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White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health

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The Presidential historical materials of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as nonhistorical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

  • Linear feet of materials:   25.67
  • Approximate number of pages:   77,000

Scope and Content Note

The White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health was convened at the behest of President Richard M. Nixon to focus national attention on the nutritional needs and problems of all Americans.  This first White House conference of the Nixon administration was designed to advise the President on how best to end hunger and malnutrition among the poor in the United States.  The goal of the conference was to lay a foundation for a national nutrition policy.

The records of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health date from 1969-1971 and include pre-conference, conference and post-conference material.  The collection is divided into four series: Subject Files, Conference Working Files, Staff Member Office Files and Printed Materials.  The bulk of the collection is arranged by subject, which is then further segmented chronologically.

The conference was directed and organized by Dr. Jean Mayer, Special Consultant to the President, and was held on December 2, 3 and 4, 1969 at the Sheraton-Park Hotel in Washington, DC. Prior to December, a series of meetings and workshops in preparation for the conference were scheduled in cities across the country.   President Nixon outlined five questions for consideration by conference participants:

  1. How do we ensure a continuing surveillance of the nutritional health of the American people?
  2. What should be done to improve the nutrition of the more vulnerable groups of Americans-the very poor, pregnant and nursing mothers, children and adolescents, adults prone to heart disease, the aging and those groups (such as Indians, Eskimos and migrant workers) for whom the federal government has a special responsibility?
  3. As we develop new technologies of food production, processing and packaging, how do we monitor the wholesomeness and nutritional value of our foods?  And how do we make certain that the poor, and in fact all Americans, get the greatest amount of nutrients for their money?
  4. How do we improve nutrition teaching in our schools-from Head Start to medical schools?  And what programs of popular education are needed to better inform Americans, the poor and affluent alike, of proper food buying and food consumption habits?
  5. What should be done to improve federal programs that affect nutrition-either directly as in the Armed Forces and the Veterans Administration or indirectly through such programs as the food stamp, commodity distribution and school lunch programs?

Conference participants included educators, scientists, medical and health professionals, representatives of agriculture and the food industry, federal, state and local government officials, religious denominations, women's and professional organizations and spokesmen for consumer and social-action groups, including the poor. 
Actual work for the conference began in the summer of 1969 when 26 advisory panels were organized with 475 of the conference participants.  The function of the panels was to draft sets of preliminary recommendations.  Another eight community-action task forces, using an additional 300 participants, reviewed the panel recommendations and made their own observations.  The actual conference in December yielded over 2,500 participants organized into 20 working sessions that met simultaneously.  The conclusions of the conference were to be translated into a plan of action to be implemented by the administration.  Panel and task force recommendations are included in these sections: (1) Surveillance and Evaluation of the State of Nutrition of the American People, (2) Establishing Guidelines for the Nutrition of Vulnerable Groups with Special Reference to the Poor, (3) The Provision of Food as It Affects the Consumer: Guidelines for Federal Action, (4) Nutrition Teaching and Nutrition Education, (5) Food Delivery and Distribution as a System, and (6) Voluntary Action to Help the Poor.

Persons of note in the collection associated with the Nixon Administration include Jean Mayer, Special Consultant to the President; Kenneth E. BeLieu, Deputy Assistant to the President; William E. Casselman, Deputy Special Assistant to the President; William E. Timmons, Deputy Assistant to the President; Virginia Knauer, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs; Donald Baldwin, Special Assistant for Congressional Relations; John Edwards, Director, Information and Education; James D. Grant, Deputy to Jean Mayer, Special Consultant to the President; Judith Cooke, Staff Assistant; Christopher DeMuth, Staff Assistant to the President; Mary McCausland, Secretary to Jean Mayer; Benjamin Neufeld, Conference Liaison Staff; Clifton G. Metzner, Administrative Officer; Howard Zimmerman, Staff Assistant; and Elizabeth Woodlock, Staff Assistant.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-25
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1971
Description:   Subject Files were maintained by a file plan produced by the National Archives and Records Service prior to the start of the conference in 1969. The subject categories in this series include Administration (ADM), Conference, Committees and Councils (CCC), Education (ED), Food (FD), Health (HE), Meetings (ME), Nutrition and Diet (ND), Public Relations (PR), and Systems of Food Delivery (SYS). The bulk of the series includes correspondence from Mayer and staff to panel participants and interested industry persons soliciting nominations for conference participants. Congressional letters and those of concerned citizens make up a smaller segment of correspondence. Copies of press releases about the conference and some administrative information are also included.

Boxes:   26-41
Series:   Conference Working Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1971
Description:   Conference Working Files contain the reports, draft recommendations, formal recommendations, meeting minutes and correspondence related to the workings of the panels and task forces of the conference. The bulk of the conference’s records on food, nutrition and health issues used to draft policy and recommendations for the Nixon Administration are found in the series. Fact sheets, panel assignments and conference agenda drafts begin the series in boxes 26 and 27. Official reports of the proceedings of each panel, including transcripts of many discussions by panel participants, are included in boxes 31-34. Boxes 35- 37 contain memoranda about conference operations and agenda, as well as correspondence with Ben Neufeld, Judith Cooke, Stanley Flower, Barbara Lynch, and John Edwards, arranged chronologically by month. Following this correspondence are post-conference working committee files which include correspondence and after-action reports from panel participants as well as the Department sof Agriculture, Defense, Interior, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Ad Council. The final panel recommendation report is divided by section in boxes 40 and 41.

Boxes:   42-67
Series:   Staff Member Office Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1971
Description:   Staff Member Office Files contain the files of Judith Cooke, Staff Assistant; John Edwards, Director, Information and Education; and Elizabeth Woodlock, Staff Assistant, as well as some general correspondence and administrative files. The bulk of the Judith Cooke files contain correspondence with panel participants, consumer organizations and concerned citizens, governors and congressional members. Much of the correspondence is administrative in nature, relating to such subjects as logistics and travel, security, and contact information for conference participants. Of note are a biographical sketch and resume of Jean Mayer, as are food company annual reports from Kellogg, Nabisco, Purina and others, draft speeches, and press releases. The John Edwards files include administrative information primarily focused on the activities of the press. Included is correspondence requesting and granting press access to the conference, as well as instructions to press members. The bulk of the Elizabeth Woodlock files contains contact information for panel participants and is administrative in nature. Some correspondence is included, as are oversized panel attendance lists for the conference. Other boxes containing administrative information are also found in the series. These files include travel and appointment information, as well as personnel files arranged alphabetically to include resumes, employment applications and a rolodex containing contact information for persons associated with the conference.

Boxes:   68-75
Series:   Printed Materials | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1970
Description:   Printed Materials contain newspaper clippings and publications. The newspaper clippings (1969-1970) come from a variety of newspapers and are arranged chronologically by month. Subjects of the articles include the Nixon Administration and the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health and other topics that pertain to the conference. The publications (1969-1970) include printed copies of the final report to the President from the conference, panel recommendations, as well as other related publications maintained in the Central Files.


The collection was sent to the National Archives and Records Service for storage by the White House Central Files on December 18, 1974.  It remained unprocessed and closed to the public until it was processed in November and December 2009.  The collection was made available to the public on January 11, 2010.

Processing Note

The collection was processed in November-December 2009 by Archivist Ellen Knight and student assistant Megan Dwyre. Nixon Presidential textual materials are processed in accordance with the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (PRMPA) and its implementing regulations. Some of the Nixon Presidential Textual Materials have been withdrawn from the files that are available to the public in accordance with the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (PRMPA), its implementing regulations, and Executive Order 12958, as amended. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA Form 1421) at the front of a file folder indicates that a document has been withdrawn from the file by the National Archives and Records Administration. Duplicate copies of publications have been removed from the collection. A complete list of duplicate publications that were removed is available in the processing file for the collection.

