
Our state’s ability to address present and future challenges through innovation, ingenuity and plain old Wyoming common sense is just one reason why our state is so special.  Our inventiveness and resourcefulness is crucial to our economy and keeping Wyoming’s people, agricultural communities and energy sector in high demand.
We can continue this measured progress by putting a greater focus on the areas of science, technology, engineering and math in our schools; through greater funding of research and development in the bio-medical and energy-related fields; and through my annual Inventors Conference that I host in Wyoming for all ages and stages of idea development.  I am pleased to announce that 2009 marked the sixth year that I have held the conference.
I am a member of the Senate High Tech Task Force which meets regularly with industry leaders, small and large business creators, analysts and field experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities for development in the technology sector. We have discussed encouraging investment in our nation’s varying technology and superconductor sectors, creating tax incentives to encourage a worldwide technology industry to invest more widely in the United States, and even expanding health Internet technology – while at the same time creating enough security to address health care’s growing need for information access.
In July 2009, Congress passed a Congressional Gold Medal bill to honor the Apollo 11 mission astronauts for the first lunar landing and space walk for the United States and humankind.  The success of this mission paved the way for future space and scientific discoveries.  Space exploration has had a great impact on the way we understand our world and the universe beyond.  This accomplishment inspired many young people to literally reach for the stars.  It inspired me as a young Boy Scout to create and earn a badge in rocketry.  Today, research conducted by NASA and other agencies has brought many new technologies to the consumer market and given Americans another reason to be proud of our United States.

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