Box 293

HRH-1970 Political File 1970
HRH Political-1970 [1 of 2]
HRH Political-1970 [2 of 2]
HRH Political File 1971 Personal
Political-Confidential File General 1971

Box 294

[HRH Political File]
[H. R. Haldeman Personnel Material]

Box 295

Political Matters-[Folder 1]
Political Matters-[Folder 2]
Political Matters-[Folder 3]
Political Matters-[Folder 4]
Political Matters-[Folder 5]
Political Matters-[Folder 6]

Box 296

HRH and AG Meeting-June 30, 1971 [1 of 2]
HRH and AG Meeting-June 30, 1971 [2 of 2]
[HRH Memos June 30, 1971]
HRH and AG Meeting-11/4/71 [1 of 2]
HRH and AG Meeting-11/4/71 [2 of 2]
H To The AG-1/31/72
[Attorney General's Meeting with Magruder March 27, 1971]
Chapman's Friends

Box 297

Notes 350
H Notes GS Files
Campaign Spending
Implementation of President's Directive Re Improper Disclosure
[Layout Master sheets for Campaign Material]

Box 298

Campaign Strategy Responses To HRH's June 12, 1972 Memorandum
GS Campaign Strategy Responses To HRH's June 12, 1972 Memorandum
Campaign Strategy Memos
HRH 1972-Political Strategy [1 of 2]
HRH 1972-Political Strategy [2 of 2]

Box 299

HRH Political Strategy Memos
Updated Campaign Strategy Memos
[Campaign Strategy Memos from Buchanan 1 of 2]
[Campaign Strategy Memos from Buchanan 2 of 2]
Common Cause [Folder I]
Common Cause [Folder II]

Box 300

Democrats for Nixon
[Robert Dole]
Finances #1
Finances #2 [1 of 2]
[Finances #2] [2 of 2]

Box 301

Special Gallup File
House and Senate Races [1 of 2]
House and Senate Races [2 of 2]
Kalmbach Previous Correspondence

Box 302

Key States
Ed Muskie
The New Majority
Political Analyses--Rumsfeld, Dent, Richard, Davies 1971 [Folder 1]
[Political Analyses--Rumsfeld, Dent, Richard, Davies 1971] [Folder 2]

Box 303

Political Miscellaneous 1971 [Folder 1]
[Political Miscellaneous 1971] [Folder 2]
George Wallace
Press Reports [Chapman's Friend Reports]

Box 304

1 Campaign-Dec. '70-Mar.'71
2 Campaign Apr. 6, Apr. 7, Apr. 28, May 10, 1971
3 Campaign-June 29, 1971
4 Campaign-July 5, July 16, 1971 [Folder 1]
[4 Campaign-July 5, July 16, 1971] [Folder 2]

Box 305

[4 Campaign-July 5, July 16, 1971] [Folder 3]
5 Campaign-July 31, Aug. 2, Aug. 13, 1971
6 Campaign-Aug. 13, Sept. 17, Sept. 18, 1971 [1 of 2]
6 Campaign-Aug. 13, Sept. 17, Sept. 18, 1971 [2 of 2]
7 Campaign-Sept. 24, Oct. 7, 1971 [1 of 2]
7 Campaign-Sept. 24, Oct. 7, 1971 [2 of 2]

Box 306

8 Campaign-Oct. 27, 1971 [Folder 1]
[8 Campaign-Oct. 27, 1971] [Folder 2]
9 Campaign-Nov. 16, 1971
10 Campaign-Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 1971
11 Campaign-Dec. 6, 1971

Box 307

12 Campaign-Dec. 16, 1971 [Folder 1]
[12 Campaign-Dec. 16, 1971] [Folder 2]
13 Campaign-Dec. 17-Dec. 31, 1971
14 Campaign-Jan. 1, 1972 Part I

Box 308

14 Campaign-Jan. 1-18, 1972 Part II [Folder 1]
[14 Campaign-Jan. 1-18, 1972 Part II [Folder 2]
15 Campaign-Jan. 18, 1972
16 Campaign-Part I Feb. 2-Feb. 16, '72 [Folder 1]
[16 Campaign-Part I Feb. 2-Feb. 16, '72] [Folder 2]

Box 309

16 Campaign-Part II Feb. 2-Feb. 16, '72
Campaign 17 Book I Feb. 17-Mar. 3, '72
Campaign 17 Book II Feb. 17-Mar. 3, '72 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 17 Book II Feb. 17-Mar. 3, '72] [Folder 2]
18 Campaign Part I March 3 [Folder 1]
[18 Campaign Part I March 3] [Folder 2]

Box 310

18 Campaign Part II March 3 [1972]
18 Campaign Part III March 3-March 28, 1972 [Folder 1]
[18 Campaign Part III March 3-March 28, 1972 Folder 2]
18 Campaign Part IV March 3-March 28, 1972 [Folder 1]
[18 Campaign Part IV March 3-March 28, 1972] [Folder 2]

Box 311

Campaign 19 Part I March 29-May 17
Campaign 19 Part II March 29-May 17
Campaign 19 Part III March 29-May 17 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 19 Part III March 19-May 17] [Folder 2]
Campaign 19 Part IV March 29-May 17
Campaign 19 Part V March 29-May 17

Box 312

Campaign 19 Part VI March 29-May 17
Campaign 19 Part VII March 29-May 17 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 19 Part VII March 29-May 17] [Folder 2]
Campaign 20 Part I May 17-June 6, 1972
Campaign 20 Part II May 17-June 6, 1972
Campaign 21 June 7-14, 1972

