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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Attachment to CPM 2004-34


For guidance on submitting a request for full or provisional certification, please see instructions for full certification at or instructions for provisional certification at

If your appraisal system received provisional certification for calendar year 2004 and you HAVE NOT made changes in your appraisal system, performance plans, or other supporting documentation submitted with your initial request, please submit:
• a letter requesting provisional certification for calendar year 2005
• a list of individuals who have been or will be paid above the rate for level III of the Executive Schedule and their new rate of basic pay
• a list of individuals who received total aggregate compensation higher than the rate for level I of the Executive Schedule and their total compensation

If your appraisal system received provisional certification for calendar year 2004 and you HAVE made changes in your appraisal system, performance plans, or other supporting documentation submitted with your initial request, please submit:
• a letter requesting provisional certification for calendar year 2005
• documents that have been changed since the initial request
• a list of individuals who have been or will be paid above the rate for level III of the Executive Schedule and their new rate of basic pay
• a list of individuals who received total aggregate compensation higher than the rate for level I of the Executive Schedule and their total compensation

If your appraisal system received provisional certification for calendar year 2004 and you would like to request full certification for calendar years 2005 and 2006, please see instructions for requesting full certification at

If your agency received full certification for calendar years 2004 and 2005, please submit your annual report in accordance with OPM’s instructions, which will be issued separately.

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