Folder Title List

Subject Files

Box 1

[File Manual White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health c. 1969]
(ADM) Personnel [1969-1970]
(ADM) 1-1 Conference Room (Request) [1969]
(ADM) 2 Office Methods (Procedures) [1969-1970]
(ADM) 2-1 Form Letters [1969]
(ADM) 2-2 Supplies [1969]
ADM Space [1969-1970]
(ADM) 1 - Staff Memoranda [1969]
(ADM) 3-1 Staff Employment [1969]
(ADM) 4 Travel Letters [1969-1970
(ADM) 1-1 Applications for Positions Resumes [Empty]
(ADM) 1-2 Consultants [Empty]
(ADM) 2-1 Form Letters [Empty]
(ADM) 4-1 [Empty]
(ADM) 7-1 Reproduction Services [Empty]

Box 2

(CCC) White House Conference on Food, Nutrition & Health [1969] [1 of2]
(CCC) White House Conference on Food, Nutrition & Health [1969] [2 of 2]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations for Positions on Panels [1969] [1 of 2]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations for Positions on Panels [1969] [2 of 2]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations for Panels October 31 to September 19 [1969]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations (for Positions or Panels) September 8 to August 26 [1969]

Box 3

(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations for Positions on Panels August 14 to September 1 [1969]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations for Positions on Panels August 25 to August 15 [1969]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations to serve on Positions on Panels July through June [1969] [1 of 2]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations to serve on Positions on Panels July through June [1969] [2 of 2]
(CCC) 1-1 Recommendations or Nominations to serve on Positions on Panels September 18 to 9 [1969]
Commendation Letters from Various Peoples and Organizations on White House Food, Nutrition and Health [1969-1970]
Food, Nutrition, and Health Inc. (Payments) [1969-1970]

Box 4

(CCC) 1-1 Agenda, Minutes [Empty]
(CCC) 1-2 Statements (before the conference) [Empty}
(CCC) 1-3 Reports (Final report on accomplishments) [Empty]
(CCC) 1-4 Rec. or Nom. For Positions on Panels [Empty]
(CCC) 1-4-1 Church Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-4-2 Community Action and Poor People [Empty]
(CCC) Group I (Surveillance [sic] & Eval. of State of Nut. & Diet for Pop. of U.S.) [Empty]
(CCC) 1-5-1 Group I (1) Continuing Monitoring System of Dietary & Nutr. [Empty]
(CCC) 1-5-2 Group I (2) Standards of Evaluation of Diet and Nut. Status [Empty]
(CCC) 1-5-3 Group I (3) Federal & State Adm. Structure of Mon. Org. [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6 Group II Guidelines for the Nut. of Vulnerable Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-1 Group II (1) Pregnant and Post Partum Women: Infants [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-1-1 Nutritional & Mental Development Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-2 Group II (2) Children and Adolescents [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-2-1 Day Care and Preschool Nutrition; Fitness Subpanel (Children) [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-3-1 Group II (3) Nutrition and Degenerative Diseases [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-3-1 Fitness (Adults) Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-3-2 Nutrition and Dental Caries Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-3-3 Nutrition and Heart Disease Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-3-4 Obesity Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-4 Group II (4) The Aging [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-5 Group II (5) The Sick [Empty]
(CCC) 1-6-6 Group III (6) Groups for Which the Fed. Gov. has Spec. Res. [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7 Group III The Prov. Of Food as it Affects the Consumer [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7-1 Group III (1) Prod. Of Food & Food Supply, Traditional Foods [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7-2 Group III (2) New Foods [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7-2-1 Nutritional Supplements Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7-3 Group III (3) Food Safety & Appropriateness [Empty]
(CCC) 1-7-4 Group III (4) Surveillance of Food Quality [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8 Group IV Nutrition Teaching and Nutrition Education [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-1 Group IV (1) Nutrition Teaching in Elem. Schools & High Schools [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-2 Group IV (2) Advanced Academic Teaching of Nutrition [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-3 Group IV (3) Extension in Rural and Urban Areas [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-4 Group IV (4) Popular Ed. Attention on Disadvantaged Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-4-1 Role of Television Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-4-2 Press and Other Media Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-8-4-3 Legal and Other Aspects of Quackery & Misinformation Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) Group V Delivery of Food as System [Empty]
(CCC) Group V (1) Problems of Budgeting Marketing and Food Pricing [Empty]
(CCC) 1-9-2 Group V (2) The Family as a Delivery System; Role of Nutrition Problems of Poor Parents [Empty]
(CCC) 1-9-3 Group V (3) Systems of Del. Of Food & Money [Empty]
(CCC) 1-9-4 Group V (4) Systems Approach in Delivering Meals to Communities: DOD [Empty]
(CCC) 1-9-4-1 Restaurant Chains & Catering: Industrial Feeding Subpanel [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10 Group VI What can be done by Voluntary Action to Help the Poor? [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-1 Group VI (1) Agricultural Production [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-2 Group VI (2) Food Manufacturing and Processing [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-3 Group VI (3) Food Distribution and Retailing [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-4 Group VI (4) Food Packaging, Labeling [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-4 Group VI (4) Food Packaging, Labeling [Empty]
(CCC) 1-10-5 Group VI (5) Promotion and Advertising [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11 Voluntary Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1 Social Action Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-1 Community Action Groups [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-2 Women's Organizations [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-2 Women's Organizations [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-3 Universities and Student's Organizations [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-4 Clergy [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-1-5 Consumer Organizations [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-2 Organizations [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-2-1 Health [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-2-2 Agriculture [Empty]
(CCC) 1-11-2-3 Labor [Empty]

Box 5

(CCC) 2 [1-4-3] Women's Organizations [1969]
(CCC) 3 [1-5] - Group 1 - Surveillance and Evaluation of State of Nu[trition] of Americans, [1969]
(CCC) 3-1 Group 1-1 [1-5-1] - A Continuing Monitoring System of Dietary and Nutritional Evaluation [1969]
(CCC) 3-2 [1-5-2] Standards of Dietary and Nutritional Evaluation [1969]
(CCC) 3-3 [1-5-3] Group 1-3 Federal & State Administrative Structure of Monitoring Organizations [1969]
CCC 1-6-6 [Group III (6) Groups for Which the Federal Government has Special Responsibilities, the District of Columbia, Commonwealth and Territories, Indians, Eskimos, Migrant Laborers, 1969]
(CCC) 4 - [1-6] Group II - Establishing Guidelines for Nutrition of Vulnerable Groups [1969]
(CCC) 4-3 Group II-3 Adults in Affluence [1969]
(CCC) 4-1 Group II-1 Pregnant & Nursing Mothers
(CCC) 4-2 Group II-2 - Children & Adolescents [1969]
(CCC) 4-4 [1-6-4] Group II-4 - The Aging [1969]
(CCC) 4-5 Group II-5 The Sick [1969]
(CCC) 5 - Group III [1-7]
(CCC) 5-1 Group III-1 [1-7-1] Traditional Foods [1969]
(CCC) 5-2 Group III-2 [1-7-2] New Foods [1969]
(CCC) 5-2 Group III-3 [1-7-3] Food Safety [1969]
(CCC) 5-3 Group III-4 [1-7-4] Food Quality [1969]
(CCC) 4-6 Group II-6 Groups for Whom Federal Government has Special Responsibilities [1969]