Box 313

Campaign 22 Part I June 15-29, 1972 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 22 Part I June 15-29, 1972] [Folder 2]
Campaign 22 Part II June 15-29, 1972 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 22 Part II June 15-29, 1972] [Folder 2]
Campaign 22 Part III June 15-29, 1972 [Folder 1]

Box 314

[Campaign 22 Part III June 15-29, 1972 Folder 2]
Campaign 22 Part IV June 15-29, 1972
Campaign 22 Part V June 15-29, 1972 [1 of 2]
Campaign 22 Part V June 15-29, 1972 [2 of 2]
Campaign 23 Part I June 30-July 19, 1972
Campaign 23 Part III June 30-July 19, 1972 [1 of 2]
Campaign 23 Part III June 30-July 19, 1972 [2 of 2]

Box 315

Campaign 23 Part IV June 30-July 19, 1972
Campaign 23 Part V June 30-July 19, 1972 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 23 Part V June 30-July 19, 1972] [Folder 2]

Box 316

Campaign 24 Part I July 29-Aug. 11, [1972] [Folder 1]
[Campaign 24 Part I July 29-Aug. 11, 1972] Folder 2]
Campaign 24 Part II July 29-Aug. 11, [1972] [1 of 2]
Campaign 24 Part II July 29-Aug. 11, [1972] [2 of 2]
Campaign 24 Part III [Feb] July 29-Aug. 11, [1972] [1 of 2]
Campaign 24 Part III [Feb] July 29-Aug. 11, [1972] [2 of 2]

Box 317

Campaign 25 Part I Sept. 5-[Folder 1]
Campaign 25 Part I Sept. 5-[Folder 2]
Campaign 25 Part II Sept. 5-[Folder 1] [1 of 2]
Campaign 25 Part II Sept. 5-[Folder 1] [2 of 2]
[Campaign 25 Part II Sept. 5-Folder 2]

Box 318

Campaign 25 Part III Sept. 5-[Folder 1]
[Campaign 25 Part III Sept. 5-Folder 2]
Campaign 25 Part IV Sept. 5-[Folder 1] [1 of 2]
Campaign 25 Part IV Sept. 5-[Folder 1] [2 of 2]
[Campaign 25 Part IV Sept. 5-Folder 2] [1 of 2]
[Campaign 25 Part IV Sept. 5-Folder 2] [2 of 2]

Box 319

Campaign 26 Part I Oct. 1 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 26 Part I Oct. 1 Folder 2]
Campaign 26 Part II Oct. 1 [Folder 1]
[Campaign 26 Part II Oct. 1 Folder 2]

Box 320

Campaign 26 Part III Oct. 1-[Folder 1]
[Campaign 26 Part III Oct. 1-Folder 2]
Campaign 26 Part IV Oct. 1-[Folder 1] [1 of 2]
Campaign 26 Part IV Oct. 1-[Folder 1] [2 of 2]

Box 321

[Campaign 26 Part IV Oct. 1-Folder 2] [1 of 2]
[Campaign 26 Part IV Oct. 1-Folder 2] [2 of 2]
Campaign 26 Part V Oct. 1- [1 of 2]
Campaign 26 Part V Oct. 1- [2 of 2]

Box 322

Campaign 26 Part VI Oct. 1-[Folder 1]
[Campaign 26 Part VI Oct. 1-Folder 2]
Campaign 26 Part VII Oct. 1-[Folder 1]
[Campaign 26 Part VII October 1 Folder 2]
H. R. Haldeman-Election Night

Box 323

[All videocassette tapes have been withdrawn. The box contains only a single folder with the withdrawal sheets for the following tapes.]

Videocassette Tapes--November Group 9-15-72
Videocassette Tapes--Youth 9-25-72
Videocassette Tapes--November Group Final Master Assembly Reel
Videocassette Tapes--McGovern for President. Week Ending 11/2
Videocassette Tapes--"Anti-trust" D-17 10/2 10:55 PM NBC
Videocassette Tapes--Democrats for Nixon by John Connally
Videocassette Tapes--"Pat A Tribute To The First Lady" #1-10
Videocassette Tapes--"The Nixon Years Change Without Chaos" #2-15
Videocassette Tapes--November Group Work pic President Nixon Song
Videocassette Tapes--November Group Television Comm. To Re-Elect the President
Videocassette Tapes--Democrats for Nixon "John Connally" 10-12-72 VC361
Videocassette Tapes--Democrats for Nixon "John Connally" 10-12-72 VC55
Videocassette Tapes--November Group "Mamie Eisenhower"
Videocassette Tapes--"The Nixon Years Change Without Chaos" #2-30
Videocassette Tapes--Cassette #1 Commercials
Videocassette Tapes--Supermarket 10/22 NBC D-33
Videocassette Tapes--One Hour Telethon 10/23 WNEW
Videocassette Tapes--November Group "Face the Nation" CBS 5/28/72
Videocassette Tapes--November Group "McGovern/Humphrey Debate" #15 5/30/72
Videocassette Tapes--Videocassette Tapes--November Group "McGovern 51st State" #16 NY NET
Videocassette Tapes--Duplicate of McGovern Biography 6/4/72 KTLA Los Angeles
Videocassette Tapes--Connally Work Tape
Videocassette Tapes--November Group "Turn After #/Vietnam" 10/27/72
Videocassette Tapes--November Group Connally Speech and Press Conference 9/14/72
Videocassette Tapes--"Richard Nixon Portrait of a President" #1-15
Videocassette Tapes--"Richard Nixon Portrait of a President" #1-30
Videocassette Tapes--Videocassette Tapes-- "President Nixon in Texas" Reel #1
Videocassette Tapes--"President Nixon in Texas" Reel #2
Videocassette Tapes--McGovern for President wk ending 10/26/72
Videocassette Tapes--McGovern Commercials
Videocassette Tapes--McGovern (Pres. Camp.)
Videocassette Tapes--"Crawl" Unemployment Attack D-34 10/23 NBC: 60
Videocassette Tapes--"Watergate" 10/20 CBS 8:55 PM D-30

