National Nuclear Security Administration


March 16, 2006


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, N. W., Suite 700

Washington, D.C. 20004-2901


Dear Mr. Chairman:


Commitment 4.6.2 of the Department's implementation plan for your Recommendation 2002-3 calls for implementation reviews of existing Specific Administrative Controls (SACs) and a report to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) by June 30, 2005.  On August 1, 2005, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) reported the completion of all reviews at NNSA sites except the Sandia National Laboratories and the Y-12 National Security Complex.  The reviews at these two sites are now complete.  The compact disk forwarded with the letter includes the complete data packages for all NNSA sites and NNSA's guidance to the sites concerning these reviews.


The Lessons Learned from these reviews summarized from the data packages and forwarded with the earlier transmission were not affected by the final reviews and are repeated with this transmittal for completeness.  Corrective actions noted in the individual data sheets are complete except as noted below:


·                    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL):  Changes to SACs required to meet the requirements of DOE-STD-1186-2004 have been incorporated into safety basis documents and have been implemented except for a very small number that are pending approval of an associated safety basis document.  The SACs will be implemented as required by 10 CFR Part 830 following document approvals.  LANL is currently independently validating the implementation of all Technical Safety Requirement level controls as a part of the Operational Effectiveness program.  This review is scheduled to complete by September 30, 2006.


·                    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:  Corrective actions are expected to be complete by June 30, 2008.


This transmittal completes all NNSA commitments related to DNFSB Recommendation 2002-3.  If you have any questions about this submission or aspects of our actions on this recommendation, please contact me or have your staff contact Jeff Underwood at (301) 903-8303.



Thomas P. D’Agostino

Deputy Administrator

  for Defense Programs




cc w/enclosures:

M. Whitaker, DR-1

J. McConnell, NA-2.1

T. Wyka, NA-3.6