Box 6

(CCC) 6-2 [1-8-2] Group IV-2 Advanced Academic Teaching of Nutrition [1969]
(CCC) 6-3 [1-8-3] Group IV-3 Community Nutrition Teaching [1969]
(CCC) 6-4 [1-8-4] Group IV-4 Popular Education & How to Reach Disadvantaged Groups [1969]
(CCC) 6 Group IV - Nutrition Teaching & Nutrition Education
(CCC) 6-1 [1-8-1] Group IV-1 Nutrition Teaching in Elementary & High School [1969]
(CCC) 7 [1-9] Group V Food Delivery & Distribution as a System [1969]
(CCC) 7 [1-9-1] Problems of Budgeting, Marketing & Food Pricing [1969]
(CCC) 7-2 [1-9-2] Group V-2 The Family as a Delivery System [1969]
(CCC) 7-3 [1-9-3] Delivery Systems of Food & of Money for Food [1969]
(CCC) 7-4 Group V-4 Large-scale Meal Delivery Systems [1969]
(CCC) 8 Group VIA - What Can be done by Farmers & the Food Industry [1969]
(CCC) 8-1 [1-10-1] Group VIA-1 Agricultural Production [1969]
(CCC) 8-2 [1-10-2] Group VIA-2 - Food Manufacturing & Processing [1969]
(CCC) 8-3 [1-10-3] Group VIA-3 Food Distribution & Retailing [1969]
(CCC) 8-4 [1-10-4] Group VIA-4 Food Packaging & Labeling [1969]
(CCC) 8-5 [1-10-5] Group VIA-5 - Promotion & Ad[ver]tising [1969]
(CCC) 9 [1-11-1] Group VIB - What Can Be Done By Social Action Groups? [1969]
(CCC) 9-1 Group VIB-1 - Voluntary Action Through Community Action [1969]
(CCC) 9-2 Group VIB-2 - Voluntary Action by Women [1969]
(CCC) 9-3 Group VIB-3 - Voluntary Action by Universities & Student Organizations [1969]
(CCC) 9-4 Group VIB-4 - Voluntary Action by the Clergy [1969]
(CCC) 9-5 Group VIB-5 - Voluntary Action by Consumers [1969]

Box 7

(CCC) 10 - Group VIC - What Can Be Done By Health, Agriculture & Labor Organizations? [1969]
(CCC) 10 Group VIC-1 - Voluntary Action by Health Organizations [1969]
(CCC) 10-2 Group VIC-2 Voluntary Action by Agriculture Organizations [1969]
(CCC) 10-3 Group VIC-3 - Voluntary Action by Labor Organizations [Empty]
CCC General [1 of 3] [1969-1970]
CCC General [2 of 3] [1969-1970]
CCC General [3 of 3] [1969-1970]
CCC General [1969-1970] [1 of 2]

Box 8

CCC General [1969] [2 of 2]
Meal Tickets [1969]
Panel General [1969-1970]
[Urban Affairs Council] [1969]
Panel General Dec 19-31 [1969]
Panels General Dec. 1-18 [1969]
Panels General Nov. 24-30 [1969] [1 of 2]

Box 9

Panels General Nov. 24-30 [1969] [2 of 2]
(CCC) II - Panels General, October [-November 1969] [1 of 5]
(CCC) II - Panels General, October [-November 1969] [2 of 5]
(CCC) II - Panels General, October [-November 1969] [3 of 5]

Box 10

(CCC) II - Panels General, October [-November 1969] [4 of 5]
(CCC) II - Panels General, October [-November 1969] [5 of 5]
(CCC) II - Panels General, September [-October 1969]
(CCC) II - Panels General, August [1969]
(CCC) II - Panels General, July [1969]
(CCC) II - Panel General, June [1969]

Box 11

(CCC) 13 White House Conference on F.[ood], N.[utrition], & H.[ealth], [August 1969]
Governors Letters [1970]
Governors & Vice President [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
Governors & Vice President [1969-1970] [2 of 2]
Senators [1969-1970] [1 of 2]
Senators [1969-1970] [2 of 2]
(CCC) 12 - Congressional General [1969-1970]

Box 12

Congressional Correspondence (CCC) 1-1 Rec. or Nom. For Positions on Panels [1969]
[CCC Misc. Returned Correspondence 1969-1970]
References - Panel Chairman and U. Chairmen [Empty]
(ED) 1-1 Advanced Academic [Empty]
(ED) 1-2 Community [Empty]
(ED) 1-3 Elementary and High School [Empty]
(ED) 1-4 Rural and Urban Areas [Empty]
(ED) 1-4 Food Aides [Empty]
(ED) 1-5 Rural and Urban Areas [Empty]
(ED) 1-6 Volunteer Organizations [Empty]
(ED) 1-7 Disadvantaged Groups [Empty]
(ED) 2-1-1 Press [Empty]
(ED) 2-1-3 TV [Empty]
(ED) 2-1-2 Quackery and Misinformation [Empty]
(FD) Food General [May-Dec. 1969] [1 of 2]
(FD) Food General [May-Dec. 1969] [2 of 2]

Box 13

(HE) 1-1 Dental Caries [Empty]
(HE) 1-2 Heart Disease [Empty]
(HE) 3-1 Medical Care
(HE) 3-2 Nutrition and Hospital Care [Empty]
Health General [1969] 1 of 2
Health General [1969] 2 of 2
Health General [Empty]

Box 14

ME (IVN) Dec. 1 [1969] - [Jan.1970]
ME (IVN) Dec. [1969] - [Jan. 1970] [1 of 3]
ME (IVN) Dec. [1969] - [Jan. 1970] [2 of 3]
ME (IVN) Dec. [1969] - [Jan. 1970] [3 of 3]
ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [1 of 6]
ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [2 of 6]
ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [3 of 6]

Box 15

ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [4 of 6]
ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [5 of 6]
ME (IVN) Nov. 18-30 [1969] [6 of 6]
(ME) Invitations November 1-17 [1969] [1 of 4]
(ME) Invitations November 1-17 [1969] [2 of 4]

Box 16

(ME) Invitations November 1-17 [1969] [3 of 4]
(ME) Invitations November 1-17 [1969] [4 of 4]
(ME) Invitations (October) 31st thru 10th [1969] [1 of 3]
(ME) Invitations (October) 31st thru 10th [1969] [2 of 3]
(ME) Invitations (October) 31st thru 10th [1969] [3 of 3]

Box 17

[(ME) Invitations] People Who Did Not Make It To Conference [1 of 2]
[(ME) Invitations] People Who Did Not Make It To Conference [2 of 2]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (October) 9th thru 1st [1969] [1 of 2]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (October) 9th thru 1st [1969] [2 of 2]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (September) 15th thru 1st [1969]
(ME) Invitations (September) 30th thru 16th [1969]

Box 18

(ME) Invitations (September) 30th thru 16th [1969]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (August) 31st thru 20th [1969]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (August) 19th thru 1st [1969]
(ME) 1 - Invitations (July) [1969]
(ME) 1-1 - Invitations to become Chairman and Vice-Chairman [Empty]
(ME) 1-2 - Invitations to become Panel Members [Sept. - Oct. 1969]
(ME) 1-3 - Invitations to Conference for Panel Members (incl. Chairman, etc.) [Empty]
(ME) 1-4 - Invitations to Conference - Full Participants (Other than P. Memb.) [c.1969-1970]
(ME) 1-5 - Invitations to Conference (Plenary Sessions Only) [Oct. 1969]
(ME) 1-6 - Lists of Invitees (Possible and Definite) [1969] [1 of 3]