Box 324

Polls Suspense I [1 of 2]
Polls Suspense I [2 of 2]
Polls Suspense File II [1 of 2]
Polls Suspense File II [2 of 2]

Box 325

Polls Chron, August-November
Post Election Part I
Post Election Part II

Box 326

Polls-Sindlinger Part I
Polls-Sindlinger Part II
Ed Cox

Box 327

Rolling Wave
Daily Notes
Daily Notes II
Daily Notes III
GS Daily Notes

Box 328

Harry Dent
Harris Poll, Memos-Etc. [1 of 2]
Harris Poll, Memos-Etc. [2 of 2]

Box 329

Chilton GS Files
Gallup Poll File [1 of 3]
Gallup Poll File [2 of 3]
Gallup Poll File [3 of 3]

Box 330

Book I Aug. 7, 1969-Oct. 9, 1970
Book II Nov. 10, 1970-Mar. 7, 1971
Book III Apr. 1, 1971-Apr. 22, 1971
Book IV Apr. 28, 1971-June 21, 1971
Book V July 20, 1971-Aug. 22, 1971

Box 331

Book VI Sept. 7, 1971-Sept. 16, 1971
Book VII Oct. 9, 1971-Nov. 21, 1971
Book VIII Jan. 26, 1972-Mar. 5, 1972
Book IX March 18-19, 1972
Book [1] Aug. 7, 1969-Oct. 9, 1970

Box 332

Book II Nov. 10, 1970-March 7, 1971
Alaska [Empty]
Arizona [Empty]
Georgia [Empty]
Mississippi [Empty]
Missouri [Empty]
New Hampshire

Box 333

New Jersey, MD., Nevada
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South (Polls)
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia [Empty]
Washington State
Wyoming [Empty]

Box 334

Polls-1970 Election by State
Polls Chron-Jan.-Feb. 1971
Polls Chron-March-April 1971 [I of II]
[Polls Chron-March-April 1971 II of II]
Polls Chron-May-June 1971 [I of II]
[Polls Chron-May-June 1971 II of II]

Box 335

Polls Chron-July-August 1971
Polls-September-October 1971 [I of II]
[Polls-September-October 1971 II of II]
Polls-November-December 1971
Polls Chron-January-February 1972
Polls Chron-March-April 1972
Polls Chron-May-June 1972
Polls Chron-July-August 1972 [Empty]
Polls Chron-September-October 1972 [Empty]

Box 336

Rules H.R. Haldeman
Bob Haldeman
Convention II

Box 337

RNC Convention
RNC Convention

Box 338

National Election Media Plan [1]
National Election Media Plan [2]
American Association of Political Consultants
Cabinet Meeting, Nov. 5, 1971 Spokesman Resources/Goldwater
Reel to Reel Tape-Cassette Tape [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
Election Night [1 of 2]

Box 339

Election Night [II of II]
Chicago Advance 9/12-9/17
Chicago Advance 9/12-9/17--Chicago-Sept, 70
Convention-Staff and Arrangements

Box 340

Derge and Benham Memos, Etc. 1971 [Folder 1 of 3]
Derge and Benham Memos, Etc. 1971 [Folder 2 of 3]
Derge and Benham Memos, Etc. 1971 [Folder 3 of 3]
DFN ["Democrats for Nixon"]

Box 341

Democratic Convention
Democratic Convention
Democratic Convention
Distribution of ORC Poll
HRH Derge National Polls Late '70 Early '71
Senator Robert Dole
Events and Polls
Ehrlichman Policy Statements
Higby-Magruder Poll Plan File
Gallup Polls--1970

Box 342

Higby Polling Backup Data H Notes; Rec'd from L. 9/7/71
Memorandum for Mr. Haldeman from Gordon Strachan
GS Files Plesser, Tully
HRH Political '72 Candidates
HRH Political-Election Analysis 11-13-70 [1 of 2]
HRH Political-Election Analysis 11-13-70 [2 of 2]
Political (1972 Election) General

Box 343

Polls Image Study [1]
Polls Image Study [2]
Polls-Labor Unions
Reorganization of the Census Bureau

Box 344

Research-Huston Potomac Associates
Republican Reporter
Dick Richards
Schedules (Hold) G [1 of 2]
Schedules (Hold) G [2 of 2]
R. Sargent Shriver
Stans/GAO [General Accounting Office]
1972 Virginia Slims American Women's Opinion Poll
Personnel Status Report No. 42

Box 345

George McGovern [1]
George McGovern [2]
George McGovern [3]

Box 346

The 1968 Elections-A Summary Report
DNC News August 15, 1971
McGovern/Shriver Schedule [1 of 3]
McGovern/Shriver Schedule [2 of 3]
McGovern/Shriver Schedule [3 of 3]
McGovern/Shriver Schedules

Box 347

Report of Findings-Tennessee June 1969
Report of Findings-Rhode Island April 1970
Report of Findings-Rhode Island August 1970 Wave II
California Twenty-Fourth Congressional District March 1970
Merrett Smith Portrait
Election Night Data [1]
Election Night Data [2]

Box 348

"Ten Days After Victory"-Interim Report
The Elephants's New Clothes: Toward a Redefinition of Republicanism
Domestic Policy
Promises vs. Performance
State Political Summary August 1971
State Chairman's Organization Manual

Box 349

Information On The Key Political States
Aggregate Report October 1972
"Ten Days After Victory"-Interim Report
State Profiles
ORC April 28-30, 1971 Veterans Survey
ORC May 1-2, 1971 (Telephone Poll)
ORC Survey-April 8, 1971

