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Supercomputing For Science

This is a volume rendering of a three-dimensional stellar explosion, produced by ORNL's Ross Toedte. The three-dimensional simulation was carried out on the IBM SP supercomputer at DOE's Center for Computational Sciences by John Blondin on North Carolina State University as part of the SciDAC TeraScaleSupernova Initiative, which is led by ORNL's Tony Mezzacappa. Shown are two outflows in green, directed in nearly opposite directions. The outflows occur below a shock wave, the surface of the volume rendered. The organized flow below the shock helps drive the shock outward, and in turn the shock causes the explosion. Astrophysics simulations is one of many areas of computational science that involve ORNL researchers, as discussed in this issue.

Volume 35, Number 1, 2002 of the ORNL REVIEW is available here in PDF format. (10,851Kb) PDF Format

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