Box 19

(ME) 1-6 - Lists of Invitees (Possible and Definite) [1969] [2 of 3]
(ME) 1-6 - Lists of Invitees (Possible and Definite) [1969] [3 of 3]
(ME) 1 - Invitations - Congressional Correspondence (September) 30th thru 17th [1969]
Congressional Correspondence (ME) Invitations October 31st thru 13th [1969] [1 of 2]
Congressional Correspondence (ME) Invitations October 31st thru 13th [1969] [2 of 2]
(ME) 1 - Invitations - Congressional Correspondence (October) 18th thru 1st [1969]
Congressional Correspondence (ME) Invitations (September) 16th thru (July) 31st thru 1st [1969]
[(ME) - Miscellaneous Correspondence Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970]

Box 20

(ME) 2 - Appointments - Dr. Mayer (September 30th thru 19th) [1969]
(ME) 2 - Appointments - Dr. Mayer September 16th thru 1st [1969]
(ME) 2 - Dr. Mayer's Appointments August [1969]
(ME) 2 - Dr. Mayer's Appointments July [1969]
(ME) 3 - Meetings [July - Sept. 1969]
(ME) 2 - Appointments - Dr. Mayer October [1969]

Box 21

(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (October) 31st thru 13th [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (October) 10th thru 1st [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (September) 30th thru 22nd [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (September) 19th thru 17th [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (September) 15th thru 1st [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (July) 31st thru 20th [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (July) 19th thru 16th [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (August) 31st thru 14th [1969]

Box 22

(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (August) 13th thru 8th [1969] [1 of 2]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (August) 13th thru 8th [1969] [2 of 2]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (August) 7th thru 1st [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (July) 15th thru 1st [1969]
(PR) 1 - Offer of Assistance or Help (June) 30th thru 1st [1969]
(PR) 2 - Commendations - Congratulations [June - Dec. 1969]

Box 23

(PR) 3 - 1 - Press, Radio and TV Releases [Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 3]
(PR) 3 - 1 - Press, Radio and TV Releases [Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [2 of 3]
(PR) 3 - 1 - Press, Radio and TV Releases [Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [3 of 3]
[(PR) 3 - 1- Press, Radio and TV Releases July - Dec. 1969] [1 of 2]
[(PR) 3 - 1- Press, Radio and TV Releases July - Dec. 1969] [2 of 2]

Box 24

[(PR)] (Weekly Compilation of) Presidential Documents [Aug. - Nov. 1969] [1 of 2]
[(PR)] (Weekly Compilation of) Presidential Documents [Aug. - Nov. 1969] [2 of 2]
[(PR)] Pub. [Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 2]
[(PR)] Pub. [Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [2 of 2]
(PR) 4 - Request for Information [July - Dec. 1969] [1 of 2]
(PR) 4 - Request for Information [July - Dec. 1969] [2 of 2]
(PR) 5 - Speeches - Statements - Addresses [July - Nov. 1969]

Box 25

(SYS) 1 - Budgeting, 1969-1970
(SYS) 1 - Budgeting [Empty]

Conference Working Files, 1969-1971

Box 26

Stencil [Sept. 12, 1969]
Stencil [Sept. 10, 1969]
Stencil [Sept. 18, 1969]
Stencil [Sept. 22, 1969]
Private Organizations and the Hunger Problem - Stencil [October 9, 1969]
Geographical List and Panel Assignments of Panel Members DTD Oct. 22, 1969
Stencils: 1. For Immediate Release DTD Oct. 31, 1969; 2. Ditto - The First Lady
Conference Task Forces DTD November 14, 1969 - Master Copy
For Your Information and Use as Desired - Nov. 15, 1969
Master List - Representation of Women on Panels Exclusive of Social Action Panels - DTD September 22, 1969
Memorandums Undated - Master Copy - To: Radio and Television Affairs Directors and Women's Programs Directors [c. 1969-1970]
Rough Drafts - Representation of Women on the 26 Pre-Conference Advisory Panels and 8 Community Action Task Forces [Sept. - Nov. 1969]
[Miscellaneous c. 1969-1970]
Releases, Fact Sheets, etc. [May - Nov. 1969] [1 of 2]
Releases, Fact Sheets, etc. [May - Nov. 1969] [2 of 2]
For Internal Use - Geographical List and Panel Assignments of Panel Members and Consultants of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health DTD Oct. 22, 1969

Box 27

Stencils (samples), Fact Sheets (samples) etc. [Sept. - Nov. 1969]
Drafts - Task Forces DTD Nov. 14, 1969

Box 28

[Remarks made by Dr. Jean Mayer, Special Nutrition Consultant to President, during a Newspaper Food Editors Conference Meeting Sponsored by Hunt-Wesson Foods in Chicago, September 29, 1969
[Presidential Address to White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, Dec. 2, 1969]
[Statement by the President upon Appointing Dr. Jean Mayer as a Special Consultant to the President to Plan the Conference, June 11, 1969]
[Reports on Panels 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 December 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel II-1: Pregnant and Nursing Women Dec. 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel II-2: Children & Adolescents Dec. 3-4. 1969]
[Reports on Panel II-3: Adults in an Affluent Society December 2-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel II-4: Aging December 2-4, 1969]
[Report on Panel II-5: The Sick December 3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel II-6: Groups for Which the Federal Government has Special Responsibilities, the District of Columbia, Commonwealth and Territories, Indians, Eskimos, Migrant Laborers December 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel III-1: Traditional Foods December 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel III-2: New Foods December 2-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel III: Food Safety December 3-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel III-4: Food Quality c. December 2-4 1969]
[Reports on Panel IV-1: Nutrition and Teaching in Elementary and Secondary Schools December 3-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel IV-2: Advanced Academic Teaching of Nutrition December 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel IV-3: Community Nutrition Teaching December 2-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel IV-4: Popular Education and How to Reach the Disadvantaged December 2-3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel V-1: Problems of Budgeting, Marketing and Food Pricing With Special Reference to the Poor December 3, 1969]
[Reports on Panel V-2: The Family as a Delivery System December 3-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel V-3: Delivery Systems for Food and of Money for Food December 2-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel V-4: Large Scale Meal Delivery Systems December 2-4, 1969]
[Reports on Panel VIA-2: Food Manufacturing and Processing December 2-3, 1969]
[Panel Reports December 2-4, 1969]
Panel I- 1, 2, 3 December 2, 1969 - Tuesday
Panel I- 1, 2, 3 Dec. 3, 1969 - Wednesday PM
Panel II-1 Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1969
Panel II-2 Tues. December 2, 1969
Panel II-2 Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1969 AM
Panel II-2 Wed PM Dec 3, 1969
Panel II-2 AM Thurs. Dec 4, 1969
Panel II-3 Thursday, Dec 4, 1969
Panel II-4 Tues PM, December 2, 1969
Panel II-4 PM - Wed, Dec 3 [1969]
Panel II-4 AM - Thurs, Dec 4 [1969]
[Panel] II-5 December 3, 1969
Panel II-6 December 2, 1969
Panel II-6 AM, Dec 3, 1969
Panel II-6 Dec 6, 1969 PM
[Panel] II-6 AM, Thus Dec 4, 1969
Panel III-1 Tuesday PM Dec 2, 1969
Panel III-1 Wed. Dec 3, 1969 PM [and AM]
[Panel] III-2 Dec 2, 1969
[Panel] III-2 PM Wed Dec 3, [1969]
Panel III-2 AM Thurs. Dec 4, 1969
Panel III-3 PM, Dec 3, 1969
Panel III-3 AM, Thursday Dec 4, [1969]
Panel III-4 First [and Second] Session[s] Dec 3, [1969]
Panel IV-1 Wed Dec 3, 1969 [AM and PM Sessions]
Panel IV-2 AM, Thurs Dec 4, 1969
Panel IV-3 Wed Dec 3, 1969 AM
Panel IV-3 Dec [2]-3, [19]69
Panel IV-3 AM, Thursday Dec 4, [19]69
Panel IV-4 PM Dec 2, 1969
Panel V-1 Wed, Dec 3, 1969 PM
Panel V-2 AM, Dec [3], [1969]
[Panel] V-2 Wed, Dec 3 PM [1969]
Panel V - 2 AM Thurs. Dec 4, 1969
[Panel] V-3 Wed Dec 3 AM [1969]
[Panel] V-3 Thursday, Dec 4 AM [1969]
Panel V-4 AM, Dec 4, 1969
Panel VI A-2 PM - Dec 3, [19]69