Box 350

ORC Survey-April 1, 1971
ORC Survey-April 5-6, 1971
H.R. Haldeman 1969-70--(Poll Gallup) Misc. Memos Etc.
Suggested Questions-Benham 1971
Illinois Poll May 3, 1972
Moscow Summit Trip Poll May 2, 1972
Distribution of Vietnam Invasion Poll April 27-29, 1972
Vietnam Invasion Poll-April 27-29, 1972

Box 351

Vietnam Invasion Poll-April 27-29, 1972
Trends--Presidential Credibility
Trends--Withdrawal of Troops From Vietnam
Trends--Press Credibility
Trends--RN's handling of VN War
Trends--Student Unrest
Alabama, Indiana Polls
Iowa Poll Sept. 22-23, '72
Polls Re: Way Richard Nixon is handling his job as President
Polls Re: Lt. Calley Conviction and way Richard Nixon is handling his job as President
Heritage Volunteer Report

Box 352

Final Report to Governor, General Assembly and People of Illinois
ORC Survey April 12-13, 1971
ORC April 22, 1971

Box 353

Distribution of May 1-2, 1971 Poll
ORC May 6-7, 1971-Telephone
Distribution of May 6-7, 1971 Poll
ORC National Telephone Survey June 5-6, 1971

Box 354

ORC Telephone Survey June 21, 1971
Distribution of June 21, 1971 ORC Poll
China Trip Announcement July 20-21, 1971 ORC
Distribution of China Trip Announcement Poll-ORC 20-21, 1971
Republican Party Poll
File #1 Economy Poll ORC-Aug. 21-22, 1971

Box 355

File #2 Economy Poll ORC-Aug. 21-22, 1971 [1 of 2]
File #2 Economy Poll ORC-Aug. 21-22, 1971 [2 of 2]
Distribution of Economy Poll ORC-Aug. 21-22, 1971 [1 of 2]
Distribution of Economy Poll ORC-Aug. 21-22, 1971 [2 of 2]
In Depth Poll (Harris Domestic Issues Poll) [I]
In Depth Poll (Harris Domestic Issues Poll) II

Box 356

In Depth Poll (Harris Domestic Issues Poll) III
In Depth Poll (Harris Domestic Issues Poll) IV
Republican Convention Poll August 29-31, 1972 [I]
Republican Convention Poll August 29-31, 1972 [II]

Box 357

Democratic Convention July 19-20, 1972 [1 of 2]
Democratic Convention July 19-20, 1972 [2 of 2]
Vietnam Mine Poll May 9-10, 1972 [I]
Vietnam Mine Poll May 9-10, 1972 [II]
Distribution of Vietnam Mine Poll May 9-10, 1972
U.S.-Soviet Summit Results June 3-4, 1972
Welcome Ads

Box 358

Position Paper The 1972 Campaign April 18, 1972
Campaign Advertising [Folder 1]
[Campaign Advertising Folder 2]
National Election Media Plan
Behind The 1970 Elections
F.B.I. Material
Dailey [Peter] Presentation to HRH on 8-16-72 Camp David

Box 359

Campaign Advertising [Folder I]
[Campaign Advertising Folder II]
Confidence Ratings
Analysis of Polls by Derge, Etc.
ORC/Chilton/Derge Polls
Wrap-Up Poll Sept. 7-8, 1971 Book I
Wrap-Up Poll Sept. 7-8, 1971 Book II

Box 360

Distribution of Wrap-Up Poll/Union ORC/Sept. 7-8, 1971
Calif. Poll-Santa Barbara Sept. 14-
Phase II-Meany Poll ORC-Oct. 8-9, 1971
Trial Heat Poll-Nov. 20-21, 1971
Vietnam Announcement Poll O-Jan. 26-27, 1972
[Vietnam Announcement Poll O-Jan. 26-27, 1972 II]

Box 361

Vietnam Announcement Poll Back Up ORC Jan. 26-27, 1972
Post China Poll O-Marc 4-5, 1972
Busing Poll Book I O-March 18-19, 1972
Busing Poll Book II O-March 18-19, 1972

Box 362

Teeter Poll Reports
Teeter Suspense [1 of 2]
Teeter Suspense [2 of 2]
Teeter Materials-Wave I [1]
Teeter Materials-Wave I [2]

Box 363

Teeter Material-Wave II [1]
Teeter Material-Wave II [2]
Teeter Material-Wave II [3]
Teeter Material-Wave II [4]

Box 364

Teeter Materials Wave III [1]
Teeter Materials Wave III [2]
Tax and Tax Reform Table [1]
Tax and Tax Reform Table [2]

Box 365

Campaign Advertising [1]
Campaign Advertising [2]
Peter Dailey GS File [1]
Peter Dailey GS File [2]

Box 366

[Misc. 1972 Campaign Polls]
Summary Report Data 1st Wave [1]
Summary Report Data 1st Wave [2]
Wave I
Wave I

Box 367

Wave II Ala.-NJ
Wave II-Ala.-NJ H's Copy
Wave II NY-Wisc.
Wave II-NY-Wisc. H's Copy
Wave II Summary

Box 368

H's Wave III Summary [1]
H's Wave III Summary [2]
Teeter Polls [1]
Teeter Polls [2]
Teeter Polls [3]
[Polls: Presidential; Senate; House and Gubernatorial]

Box 369

First Wave-National Study January 3-20, 1972 Volume I [Part 1]
First Wave-National Study January 3-20, 1972 Volume I [Part 2]
First Wave-National Study January 3-20, 1972 Volume II
GS Wave III Complete Version [Part 1]
GS Wave III Complete Version [Part 2]
GS Wave III Summary [Part 1]

