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FG 6-16 (Office of Management and Budget)

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Scope and Content Note

Filed under the category FG (Federal Government-Organization) are materials composed of memoranda, correspondence, Presidential messages, referrals, notes, telegrams, press releases, cross references, printed material, and newspaper clippings concerning the Office of Management and Budget.

Major correspondents include: George P. Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, Roy L. Ash, Peter M. Flanigan, John D. Ehrlichman, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Frank C. Carlucci, Frederic V. Malek, Paul W. McCracken, Kenneth D. Rush, Frank G. Zarb, James D. Hodgson, Tom C. Korologos, Paul H. O'Neill, Richard P. Nathan, Tod R. Hullin, Peter G. Peterson, Richard D. Fairbanks, Arnold R. Weber, Samuel M. Cohn, Dwight A. Ink, and Donald B. Rice.

The terms Executive and General used before the code FG 6-16 and all the subdivisions thereunder generally determine the source of all materials thus coded. Items designated Executive are communications among national, foreign, state and local governments and their agencies, Members of Congress, and other prominent people. Items designated General are communications between Government officials and private citizens, institutions, and other private interests. The topics filed under each category are generally similar.

Related subject categories in the White House Central Files include:

BE Business-Economics
FA Federal Aid
FG 6-1 Bureau of the Budget
FG 6-7 Office of Economic Opportunity
FG 6-11-1/Staff member White House Staff Members
FG 12 Department of Treasury
FG 17 Department of Justice
FG 21 Department of Commerce
FG 23 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
FG 999 Proposed Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions
FI Finance
LA Labor-Management & RElations
TA Trade


Topics covered include the reorganization of the Bureau of the Budget into the Office of Management and Budget; the establishment of the Domestic Council, and the decision to designate the Office's Director as a member; various Presidential Reorganization Plans within the Executive Branch; efforts to improve management efficiency; the budgetary review process; reports on the overobligation of allocated funds; requests for the comments/advice of various agencies and departments on pending legislation; day-to-day administration matters; various appointments, confirmations, submissions, and other dealings with Congress; various letters of recommendation, nomination, acceptance, and resignation; deliberations on whether the Office should have its own Congressional liaison staff; Bicentennial preparations; the initiation and continuance of funding for the Space Shuttle program; the effects of wage-price controls, and plans for its aftermath; improvements in funding for black education and Vietnam Veterans' services; the government's efforts to combat the trafficking and use of illegal drugs; the establishment of the Council on International Economic Policy (CIEP), and the designation of the Treasury Secretary as its chairman; the administration's reaction to legislation that would subject to Senate confirmation the Director and Deputy Director of the Office; the decision to adopt a more conciliatory stance in budget negotiations with Congress; and the transfer of certain official responsibilities to the General Services Administration.

FG 6-16/A

These folders include all correspondence pertaining to the appointment of the Director of the Office.

Folder Title List

Not yet available online



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