Box 29

[Map of the Sheraton Park Hotel c. 1969-1970]
[White House Reception for Women Who Are Full Participants in the Conference, c. 1969-1970]
[Table of Contents, by Section, c. 1969-1970
[Insert, in place of Panel-6C, pages 27 though 35, c. 1969-1970]
[Panel Room Assignments Monday Morning and Afternoon, c. 1969]
[Press Releases, July-Nov. 1969]
3 copies each of reports on conference panel sessions - a few are missing [c. 1969-1970] [1 of 2]
3 copies each of reports on conference panel sessions - a few are missing [c. 1969-1970] [2 of 2]
[Miscellaneous Panel Reports, c. 1969-1970]
[Fact Sheets, c. 1969-1970]

Box 30

[Memoranda, c. 1969-1970]
[Press Releases, Aug-Oct. 1969]
[Press Releases, Nov.-Dec. 1969]
[Task Force Action Statement, c. 1969-1970]
[Articles and Clippings, c. 1969-1970]
[Miscellaneous c. 1969-1970]
Meal Tickets [c. 1969]
Certificate of Recognition, White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health [c. 1969]

Box 31

Panel No. A-1 - Section No. VI [1969]
Panel No. 2 - Section No. IV [1969]
Panel No. 2 - Section No. V. [1969]
Panel No. A-3 - Section No. VI [1969]
Panel No. 1 - Section No. III [1969]

Box 32

Panel No. 3 - Section No. II [1969]
Panel No. 3 - Section No. III [1969]
Panel No. 4 - Section No. III [1969]
Panel No. 4 - Section No. V [1969]
Panel No. 5 - Section No. II [1969]
Panel No. 6 - Section No. II [1969]

Box 33

Panel No. A-2 - Section No. VI [1969]
Panel No. A-5 - Section No. VI [1969]
Panel No. A-4 - Section No. VI [1969]
Panel No. 1-2-3 - Section I [1969]
Panel No. 1 - Section No. II [1969]
Panel No. 3 - Section No. V [1969]
Panel No. 1 - Section No. IV [1969]

Box 34

Panel No. 1 - Section No. V [1969]
Panel No. 2 - Section No. II [1969]
Panel No. 2 - Section No. III [1969]
Panel No. 3 - Section No. IV [1969]
Panel No. 4 - Section No. II [1969]

Box 35

[Draft - Geographical List and Task Forces Assignments of Members and Consultants of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health c. 1969]
Non-Conference Material Distributed at Conference [n.d.] [1 of 2]
Non-Conference Material Distributed at Conference [n.d.] [2 of 2]
Reporters for Panel Sessions [1969]
Members of Task Forces on Voluntary Action by State [1969]
Task Forces Run Off [c. 1969-1970]
Personnel [c. 1969-1970]
Panels by State [c. 1969-1970]
Presidential Documents [1969]
Staff Memos etc. [Nov. 1969]
Dr. Mayer's Schedule [July - Oct. 1969]
Press Releases (Barbara Lynch) [c. 1969-1970]
GSA Form 1354 (Job Order) [July 1969]

Box 36

Press Releases (Stan Flower) [c. 1969]
Criteria for the Allowance of Travel Expenses for Panel Members - WHCFNH; Travel Guidelines for Panel Members; Instructions to Traveler Method #4; Travel and Expense Record [c. 1969-1970]
Travel Vouchers Form SF 1012[1967]
GSA - Authorization For Transfer of Property [July - Nov. 1969]
Requisition for Equipment, Supplies or Services - Form GSA 49 [Aug. - Sept. 1969]
Ben Neufeld - December 1969
Ben Neufeld - November 1969
Ben Neufeld - October 1969
Ben Neufeld - September 1969
Ben Neufeld - July-August 1969
Judith A. Cooke - December 1969
Judith A. Cooke - November 1969
Judith A. Cooke - October 1969
Judith A. Cooke - September 1969

Box 37

Judith A. Cooke - July/August 1969
Stanley A. Flower - December 1969
Stanley A. Flower - November 1969
Stanley A. Flower - October 1969
Stanley A. Flower - September 1969
Stanley A. Flower - July-August 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - November 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - December 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - October 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - September 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - August 1969
Barbara W. Lynch - July 1969
John Edwards - December 1969
John Edwards - November 1969 [1 of 2]
John Edwards - November 1969 [2 of 2]
Correspondence - for Mayer, etc. Edwards, John July-October 1969

Box 38

Food and Nutrition Subcomm: White House Conference Follow-up (1) [1969-1970] ][1 of 4]
Food and Nutrition Subcomm: White House Conference Follow-up (1) [1969-1970] ][2 of 4]
Food and Nutrition Subcomm: White House Conference Follow-up (1) [1969-1970] ][3 of 4]
Food and Nutrition Subcomm: White House Conference Follow-up (1) [1969-1970] ][4 of 4]
Food and Nutrition Subcomm: White House Conference Follow-up (2) [1970]
Mayer, Dr. Jean Travel [1970]

Box 39

[Miscellaneous  Departments 1970]
DOD Delivery Systems [1970]
II Delivery Systems, DOD Adopted - Implementation Pending [1970]
II Delivery Systems - DOD Administrative [1970]
II Delivery Systems - DOD Legislative [1970]
II Delivery Systems - DOD Rejected [1970]
II Delivery Systems DOD Implemented [1970]
[Department of Agriculture 1969-1970]
AD Council Meeting [1970]
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition & Health, Voluntary Action [1970]
Food and Nutrition: Subcabinet Working Committee (ASSIS Sec. Lyng) Lyng Meeting, March 26, 1970 [1970]
[Miscellaneous 1969-1970]
Extra Copies [1969]

Box 40

Miscellaneous Follow-up Files [1969-1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
1. Organization and Reorganization [ca.1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
2. Federal Assistance Programs [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
3. Surveillance and Monitoring [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
4. Nutrition Education [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
5. Research and Development [ca. 1970]

Box 41

Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
6. Supplementation and Fortification [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
Regulation and Disclosure of Food Content and Composition [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
8. Health Services
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
9. Manpower [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
10. Food Production and Marketing [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
11. Delivery Systems (not in 2) [ca. 1970]
Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health
12. Other Community Programs [ca. 1970]
Miscellaneous – Letters of Recommendation and Requests for Publication  of W.H.C. on Food, Nutrition and Health [Nov. 1969 – Jan. 1970] [1 of 4]
Miscellaneous – Letters of Recommendation and Requests for Publication  of W.H.C. on Food, Nutrition and Health [Nov. 1969 – Jan. 1970] [2 of 4]
Miscellaneous – Letters of Recommendation and Requests for Publication  of W.H.C. on Food, Nutrition and Health [Nov. 1969 – Jan. 1970] [3 of 4]
Miscellaneous – Letters of Recommendation and Requests for Publication  of W.H.C. on Food, Nutrition and Health [Nov. 1969 – Jan. 1970] [4 of 4]