Box 370

GS Wave III Summary [Part 2]
H's Wave III Complete Version [Part 1]
H's Wave III Complete Version [Part 2]
[1972 Campaign Survey]
[Contacts-Academicians and College Presidents]
[Contacts-Bankers, Prominent Layman and Religious Leaders]
[Republican National Convention]

Box 371

[Contacts-Business Leaders]
[Contacts-Cultural, Intellectual and Politics]
[Contacts-Military, Civilian Aides To The Secretary of The Army and Patriotic Groups]
[Contacts-Opinion Leaders and Foreign Affairs]
[Contacts-Publishers and Editors]
[Contacts-Religious Leaders and Prominent Laymen]
The Business Leaders' View of the Economy in Phase II
U.S. Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues (January 1972) A Nationwide Study

Box 372

Maryland Statewide Study (Volume I-Analysis) February 1972
Missouri Statewide Study (Volume I-Analysis) February 1972
Wisconsin Statewide Study (Volume I-Analysis) January 1972
1972 U.S. Political Planning Maps President-Senate-Governor
[Vice Presidential Advance Man's Manual and Notes]
Public Opinion On Key Domestic Issues A Nationwide Survey May 1971
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration (Volume I) (May 1971)

Box 373

The Public Appraises-President Nixon and His Administration (Volume II) (May 1971)
Meetings Part I-Agenda and Backup
Meetings-Part II-Summary
Meetings-Part III Summary and Miscellaneous
1970 Campaign Factbook

Box 374

[Department Inventories of Inherited Problems; Tentative Solutions, Etc.] (Agr-Interior)
[Department Inventories of Inherited Problems; Tentative Solutions, Etc.] (Labor-Budget)
New York State Study
Surrogate Attack Plan Part I August 24, 1972-November 7, 1972
Surrogate Attack Plan Part II August 24, 1972-November 7, 1972 [Tab C-Ohio]
[A Study of the Issues of Concern to the American People]
The Public's View of the Economy in Phase II

Box 375

[The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration (Volume I) (May 1971)]
[A Study of the Issues of Concern to the American People]
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses The Deterioration Attitude Climate for Business
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Gavin Memorandum on Political Moods
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Simulation for 1972
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Survey of Youth vote
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses State Surveys
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Monthly Report on the Underground Press
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Army Polls
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Proposal for a Study of National Opinion
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses Behind the 1970 Elections
1971 Miscellaneous Surveys and Analyses
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration and Key Issues (Nov/Dec 1969)

Box 376

Democratic Contenders-RNC/Citizens Activities
National Opinion Profile Public Reaction To The Problems and Issues of Government
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration and Key Issues (March/April 1970) [1 of 2]
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration and Key Issues (March/April) 1970 [2 of 2]
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration with Special Emphasis on the Asian War (June 1970) [1 of 3]
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration with Special Emphasis on the Asian War (June 1970) [2 of 3]
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration with Special Emphasis on the Asian War (June 1970)
[3 of 3]
Middle America in Political Perspective-A Proposed Survey of Middle-Income Voter Attitudes Toward The Nixon Administration

Box 377

Farm Vote Patterns-1970 The National Educational Institute For Agriculture
Middle America in Political Perspective-A Proposed Survey of Middle-Income Voter Attitudes Toward The Nixon Administration
Middle America in Political Perspective-A Proposed Survey of Middle-Income Voter Attitudes Toward The Nixon Administration
The Public Appraises-The Nixon Administration (Revised)
Report of Findings-A Preliminary Study of Voter Attitudes Toward Issues and Candidates Identified with the 1970 Congressional Race in Connecticut's Fourth District
The President's Agricultural Campaign by Clayton Yeutter
Presidential Primaries in 1972 [Ala-Del.]
Presidential Primaries in 1972 [D.C.-Iowa]

Box 378

Presidential Primaries in 1972 [Ky-Mo.]
Presidential Primaries in 1972 [Mont.-N.D.]
Presidential Primaries in 1972 [Ohio-Tenn.]
Presidential Primaries in 1972 [Texas-Wyo.]
Speech Left-Over-Ray Price

Box 379

[Youth Vote In New Hampshire]
Spokesman Resources Monthly Report, November 1971
Spokesman Resources Monthly Report, December 29, 1971
Spokesman Resources, Dec. 1971
Spokesman Resources Monthly Report, January 1972
[Spokesman Resources,] January 20, 1972
Spokesman Resources Program, Ninety-Day Projected Schedule
Spokesman Resources Monthly Report, February 1972
[Spokesman Resources Program Ninety-Day Projected Schedule, February 14, 1972]
[Spokesman Resources Program Ninety-Day Projected Schedule,] February 29, 1972
[Spokesman Resources Program Ninety-Day Projected Schedule,] March 13, 1972
[Spokesman Resources-New Hampshire Primary]
Florida Speaking Events Prior to March 14, 1972
New Hampshire Speaking Events Prior to March 7, 1972
[Packet of Campaign Speeches/Statements]
Political Brief [Alaska-New Mexico]
Political Brief [New York-Wyoming]

Box 380

Virginia's Vendor's Report, March 2, 1972
Pennsylvania Statewide Study, (Volume 1-Analysis) February 1972
[State Political Polls Ala.-Ga.]
[State Political Polls Hawaii-La.]
[State Political Polls Me.-Mo.]
[State Political Polls Neb.-Ohio]

Box 381

[State Political Polls Okla.-Tex.]
[State Political Polls Utah-Wyo.]
Illinois Poll-Vol. I [Part I]
Illinois Poll-Vol. I [Part 1]
Illinois Poll-Vol. I [Part 2] Data [Part 1]
Illinois Poll-Vol. I [Part 2] Data [Part 2]
Illinois Statewide I (Volume II-Data)

