Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review

Volume 28, Nos. 2 & 3

In his depiction of the greenhouse effect, artist Mitchell Williamson helps us peer through the glass at the globe (earth artwork created by Bob Zerby). Will we have global climate change? How will it affect forests and fields? Can we slow our growth in energy use to slow global warming? These questions are being probed at ORNL, as described in this special issue of the Review on "Energy and Global Climate Change."

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Energy and Global Climate Change: Why ORNL?

By Michael P. Farrell

Predicting Climate Change

By John Drake

Biomass Fuels, Energy, Carbon, and Global Climate Change

By Janet Cushman, Gregg Marland, and Bernard Schlamandinger

Global Change Research Highlights

By Carolyn Krause

Marker found for gender of biofuel tree; tree growth in an atmosphere enriched in carbon dioxide; tree growth may be stunted by ozone and climate change; forests and changes in precipitation; atmospheric CO2 changes revealed by geologic record.

Managing Global Change Information

By Frederick W. Stoss

Promoting International Deployment of Greenhouse Gas Technologies
By Marilyn A. Brown, Julia S. Kelley, and Melissa K. Voss

Electric Utilities and Energy Efficiency

By Eric Hirst

Power to the People: Integrated Resource Planning in Developing Countries

By Lawrence Hill

The Transportation Revolution: On Track to a Better Future

By Jim Pearce, Bill Cabage, and Carolyn Krause

Reducing the Comfort Penalty: Liquid-Overfeed Air Conditioner
Ceramic Parts for Autos: ORNL's Role
David Greene: Painting the Big Picture
The Center for Cooperative Transportation Research

Saving Energy in Buildings and Appliances

By Carolyn Krause


Educational Activities

Attracting the best young engineers.

Technical Highlights
Detecting thermal damage in advanced aircraft composites; producing sulfur from a coal-fired plant pollutant using bacteria; making ceramic needles chemically for engine composites; detecting hidden marijuana gardens; dechlorinating groundwater using modified “iron curtain.”

R&D Updates
Electromagnetic Field Bioeffects Laboratory at ORNL; new building for Science and Technology Partnerships Office; alcoholism gene studied in mice.

Technology Transfer
New “eye” test for diabetes.

Where to?

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