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971: Judith Cooke Files

Box 42

Reading File, No Date, Judy Cook [1969] [1 of 2]
Reading File, No Date, Judy Cook [1969] [2 of 2]
Reading File, Sept & Oct [1969] [1 of 3]
Reading File, Sept & Oct [1969] [2 of 3]
Reading File, Sept & Oct [1969] [3 of 3]

Box 43

Reading File, Nov. & Dec., Judy Cook [1969 [1 of 2]
Reading File, Nov. & Dec., Judy Cook [1969 [2 of 2]
Reading File, Rm. 105 [1969]
Correspondence [1969]
[Miscellaneous Correspondence 1969]
Letters of Response / Confirmation of Phone Conversations [1969]
Reading File -- August 1-12, 1969
[Reading File] August 13-18, 1969
[Reading File] August 18-20, [1969]
[Reading File] Aug[ust] 21 - Sept[ember] 2, 1969

Box 44

Reading File - September 15-19, 1969
[Reading File September 2-11, 1969]
Reading File Oct 6-10, 1969
Reading File, October 13-17, 1969
Reading File, October 20 thru October 24, [1969]
Reading File, October 27 to October 31, 1969
Reading File, November 3 through November 7, 1969
Reading File, November 10 through November 14, [1969]
Reading File, November 17 through 21, 1969
Reading File, December 8 through 12, 1969

Box 45

State Commissioners of Agriculture
[Miscellaneous File 1969]
Attorneys to Serve as Panel Members
WH Conf FNH - 1969 Budget
Resumes of Virginia Knauer's Staff [1969]
MC [1969]
Food Company Annual Reports [1969]
[Action Task Force] B-VI-B-5 [1969]
[Action Task Force] Panel II-6 [ca. 1969]
[Action Task Force] Panel VI-B-2 [ca. 1969]
References - Panel Chairmen & U. Chairmen (home + office) [Empty]
Corp for Public Broadcasting [1969]
[Miscellaneous Files 1969]
Special Recommendations [Empty]
US Dept. of Commerce [Empty]
Conferences_ PR Releases [1969]
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, Rm. 105 [1969]
Resumes, Rm. 105 [Empty]
U [Miscellaneous Correspondence 1969]
White House Releases [1969]
Extras Oct. 21 - Mailing and Miscellaneous [1969]

Box 46

Original Documents [1969]
Press Releases [1969]
Vacation Schedule [1969]
[Correspondence, Returned to White House, 1969]
Panel Participants [1969] [1 of 2]
Panel Participants - Money [2 of 2]
Original Master Community Org. List [1969]
Letters - Comm[unity] Orgs - Taskforce [1969]

Box 47

Lists [1969]
[Miscellaneous Files 1969]
Lists - Organizational Participants [Empty]
Task Force Action Statement [1969]
Red Cross, August [1969]
Administration [1969]
[Miscellaneous Pamphlets 1969]
Sent to Ben Neufeld by T. Wilkinson 10/19 [ca. 1969]
Responses [1969]
CC [Miscellaneous Correspondence 1969]

Box 48

Consumer Organizations - Administration [1969]
Consumers' Lists [1969]
Consumers [1969]
Consumers 17 Nov. Mtg [1969]
Consumers Final Report [1969]
Community Action - Administration [1969]
Community Action - Lists [1969]

Box 49

Community Action [1969]
Labor [1969]
Labor Lists [1969]
Religious Orgs [1969]
Religious Orgs. Lists [1969]
Religious Organizations - Administration [1969]

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971: Office Correspondence

Box 50

Department of Agriculture (Correspondence) [Aug. - Sept. 1969]
[Correspondence] Department of the Army [June - Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] Agricultural Organizations [July - Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] A [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] B [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
Department of Commerce (Correspondence) [June - Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] C [July 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] D [July 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] E [July - Dec. 1969]
[Correspondence] F [July 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] G [July 1969 - Jan. 1970]

Box 51

[Correspondence] H Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 2]
[Correspondence] H Aug. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [2 of 2]
Department of Health, Education and Welfare (Correspondence) [June - Dec. 1969]
[Correspondence] I [August - Dec. 1969]
[Correspondence] J [June 1969 - Jan. 1970
Department of Justice (Correspondence) [July - Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] K [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] L [May 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] Mc [May 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] M [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] N [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] O [June - Dec. 1969]

Box 52

[Correspondence] P [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] Q [June - Nov. 1969]
[Correspondence] R [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] S [May 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] S [Oct. 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] T [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] U [Aug. - Dec. 1969]
[Correspondence] Unions [Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] V [June 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] W [Sept. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 2]
[Correspondence] W [Sept. 1969 - Jan. 1970] [2 of 2]
[Correspondence] X [Empty]
[Correspondence] Y [July 1969 - Jan. 1970]
[Correspondence] Z June 1969 - Jan. 1970] [1 of 2]

Box 53

Miscellaneous File [1969]
Key Staff [ca. 1969]
Panel Members, Consultants, Liason [ca. 1969]
Full Staff [ca. 1969]
Task Forces [ca. 1969]
Panel Chairman, Vice Chairman [ca. 1969]
[Correspondence] A [1969]
[Correspondence] B [1969]
[Correspondence] C [1969]
[Correspondence] D [1969]
[Correspondence] E [1969]
[Correspondence] F [1969]
[Correspondence] G [1969]
[Correspondence] H [1969]
[Correspondence] I [Empty]
[Correspondence] J [1969]
[Correspondence] K [1969]
[Correspondence] L [1969]
[Correspondence] M [1969]
[Correspondence] N [1969]
[Correspondence] O [1969]
[Correspondence] P [1969]
[Correspondence] Q [Empty]
[Correspondence] R [1969]
[Correspondence] S [1969]
[Correspondence] T [1969]
[Correspondence] U [1969]
[Correspondence] V [1969]
[Correspondence] W [1969]
[Correspondence] X [Empty]
[Correspondence] Y [1969]
[Correspondence] Z [Empty]

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971: Elizabeth Woodlock Files

Box 54

Press Releases and Publicity [July – Oct. 1969] [1 of 2]
Press Releases and Publicity [July – Oct. 1969] [2 of 2]
ACTION REPORT – Natl Council on Hunger and Malntrtn in the U.S. [May-Aug. 1969]
Chairmen: Dr. Carter, V. Chairmen:  Father Greeley Group I-1 Diet and Nutrition – Monitoring System [June – Oct. 1969]
C: Dr. Hegsted, VC: Dr. Shank Group I(2) I-2 Diet and Nutrition Standards [July – Sept. 1969]
C: Wm. Carey, VC: Dr. Browne Group I(3) I(3) Diet and Nutrition – Administrative [c. 1969]
Group II II-1 Pregnant and Nursing Women – Infants [Sept. – Oct. 1969]
C: Dr. Formon, VC: Dr. Haggerty Group II(2) II-2 Children and Adolescents [Sept. – Nov. 1969] [1 of 2]