Box 382

North Carolina Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues, (January 1972)
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in California, Wave I January 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in California: Wave I, State Issues and Ratings, February 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in California: Phase II and the President's Peace Proposal, February 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in Oregon: Wave I, January 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in Tennessee: Wave I January 1972

Box 383

Analysis of Voter Attitudes in New York: Wave I, January 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in Texas: Wave I, January 1972
Analysis of Voter Attitudes in Kentucky, Wave I
Florida Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues, (December 1971)
New Hampshire Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues, (December 1971)
New Jersey Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues (January 1972)

Box 384

Indiana Statewide Study (Volume I-Analysis) February 1972
Ohio Statewide Study, (Volume I-Analysis) February 1972
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration, (Volume I), (May 1971)
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration, (Volume II), (May 1971)
Presidential gifts
[State Political Polls], Ark.-Mo.
[State Political Polls], N.H.-Wis.

Box 385

Statewide Survey Summary Report (Data) [1 of 2]
Statewide Survey Summary Report (Data) [2 of 2]
Iowa Voters Appraise Candidates and Issues, (January 1972)
Aggregate Report, July 1972 (Statewide Political Study)
Aggregate Report, July 1972 (Statewide Political Study)

Box 386

Summary Report (Data), March 1972, (Statewide Survey) [Part 1 of 2]
Summary Report (Data), March 1972, (Statewide Survey) [Part 2 of 2]
United States Foreign Policy for the 1970's Building for Peace, A Report by President Richard Nixon to the Congress, February 25, 1971
Formal Portrait of Richard M. Nixon C4786-01, 19 Oct 70, [2 copies]
Attitudinal Study, July 10-11-12, 1970 [1 of 2]
Attitudinal Study, July 10-11-12, 1970 [2 of 2]
Attitudinal Study, July 10-11-12, 1970 [1 of 2] Western
Attitudinal Study, July 10-11-12, 1970 [2 of 2] Western

Box 387

Student Demonstration Study, September 19, 20, 1970
[The Presidential Advance Manual 1971] [1 of 3]
[The Presidential Advance Manual 1971] [2 of 3]
[The Presidential Advance Manual 1971] [3 of 3]
[Contacts: Publishers, Publishers TV and Editors]

Box 388

Categorical Breakdown of the Status of the Various Advisory Boards and Commissions [Part 1]
Categorical Breakdown of the Status of the Various Advisory Boards and Commissions [Part 2]
A Survey of Voting Age Adults in the Third Congressional District, December 22, 1969
The Gubernatorial Election Picture in Pennsylvania March 1970
[A Massachusetts Statewide Telephone Political Poll]
Relationship Between Presidential Activities and Public Approval, March 27, 1970
Projected Gallup Approval Ratings-February 1971-August 1972, February 1, 1971
National Media Analysis, 1969 New York City Mayoralty Campaign Series
National Media Analysis, 1969 New Jersey Campaign Series
National Media Analysis, 1969 Virginia Campaign Series

Box 389

Principal News Events, Principal Public Presidential Activities, January 1970
[Political Opinion Poll, April 1, 1971]
[Political Opinion Poll, April 7, 1971]
[Political Opinion Poll, April 12-13, 1971]
[Political Opinion Poll], Issues Study #9520
Indiana Statewide Study, Volume II-Data, August 1970

Box 390

Presidential Image Study, #9437
Missouri Statewide Study (Volume II), August 1970
January 4 Television Appearance Study [Part 1]
January 4 Television Appearance Study [Part 2]

Box 391

[Opinion study on effects of President Nixon's European-Asian Trip]
[Planning Maps-Presidential, Senatorial and Gubernatorial Races]
Campaign Package, 1972 [Part 1]
Campaign Package, 1972 [Part 2]
Issues and Personalities Study, April 10-12, 1970 #6748
Rescue Mission Study, December 1-3, 1970 #9567

Box 392

Presidential Image Trend Study, Wave IV, April 22-24, 1972 #9437
A Study of Public Opinions Regarding President Nixon's 4-30-70 Announcement of His Decision on American Involvement In Cambodia #9448
Public Issues Study, May 18-19, 1970, #9457
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration, (Volume I), (May 1971) [Part 1 of 2]
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration, (Volume I), (May 1971) [Part 2 of 2]

Box 393

Surrogate Attack Plan, August 24, 1972-November 7, 1972 [Part 1]
Surrogate Attack Plan, August 24, 1972-November 7, 1972 [Part 2]
An Analysis of an Attitudinal Survey Conducted by Chilton Research Services, July 10-12, 1970
Post Election Study, November 9-10, 1970
[Issues Study] #9520
[Printout List]

Box 394

91st Congress Study, December 28-30, 1970
California Twenty-Fourth Congressional District, May 1970
National Issues Study, October 1970
Trend IV, 791-AA, June 1970, Revised Tables

Box 395

Attitudes of People Towards Compulsory School Busing And Attitudes of People Towards the Chicago "7" Trial, Feb.'70
Printout Tables of Question #27 Re: President Nixon's Television program on January 4, 1971
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration, (Volume II), (May 1971)
[Tape Recording of Staff Supper at Blair House Reel 1 of 2] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording of Staff Supper at Blair House Reel 2 of 2] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording: President's Remarks on Arrival at Regency Hyatt House, Atlanta, Georgia, 12 October 72] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording: Campaign Songs 1 and 2] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording: Speech by Gregg Petersmeyer August 15, 1972] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording: Radio Commercials for Nixon Campaign] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
[Tape Recording: Nixon Net, 30 Oct 72] [Audiovisual Withdrawn]
Haldeman-Memorandums (Chapin)
Haldeman Memoranda-1971, 7/2/71-12/22/71, [Part 1 of 2]--Scheduling Guidelines
Haldeman Memoranda-1971, 3/1/71-6/29/71, [Part 2 of 2]

