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REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restrictions of chemicals)

REACH is the EU Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of chemicals. This webpage is for U.S. exporters to Europe, particularly SMEs, to inform them about requirements under REACH and to help them comply with this regulation, in force in all EU Member States since June 1, 2007.

New! Public consultation on new substances for the Authorization List (deadline: 19 September 2012). Substances include formaldehyde, arsenic acid and strontium chromate.

ECHA has added thirteen new Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) to the Candidate List.

Commission webpage on the REACH review.

REACH 101:


Are you ready for the 2013 Registration deadline? 31 May 2013 is the deadline for the registration of substances manufactured or imported in the EU in quantities above 100 tons per year. Companies have to submit a registration dossier to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) with information on the properties, uses and safe handling of their chemicals. The registration deadline for substances above 1 ton/year is in 2018. See ECHA website for more information on the submission of registration dossiers to ECHA: http://echa.europa.eu/2013_en.asp

Exemptions from registration: REACH covers most chemicals: substances on their own, in mixtures (paints, ink) and in articles (finished products such as computers, cars, etc). REACH article 2 covers REACH exemptions. Annex IV and V list exemptions for certain natural substances.


In February 2012, ECHA published the first list of substances to be evaluated under REACH, the so-called CORAP – Community rolling action plan. 90 substances will be evaluated by Members States in 2012-2014 to see if further information is needed on these chemicals.


The aim of the authorization process is to ensure that the risks from substances of very high concern (SVHC) are adequately controlled and progressively replaced by safer alternatives. Substances are first listed as SVHCs on the so-called Candidate List and then selected for the Authorization list (REACH Annex XIV). Companies have to apply for authorization to use or make available substances on Annex XIV.

The REACH authorization process does not apply to imported articles. However, importers of articles containing Candidate List substances have certain legal obligations. See the guidance on substances in articles for the obligation to notify ECHA and the duty to communicate safe use information.


REACH Annex XVII sets out the list of restrictions of the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain substances.

REACH compliant MSDSs:

Safety Data sheets (SDS) must be drafted in accordance with Annex II of the REACH Regulation, (amended by Regulation n. 453/2010). For substances that are sold in quantities of more than 10 tons per year and are classified as dangerous, Exposure Scenarios describing how a substance can be safely handled must be annexed to SDS (extended safety data sheets).


Competent Authorities meetings on REACH implementation (CARACAL) are held every semester and bring together the Commission, ECHA, Member States and a number of observers including non-EU countries. U.S. companies wishing to get information on the latest Caracal meetings are invited to contact the U.S. Mission.

Looking for an Only Representative?

REACH gives the option to non-EU manufacturers to appoint an Only Representative (OR) in the EU. The OR must carry out all obligations of importers under REACH. Our list of Only Representatives (ORs) is a selection of firms which offer assistance to U.S. businesses in making sure their products comply with REACH. These Only Representatives have paid to be a part of our listing, and while we believe them to be reliable and have checked the references they provided, their presence on our list does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Commercial Service. Please note that there is no EU accreditation system for ORs.


REACH Business Service Providers: If you need legal or technical assistance for REACH compliance, please check our list of REACH Business Service Providers.

Guidance documents: ECHA has produced a number of guidance documents to help companies determine their REACH obligations and comply with the legislation.


ECHA Helpdesk: You may submit your questions to the helpdesk of the European Chemicals Agency (free of charge).


REACH legal text.

EU Websites:

European Chemicals Agency
DG Enterprise

DG Environment

Contact Information:

If you have additional questions not covered on this website, please send an email to the following address: Office.BrusselsEC@trade.gov and reference "REACH Inquiry" in the subject line. One of our specialists will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.