Box 55

C: Dr. Formon, VC: Dr. Haggerty Group II(2) II-2 Children and Adolescents [Sept. – Nov. 1969] [2 of 2]
C: Dr. Keys, VC: Dr. Page Group II(3) II-3 Adults (Middle Age and Degenerative) [April – Sept. 1969]
C: Dr. Bortz, VC: Dr. Watson Group II(4) II-4 The Aging [Aug. – Oct. 1969]
C: Dr. Sebrell, VC: Dr. Christakis Group II(5) II-5 The Sick; Medical Care [July – Sept. 1969]
C: Dr. Darby, VC: Dr. Scrimshaw Group II(6) II-6 Govt Responsibility to Special Groups [July – Nov. 1969]
C: Wm. Murray, VC: Dr. Harper Group III(1) III-1 Traditional Foods [Aug. – Nov. 1969
C: Dr. Gordon, VC: Dr. Emerson Group III(2) III-2 New Foods [Aug. – Oct. 1969]

Box 56

C: Kendall, VC: Dr. Coon Group III(3) III-3 Food Safety [Aug. – Sept. 1969]
C: Dr. Mrak, VC: Dr. Hall Group III(4) III-4 Food Quality [July – Nov. 1969]
C: Dr. Briggs, VC: Dr. Eppright Group IV(1) IV-1 Elementary and High Schools [July – Nov. 1969]
C: Dr. Goldsmith, VC: Dr. Vanitallíe Group IV(2) IV-2 Advanced Academic Teaching [July – Oct. 1969]
C: Dr. Edwards, VC: Walsh, Helen Group IV(3) IV-3 Community Nutrition Teaching [July – Sept. 1969]
C: Dr. White, VC: Dr. Enloe Group IV(4) IV-4 News Media and Legal Aspects [Aug. – Nov. 1969] [1 of 2]
C: Dr. White, VC: Dr. Enloe Group IV(4) IV-4 News Media and Legal Aspects [Aug. – Nov. 1969] [2 of 2]

Box 57

C: Dr. Call, VC: Robert Stuart Group V(1) V-1 Food Pricing, Marketing and Budgeting [Aug. – Oct. 1969]
Chairman: Dr. Clark Group V(2) V-2 Family Structure – Special Problems of the Poor [c. 1969]
C: Dr. Gershoff, VC: Jean Fairfax Group V(3) V-3 Food and Money for Food [July – Nov. 1969] [1 of 3]
C: Dr. Gershoff, VC: Jean Fairfax Group V(3) V-3 Food and Money for Food [July – Nov. 1969] [2 of 3]
C: Dr. Gershoff, VC: Jean Fairfax Group V(3) V-3 Food and Money for Food [July – Nov. 1969] [3 of 3]
C: Harvey Stevens, VC: Dr. Howard Group V(4) V-4 Large Scale Meal DeliverySystems [Aug. – Nov. 1969]
VIA 1 Agricultural Production [Aug. – Oct. 1969]

Box 58

Panel VI-A-2 Food Manufacturing and Processing [July – Nov. 1969]
VI-A-3 Food Distribution and Retailing [Aug. – Oct. 1969] [1 of 2]
VI-A-3 Food Distribution and Retailing [Aug. – Oct. 1969] [2 of 2]
VI-A-4 Food Packaging and Labeling [July – Oct. 1969]
VI-A-5 Promotion and Advertising [July – Oct. 1969] [1 of 2]
VI-A-5 Promotion and Advertising [July – Oct. 1969] [2 of 2]

Box 59

VI-B-1 Community Action [Oct. 1969]
VI-B-2 Women [Sept. 1969]
VI-B-3 Students [Oct. – Nov. 1969]
VI-B-4 Religious [Sept. – Nov. 1969]
VI-B-5 Consumer [Sept. – Oct. 1969]
VI-C-1 Health Organizations [c. 1969]
VI-C-2 Agriculture Organizations [Sept. – Oct. 1969]
VI-C-3 State and Local Government [c. 1969]
Student Category [Nov. 1969]
[Correspondence] A [Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] Agriculture (USDA) [Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] B [Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] C [July – Aug. 1969]
Clearance – Security [July 1969]
Consultants/Observers – [Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] D [Oct. 1969]
Extra Copies [July - Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] F [July - Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] G [Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] H [Aug. – Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] I [Oct. 1969]
Invitations [July 1969]
[Correspondence] J [July – Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] K [Empty]
[Correspondence] L [Aug. – Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] Mc [Empty]
Memos [July 1969]
[Correspondence] M [July – Oct. 1969]
Inter-Office Memo [July – Oct. 1969]

Box 60

[Correspondence] N [Empty]
[Correspondence] O [Oct. 1969]
Panels – General [June – Nov. 1969]
Suggestions for Poor People for Panelists [July – Aug. 1969]
Programs [Feb. – July 1969]
Printed Forms [c. 1969-1970]
[Correspondence] Q [Empty]
Résumés [July – Aug. 1969]
From BAR to Others [July – Oct. 1969]
From Resanovich’s Information [July – Sept. 1969]
[Responsibilities of Employees by Office/Position]
[Correspondence] S [Empty]
Travel [Aug. – Oct. 1969]
Trans Century Corp [Oct. 1969]
[Correspondence] U [Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] V [Oct. 1969]
Voluntary Action Committee [Aug. 1969]
[Correspondence] W [Empty]
[Correspondence] XYZ [Empty]

Box 61

[Master Panel Listings, White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, Beth Woodlock Working Papers, c. 1969-1970] [1 of 2]
[Master Panel Listings, White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, Beth Woodlock Working Papers, c. 1969-1970] [2 of 2]
[Attendance Lists c. 1969-1970]
Governors Letters [Jan. 1970]

Box 62

Pre Conference Listing of Participants [1 of 4]
Pre Conference Listing of Participants [2 of 4]
Pre Conference Listing of Participants [3 of 4]
Pre Conference Listing of Participants [4 of 4]

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971: John Edwards Files

Box 63

[Task Force Action Statement ca. 1969-1970]
Credentials [1969] [1 of 2]
Credentials [1969] [2 of 2]
Panels (Alphabetical) [ca. 1969-1970]
Task Forces (Alphabetical) [ca. 1969-1970]
Panel Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Additions to Panels, etc. [1969]

Box 64

File [1969]
A [ca. 1969-1970]
B [ca. 1969-1970]
C [ca. 1969-1970]
D [ca. 1969-1970]
E [ca. 1969-1970]
F [ca. 1969-1970]
G [ca. 1969-1970]
H [ca. 1969-1970]
I [ca. 1969-1970]
J [ca. 1969-1970]
K [ca. 1969-1970]
L [ca. 1969-1970]
M [ca. 1969-1970]
N [ca. 1969-1970]
O [ca. 1969-1970]
P [ca. 1969-1970]
R [ca. 1969-1970]
S [ca. 1969-1970]
T [ca. 1969-1970]
U [ca. 1969-1970]
V [ca. 1969-1970]
W [ca. 1969-1970]
Y [ca. 1969-1970]
Credentials [1969]
[Members of Conference Panels by State, ca. 1969-1970]

Staff Member Office Files, 1969-1971: Personnel Files (including Rolodex)