Box 396

[Haldeman-Chapin Memoranda (January-November 1972]
[Haldeman to Chapin Memos, July-August 1971]
Haldeman-On Going File-July 1970
[Status of Travel Account-Chapin's Office]
Committed Celebrities for the President-1972, Hollywood
Major Regional Appearances '72 Campaign
Schedule Thoughts-Memoranda to HRH
Key State/Voter
Senator Barry Goldwater
[1972-U.S. Senators Up For Re-election]
[States' Plan]
[1970-The Vice President]

Box 397

[1970-Election Analysis]
[1972 Advertising]
[1970-Cabinet Campaign Scheduling]
[1970-First Family Scheduling]
[Canvass Kick-Off]
[Summer 1971-Travel]
[1972 Republican Convention Program]

Box 398

Planning Group Discussion File [1 of 3]
Planning Group Discussion File [2 of 3]
Planning Group Discussion File [3 of 3]
Campaign Schedule-1972
McGovern, George [1 of 2]
McGovern, George [2 of 2]

Box 399

1972 Campaign Ideas/Strategy [Part 1 of 3]
1972 Campaign Ideas/Strategy [Part 2 of 3]
1972 Campaign Ideas/Strategy [Part 3 of 3]
Surrogates, [Part 1 of 2]
Surrogates, [Part 2 of 2]
Vice Presidential Scheduling

Box 400

McGovern/Shriver Schedules, [1 of 2]
McGovern/Shriver Schedules, [2 of 2]
Election Eve
Election Night
Presidential and First Family Scheduling [1 of 2]
Presidential and First Family Scheduling [2 of 2]

Box 401

Campaign Strategy Group Minutes
Strachan Political Memoranda
Scheduling Presidential-Post Convention
Information on the Key Political States

Box 402

Advertising [1 of 3]
Advertising [2 of 3]
Advertising [3 of 3]
PR Meeting Memos
[Republican National Committee Memos]

Box 403

HRH, Derge, Summaries, Memos, Analyses
Letter Writer/Ribicoff
HRH, 1970-1971, Polls-Miscellaneous
Gallup Polls, January 1970-December 1970
Gallup Polls, January 1971

Box 404

Republican National Committee 1972 Campaign Factbook [Part 1 of 2]
Republican National Committee 1972 Campaign Factbook [Part 2 of 2]
Market Opinion Research, Election Night Data, H.R. Haldeman, [Part 1 of 2]
Market Opinion Research, Election Night Data, H.R. Haldeman, [Part 2 of 2]

Box 405

[All videocassette tapes have been withdrawn. The box contains only a single folder with the withdrawal sheets for the following tapes.]

Videocassette Tapes--"We Need Nixon"
Videocassette Tapes--November Group, "Face The Nation," 5/28/72
Videocassette Tapes--The Nixon Years, Change Without Chaos
Videocassette Tapes--November Group, Russia, Passport, McGovern Turnabout, McGovern Defense, McGovern Welfare
Videocassette Tapes--November Group, Final Master Assembly Reel
Videocassette Tapes--Clark MacGregor, Two Takes 10/3/72 November Group
Videocassette Tapes--November Group, Charlton Heston, 10/26/72
Videocassette Tapes--"Pat Nixon"
Videocassette Tapes--Nixon The Man (Short Version)

Box 406

The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues (With Particular Emphasis On Vietnam), August 1969
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (November/December 1969)
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (March/April 1970) [1 of 2]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (March/April 1970) [2 of 2]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (June 1970)
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration, (Revised) (June 1970)
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (June 1970)

Box 407

The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (November/December 1969)
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (March/April 1970) [1 of 2]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration And Key Issues, (March/April 1970) [2 of 2]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration, (June 1970)
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (Revised) (June 1970) [1 of 4]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (Revised) (June 1970) [2 of 4]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (Revised) (June 1970) [3 of 4]
The Public Appraises The Nixon Administration (Revised), (June 1970) [4 of 4]
[Gallup Polls, December 1971]

Box 408

[Polls (April 1971)]
[Presidential Approval Polls]
[Economy Poll, China Trip Announcement Poll]
[Polls--May-June 1971]
[Polls--September 1971]

Box 409

[Polls--October-November 1971]
[Polls--January-March 1972]
[Polls--March-May 1972]
Harris Polls-1970, Book I
Harris Polls-1970, Book II

Box 410

Harris Polls-1971-Book I
Harris Polls-1971-Book II [Part 1 of 2]
Harris Polls-1971-Book II [Part 2 of 2]
Harris Polls 1971 Book III [Part 1 of 2]
Harris Polls 1971 Book III [Part 2 of 2]
Harris Polls 1971 Book IV
Harris Polls 1971 Book V

Box 411

Gallup Polls-1970 [Missing]
Gallup Polls--Book I 1971
Gallup Polls--Book II 1971

Box 412

[Campaign Memorabilia] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Campaign Memorabilia] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
Haldeman-Reading File
Haldeman-Reading File, July 1, 1969
Tall Man From Texas
The Man From Independence
The Saturday Evening Post, Fall 1972
Presidential Gifts-Tile Flooring From Oval Office
Appointments 1973
[Memorabilia] [Part 1 of 3] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Memorabilia] [Part 2 of 3] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Memorabilia] [Part 3 of 3] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Campaign Buttons] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Campaign Posters] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Campaign Memorabilia] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Flower Pot and Tea Pot] [Artifacts Withdrawn]

