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FG 152 (National Academy of Sciences)

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Filed under the category FG (Federal Government-Organizations) are materials pertaining to matters such as establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, audits, inspections, investigations, location, relocation, regulations, reports, appointments, and endorsements to top positions.

The materials filed under FG 152 pertain to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and the National Research Council (NRC). The NAS and the NAE advise the Government regarding science and engineering. The NRC undertakes the studies requested by Government agencies of the NAS and the NAE. The Council is also responsible for stimulating research in mathematical, physical and biological sciences. Principal correspondents include, among others, Philip Handler, Harrison Brown, and John S. Coleman of the National Academy of Sciences; the President; Lee DuBridge; Edward David; Peter Flanigan; John Ehrlichman; Kenneth Cole; Henry Kissinger; Alexander Haig; David Parker; and Dan Kingsley. Related materials are in the White House Central Files subject categories:

FG 6-9 Office of Science and Technology
FG 6-11-1/DuBridge, Lee DuBridge, Lee
FG 33-17 House Committee on Science & Aeronautics [Astronautics]
FG 36-1 Senate Committee on Aeronautical & Space Sciences
FG 119 Federal Council for Science and Technology
FG 182 National Science Foundation
FG 209 President's Science Advisory Committee
FG 221 Task Forces
SC Sciences
SC 2-3 Meteorological Rockets and Satellites
UT 1 Communications Satellites


Executive file materials concern administrative matters, public relations events, reports and papers, meetings, and various topics of interest to the Academy and the White House.

Correspondence relating to administrative matters concerns mail referral, nominations for the director of the Academy, and prizes for innovation. Public relations events documented include annual Academy dinners and special events such as "Copernicus Week." Some of the papers and reports concern the role of science and technology in Presidential policy making; the potential impact of science and technology on American foreign policy; technology; transportation; urban telecommunications; cable television; new technology opportunities; the 1964 earthquake in Alaska; and scientific and technical communications. There is material relating to the Academy's annual meetings, meetings with the President, and special meetings such as one between the NAS and a group of industrialists to discuss industrial housing.

Other topics in the file include, among others, scientific exchange programs with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Republic of China; a visit by Phillip Handler, President of the Academy, to Bonn, West Germany to discuss establishing an international center for analyzing problems of industrial societies; international nutrition programs; support for graduate education in the sciences and engineering; employment for the handicapped; marine and coastal programs and research; concern of Academy members for freedom of communication and travel for scientists, artists and scholars; a resolution that the President should stress health and welfare over military force in foreign policy; and a proposal to include the U.S. Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission on the agenda for a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka.

Materials in the General file concern policy research; international scientific programs; telecommunications technology; foreign scientific exchange programs; potential Academy contributions to the technical assistance component of the President's foreign aid program; disposal of chemical munitions; directorship of the Academy; regulation of the health industry; nutrition; systems for collecting and distributing blood; and annual "Pugwash" meetings for the exchange of scientific ideas.

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