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 Energy Security

 Features in This Issue - Volume 35, Number 2, 2002

Editorial: Energy Security-Providing Secure Energy Supplies and Protecting Our Energy Infrastructure
R. G. Gilliland. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon using hijacked commercial airplanes on September 11, 2001, aroused concerns about the vulnerability of the U.S. critical infrastructure to future threats, whether natural, accidental, or deliberate. The Department of Energy responded to this threat by commissioning a senior-level committee to identify and evaluate the Department's capabilities to help power producers and energy developers assure the reliability of the nation's energy infrastructure. More...

Nuclear Energy: Assuring Future Energy Supplies
Nuclear power produces one-fifth of our nation's electricity. However, no nuclear power plants have been ordered in the United States since 1978 because of concerns about waste storage, radiation, accidents, and costs. Yet, nuclear power is poised to make a comeback, partly because of concerns about a possible shortage of power plants (suggested by the inadequate power supply in California in early 2001) and the long-term effect of coal-fired power plants on world climate. More...
Methane Extraction and Carbon Sequestration
In November 2000, somewhere off Canada's Vancouver Island, the commercial fishing vessel Ocean Selector brought to the ocean's surface an unusual "catch." More...
Gas Pipeline Safety: ORNL's Role
Gas leaking from a natural gas pipeline is an undesirable event. More...
Energy from Biomass: Nature's Power
One way to reduce U.S. reliance on imported oil and environmentally unfriendly coal is to increase our use of renewable energy sources, which tap naturally occurring flows of energy to produce electricity, fuel, and heat. More...
Fuel Cells for Buildings and Vehicles
People who envision replacing our fossil-fuel economy with a hydrogen economy see power-producing fuel cells in every home, car, and factory. More...
Clean Coal Power Technologies
Securing our future energy supply begins at home. More...
ORNL and Oil Research
For three decades the U.S. government has had the goal of reducing our nation's reliance on imported oil for our energy supplies. More...
Water and Energy Security
Water-related limits on energy production are happening throughout the United States, even here in Tennessee, where water availability is generally taken for granted. More...

The Future of Fusion: Meeting National Energy Goals
Stan Milora, director of ORNL's Fusion Energy Division (FED), has many reasons to be optimistic about the future of fusion energy research at ORNL and in the United States. More...

ORNL Technologies for Energy Infrastructure Assurance
In the past decade more than 15,000 infrastructure-related incidents have occurred worldwide in the electric power, oil, and gas industries alone. Incidents like these make governments more aware of their energy infrastructure vulnerabilities. More...
Optical Seals for Containers
ORNL researchers working with researchers at the Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex have de-veloped an active seal technology that immediately indicates when a container has been breached. More...
Responding to Energy-Related Emergencies
An ORNL-developed computer tool called the Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System (OREMS) is being used to help emergency responders develop plans for moving people quickly and safely away from the site of most any disastrous event. More...
Power Grid of the Future
The power grid and power plants make up a significant part of the nation's energy infrastructure. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Department of Energy began developing a National Energy Infrastructure Assurance Plan, to identify vulnerabilities in the infrastructure and ways to improve its protection against natural, accidental, and deliberate threats. More...
Improving the Global Standard of Living: Aid From ORNL
RNL has been a leader in helping to meet energy and environmental challenges in developing countries for 20 years. This role contributes to reducing the threat of terrorism by addressing many of the roots of terrorism. More...
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