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FG 6-2 (Central Intelligence Agency)

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The Central Intelligence Agency (subject category FG 6-2) was established under the National Security Council by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.) as amended. It now functions under that statute, Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4, 1981, and other laws, regulations and directives. The Director of Central Intelligence is the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a member of the President's Cabinet, and the principal spokesperson for the Agency and the Intelligence Community. The Director and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence are appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Under the direction of the National Security Council, the Agency coordinates the intelligence activities of several government departments and agencies. The materials in this subject category include correspondence between President Nixon and the CIA Directors; appointments of the Director and Deputy Director; CIA technical assistance to the White House, the declassification of documents, and allegations concerning suspected CIA agents or actions. Frequent correspondents include: President Nixon, Jeanne Davis, John Ehrlichman, Gen. Alexander Haig, CIA Director Richard Helms, W. Richard Howard, Henry Kissinger, Daniel Moynihan, Brent Scowcroft and William Timmons. Some of the materials have been transferred to the White House Special Files, White House Central Files, Confidential Files ([CF] FG 6-2, Box 13).

The Executive file category within this subject category includes the correspondence of the President, White House Staff and Administration officials with heads of state, members of Congress, political party members, personal acquaintances and business, patriotic and special interest organizations. The General file category mainly contains correspondence of the President and White House Staff with members of Congress, business, patriotic and special interest organizations and the general public. Many of the same subjects and correspondents, however, may be found in both files. Some of the files are subdivided numerically by country (/CO#).

Related materials may be found in the following subject categories:

FG 6-6 National Security Council
FG 6-20 Council on International Economic Policy
FG 208 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
FG 330 Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control
FG 355 Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism
JL 3 Legal Matters
PR 16-2 Press Conferences
ND 6-2 Intelligence - Subversive Activities Control
ND 8-7 Military Personnel - Promotions
ND 13 Security - Classified Information
ND 18 Wars
UT Utilities
WH 2, 8 White House Administration: Buildings, Supplies, Materials, Services


Topics in this file include references to President Nixon's visit to the Central Intelligence Agency on September 18, 1972, the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism, Cambodia, Laos, the Pueblo crew, alleged Korean War prisoners, drugs, speaking invitations of the CIA Directors, various congressional bills, the CIA Retirement Act, newspaper articles by Jack Anderson about security lakes, the CIA vs. [Victor] Marchetti case, the declassification of documents, the Agency's 25th anniversary, and CIA technical support to the White House.

Folder Title List

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