RC – East

Area of Responsibility
Contributing Nations
Major Units Assigned
Provincial Reconstruction Teams
Contact Information


Regional Command East, in full partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, joint, interagency, and multinational organizations, secures the population through combined action to neutralize insurgent elements while increasing ANSF capability and grows the sub-national governance capacity and credibility, and neutralizes criminal patronage networks to increase stability and security by extending GIRoA influence through ANSF assumption of security primacy, credible and transparent SNG and improved quality of life for the Afghan people.

Area of Responsibility

RC-East includes the provinces of Bamyan, Ghazni, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Paktika, Paktiya, Panjshayr, Parwan and Wardak.  It covers 43,000 square miles, approximately the size of Virginia, and shares 450 miles of border with Pakistan. Currently, more than 26,000 Coalition Forces and 73,000 ANSF are operating in the command’s area of responsibility.

Contributing Nations

U.S., France, Poland, Czech Republic, UK, Jordan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Korea, Ukraine, Canada

Major Units Assigned

• 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division - Task Force 4/1, in full partnership with GIRoA, joint, interagency, and multinational Organizations in Paktika and Ghanzi provinces, assists ANSF through combined actions to protect the population, neutralize insurgent networks. Hold the gains in the province to support ANSF and provincial leadership assuming security primacy, stability, and governance.
• 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division - Task Force Long Knife advises, assists and integrates enablers to Afghan-led operations in the 1st Brigade, 201st Afghan National Army Corps and 3rd Bde., 201st ANA Corps area of operations; developing and improving Afghan National Security Forces' capability to neutralize insurgents and secure the population, and connecting GIRoA to the people.
• 173rd Brigade Combat Team - Task Force Bayonet conducts Security Force Assistance in AO Bayonet to hold the capability and capacity of ANSF in order to facilitate transition of area of responsibility to GIRoA.
• 101st Combat Aviation Brigade -The 101st CAB provides multi functional aviation support to RC (E) and RC (N) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to facilitate unified land operations intended to secure the population, neutralize the insurgency and increase ANSF capabilities.
• Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 1st Infantry Division - The 1st Infantry Division's Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, through partnership and with Task Force enablers, secures Bagram Airfield and JCOPs in Parwan District, through increased security operations in the Bagram Security Zone (BSZ) to prevent civil disruption or INS activity from affecting the security of BAF.
• TF White Eagle - Task Force White Eagle conducts counterinsurgency operations and unified actions focusing on key terrain districts in Ghazni in order to increase security, development, local governance competency and legitimacy; while neutralizing the insurgency.
1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) - Combined Team Bastogne advises, assists, and enables GIRoA and the Afghan National Security Forces in Nangarhar, Nuristan, and Kunar provinces to strengthen a foundation for continued Afghan progress in security, governance, and development.

Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Logar Province
        - Lead Nation: Czech Republic

Ghazni Province
        - Lead Nation: Poland
        - Supporting Nation: U.S. (Separate PRTs, but Poland is lead PRT)

Bamyan Province
        - Lead Nation: New Zealand

Khost Province, Kunar Province, Laghman Province, Nangarhar Province, Paktika Province, Paktya Province
         - Lead Nation: U.S. 

Wardak Province
        - Lead Nation: Turkey

Contact Information

Website: www.rc-east.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RCEast
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RCEast
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/rceast

*Information current as of Dec. 23, 2012

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