Box 413

What's Right With America [Pamphlets]
Total Design [Book]
Not Without The Americans [Book]
[Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar] [Nine]
Congressional Pictorial Directory January 1969
[El Camino Real Bell] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
The Week That Changed The World
Quest For A Lasting Peace
[Photograph of Bob Finch] [Withdrawn and Returned]

Box 414

[Campaign Memorabilia] [Artifacts Withdrawn]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned] [Contains withdrawal sheets and photocopies of title pages for the following books]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--Man and Atom [Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--California The New Society[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--The Super Summer of Jamie McBride[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--Winners Got Scars Too[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--God's Super Salesman[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--From The Rio Grande To The Arctic[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--A Quiet Voyage Home[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--Cops on Campus And Crime In The Streets[Empty]
[Books--Withdrawn and Returned]--Ghost Towns and Mining Camps Of California[Empty]

Box 415

Yet Another Credibility Gap: September 1972
Election Data An Historical Perspective
The Public Appraises President Nixon and His Administration (Volume I) (May 1971)

Box 416

Contacts in Gubernatorial Races for Election Night
1972 Campaign Factbook [Part 1 of 2]
1972 Campaign Factbook [Part 2 of 2]
Election Night Data [Part 1 of 3]
Election Night Data [Part 2 of 3]
Election Night Data [Part 3 of 3]

Box 417

John Osborne 1969 [Part 1 of 2]
John Osborne 1969 [Part 2 of 2]
John Osborne 1970 [Part 1 of 3]
John Osborne 1970 [Part 2 of 3]
John Osborne 1970 [Part 3 of 3]

Box 418

John Osborne 1971 [Part 1 of 3]
John Osborne 1971 [Part 2 of 3]
John Osborne 1971 [Part 3 of 3]
CPR National Journal [Part 1 of 4]
Cumulative Index July-December 1970 Vol 2 Number 27-52
CPR National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--January 16, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 3
CPR National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--January 23, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 4
CPR National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--January 30, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 5
CPR National Journal [Part 2 of 4] [Empty]
February 6, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 6
CPR National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--February 13, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 7
CPR National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--February 20, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 8
CPR National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--February 27, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 9
CPR National Journal [Part 3 of 4] [Empty]
March 13, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 11
CPR National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--March 20, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 12
CPR National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--March 27, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 13
CPR National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--Cumulative Index January-March 1971 Vol. 3
CPR National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--Number 1-13

Box 419

CPR National Journal [Part 4 of 4][Empty]
April 3, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 14
CPR National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--April 10, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 15
CPR National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--April 17, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 16
CPR National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--April 24, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 17
National Journal [Part 1 of 5]
May 1, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 18
National Journal [Part 1 of 5]--May 8, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 19
National Journal [Part 1 of 5]--May 15, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 20
National Journal [Part 1 of 5]--May 22, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 21
National Journal [Part 2 of 5] [Empty]
May 29, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 22
National Journal [Part 2 of 5]--June 5, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 23
National Journal [Part 2 of 5]--June 12, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 24
National Journal [Part 2 of 5]--June 19, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 25
National Journal [Part 3 of 5] [Empty]
June 26, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 26
National Journal [Part 3 of 5]--Cumulative Index January-June 1971--Vol. 3 Number 1-26
National Journal [Part 3 of 5]--July 3, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 27
National Journal [Part 3 of 5]--July 17, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 29
National Journal [Part 4 of 5] [Empty]
July 24, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 30
National Journal [Part 4 of 5]--July 31, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 31
National Journal [Part 4 of 5]--August 28, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 35
National Journal [Part 4 of 5]--September 18, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 38
National Journal [Part 5 of 5] [Empty]
September 25, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 39
National Journal [Part 5 of 5]--Cumulative Index July-September 1971--Vol. 3 Number 27-39
National Journal [Part 5 of 5]--October 2, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 40

Box 420

National Journal [Part 1 of 4]
October 16, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 42
National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--October 23, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 43
National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--November 6, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 45
National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--November 20, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 47
National Journal [Part 1 of 4]--November 27, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 48
National Journal [Part 2 of 4] [Empty]
December 18, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 51
National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--December 25, 1971 Vol. 3 Number 52
National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--January 8, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 2
National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--January 22, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 4
National Journal [Part 2 of 4]--January 29, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 5
National Journal [Part 3 of 4] [Empty]
February 5, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 6
National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--February 12, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 7
National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--February 19, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 8
National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--February 26, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 9
National Journal [Part 3 of 4]--March 4, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 10
National Journal [Part 4 of 4] [Empty]
March 18, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 12
National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--March 25, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 13
National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--April 1, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 14
National Journal [Part 4 of 4]--April 8, 1972 Vol. 4 Number 15
National Journal Cumulative July-Dec 1972 Index--Vol. 4 Number 27-52
[Hugh Sidey Scrapbooks-Vol. 1, 1969-1970; Vol. 2, 1971-1972]

Box 421

Past Presidential Races
Election Night Calls [1 of 2]
[Election Night Calls 2 of 2]
Election Night Data System
Election Night Forms
Election Night Invitees
Election Night Implementation Plans
Governors Network Projections And UPI Wire Tables
House Election Chart
Election Night Telegrams
Presidential Network Projections And UPI Wire Tables
Senatorial Network Projections and UPI Wire Tables

Box 422

[Election Results Booklet-1972]
[Election Night Plans 1 of 2]
[Election Night Plans 2 of 2]

Box 423

[Withdrawal sheets for miscellaneous oversized museum objects and for returnable memorabilia formerly located at the end of the Haldeman textual materials.]



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