About the Cover

Global Security Technologies

Volume 44, Number 1, 2011 of the ORNL REVIEW is
available here in Adobe PDF format (5.46 Mb)

Volume 44, Number 1, 2011 - Global Security Technologies

Front Cover: Cover design by LeJean Hardin.

On the cover is a retouched photo of rural Kazakhstan. The laboratory has played a leading role in the Department of Energy's successful effort to reduce the proliferation of nuclear materials, especially in the former republics of the Soviet Union. This issue of the ORNL Review examines the Global Security Directorate, one of the laboratory's fastest growing sectors and a program that, by its very nature, is less visible than other research areas.

Back Cover:

Editor—James Pearce
Writer—Morgan McCorkle
Designer—LeJean Hardin
Illustrator—Andy Sproles
Photographers—Jason Richards and Curtis Boles
Web developer—Dennis Hovey
Stock images—iStockphoto™

Editorial office telephone: 865.241.0709
Editorial office fax: 865.574.0595
Email: ornlreview@ornl.gov

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