Box 65

[White House Conference - Personnel Register, Temporary Appointments c. 1969-1970]
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health Personnel Files A-Z [Jan. 1970]
Travel and Per Diem [1969]
Conference Proceedings [July-Aug. 1969]
Baldwin, Donald, Temporary Consultant [1969-1970]
Donoghue, Julia Sheehan [1969-1970]
Geren, Natasha - Research Assistant [1969-1970]
Kern, Janice Ann - Research Assistant [1969]
King, Sue A. (Stenography) [1969]
Monroe, Michael C. - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Simmons, Annie Ford (Clerk) GS-3 [1969]
Steiber, Jane - Research Assistant [1969]
Stokes, Susie S. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Talley, Star Octavia - Clerk Typist (GS-3) [1969]
Thomas, Iris E. - Secretary (Stenography) [1969]
Bedner, Mark - Research Assistant [1969]
Beal, Thaddeus Reynolds Jr. - Detailed Employee
Bott, Joyce Yvonne - Clerk Typist (GS-4) [1969]
Chelis, Sallie Gay - Research Assistant [1969]
Collins, Mary Ellen - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Cooke, Judith A. - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Decker, Terry Lee - Research Assistant [1969]
Dwyer, Johanna Todd - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Embree, William C. - Detailed Employee [c.1969-1970]
Erickson, Susan C. - Administrative Assistant [1969]
Fineman, Betina Sue - Clerk Typist [1969]
French, Frances Olivia - Secretary (Stenography) [1969]
Kesling, Jan Louise - Research Assistant [1969]
Lewis, Sharon Kay - Secretary (Steno) [1969]
McCloud, Brenda - Detailed Employee [c.1969-1970]
Middleton, Gladys - Detailed Employee [c.1969-1970]
Nyberg, Lynn Elise - Research Assistant [1969-1970]
Owen, Lisbeth - Staff Assistant to Mike Monroe [1969]
Phillips, Susan - Detailed Employee [1969]
Sticken, Dorothy E. - Detailed Employee [c.1969-1970]
Strader, Sharon Lee - Detailed Employee [1969]
Tally, Sharon G. - Secretary (Stenography) [1969]
Whitman, Stephen Van Rensselaer [1969]
Vargas, Donay C. - Secretary (Typing) [1969-1970]
Applications for Employment

Box 66

[Applications c.1969]
Dickinson, Virginia Annette - Intermittent Consultant [1969]
Dunn, R.N., Mary Jane (Mrs.) [1969]
Flanagan, Thelma (Mrs.) - Intermittent Consultant [1969]
Fairfax, Jean (Miss) - Panel Vice Chairman [1969]
Latimer, Irving [1969]
Pearson, Paul B. (Dr.) [1969]
White, Phil [1969]
Alfriend, Kate - Detailed Employee [1969]
Becker, Muriel K. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Erickson, Mr. Ronald P. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Maker, Miss Anne E. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Henry, William - Detailed Employee [1969]
Bartley, Joyce - Detailed Employee [1969]
Bryant, Brenda - Detailed Employee [1969]
Denis, Agnes Louise - Detailed Employee [c.1969]
Flower, Stanley A. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Hardy, Catherine I. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Kline, O.L. (Dr.) - Detailed Employee [1969]
LeSage, Brenda - Detailed Employee [1969]
Maroney, James Michael - Detailed Employee [1969]
MacCausland, Mary - Detailed Employee [1969]
Metzner, Clifton G. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Resonovich, Barbara - Detailed Employee [1969]
Neufeld, Ben - Detailed Employee [1969]
Truesdale, Sybil - Detailed Employee [1969]
Tyler, Paula - Detailed Employee [1969]
Velthuis, Robert - Detailed Employee [1969]
Ward, George - Detailed Employee [1969]
Cooper, Rachel L. - Clerk Typist (GS-3) [1969]
Woodhead, Miss Evelyn M. - Detailed Employee [1969-1970]
Woodlock, Elizabeth - Detailed Employee [1969]
Zimmerman, Howard M. - Detailed Employee [1969]
Conference Rooms [1969]
Criteria for Payment [c.1969]
Employment of Consultants [c.1969]
Instructions to Traveler [c.1969]
Property Inventory [1969]
Travel and Expense Record [c.1969-1970]
Travel Method Number One [Empty]
Travel Method Number Two [Empty]
Travel Method Number Three [Empty]
Travel Method Number Four [c.1969]
Travel Authorization Letter # 3 [Empty]
Travel Authorization Letter # 4 [Empty]
Travel Authorization Letter # 1 [Empty]
Travel Authorization Letter # 2 [Empty]
Brack, Dennis, Temporary Consultant [1969]
Fields, Barbara - Detailed Employee [1969]
Chacon, Jose Andres - Detailed Employee [1969]
Foster, Glenda - Detailed Employee [1969]
Grant, James - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Hildreth, Barbara - Detailed Employee [1969]
Martin, Ursula (Mrs.) - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Robbins, Keith, Temporary Consultant [1969]
Reed, Duff - Temporary Consultant [Empty]
Tames, George, Temporary Photographer [1969]
Johnson, Rosa - Detailed Employee [1969]
Hendrix, Capt. Walter [1969]
Lynch, Barbara W. - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Mayer, Jean (Dr.) - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Edwards, John Bensen - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Alexander, Milton (Dr.) - Intermittent Consultant [1969]
Brogoitti, Robert - Intermittent Consultant [1969]
Call, David - Panel Chairman [1969]
Calloway, Doris (Dr.) - Panel Vice Chairman [1969]
Choate, Robert - Temporary Consultant [1969]
Covell, Edward - Intermittent Consultant [1969]

Box 67

Rolodex of Conference Contacts

Printed Materials, 1969-1970

Box 68

White House Nutrition Conference – Clippings May – June 1969
White House Nutrition Conference – Clippings July 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clippings August 1969
White House Nutrition Conference Clippings September 1969
White House Nutri Conference Clips Oct 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clipps Nov 1-15 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clippings Nov 23, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clippings Nov 24, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clipps. Nov 25, 1969
White House Nutri. Conf. Clippings Nov 26,1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clipps. Nov 27, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Nov 28, 1969 Clippings
White House Nutrition Conf. Nov 29, 1969 Clipps.
White House Nutrition Conference Clippings November 30, 1969
White House Nutrition Conference Clippings Dec 1, 1969
White House Nutrition Conference Clips Dec 2, 1969

Box 69

White House Nutrition Conf. Clips December 3, 1969 [1 of 2]
White House Nutrition Conf. Clips December 3, 1969 [2 of 2]
White House Nutrition Conf. Clippings Dec. 4, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clips Dec. 5, 1969
White House Nutrit. Conf. Clips Dec. 6, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Press Dec. 7, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clips Dec. 8, 1969
White House Nutr. Conf. Clips Dec. 9, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clips Dec. 10, 1969
White House Nutrition Conf. Clips Dec. 11, 1969
White House Conf. Clips Dec. 12, 1969

Box 70

White House Nutrition Conf. Clippings Jan. 1, 1970
Duplicate Clippings White House Conference on Nutrition 1969-1970

Publications, 1969-1970

Box 71

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: 1969 Directory of Members

Final Report to the President from the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and     Health. Interim copy for press use only. Dec. 24, 1969 [3 copies]

Box 72

Panel Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, 1969

Panel Recommendations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, Provisional draft, 1969 [3 copies]

Box 73

Policy Development Information Project, Hunger and Poverty, 1970 [2 copies]

Box 74

Policy Development Information Project, Hunger and Poverty, 1970 [1 copy]

Preliminary Views of the Voluntary Action Task Forces to the Provisional Draft of Panel Recommendations to the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, 1969

Project Head Start: Nutrition Information for Young Children, 1969

Reports of Hunger Workshops in Twenty Cities [no date]

Box 75

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1969

White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health Recommendations of Section Five: Food Delivery and Distribution as a System. Panel V-4-Large Scale Meal Delivery Systems, 1969



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